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I have mentioned this before in relation to the Child Abuse within the JW Org. 

I have said that this is now part of the American way of life. Am I right ? Please see this news topic :-


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COLLATERAL DAMAGE I have mentioned this before in relation to the Child Abuse within the JW Org.  I have said that this is now part of the American way of life. Am I right ? Please see this

I moved this to the JW Club since you mentioned it in relation to JW's and tagged it.

@JOHN BUTLER Will look into this. Also I advise not to put too much trust in Sky News, as of their recent memorable situation from some months ago regarding Israel. More over, the mention of Kurds is

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The way USA bombs is in accord with the prophetic description of the American empire. And nothing will change that except God's Kingdom when it comes and crushes all the other kingdoms.

Daniel 7:7  “After this I kept watching in the visions of the night, and I saw a fourth beast, fearsome and terrifying and unusually strong, and it had large iron teeth. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it trampled down with its feet.+ It was different from all the other beasts that were prior to it, and it had ten horns. 

19  “Then I wanted to know more about the fourth beast, which was different from all the others; it was extraordinarily fearsome, with iron teeth and copper claws, and it was devouring and crushing, and trampling down what was left with its feet;+ 20  and about the ten horns+ on its head, and the other horn that came up and before which three fell,+ the horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking arrogantly* and whose appearance was bigger than that of the others.

We have ample evidence of this. USA with its allies bombed Japan with nuclear bombs, devastated North Korea with bombs in the Korean war. The same happened in Vietnam. And after that Afganistan and Irak and Libya and now Syria. 

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@Kosonen The US isn't alone in their conquest, or as some would call, the New World Order whereas government, education, religion, and money are all unified and centralized into one unit. There is a good reason as to why they will not excommunicate the Saudis from their party, and the UK and France cannot leave the US's side, and most importantly, the most vile of them all in this situation - Israel.

The US will maintain it's focus on such countries, thus making the words professed by General Wesley come true

It is worth noting that 6 out of these 7 countries (with the exception of Lebanon) identified by General Wesley Clark “to be taken out” are now the object of President Trump’s ban on Muslims’ entry to the US: Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, Iran and Yemen.

Libya being an example because it has been made into a broken state, broken to the point whereas women and young girls are put into sex slavery and trafficking, it is a breeding ground for Terrorism to thrive and influence, Black Slavery has been revived to levels that mere the form of slavery in US history but far worse an the list goes on.

And Israel does not like the Iranians at all, and do not want them to occupy Syria, the only reason Russian, China is on Syria's side because they are a separate power group that is not for the NWO whereas the US and their allies are for the NWO and will be against those who do not see things their way, although both sides have similar goals of centralization.

Stuff like this goes back years, even around World War I whereas we have a group of persons who were of the Old Order.

It is crazy, and the Global Mafia will continue to grow and only a few recognizes who they are.

That being said, it is no surprise of what will take place after this attack, just as it is already suspected what is to come after the California Fires and those who have right to have firearms, what will become of them also. There is an agenda of religious folk too, especially Christians.

Moreover you have the US and allies helping Al-Qaeda, willingly, and knowingly. What what is to expect from the ones who birthed ISIS in a way.

An they do not care, for if it means to kill children, as they have done time and time again, they will do it because they think it is a justification to their cause, and history tends to repeat itself concerning the Middle East.



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