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Soy found to be ‘unfit for human consumption’ and what the industry never told you about it

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The chemical industry perpetually uses devious tactics to con health-seeking people into poisoning themselves. The confusion existing around fats and oils is intentional, and it is designed to prevent us from making healthier choices.


The margarine scam of yesteryear presented margarine as a healthier alternative to butter. The medical establishment bought into the lie, and then it advantageously based an entirely new business segment upon eliminating cholesterol.

Thus began another lucrative partnership between the food industry and the petrochemical industry, which are conveniently owned by the same people. One group profits from doing the damage, and the other division profits by treating the resultant diseases perpetually.

The epidemic of heart disease began in the mid-twentieth century, after butter and traditional oils were replaced in our diets by the new “healthier” vegetable oils. Leading the health-destroying parade was researcher, Ancel Keys.

He is known as the father of the Lipid Hypothesis. Keys cherry-picked statistics to create an international study of heart disease, and presented it to medical publications to prove that natural saturated fats cause heart disease. For Keys’ research, the term “international” meant using only the results from the 7 countries which yielded the conclusions that he wanted. He even titled his original paper, “The Seven Countries Study”.

The data from the other dozen countries was stricken, because the data from everywhere else disproved the Lipid Hypothesis. Most of the data actually showed that there was no relationship between saturated fat and cholesterol, or even cholesterol and heart disease.

At the time, many other research scientists were appalled by Keys’ shoddy research, but the media and its top clients in the petrochemical industry embraced Keys’ findings.

Natural fats had to be replaced with chemically-altered fats and highly processed vegetable oils, of which the young biotechnology industry was in the process of streamlining. All of this very conveniently opened the door for industry giants to obtain monopoly patents concerning food preparation. The processes of obtaining naturally-occurring foods, such as butter, cannot be patented.

Keys’ scientific swindle was so masterful that the medical establishment is still direly warning us about how dangerous butter is. In reality, butter contains a uniquely beneficial spread of nutrients and fats that are critical to heart, brain, dental, bone, and nervous system health.

There is little wonder why the Bible foretold that the Christ would be raised on butter and honey, so that he would know the good. Most people now at least know of the dangers of hydrogenated oils, but these oils are still doctor recommended as the healthy alternative.

Deceptive Marketing about Cooking Oils

Soy oil is still being promoted at some retailers as the healthy choice (e.g. Whole Food’s Market), despite all of the revelations about it over the past decade. All soy sold is genetically engineered and highly processed.

The word “soy” sometimes appears inside the fine print on the back of the so-called healthy vegetable oil containers, as if companies are finally beginning to hide it. Even though soy is now known to be an unhealthy oil by most health-conscious people, companies are much more willing to alter their marketing than their unethical practices.

Some of the oil containers boldly list olive oil in huge text across the front of the bottles; implying that it is the main ingredient, but the labeling often reveals that olive oil is actually the last (least used) ingredient.

The real and main ingredients are toxic combinations of highly processed soy and canola oil. A few of the braver companies still emphasize that their product is canola oil, since not everyone knows about canola oil yet. When the dangers of canola become more widely known, we can be certain that it will be the marketing (not the ingredients) that is changed.

One toxic cooking oil product is even called Omega-3 Oil. This is despite the fact that it is virtually impossible to extract raw omega-3 oil without it immediately breaking down into something completely different, especially whenever heat (from processing) is added.

The resultant non-omega compounds are hazardous. The Omega-3 Oil product is actually just canola oil — which, by the way, loses all of its omega-3 and becomes toxic when heated. Bear in mind that it is an oil intended for cooking.

Pesticides are rarely used on soybean or canola plants, because both plants are so toxic that insects avoid them. Canola oil is officially an E.P.A. registered pesticide, and soy contains compounds that are designed specifically to disrupt hormones.

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What The Soy Industry Never Told You

There is no such thing as an all-natural soy-based food, because soybeans are toxic in their natural state. Processing is essential for soy foods, because soy is poisonous in its natural organic state (containing natural insecticides), so there are never truly organic soy products for human consumption.

When you see a product that is claimed to have “healthy all-natural soy”, then make a mental note to never buy anything from that unethical company. It has proven that it will happily hurt you, and lie about it for profit.

Soy must be processed in some manner for it to be safe for human consumption, and even then, it is not truly safe. The fermentation processes that were historically used by Asian nations are no longer used today, and the overall health of modern-day Asians is rapidly declining.

Soy is now made safe by chemical engineering in large-scale food processing factories. Putting all of the toxic impurities and alterations from the processing aside, the soy itself retains many of its original poisonous compounds which directly attack the thyroid, such as hormones that are designed to disrupt fertility.

Women are especially prone to experiencing horrific hormonal disorders like endometriosis from soy intake. There is no way to accurately determine how many miscarriages and cases of infertility are the direct result of soy consumption.

Soy’s Effects on Human Health

  • 250% increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Brain shrinkage and premature deterioration
  • Produces steroidal hormones
  • Produces estrogen-like compounds
  • Vascular dementia
  • Decreases brain calcium-binding proteins
  • Early puberty in girls and retarded physical maturation in boys
  • Unnatural menstrual patterns in women
  • Malnutrition – soybeans have potent enzyme inhibitors
  • Reduced protein digestion
  • Interference with tyrosine kinase-dependent mechanisms required for optimal hippocampal function, structure and plasticity
  • Inhibits tyrosine kinase which impairs memory formation
  • Inhibits dopamine
  • Movement difficulties characteristic of Parkinson’s disease
  • Depressed thyroid function
  • Infants who receive soy formula are 200% more likely to develop diabetes
  • Birth defects
  • Due to suppression of the thyroid, fluoride becomes much more toxic
  • Inhibits zinc absorption

Mayonnaise and Cold Pasteurization

All commercial mayonnaise is cold pasteurized, because the raw eggs that are necessary for mayonnaise could not be left unrefrigerated for months on store shelves otherwise. Cold pasteurization is the process of saturating a food with radiation to sterilize it.

Any “cold pasteurized” food is laced with cancer-inducing radiolytic compounds, in addition to benzene. It is very likely to still be radioactive at the time of sale. Radiolytic compounds and benzene formation are normal, expected occurrences whenever proteins are exposed to high levels of radiation.

In addition to its radioactivity, commercial mayonnaise is made primarily of genetically-engineered soy oil, which is heavily chemically processed. Furthermore, mayonnaise typically contains hydrogenated oils and chemically-engineered additives.

Since the toxins in mayonnaise are bound inside various fats, and since the human body protects itself by storing toxins inside fat cells, it is easy to deduce that a body will rapidly convert commercial mayonnaise to body fat.

Why Vegetarians and Vegans Should Consume Hemp Instead of Soy

Vegetarian and vegan diets leave individuals lacking in key nutrients, proteins, fats, and amino acids. Adults have a right to make such decisions for themselves, but parents who keep children on vegetarian diets are guilty of chronic child abuse. Vegetarian diets for children should be illegal, and this is doubly so for vegan diets.

When people choose to be vegetarian or vegan, they generally utilize soy-based products to compensate for their protein deficiency. Soy is horrendous to a body, and it is unfit for human consumption. Infants who are fed soy formulas are far more likely to develop hormonal diseases like endometriosis and thyroid disease later in life.

The estrogen-like compounds contained within soy hinder development by mimicking estrogen. They imbalance human hormones; especially in females. The ever-increasing use of soy in today’s processed foods is one of the reasons why young girls are starting puberty at younger ages than ever before.

Hemp-based alternatives have become widely available. Hemp does not contain THC, the active narcotic found in its close cousin, cannabis (marijuana). Therefore, hemp products come with no legal liabilities for its possession. It is a miraculous plant that contains similar amounts of protein to soy products, but it comes without any of soy’s risks. Shelled hemp seeds are about 31% protein, in comparison to 35% for soybeans.

Hemp protein is widely available in higher concentrations. It is produced naturally by simply sieving out the fiber. Hemp contains every important amino acid that science has been able to identify, and high amounts of omega-3, a substance that is lacking in almost every Western diet.

Vegetarians should take heed that hemp contains even more omega-3 than walnuts, the most highly acclaimed vegetarian source for it.

Vegetarians frequently have problems with stamina, which has been shown to be massively improved with hemp; especially when combined with iron. Hemp also helps those who are lacking fiber, and those who are embracing gluten-free diets.

Readers should be aware that this report does not imply that any vegetarian diet could be considered ideal, but merely that the introduction of hemp as a complete soy replacement would be a very wise health choice. An occasional steak to provide bio-usable iron that a human body can actually use would be wise too.

For useful iron, and the vastly superior form of vitamin A (retinol), there really is no good substitute for red meat.

Whole Foods Market Promotes Soy

Some years ago, we stumbled across a web page promoting the use of soybean-based foods at the web site of Whole Food’s Market. We knew that soy-based products were being sold at the company’s retail outlets for customers still embracing vegetarianism, but it was disturbing to witness the company openly promoting soy as a health food.

Anyone taking a moment to search the Internet for information about soy will immediately see the countless reports about soy-induced infertility, miscarriages, premature puberty, obesity, hypothyroidism, endometriosis, and let us not forget cancer.

Females can develop a permanent case of P.M.S. if soy is consumed regularly, or possibly something considerably worse. At least people consuming soy need not worry about pesticide residue, because soy plants kill off the insects. Virtually all soy is genetically modified too.

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Whole Food’s admitted that its promoted health food removes calcium, iron, and zinc from the body to cause multiple mineral deficiencies. They neglected to mention that it also reduces the absorption of magnesium, copper, and vitamin B-12, which are all crucial for cardiovascular health.

Soy’s dangerous phytic acid may be reduced by the processing, but it is not gone. They furthermore neglected to mention that soy is no longer fermented with the traditional methods that were once used in Asia, and instead the company dishonestly implied that it still is.

The new ‘fermentation’ is done chemically and with genetically engineered bacteria to ironically make the genetically modified soy less toxic. It is the type of food preparation that requires an environmental protection suit.

Whole Food’s Market admits that one of its most promoted health products disrupts a body’s ability to absorb nutrition, which is the most common route to serious chronic diseases. It actually refers to the genetically engineered germs and yeasts in its soy products as “beneficial microoorganisms”.

Practically everyone who has read about soy in the last 10 years knows that soy has been proven to be extremely harmful to health, so one might wonder where Whole Food’s Market got its information.

According to their website, they found one source of information that was willing to publicly agree with them. It was an organization calling itself Stevens & Associates. Who or what is Stevens & Associates? This is a question for which no person seems to know the answer.

Their website (now defunct) at soyworld.com was registered to Roger H. Stevens, who appears to be a one-man public relations firm that works as damage control for the soybean industry. He has the prestige of appointing himself to write the soy F.A.Q.



Mutagens from heated.., Oxford Journals

Dietary canola oil alters…, Journal of Nutrition

Reduction of myocardial necrosis…, National Institutes of Health

Physicochemical and functional…, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Initial study of Hemp seeds …, National Institutes of Health

Soy and the Brain, Western A. Price Foundation

Soy by Roger H. Stevens, Faqs.org



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Sigh .... the chemical industry also makes laundry bleach, and paint, and gasoline.   ...and a million other things.   You are supposed to be smart enough to not drink laundry blea

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