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Norway Declares War on Jehovah's Witnesses

Jack Ryan

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The pictures above is today's printed edition of the Norwegian newspaper Fædrelandsvennen. They have published the result of two years journalism where they have been digging deeply into the issues of PIMO life, the struggle to break free, and the consequences for mental health.

Today they printed the first of seven articles as a result of this work, the story of "Fredrik" who is a fader, a story a lot of you will relate to. The next six articles will be in print the following days to come.

All seven articles are now published online for subscribers. I will eventually provide translations of all articles into English here on this sub, but for now they have to stay this way. I would really appreciate if some of you would subscribe and read the articles through Google Translate. It will give you a better story, a complete layout with all the pictures and references. You can subscribe for only 1 NOK the first month, that is just a dime, 1/8 of a dollar. Just remember to unsubscribe after you register, so it doesn't keep running, you still keep your first month. If you need help subscribing, please feel free to dm me.

This is the seven articles:


1- The story of "Fredrik" a fader who is struggling to find his way and keep his children away from the Cult. Also talks about the mental breakdown he had while waking up.


2. A psychiatrist speaking about the mental damages done to all of us because of the way JWs raise their children based on the threat of shunning. She speaks out about the impact this has on children and the way the brain works when it is pushed on this. She is "Fredrik's" healthcare professional and have followed his journey the last three years.



3. "Rita" , a df'd woman, telling about her story, being df'd at 19, then reinstated just to be with his family even though everyone knew she didn't believe. Tells the story about how her elder dad fixed the reinstatement.



4. "Geir", he left as a youth before he got baptized, so he is not completely shunned. Tells the story on how this has affected his life, being an outcast from the rest of his family.



5. A childcare professional speaking out after reading the other stories. Says she is shocked and says that this needs more attention from professionals. Promises to take this up the system.



6. A massacre of the Shepherd-book. A PhD in Theology walks through it in detail and comments on the way they micromanage the life of JW's.



7. The afterlife, an article about people who help those who have left.

And for those who have bothered to read this post this far...."Fredrik", the dude on the front page, is me...

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By their fruits you will recognize them- Jesus Christ The true colors of the Governing Body has been exposed. They don't care about protecting children from pedophiles. Protecting the authority o

The pictures above is today's printed edition of the Norwegian newspaper Fædrelandsvennen. They have published the result of two years journalism where they have been digging deeply into the issues of

@TrueTomHarley He is good at zany storytelling.  zany /ˈzeɪni/ adjective adjective: zany; comparative adjective: zanier; superlative adjective: zaniest

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Hard to subscribe, paying in foreign currency. How can that happen? Ever thought about that small obstacle? You want for others to read of yours and others like you, the plight you have been through, yet those of us who speak English as a mother-tongue, are at a lost. We have to look at pictures only.

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By their fruits you will recognize them- Jesus Christ

The true colors of the Governing Body has been exposed. They don't care about protecting children from pedophiles. Protecting the authority of the Governing Body is more important than protecting children. Justice and truth means nothing to the Watchtower Organization. Power corrupts just what happened to the Pharisees. (Matthew 23:23).


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On 1/2/2019 at 6:32 AM, John Houston said:

Hard to subscribe, paying in foreign currency. How can that happen? Ever thought about that small obstacle? You want for others to read of yours and others like you, the plight you have been through, yet those of us who speak English as a mother-tongue, are at a lost. We have to look at pictures only.

Some of the things brought up I have tried to address here:


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@TrueTomHarley He is good at zany storytelling. 

adjective: zany; comparative adjective: zanier; superlative adjective: zaniest
  1. 1.
    amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic.
    "his zany humour"

    eccentric, bizarre, weird, peculiar, odd, quirky, avant-garde, unconventional, off-centre, strange, outlandish, ridiculous, ludicrous; More

    Well yep you said it Tom. 

    Tom you are indeed a weird storyteller, your own words i think.

    I read that page you linked too and it's total untruth and ridiculous, ludicrous rubbish, bit I'm sure you enjoy the GB's rules of 'spiritual warfare', which in truth means telling lies. 

    You know why people are turning against the JW Org.

    Child abuse is one of the biggest issues. You know that.

    The Elders, on one hand pretending not to be a 'clergy class', then on the other hand using 'Clergy Privilege' to hide criminals within the JW Org. 

    The GB giving instructions that lies can be told to protect the JW Org and the GB, but calling it spiritual warfare. 

    The Blood Issue seeming contradictory by saying NO blood but any amount of fractions which is made from blood. 

    The Shunning problem, a rule made up by the GB and enforced by the Elders. 

    The list of genuine concerns goes on. The GB and their ranks below them, right down to the Elders, show no love or mercy, just laws and rules. Just as the religious leaders did in Jesus' time. 

    And if anyone dare, like me, find fault in the JW Org or the top 'brass', the GB, then we are branded Apostates.

    Well I for one am proud to be an Apostate to a religion that enjoys telling lies, makes up rules from nothing, misuses scriptures, changes meaning of scriptures  when it suits them, hides pedophiles within it, misuses the law of the land to suit their own purposes, and then asks for money to cover all the expencies / fines when the courts finally catch up wit them. 

    Remember this Tom, an Apostate turns against a former religion, an apostate does not turn against GOD or JESUS CHRIST. 





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