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RT news link RFID to the Mark of the Beast


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Revelation 13:16  It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead,+ 17  and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name+ of the wild beast or the number of its name.


https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2004240#h=1:0-7:62 says the following about an i planted microchip in relation to Revelation 13:16,17.

"Others say that it signifies some form of compulsory identification, such as a tattoo or an implanted microchip with a digital code that identifies the person as a servant of the beast. Still others hold that 666 is the mark of the Catholic papacy. Substituting Roman numerals for the letters in a form of the pope’s official title, Vicarius Filii Dei (Vicar of the Son of God), and manipulating the figures a little, they come up with 666. It is also claimed that the same number can be calculated from the Latin name of Roman Emperor Diocletian and from the Hebrew version of the name Nero Caesar.*

These fanciful and contrived interpretations, however, are very different from what the Bible itself says about the mark of the beast, as we shall see in the following article."


What do you think, is WT's take on the i plantable RFID microchip true?

And then I found some good old light about what it means to worship the beast:


Unforunately the WT has been quite quiet about this subject the last decades, despite the fact that the book of Revelation puts much weight on that. That is a huge minus for the curent leadership of the WT organization. 

Instead of that WT allows kingdom halls to put national flags on display in various countries when required by the government. This seems not at all right.

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I actually paid money to deliberately have five members of my family micro-chipped ..... an injection at their shoulder blades, and registered their RFID chip numbers with a National Organization.

Actually, even though they have been "vewwy, vewwy quiet ...shhhhh", it seems they have it all under control. (When you look at the attached videos ... look at them in the order posted ....)

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@Kosonen First, know this - RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian Government. This is the same RT News that prompted Jasyish Al-Islam and the White Hats as Heroes in the political theater. And everyone knows immediately as to how Russian MSM is controlled by the Kremlin and they thrive off of what the State Duma has done, with proof to back it up by even that of independent sources, and Russia has already aligned itself with China, Syria, Iran and several others.

This information about such ones being micro-chipped isn't unknown to anyone and I know JWs know this already because the RFID chips have been ongoing since 2009 (can even be traced further back granted on how such technology is developed), it has became widely known around 2016-2017 and was brought about employees of companies who do not which to take up bio-metric cards and or authentication IDs, but instead, these RFID chips. Moreover, years ago, in 2009, British Scientist Dr Mark Gasson got an RFID implanted into his left hand, so the idea and concept has always been a thing at the time and granted that some find this revolutionary, it is easily spread to the public so that they would know.

2 hours ago, Kosonen said:

What is your plan to escape to worship the beast and to escape to be microchipped?

It is not about worshiping the beast or not. It is about allowing oneself to join and or refuse what, as some would say, the NWO is doing. As it is already, they are pushing people out of their homes into smart homes, as if the recent fires in California has taught us anything. What is being done with foods, what is being done with our children education-wise, what is being done to our society and so forth. If you read 1984 George Orwell, you'd realize we are entering an Orwellian time of atmosphere, monitored and watched, even controlled, on the other side of the spectrum, the government seeks to take weapons from people so they remain defenseless, as if the situation with Syranic Christians has taught us anything.

It will come to a point where being RFID'd can be forced, even among children, to where they can trick parents and or guardians that it is safe for their kids and can help track them should anything happens to them an so forth.

2 hours ago, Kosonen said:

Have you thought about that?

Granted with how much I know in regards to the Global Mafia, the NWO, Lucis Trust, 2021/2030, etc. Stuff like this has always been on my mind and given thought. As for all those who are like me who knows this stuff, they can speak of the same way. Reasons why there is some technology that cannot be trusted, and of course you know of the recent one that is taking up the world by storm, which, in of itself is a component to RFID chips, but the difference is, one monitors you and your speech.

2 hours ago, Kosonen said:

This test of faith does not seem to be far away. 

And yet the masses have already given themselves up as they have done in regards to those who seek conquest for peace. This is why I had stated before of how easily people will throw themselves into the hands of the Wilde Beast, and align themselves with Babylon the Great. Anyone who is against them, will be targets, persecuted, even succumb to actions taken by them so that they are banished and or banned from an area or place of dwelling, perhaps even arrested and or killed.

As they say it, if we are not for them, we are against them.

2 hours ago, Kosonen said:

Maximum a couple of years according to my estimation.

It has already started long time ago. This is why such ones like yourself needs to be aware. This is in conjunction with bans, censoring, monitoring visual/speech, educating or mind washing of the children and or the society, disarming, even murder those not for them (Serena Shim, Klaus Ebrewien, Las Vegas Shooting survivors, etc) and the list goes on. Therefore, flags should be the least of your concern.

That being said, if you are not vigilant, you too can easily be swept away without knowing it yourself, as I had proclaimed about for years and even to others, with some of them who pass this off as a bluff and or attest that they will not turn - such ones had already turned without them knowing and they themselves become an enemy to you and or anyone associated with you.

There is even more things in this regard, but I am keeping it PG here on this forum, some things that can be said or on display such ones like yourself may not be able to handle.

Also it should be known to what the mark of the beast actually is. This RFID chip is only put a branch to the tree itself.

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I actually paid money to deliberately have five members of my family micro-chipped ..... an injection at their shoulder blades, and registered their RFID chip numbers with a National Organization.

It was not necessary for my wife and I, because WE ALREADY HAVE biological identifiers in our bodies as also do YOU ...called FINGERPRINTS ... that can identify us even if we have no I.D., and are DEAD.

The rest of our family do not have fingerprints ...... only paws.

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When I was younger, I gave consideration to having the tops of my feet tattooed  with an I.D. number, as usually, the feet survive a misadventure ... but then I realized two things ....... 1.) I would be dead, and;  2.) I would have been  (past tense) the only one who really cared.

PS : 3.) And besides, if someone will not sell to you because you have no RFID chip ... the next guy will, because you DO have money.  The most effective weapon known to the human race is a fully loaded check book.

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16 hours ago, Kosonen said:

.... Unforunately the WT has been quite quiet about this subject the last decades, despite the fact that the book of Revelation puts much weight on that. That is a huge minus for the curent leadership of the WT organization. 

Actually, even though they have been "vewwy, vewwy quiet ...shhhhh", it seems they have it all under control.

(When you look at the attached videos ... look at them in the order posted ....)

JW.org _Publisher ID_ - leaked video 1-of-4.mp4



JW.borg - Publisher ID...it has begun....mp4

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@James Thomas Rook Jr. This thing is going to the be like a thorn to the said to many. Only Christians who are for the E.I.I an the Kairos Movement are supporting an funding this, even going as far as to take money from other Christians who do not want to have any part in this. This all points back to the agenda, to push people into a society that is kept on a tight leash.

Christians and Truthers alike speak on this matter and it all leads to the Globalist Mafia who has their hands on everything, the schools that side with them, the churches that accepts them just like October 2017's Reformation, the Kairos Movement and a list of others.

If anyone is going to be forced, they'll start with the children. After all, they already are grooming our children in brazen and sexual conduct that spreads like a virus in this culture,mainly the US.


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I think the world will be cashless when the only way to pay will be to have the mark of the beast.

The financial system is preparing the payment systems for the mark of the beast. Now the creditcards have a chip. The next step is to implant a chip in to the hand that will work for paying. For a few years we have been putting creditcards into a chip-reader to pay. But now in many shops these chip-readers have been upgraded with a chip-reader that reads the chip without puting it inside the reader. You just keep the credit card near the reader.

I understand why the financial system is moving to this system. Because that system will be able to read an implanted chip under a persons skin. That is where it is going.

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This time RT told it straight out what the cashless society with the microchip will be, the mark of the beast from Revelation.

When Jehovah's witnesses fail to make this known Jehovah God has to use other channels to get the word out.

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