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Genocide by CO2 - New UN Report cites a new kind of Genocide

Jack Ryan

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Those who don't have electric cars are genocidal "killers" of other areas of the planet.


At four degrees, there would be eight million cases of dengue fever each year in Latin America alone. Global grain yields could fall by as much as 50 percent, producing annual or close-to-annual food crises. The global economy would be more than 30 percent smaller than it would be without climate change, and we would see at least half again as much conflict and warfare as we do today. Possibly more. Our current trajectory, remember, takes us higher still, and while there are many reasons to think we will bend that curve soon — the plummeting cost of renewable energy, the growing global consensus about phasing out coal — it is worth remembering that, whatever you may have heard about the green revolution and the price of solar, at present, global carbon emissions are still growing.


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Those who don't have electric cars are genocidal "killers" of other areas of the planet.  

What you see above is the setup for the biggest flim-flam con artist job ever perpetrated by the mind of man .... the brokerage of Carbon Credits .... whereas those who do not produce much CO2 can sel

The United Nations are just thugs with diplomatic passports, and generous expense accounts, each doing what is in THEIR best interests. NOT YOURS.  

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What you see above is the setup for the biggest flim-flam con artist job ever perpetrated by the mind of man .... the brokerage of Carbon Credits .... whereas those who do not produce much CO2 can sell their artificially generated and assigned Carbon Credits to those that will be producing a LOT of CO2.

It's all about transferring hundreds of billions of dollars of money from industrialized nations to the lesser industrialized nations... and Carbon Credit Brokers getting their cuts of the action.

Armies will support this as the nations at the receiving end of this transfer are ALREADY of a Socialist bent, and they like free money, selling fantasy imaginationware certificates,, and the liberal Socialists in the capitalist countries get political power and a LOT of money, individuals getting tens of billions of dollars, in the brokerage of Carbon Credits.

You of course, know nothing about this ... because the lunacy of taking your money, and giving it to others, to get permission to pollute at YOUR end, and take it from you to give to socialist governments to influence the goal of global communism and socialism, would boil your blood if you correctly understood how this BRILLIANT scheme really worked.

It's all about the Priesthood of the "Save the Earth" religion consolidating money and power, from you, to them.

...and it's all based on your altruistic ignorance, and their greed .....  and absolute JUNK SCIENCE.


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