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What Happens When A Couple of the Opposite Sex Are Alone?

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I think that hits the point exactly. The elders, especially during previous years, were directly taught at KM school (Elder Training) that the first time that there is suspicion of two persons of the

oh yes, I totally understand this point. To assimilate the jw elders to police, while a very accurate analogy, is going  a bit far. Without going into the qualifications of these "police elders", they

True, some people have integrity and good parental training and example but the Bible still warns us about trusting in our own heart. Good parents teach their children etiquette.  This helps them to a

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7 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

John Butler:

I understand where you are coming from, and I agree that in many cases you are absolutely correct .... however, as an unrepentent Barbarian, I know full well what my life would have been like if not for Jehovah's Witnesses, worts, harelips, fungus toenails and all .... it would have been despicable, and brief.  I would have killed a LOT of innocent people ... well ... relatively innocent.

There is a lot that goes on in soldiering that is terrible, truly awful, and reprehensible .... but that is the nature of people with profound responsibilities, and limited abilities.

You chose to go AWOL .

Winston Churchill during WWI was a deeply flawed man, as were all those fighting the Nazis ... but the alternative was a fool like Neville Chamberlain.

The deeply flawed British and American Armies saved your ass during WWII, from Nazi Tyranny, and the reason you are not a slave, or a Nazi, and German being your first language today is because a deeply flawed Organization came to your rescue, even before you were born.

For me and my children, the same thing with Jehovah's Witnesses.

We know the difference, and stayed to fight.

Sorry i was a bit harsh with you, but you do tend to make light of the serious stuff sometimes which annoys me. Well I'm only a sinner so get a bit urrrr sometimes. 

I wrote something on my Facebook page one time. "Which is worse. Hate based on reality or Love based on lies?" 

I still haven't figured out the answer to it yet. 

What have you stayed to fight ?  The world or the GB of JW org ?  

What you've said seems to say, that putting something wrong in the place of something that is more wrong, is ok.

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First ... I NEVER take offense, even when offense is intended.

I see that as funny.

Second: ... overturning strongly entrenched things is like my version of diplomacy ...

... you say "Nice Doggy!" while you look for a big rock.

Everything in life worth doing involves some sort of warfare ....

(Insert several dozen scriptures here  ......)

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33 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Insert several dozen scriptures here  ......)

When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he called out the 318 trained men born in his household and went in pursuit as far as Dan. 15 During the night Abram divided his men to attack them and he routed them, pursuing them as far as Hobah, north of Damascus. 16 He recovered all the goods and brought back his relative Lot and his possessions, together with the women and the other people.

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The deeply flawed British and American Armies saved your ass during WWII, from Nazi Tyranny, and the reason you are not a slave, or a Nazi

Hardly! Britain very nearly could not even save itself. And the USA made use of a 'get in there as late as possible' tactic which allowed all the other nations of imperialist leanings to lose power by the end of war.

The true credit goes to the Russians for holding out so long against the Nazis. To scale, it was more like this:



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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

And all the while the Org / GB / Elders were hiding Pedophiles and allowing Child Abuse and using the Two Witness rule as an excuse. And would you tell me the GB are not hypocrites ? 

If things were exactly the same now, then yes, this would make them hypocrites. But it's a matter of what was actually "known" even though what we thought we "knew" was really based on assumptions. We assumed that fornication was a huge problem and pedophilia was a nearly non-existent problem. We probably also assumed that "kids" lie and elders tell the truth, because that has been built into the system for decades.

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

If things were exactly the same now, then yes, this would make them hypocrites. But it's a matter of what was actually "known" even though what we thought we "knew" was really based on assumptions. We assumed that fornication was a huge problem and pedophilia was a nearly non-existent problem. We probably also assumed that "kids" lie and elders tell the truth, because that has been built into the system for decades.

Who is the 'we' in these cases ?  In Australia it seems they had been collecting information about the Pedophiles in the Org for over 50 years. And in the USA in 1997 the GB started to collect info about the same thing. Though I would think that unofficially the GB had been collecting info for as long as Australia Org had. So to presume that the GB / Org 'assumed that kids lie and elders tell the truth' seems a bit far fetched. 

And the bit about 'built into the system for decades'. Do you mean built into the JW Org from the GB ? 

And it's back to, Why wouldn't the GB and its legal departments hand over all the information to the authorities in the USA? It's not a question of the legal standing surely, it's a question of what is right in God's eyes. 

They even tried to resist here in the UK, but gave some of the info' eventually. Did they give all the info' in Australia ?  Why has each country acted differently ? It's God's standards that need to be upheld not legal standards of each country. 

And, are things the same now ? The two witness rule still applies doesn't it ?  They can accuse two adults of opposite sex of committing fornication with no witnesses, but will not believe a child or its parents when abuse has taken place. 

And it seems they don't even think about two people of the same sex having a sexual relationship. Brothers can live in a house together, go anywhere together and no questions. But if one brother and one sister should dare to go anywhere together they are accused of fornication. Very old fashioned human way of thinking. Not scriptural at all. 

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Gang stalkers may have entered the JW churches also - another factor and or possibility, granted they go to all churches nowadays seeking men and women, mostly women. If the male was a gang stalker, most likely he would not care for any of your teachings, but he will "Zack Morris" his way to the nearest girl/women of the church to win her over and from there any sexual desire of the gang stalker will manifest mainly if they are alone. On the other side of the spectrum, there are those who cannot keep such a habit in check and there are those who do.

And when they do that, they can influence one to leave and or shy away from their own faith. It is a bit different with people of color, for I had my fair share of gang stalkers who were seeking out people of race/ethnic groups not for such of what is mentioned, but to harass and discriminate, to enact racist insults against, etc.

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4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

And all the while the Org / GB / Elders were hiding Pedophiles and allowing Child Abuse and using the Two Witness rule as an excuse. And would you tell me the GB are not hypocrites ? 

The Two Witness ruling of Jehovah's Witnesses isn't used on covering abusers, I explained this to you and others before on this thread:

NBC cannot be trusted anyways as of what we had already seen with the whole pipe bomb things an what they tried to do to Muller.

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14 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

The Two Witness ruling of Jehovah's Witnesses isn't used on covering abusers, I explained this to you and others before on this thread:

NBC cannot be trusted anyways as of what we had already seen with the whole pipe bomb things an what they tried to do to Muller.

And i still disagree with you. I don't care what you study and what you know. You have great knowledge but do you have experience of the JW Org personally ? You are not one and I presume you would not be one. 

Many of the victims Earthwide have said they were not believed because of the two witness rule.  Don't believe it, ok, have your own thoughts on it all. 

Having been a JW in more than one congregation, for many years,  i know how some Elders work. Having been threatened with being disfellowshipped by an elder that didn't have the authority to do it, I have seen their 'works'.  They do not go by the rules all the time, or, in fact, it's more the point of, the written rules on paper are just a front.  Those things you might read on paper, written by the Governing Body or more likely by their Legal Departments, are all a complete front. They do it because it's what is expected of them. But they don't live by it.

Become a JW yourself if you think they are so right. Spend five years in the JW Org, see the things that really happen.  Otherwise stop pretending to know things that you have no real idea about.  

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