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Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?

Guest Nicole

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I have no idea what two ballooning is ... and google was no help ... but the last time I was demonstrating static electricity to my children was with a single balloon ... which I rubbed vigorously across my hair (when they were younger .... and I used to have more hair ...) to build up a static electrical charge, and with a big grin, hung myself on the wall by my head.

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Josue2 You are obviously trying to share information which may be valuable. How about I make a deal with you .... you write in English, and I will not reply in Klingon? Otherwise, your

Oh they do you know. You did!

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The hours are announce as a data reference.   It is just that simple.   Announcing the hours is an encouragement to the person going out in the field to witness and to the congregation.   This is most certainly not "Boasting"!    That is absurd.   Some in here...@ John Butler are just trying to malign the congregations and the good works that are being done. 


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The "two-balloon slander" is  misunderstanding or mistranslation of the French, which I think just means "bickering over trivialities." (As in, "Isn't all this just some bickering over trivialities?")

C'est cette médisance a deux balles ?

Literally "à deux balles" doesn't mean two balloons, balls, or even two bullets, but I think is more like "over [just] two francs."  (i.e., 'Isn't this just some cheap sniping?')



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37 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

The "two-balloon slander" is  misunderstanding or mistranslation of the French, which I think just means "bickering over trivialities." (As in, "Isn't all this just some bickering over trivialities?")

C'est cette médisance a deux balles ?

Literally "à deux balles" doesn't mean two balloons, balls, or even two bullets, but I think is more like "over [just] two francs."  (i.e., 'Isn't this just some cheap sniping?')



Thank you, that is indeed a help.. 

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One thing is quite funny @Josué2 when translated to French then back to English, the English is not  the same as the original. 

My previous comment reads differently after the double translation.. Similar with @Matthew9969 the 'cart' has now become a 'basket' .

As for @Judith Sweeney Hours as a date reference should be for internal reference surely ? Not for announcement from the platform. 

Announcing it from the platform is indeed like the religious leaders of Jesus' time that it seems had a 'trumpet announcement' when they gave a large gift. 

Quote : "Some in here...@ John Butler are just trying to malign the congregations and the good works that are being done." 

Whereas I wrote :- 

The one thing i see is that those doing the ministry are showing themselves as believing and not frightened to be seen doing what they think is God's work. 

Is that having evil intentions ? I think it is just plain truth. 

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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

One thing is quite funny @Josué2 when translated to French then back to English, the English is not  the same as the original. 

My previous comment reads differently after the double translation.. Similar with @Matthew9969 the 'cart' has now become a 'basket' .

Interesting you noticed that. Although completely off topic here, I just want to mention that I have been doing some more research on the "cross" and it appears that much of the problem could be due to misstranslation,  I will post my findings in the relevant thread some time soon.

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Exactement ce chamailler pour rien.

Ou une expression biblique : ( picoreur de grains )

(Actes 17:18) 18 Mais quelques-uns des philosophes épicuriens et stoïciens se mirent à parler avec lui dans un esprit de controverse, et certains disaient : “ Que peut bien vouloir dire ce bavard ?  [...] 
*** Rbi8 Actes 17:18 ***
Lit. : “ picoreur de semences ”.

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(Matthew 13:8, 9) 8 Still others fell on the fine soil, and they began to yield fruit, (Matthew 13:8, 9) 8 Still others fell on the fine soil, and they began to yield fruit, this one 100 times more, that one 60, the other 30. 9 Let the one who has ears listen.”
9 Let the one who has ears listen.”

(Galatians 6:4) But let each one examine his own actions, and then he will have cause for rejoicing in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person.

(2 Corinthians 9:6, 7) 6 But as to this, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

My take:  All Christians should be productive, bearing kingdom fruit.  Jesus already stated that he knew some would give different amounts, but still their personal 100 percent, if they are doing their best.

A Christian's activity should not be held up for comparison with another's.  Nothing is wrong with encouragement, though.

A goal should be set by the person himself,  instead of being prescribed for him. Whatever is done should be between him and God  and Jesus who are the Vineyard Owners.   Jehovah and Jesus saw the widow's contribution to the temple and were pleased.  Ordinarily no one would have noticed.

However, we should be obedient to those taking the lead, if they ask one to report time  one should report time.  Lots of things will be clarified/shown up in the future.

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I was at a car boot sale this morning (Here in England people drive their vehicles into a field and set up tables and sell their things) and there was a JW Org table there set up and carts / stands. 4 JW's, two standing, two sitting,  no one even showing interest at all. I suppose they will count their time, all four of them. The car boot sale is from around 7am until 12 noon = 5 hours. 5x4 = 20 hours, for what ? When no one takes any interest. 

You might say it's giving a witness just being there, but if no one believes then no one takes any notice. 

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There is a part of me that would like to see the end of counting time altogether. It leads to too many odd situations of doing or not doing something for the sake of accumulating hours or.keeping time going. 

At present, if I auxiliary pioneer, at the end of the month I write ‘50.’ (Or ‘30’ as the case may be) If I feel bad about it afterwards, I don’t do it again.

With a million people in the Branch, if you flat-out lied, it would make no statistical difference.

There is nothing sinister about counting time, and the people who carry on as though there is are just being childish, imo. Few bits of counsel are heard more frequently than the counsel not to boast over ‘accomplishments.’ But as a practical matter, even though it exists so as to get an overall picture of what is happening in the ministry, it has its drawbacks. 

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