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Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?

Guest Nicole

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Is not that equivalent to boast about the "many" hours you dedicate preaching about God over others who have not the same agenda?


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Josue2 You are obviously trying to share information which may be valuable. How about I make a deal with you .... you write in English, and I will not reply in Klingon? Otherwise, your

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Are the hours actually announced?

It is 60 hrs a month for an aux.pioneer isn't it?. The 70 hrs is just an average out per month for a regular pioneer's annual commitment to at least 840 in the 12 months. It is only a minimum actualy. Many do more. And many don't make the goal for a variety of reasons.

Hmm... Perhaps it would be more interesting to announce at the end of a month how many hours those making a commitment actually did get? That might even up the boasting stakes a bit.

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I often wondered why military uniforms had so many patches, braids, medals, and other stuff on them.

Then I realized that men were decorated up like that so that people who "knew the code" could tell at a glance your entire history and experience level, and your motivation levels, and other factors ... like a ten page resume that could be evaluated in two seconds.

I see nothing wrong with announcing that someone is willing to Pioneer ... go out for "sustained combat".

It is hard work, and perhaps they will need encouragement or some physical assistance.

Give honor where it is due!

I would like to see something like the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor or some other appropriate award for "I survived Bethel"....

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Il y a 23 heures, Nicole a dit :

Est-ce pas équivalent à vanter les heures « beaucoup » que vous consacrez la prédication de Dieu sur les autres qui n'ont pas le même ordre du jour?


Il n'est pas question de vanter mais simplement de savoir qui fait pionnier tout simplement.

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1. why the need to count the number of hours, there is no biblical mandate to do so, however there is a mandate about boasting about your works.

2. How many of those hours are just standing next to a cart and having your default witness as...'go to jw.org'.

3. How hard can it be just standing there next to a cart?

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15 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

1. why the need to count the number of hours, there is no biblical mandate to do so, however there is a mandate about boasting about your works.

2. How many of those hours are just standing next to a cart and having your default witness as...'go to jw.org'.

3. How hard can it be just standing there next to a cart?

I agree with you. And, when on ministry some make a habit of walking very slowly between houses and also stopping for a chat. That's here in Devon England. They also go driving around the countryside looking for 'lost' houses to call on. 

There does not seem to be the importance given in the physical ministry, compared to that given in the Bible. But at least they are out there and trying.... Shame a lot of it is false 'news' anyway. 

The one thing i see is that those doing the ministry are showing themselves as believing and not frightened to be seen doing what they think is God's work. 

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Il y a 12 heures, Matthew9969 a dit :

1. pourquoi le besoin de compter le nombre d'heures, il n'y a pas de mandat biblique de le faire, mais il y a un mandat au sujet de se vanter de vos œuvres.

2. Combien de ces heures sont debout juste à côté d'un panier et d'avoir votre témoin par défaut comme ... 'aller à jw.org.

3. Comment en dur peut-il être juste là à côté d'un panier?


Il y a 11 heures, JOHN BUTLER a dit :

Je suis d'accord avec toi. Et, quand le ministère certains prennent l'habitude de marcher très lentement entre les maisons et arrêtant également pour un chat. C'est ici dans le Devon en Angleterre. Ils vont également conduire autour de la campagne à la recherche de maisons « perdus » pour appeler le. 

Il ne semble pas être l'importance accordée dans le ministère physique, par rapport à celle donnée dans la Bible. Mais au moins ils sont là-bas et essayer .... Honte beaucoup de c'est faux « nouvelles » de toute façon. 

La seule chose que je vois est que ceux qui font le ministère se montrent comme croyant et pas peur de se faire voir ce qu'ils pensent est l'œuvre de Dieu. 

 il n'est pas question de se vanter.

C'est cette médisance a deux balles ?

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You are obviously trying to share information which may be valuable.

How about I make a deal with you .... you write in English, and I will not reply in Klingon?

Otherwise, your efforts are completely wasted on anyone who does not speak French.

I spit and yell in Klingon.

..... both at the same time!

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  14 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

1. why the need to count the number of hours, there is no biblical mandate to do it, but there is a mandate about boasting of your works.

2. How many of these hours are standing right next to a basket and have your default cookie like ... 'go to jw.org.

3. How hard can it be right there next to a basket?

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  14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I agree with you. And, when the ministry some get in the habit of walking very slowly between houses and also stopping for a cat. It's here in Devon England. They will also drive around the countryside in search of "lost" homes to call. 

It does not seem to be the importance given in the physical ministry, compared to that given in the Bible. But at least they are there and try .... Shame a lot of it's fake "news" anyway. 

The only thing I see is that those who do the ministry show themselves as believers and not afraid to show themselves what they think is the work of God. 

 there is no question of boasting.

Is this two-ballooning slander?

In Anglais JTR Jr. But what is  'two-ballooning' ? 

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