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Srecko Sostar

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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

There is a lot of discussion about being a good Christian Man ... but from your above comment, and your perspective, most males are woefully deficient in being a MAN. 

Having male genitalia does not make one a man ... even cows are so equipped ....

.... and CHICKENS!


You misinterpret my words, a good Christian man, or woman, can be subjected to brutality by other Christians, it's called infighting and it does exist, and bystander effect effects ALL of them, regardless of their background and the situation.

Let's put you and Srecko in a situation that derives from my country.

You see a violent verbal dispute go about 2 women in a merchant's market, and a fight nearly broke out and it did not happen, the next few days came about and out of nowhere occultist were seeking this woman out, revealing that the one who started the conflict not only had ties to these 2 of these occultist, but hired them to do away with the other woman how they see fit. You witness this going about, so what would you or Srecko would do? I can tell you right now, such ones, their intent isn't a one and done beating, nor was it rape, occultist in that country will tear and gut people in the most gruesome fashion, the only reason they lure people and or take people by force. Do not expect the police because in rural areas, half of them are for these occultist and the other half are not wanting to take risk because they too will have to deal with their actions, for they become victim or their family members.

Clearly you would not be able to do a thing and even if you had, they'd attack you on the spot and or take you also and be twice as worse with you.

Nowadays this is on a minimum, but this can and will actually happen, it isn't too far from someone sending a Hitman, minus the wickedness.

This is one of many examples.

The JW I mentioned who witnessed the crime and it's illegality was a teenager around the ages 16-17, and granted he lived in that neighborhood and was preaching there, he witnessed the ordeal with the underage prostitute and those around here, if he did take action, it is not unknown to anyone of what would happen, if you or Srecko were in his shoes, most likely they will come for you, hunting you down, perhaps a drive-by should you say anything, or they would go for your family before they come after you, which is the common case with gangsters regarding someone they are targeting. Bystander Effect would kick in even though you want to do something, perhaps speak up but you cannot, mainly when you are one man, or in this situation, one man of color. The police can be corrupted also and even if you ask them, they'd set you up to be in the hands of the gangsters, and should you try to convince the underage prostitute to flee from the gang, she, who is already mentally linked with the gangsters, would also expose you.

So technically you have no ground here, the only viable option is to gain community support while remaining anonymous and it would most likely do something, however, the problems will persist for issues like this cannot be 100% purged from a neighborhood, let alone all over the United States and or around the Worldwide.

There is a time to be wise and at some of these times, one cannot be stupid when they know the risks, at the same time should you play your part, know that action can also reap consequences to others and or oneself.

Also check this out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect

It is complicated, but it is true.


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Which means, when translated, something like: Hello, the Bible should be read in context and one should not try to understand it by taking a verse out of context.

Bonjour la bible doit être lue dans son contexte et il ne faut pas sortir un verset pour essayer de la comprendre.

Most people would succumb to the bystander syndrome/effect, even police officers and military personnel. They will not do anything because it can put them in danger physically and even cause them thei

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I always thought cows were female, having udders.. I thought it was bulls and steers that were male :) 

Chickens too are female here in UK. Males are cockerels or roosters.

But I think you are referring to this Macho male image of a man. Does that come from spending years in the Armed Forces or are you naturally a rough, tough type of guy ?  

I have no idea where S.M. lives but by the way he talks it must be a dark and dismal violent sort of place, full of voodoo, witch doctors, blood shed and other wickedness. 


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52 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

You misinterpret my words, a good Christian man, or woman, can be subjected to brutality by other Christians, it's called infighting and it does exist, and bystander effect effects ALL of them, regardless of their background and the situation.

Let's put you and Srecko in a situation that derives from my country.

You see a violent verbal dispute go about 2 women in a merchant's market, and a fight nearly broke out and it did not happen, the next few days came about and out of nowhere occultist were seeking this woman out, revealing that the one who started the conflict not only had ties to these 2 of these occultist, but hired them to do away with the other woman how they see fit. You witness this going about, so what would you or Srecko would do? I can tell you right now, such ones, their intent isn't a one and done beating, nor was it rape, occultist in that country will tear and gut people in the most gruesome fashion, the only reason they lure people and or take people by force. Do not expect the police because in rural areas, half of them are for these occultist and the other half are not wanting to take risk because they too will have to deal with their actions, for they become victim or their family members.

Clearly you would not be able to do a thing and even if you had, they'd attack you on the spot and or take you also and be twice as worse with you.

Nowadays this is on a minimum, but this can and will actually happen, it isn't too far from someone sending a Hitman, minus the wickedness.

This is one of many examples.

The JW I mentioned who witnessed the crime and it's illegality was a teenager around the ages 16-17, and granted he lived in that neighborhood and was preaching there, he witnessed the ordeal with the underage prostitute and those around here, if he did take action, it is not unknown to anyone of what would happen, if you or Srecko were in his shoes, most likely they will come for you, hunting you down, perhaps a drive-by should you say anything, or they would go for your family before they come after you, which is the common case with gangsters regarding someone they are targeting. Bystander Effect would kick in even though you want to do something, perhaps speak up but you cannot, mainly when you are one man, or in this situation, one man of color. The police can be corrupted also and even if you ask them, they'd set you up to be in the hands of the gangsters, and should you try to convince the underage prostitute to flee from the gang, she, who is already mentally linked with the gangsters, would also expose you.

So technically you have no ground here, the only viable option is to gain community support while remaining anonymous and it would most likely do something, however, the problems will persist for issues like this cannot be 100% purged from a neighborhood, let alone all over the United States and or around the Worldwide.

There is a time to be wise and at some of these times, one cannot be stupid when they know the risks, at the same time should you play your part, know that action can also reap consequences to others and or oneself.

Also check this out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect

It is complicated, but it is true.


The gangsters allow Jehovah's Witnesses to walk around preaching in these areas ?  And do the JW's carry guns? 

I'm so glad I'm here in a peaceful part of England, although you know we have murders here but they are rare occurrences.  

I believe that God finds a person, a person doesn't find God. But how does a person when found by God get out of such a situation as you have mentioned ? An under age prostitute. How will she be able to change her ways so that she can serve God ?  A drug dealer that wants to leave his organisation of criminals. It must be difficult for him to break away and start a new life. But, yes we know, with God all things are possible. 


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46 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

The gangsters allow Jehovah's Witnesses to walk around preaching in these areas ?  And do the JW's carry guns? 

I'm so glad I'm here in a peaceful part of England, although you know we have murders here but they are rare occurrences.  

I believe that God finds a person, a person doesn't find God. But how does a person when found by God get out of such a situation as you have mentioned ? An under age prostitute. How will she be able to change her ways so that she can serve God ?  A drug dealer that wants to leave his organisation of criminals. It must be difficult for him to break away and start a new life. But, yes we know, with God all things are possible. 


If you understood the gravity about what he is saying he speaks about what former Jehovah's Witnesses have said regarding current Jehovah's Witnesses. They preach that the Watchtower and at the Watchtower Headquarters that there are guns and other weapons of destruction that are hidden within the underbelly of Kingdomsl Hall, which was also brought up last November by former Jehovah's Witnesses. 

England isn't peaceful, you are only lucky to live where the heat has not touched you, but it has for others. Hate Crimes, Acid Attacks, Knife Attacks, even performed by those on bikes, Machetes, and it is even greater in London and Khan does not know his own country, as do most British people, you may be included in the bunch. 

SM is referring to something he posted before if you look at his history. Underage Prostitution is an issue in the United States, and myself, who lives there, the Tri State area, can tell you this is an actual problem. If I am not mistaken SM isn't a practitioner of voodoo, there are those in the Caribbean that do, I know because I am Dominican andthis is true when it comes to off limit areas. At the same time a lot of people are against voodoo and SM in his past comments made it known some of his family members had been killed by those who practice it if you look at his forum history and Blood and Crips are American gangs, some of them having affiliation to child/underage Prostitution wherever the money is coming from they will have a hand in it.

If the Jehovah's Witness who is most likely a black teenager did something  he would be killed. his family would be killed. And it is stupid to confront an underaged prostitute who is heavily connected to gang members, the most common being Bloods and Crips. If you were in that position, most likely you would have been killed, perhaps followed home and your actions caused the death of not only you alone but your family also and nearby folks who do not know what's going on. It's called street smarts and situations like this you should not get involved in, take example from 1 Thessalonians 4:11 to 18.

Yes some situations are grime, but it cannot always be helped. You cannot care for your family or friends regardless of the relationship if you are a corpse, you should be aware of that.

Blood and Crips as well as the MS 13 are hardcore in their craft and there is little chance of them breaking away for if you leave a hand it is a high chance you'll be assassinated in the most brutal fashion and be made an example of.

If you follow the British man TGA, you are aligned with his belief of Jehovah's Witnesses harboring firearms. This isn't the case because me or my family do not stockpile weapons under the halls nor do we stash poison or even think of killing a fellow man with poison. But you, former Jehovah's Witnesses wouldn't give a care if you influence a man to commit arson and riddle the halls with bullets, yet we do not act as others do, we do not seek vengeance but you guys make it seems we do.

The bystander effect can take up anyone and most likely it can be the case with you. Be very careful of London, Shadiq Khan was wrong to speak of how safe it is.

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7 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

If you understood the gravity about what he is saying he speaks about what former Jehovah's Witnesses have said regarding current Jehovah's Witnesses. They preach that the Watchtower and at the Watchtower Headquarters that there are guns and other weapons of destruction that are hidden within the underbelly of Kingdomsl Hall, which was also brought up last November by former Jehovah's Witnesses. 

England isn't peaceful, you are only lucky to live where the heat has not touched you, but it has for others. Hate Crimes, Acid Attacks, Knife Attacks, even performed by those on bikes, Machetes, and it is even greater in London and Khan does not know his own country, as do most British people, you may be included in the bunch. 

SM is referring to something he posted before if you look at his history. Underage Prostitution is an issue in the United States, and myself, who lives there, the Tri State area, can tell you this is an actual problem. If I am not mistaken SM isn't a practitioner of voodoo, there are those in the Caribbean that do, I know because I am Dominican andthis is true when it comes to off limit areas. At the same time a lot of people are against voodoo and SM in his past comments made it known some of his family members had been killed by those who practice it if you look at his forum history and Blood and Crips are American gangs, some of them having affiliation to child/underage Prostitution wherever the money is coming from they will have a hand in it.

If the Jehovah's Witness who is most likely a black teenager did something  he would be killed. his family would be killed. And it is stupid to confront an underaged prostitute who is heavily connected to gang members, the most common being Bloods and Crips. If you were in that position, most likely you would have been killed, perhaps followed home and your actions caused the death of not only you alone but your family also and nearby folks who do not know what's going on. It's called street smarts and situations like this you should not get involved in, take example from 1 Thessalonians 4:11 to 18.

Yes some situations are grime, but it cannot always be helped. You cannot care for your family or friends regardless of the relationship if you are a corpse, you should be aware of that.

Blood and Crips as well as the MS 13 are hardcore in their craft and there is little chance of them breaking away for if you leave a hand it is a high chance you'll be assassinated in the most brutal fashion and be made an example of.

If you follow the British man TGA, you are aligned with his belief of Jehovah's Witnesses harboring firearms. This isn't the case because me or my family do not stockpile weapons under the halls nor do we stash poison or even think of killing a fellow man with poison. But you, former Jehovah's Witnesses wouldn't give a care if you influence a man to commit arson and riddle the halls with bullets, yet we do not act as others do, we do not seek vengeance but you guys make it seems we do.

The bystander effect can take up anyone and most likely it can be the case with you. Be very careful of London, Shadiq Khan was wrong to speak of how safe it is.

Wow, someone rattle your cage ? You are joining forces with S.M. ?

You are counting me amongst violent people ? Just because i am an Ex-JW you think I'm a gangster ? 

Climb down off your high horse for a moment. If you are a JW you sure don't sound like one. 

I never said England was peaceful. I said "I'm so glad I'm here in a peaceful part of England"  I know what happens in other parts. My brother and sister live in our hometown of Reading, just 30 miles from London. I visit occasionally but only stay for the shortest of time. 

I also wasn't suggesting that S.M. practised Voodoo. I was suggesting that Voodoo was practised in the area where he lived, as he seems to know about such things. 

As for me 'following' anyone else, you are totally off course. You seem to be suggesting that anyone that is an Ex-JW must be part of a movement of some kind. How wrong you are. I am not that weak. I do not need holding up by others. I am my own man. 

I have no thoughts of JW's having firearms. i have no thoughts of JW's harming others physically. BUT i do have thoughts of the GB and JW Org harming people spiritually. 

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Just now, JOHN BUTLER said:

Wow, someone rattle your cage ? You are joining forces with S.M. ?

You are counting me amongst violent people ? Just because i am an Ex-JW you think I'm a gangster ? 

Climb down off your high horse for a moment. If you are a JW you sure don't sound like one. 

I never said England was peaceful. I said "I'm so glad I'm here in a peaceful part of England"  I know what happens in other parts. My brother and sister live in our hometown of Reading, just 30 miles from London. I visit occasionally but only stay for the shortest of time. 

I also wasn't suggesting that S.M. practised Voodoo. I was suggesting that Voodoo was practised in the area where he lived, as he seems to know about such things. 

As for me 'following' anyone else, you are totally off course. You seem to be suggesting that anyone that is an Ex-JW must be part of a movement of some kind. How wrong you are. I am not that weak. I do not need holding up by others. I am my own man. 

I have no thoughts of JW's having firearms. i have no thoughts of JW's harming others physically. BUT i do have thoughts of the GB and JW Org harming people spiritually. 

It isn't about joining him or not, but I understand what he is saying and since I live in America, I know who the bloods are the crips and the MS 13 gang and I know what role they play in child prostitution, if the money is there they will go for it, but the MS 13 major care is to inflict pain, killing people in the process. 

I never counted you and I don't see SM throwing all former Jehovah's Witnesses into one pot. He is aware of the different factions of them and the fact he mentioned TGA gives an idea of who among former Jehovah's Witnesses you follow. I know who TGA is and how he is with other former Jehovah's Witnesses. It is also hypocrisy to say he puts them all in one basket when he can differentiate whose who, which is the case for some of us who has been harrassed by former Jehovah's Witnesses, in my case it is the one called Faithful Slave and his friends.

Islanders, even for us Dominicans are aware of voodoo and some have lost family members to it. I thank Jehovah that no one I know or my family became victim of it, but the same cannot be said for others. Devil worshippers always have the jump on people because they are backed by those who support them, in Dominican Republic it isn't that big, but there are very small pockets. And no one in their right mind would confront them unless they want to also be a target. Only few policemen deal with them and military personnel. They wouldn't touch a white man or woman unless they somehow stumbled on their territory which is rare. In America and parts of the world there is Witchcraft and it is in media and books the real thing, the Bahamut followers do exist and we should not be affiliated with these people at all and avoid them, they represent Molech/Baal worshippers of old.

You sure? If Faithful Slave can rally people for his cause to take an aggressive approach while the other factions have both and or passive approach, their influence can spread. It isn't a surprise of someone in a similar situation can take up that same influence and not realize they follow it. I can say to you that you are nowhere near Faithful Slave who is on a journey to cause trouble, but the influence of the passive ones may get to you, which seems to be the case for most, this also goes for former Jehovah's, who side with Cedars and TGA that say we have firearms or the other guy Rick Fearon.

The Governing Body has not caused spiritual deprivation to me, they merely give the tools and encourage study and research. I take those tools and I grow spiritually coming to know the true God, Jehovah and know of his Son, Jesus Christ.

So you tell me, how has the organization caused me to be spiritual deprived when it enabled me to learn the Word?

What am I missing that you have found? What have you taken which I have not? What did you seek that I did not find?

If we are in the wrong, what are you preaching, do you know what you should be preaching?

Not related, but I can tell you right now there is one I recognize here who supports both the aggressive factions and the passive factions and spares no mercy to former Jehovah's Witnesses, even me, who are against these factions. I will refer to him as "Old Man".

Your picture shows you to be a good and fine family man but even the man of the house can begets ideas from those he sometimes agrees with.

I have not introduced myself, I am unknown presence, I am Jehovah's Witness and have been studying with them for I was a former Catholic. I came to know who the true God is and learned that Mary was not the Mother of God and also learned that the ghost of Mary was something of a false practice. Although now one, I am met with opposition from Former Jehovah's Witnesses who are famous among their communities, each of their own faction at the same time there are other former Jehovah's Witnesses who have been or are targets of the disgruntled former members and they support me also even defended me.

As for the odd unknown Language I tend to post, I do so so that no one recognizes what I say for a reason. If one can diciper it, good on them because I tend to keep such cryptic so I give you a freebie

this one says Greetings John Butler, dont brother translating it because you can't.

char(71)char(82)char(69)char(69)char(84)char(73)char(78)char(71)char(83) char(66)char(85)char(84)char(76)char(69)char(82)


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@JOHN BUTLER London is dangerous and has been for a while now. You should be aware of your surroundings at all times because the crime is higher whereas Shadiq Khan is making the fact that it is dangerous there. I pray for friends and families every day because of this. People with no care in their hearts commit such acts of harm to people. 

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@Equivocation Quote "I never counted you and I don't see SM throwing all former Jehovah's Witnesses into one pot. He is aware of the different factions of them and the fact he mentioned TGA gives an idea of who among former Jehovah's Witnesses you follow." 

It's 1.30 pm here in England. Time for me to have some lunch. But I'm actually laughing at this of which i quote from you. 


Just because you need to be following someone (your GB and Elders), don't judge me as the same. I do not need to follow anyone human. 

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8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

The gangsters allow Jehovah's Witnesses to walk around preaching in these areas ?  And do the JW's carry guns?

The Jehovah's Witnesses or a sole one? You do not know him, clearly. This JW is an African American teenager, minding his own business until he stumbled on such a thing from a distance. If he had acted, most likely he would be 6 feet under as we speak. For last time I made mention of this, he does live in a urban area and when he was done preaching he was in the area granted that he lived there, a teenager who lived with his relatives in that area, and it is not unknown to anyone that gang activity is common in urban locations, so is, in come cases prostitution, the only kicker here is the fact that child prostitution is a thing in the United States, especially in the South and the East Coast.

And no, they do not carry guns, I believe I made it clear in a discussion against Srecko and Witness. Anyone who follows Mr. Fearon to believe such nonsense is only kidding themselves - and conspiracy is something I refute and do not take kindly of.

8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I'm so glad I'm here in a peaceful part of England, although you know we have murders here but they are rare occurrences.  

There is no safety anywhere n the world for anything can happen, it is of chance, and not even in your own home you are safe, but it would depends on the location. London is indeed dangerous in some parts, yet there are those in politics who speak of 30% safety when people are in suffering and in fear, in some cases, on a daily basis. This also goes for young women and girls too who can be subjected to grooming gangs, should they be kidnapped.

8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I believe that God finds a person, a person doesn't find God. But how does a person when found by God get out of such a situation as you have mentioned ? An under age prostitute. How will she be able to change her ways so that she can serve God ?  A drug dealer that wants to leave his organisation of criminals. It must be difficult for him to break away and start a new life. But, yes we know, with God all things are possible. 

How are you so sure an underage prostitute will change so easily? If someone is affiliated with that practice long enough, perhaps born into it, you cannot assume such ones can change easily, and even if you make the attempt to do so, you not only put the underage prostitute at risk, but you yourself also, for the causer tends to get the worse of it than someone who they are after.

The case that was being made here is the crime levels, which is on equal footing that you guys in the UK, for you have knives, in the US it tends to be shoot first, ask questions later. Now, the example posed, regardless if an action was taken, it is a high risk of putting a target on your back and getting other bystanders who are not involved, killed or assassinated in the process if there is even the slightest connection with you.

It should be known to you that there is wickedness in the world, you have only proven my previous points when I am aware of the wickedness when you are focusing on a sole group of people, you have to understand that the ruler of this world is the Devil and his influence is everywhere, but those influenced by him does not define the decisions and actions of a group of people, be it a faith and or race.

6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Wow, someone rattle your cage ? You are joining forces with S.M. ?

You are counting me amongst violent people ? Just because i am an Ex-JW you think I'm a gangster ? 

I do not believe he called you a gangster, he is only point you some of your views matching up with Mr. Gardener, granted you yourself did bring him up previously.

Clearly I profess that there is good and bad people, I do not mark all former JWs as the same for I had spoken of the difference now and I had in the past here, even to you I made mention of this, do you not recall your former responses?

6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I also wasn't suggesting that S.M. practised Voodoo. I was suggesting that Voodoo was practised in the area where he lived, as he seems to know about such things. 

And no, I am aware of occultism, I do not practice it. Just as a Father and Mother teaches their child about Strangers (Stranger-Danger as they say), the occultism was known to him after several of my family members had become victim to those who practice it, and even to this day such a thing stems into politics and the like.

As a child, even if I had the chance, I'd still be powerless to those who had done away with my family members, therefore I speak of the bystander effect as I have now and as I have before, for this isn't the first time I made comment to it.

6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

As for me 'following' anyone else, you are totally off course. You seem to be suggesting that anyone that is an Ex-JW must be part of a movement of some kind. How wrong you are. I am not that weak. I do not need holding up by others. I am my own man. 

But you yourself had posted the gofundme to the very man who took on to the side of aggressive witnessing, as they say, the same man who rallied against another, fat shaming, giving death threats and the like. I can quote you even, as well as your comment on a regarding protest. For this man I even made mention, even responded to you at the time regarding this.

That being said, it is best to know the difference, at all times and know who among who has been affected by the actions of such ones, clearly it can be seen. I will leave this with you so you better understand as to where the other guy is coming from (After your ARC thread, you missed on this) :



8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I have no idea where S.M. lives but by the way he talks it must be a dark and dismal violent sort of place, full of voodoo, witch doctors, blood shed and other wickedness. 

Granted that I spoken about the US time and time again, it should be obvious of where I am. by the way I talk in general or based on the small brief response in example regarding bystander effect? I rather you not assume, but you are lucky because unlike others, I do not take offend to that besides.

Know this, I am totally aware of the works of the wicked on this world, I advise you to do the same because any small step can land you somewhere without knowing and you end up paying for it, knowingly and or unknowingly.

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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

funny, SM calling me "cryptic" .... so here i am not alone :)))))))))

Well now you got a friend, Srecko, one who is using language that isn't even real at random it seems.

3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

About SM calling for JTR and my respond.

People today need some strong, courage and independent men like Abraham and David. For sure they would know how to handle situation SM described.   

That's funny, you called Abraham selfish, spoke ill of him and his wife, why is it now you show the respect? David had fought those who took up false gods, Abraham did everything in his power to have his family know who the True God is, and not adhere to the falsehood of others, how do you think they would handle the situation? You answered yourself long time ago regarding Abraham and his dealings with Egypt, having a total disregard of God's Promise to him. That being said, I brought up these examples for a reason.

If you think that taking such as  risk man's you a man, you should be aware of the price that hangs and the consequences that comes with it.

The response is very basic, but you never answered it, for in one situation something CAN be done and the other nothing CAN be done. I leave it with you to see which one is which.

That being said, I hold true to my word as to what I said in page 2 as with the bystander effect because it is indeed - true.

That being said, I am still waiting for your claim of political leaders who show support of laws not of God, or the Law of which you assume is in the Bible about hating your enemy - so far you've not spoken a word and it seems yielding upon others to evade such of what is asked of you.

Classic Srecko. I agree with you regarding about being cryptic.

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    • Sudden weight gain or loss can be caused by various factors, some of which may indicate underlying health issues. Here are common causes for each: Visit this this site for more knowledgeable information https://phcworld.com/category/fitness/ Causes of Sudden Weight Gain: Fluid Retention (Edema): Caused by conditions like kidney disease, heart failure, or liver disease, leading to swelling in the body. Hypothyroidism: An underactive thyroid can slow metabolism, causing weight gain even without changes in diet or activity. Medication Side Effects: Certain drugs like steroids, antidepressants, or birth control can lead to rapid weight gain. Cushing's Syndrome: Excess cortisol production can cause fat accumulation, particularly in the abdomen, face, and upper back. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Hormonal imbalances related to PCOS can cause weight gain, particularly around the waist. Emotional Eating or Stress: Stress and emotional eating can lead to overeating and weight gain, especially from high-calorie comfort foods. Menopause: Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Causes of Sudden Weight Loss: Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid increases metabolism, leading to unexplained weight loss despite a normal or increased appetite. Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes can cause weight loss due to the body breaking down fat and muscle for energy. Cancer: Certain types of cancer, particularly in the digestive tract, may cause rapid weight loss. Gastrointestinal Disorders: Conditions like Crohn's disease, celiac disease, or IBS may affect nutrient absorption, leading to weight loss. Depression or Anxiety: Mental health conditions can reduce appetite, leading to unintentional weight loss. Chronic Infections: Tuberculosis, HIV, or other chronic infections can lead to significant weight loss as the body fights the infection. Medication Side Effects: Some drugs, such as chemotherapy or certain antidepressants, can cause weight loss as a side effect. If sudden, unexplained weight changes occur, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.
    • Yes, a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health. It provides the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs to function optimally. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help improve energy levels, support immune function, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods also supports mental well-being and overall vitality. In contrast, poor dietary choices, such as excessive consumption of processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats, can lead to health issues and imbalance. Therefore, making mindful and balanced food choices is fundamental for long-term health and well-being. What are the key components of a balanced diet?
    • Eating healthy food is essential for maintaining overall well-being and supporting a balanced lifestyle. For more info about healthy food visit https://phcworld.com/category/healthy-habits/  Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your diet can help improve energy levels, boost immunity, and enhance mental clarity. It’s also important to stay hydrated and limit the intake of processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats. Making mindful food choices and establishing a balanced eating routine can lead to long-term health benefits and a more vibrant life. Whats your favourite food ?
    • Should Christians place greater trust in human-created philosophies or should a genuine Christian ground their desires from the scriptural perspective on the frailties of the mind and body? Psychology often falls short when it clashes with personal beliefs, regardless of the intentions behind it. James 1:14, Romans 12: 2 It also acts as a guide to clarify misconceptions, such as labeling "shunning" as an evil act rather than recognizing it as a corrective measure or a personal choice. This suggests a misunderstanding on the part of experts, more so than scholars, regarding psychological matters. The forum is structured around Christian ethics.
    • https://phcworld.com/category/health-and-wellness/ The Dendera Zodiac is a fascinating ancient Egyptian artifact that holds significant historical and astronomical value. Discovered in the Hathor Temple at Dendera, it is a carved bas-relief dating back to the Roman period of Egypt, around 50 BCE. This intricate depiction of the night sky features a circular representation of constellations and celestial bodies, showcasing the ancient Egyptians' advanced understanding of astronomy. The Dendera Zodiac is notable for its detailed depiction of zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and others. It also includes images of deities and mythological figures associated with these constellations. The artifact offers valuable insights into how the ancient Egyptians viewed the cosmos and how they integrated their religious and mythological beliefs with their understanding of the stars. Despite its importance, the Dendera Zodiac has been the subject of various interpretations and theories regarding its exact purpose and symbolism. Its rich artistry and complex design continue to captivate scholars and enthusiasts alike, making it a key piece in the study of ancient Egyptian science and religion.
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