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In Defense of Shunning


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From what I can gather here about you, I think that most of the 130 do not believe you are evil, and probably do not wish to treat you badly, but as you say, they THINK they are following the rules. A

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If you are referring strictly to Bible-based discipline, the WT leaders still have no clue how to do so in love, since they are more concerned at protecting an image than the individual.    They fall

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On 11/30/2018 at 11:56 AM, JW Insider said:

Witness, I don't remember ever giving you an upvote before on any topic, but I can tell from the way you took this issue seriously, and from how well you wrote the entire last response, that you are sincerely concerned about handling the word of God aright, and thinking deeply about the issue here.

I should make clear that my last post here concerning the letter, was not written by me.  I could never organize my thoughts as well as the writer of the letter. 

When reading your post, and before reaching the scriptures you quoted, I had them in mind.  I agree wholeheartedly with your words, but the concept would never be expressed by the leaders of the organization.  Your explanation is so foreign to the way the entire organization is run.  The chance that there would be a renewal of thought, is slim to nonexistent.  Although, as I believe the GB will be disfellowshipped, there will be an effort made for a "restoration".  

Did you notice how you felt the need to carefully word your thoughts?:

“We can't completely disfellowship our elders from their responsibility, but we can avoid giving the impression that we agree with these practices.”

“We should be willing to speak out against the kind of videos we have seen recently which praise a person for avoiding familial contact with their own brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers”

The fear factor of going against leadership is too high for most JWs to risk speaking out. 

You said,

“Of course, when it comes to those who no longer call themselves a brother (or sister) in the congregation we can treat them just as we would any other sinner or tax collector; we are in no danger of giving the impression that we support their conduct, because they are not even claiming to be related to us in the faith."  

What category do those who are like myself fall into?  I can’t claim to be part of the Watchtower faith, but only in Christ.  Those friends I have left behind would never consider me a “sister”. Should people like myself be treated as “any other sinner or tax collector”?  I have not sinned and have a strong relationship with the Father and Christ.  Thus, for doing so, I am an “apostate”.  Those in the organization are thoroughly convinced this is apostasy against God; which in reality it is apostasy against “teachings unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses” – Bible not included in this phrase.   


On 11/30/2018 at 4:35 PM, JW Insider said:

If we truly have love, even for our enemies, we should have no problem dealing with tax collectors and sinners. How much more should we show love to someone who is in dire straits for a reason we already understand and one we can help them understand.

 You see it all as it should be seen, but cannot be accomplished in the organization.  

My perspective, as one outside looking in, and believing strongly that the Wt. is complete deception  is written in Jude:

“But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold.  They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.”  These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.

 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit,  keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

 Be merciful to those who doubt;  save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.  Jude 1:17-23






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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I disagree .... Most people SHOULD be trusted with guns.

...just not the evil, insane, and stupid.

I think you need a better, more responsible, smarter group of friends.

Those I affiliate myself with are indeed very intelligent, some of them even risk their lives to speak the truth.

Therefore, what I am saying is indeed, the truth, as for one of my friends, who is also a source of mine, his video speaks for itself (note, keep in mind there is a bit of things said that is outside of the realm of PG)


You gotta see the world for what it is JTR because a day will come it will be little teenagers that will do you in, as some have already, let alone mocking the older folks.

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7 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

@Space Merchant Yes the whole situation is a bit worrying. Of course we know where its all heading, we just don't know when. 

God's word has given us plenty of warnings. Plenty of scriptures about the 'last days'. 

As for guns in the USA, I suppose there are reasons for and reasons against.  I am honestly glad i do not live there, and I would not visit there in this 'system of things'.  And now France too has many problems. But I'm not denying the UK has problems too, I'm just lucky to be in the 'quiet area'.  I hope you keep safe too. 

It is only going to get worse. Yes, God's Word has given us some insight, but at the same time, even with insight, even the wises of us men can fall and does not get back up, and this is the case in the End Times.

Be it reasons against and or for, it will not stop the Government and the United Nations at bay, for we have already the immigration crisis, gun reform, and the California fires, give it some time and see what will happened with those who lost everything and where they will go, it is part of the plan.

Yes, but for us we deal with guns, the EU has to deal with terrorism that is next door, and hate crimes, an knife attacks. I know in London there is  band of bikers that that rob, beat and attempt to kill people, hence why London, as I said before, is not a good place granted crime had increases, and yet the UK government is proclaiming another gospel in regards to safety.


France is a whole other mixed back, I am currently doing research on this but what I found quite interesting is that the Far-Left and the Far-Right (ANTIFA and Nationalist) are not fighting each other, but rather, they are fighting side-by-side in the Yellow Jacket Protest, something of which you do not see happen ever, granted the Left and the Right are always going after each others throats, moreover, this action sparks the rise of the white working class in Europe.

My other source can give you some insight

(Also note, the mainstream media says these are protesters, however this group of protest are in fact Rioters, hence the destruction caused by their hand)

6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

 TOPIC ;  In Defence of Shunning  Shooting 

Yeah starting to realize that. Commercials are over - back to the topic at hand.

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Quote @Witness " Although, as I believe the GB will be disfellowshipped, there will be an effort made for a "restoration".  "

You know, I've said this on here before and been laughed at. It's nice to see it from someone else. 

Quote :  Those in the organization are thoroughly convinced this is apostasy against God; which in reality it is apostasy against “teachings unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses” – Bible not included in this phrase.   

Once again have i not said this before and been critisized for it ? 

Lovely to see another with the same viewpoint, thank you.  

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