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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

I have often seen people with little formal education have thinking abilities much better than those of scholars. 

I see that discussion continued with  UN, but you will forgive me for commenting on this about education, grammar, misunderstanding, abilities and so on.

Good choice of words and their order are important for sending true meaning, but it is not guarantee for understanding. For me, who was not born in English (native speaker) language country, it is difficult to understand some (or many) sentences (phrasemes/idioms, jokes...) of people who participate here. And for you is, probably, hard to understand my expressions and clumsy grammar :)))

But here is what i would like to say. Formal Education and Higher Education can help in thinking abilities but they are not Substitution for Your Natural abilities and experience for understanding and discernment. I am working in School with professors, janitors and cleaning ladies. We are all needed to be there for "show to go on". And all are valuable in own contribution for mutual process. Yes, some Higher Educated persons are "clumsy" for some simple things that somebody else can done with not much effort. I remembered, once,  professors have been asking cleaning ladies, to cut some fruit on slices. And Ladies where not been willing to do it because, as they said, why teachers can not do it yourself? In one hand they was right, it is not mandatory job for cleaning lady to cut fruits. But it is also not obligated job for professors. (School,  some professors and children classes had some guests, that is why they plan to offer some fruits to visitors) After one professor heard complaints from cleaning lady, she ask, Ok, i can go and cut fruits by myself, but can you give a lesson for students instead of me in meantime?   

Thanks to all here who are not so strict and demanding for my grammar :)) About other sort of disagreements we do not need to give any further explanations :)))))  



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Interesting article and video..... On 11 December most countries will sign the UN Compact in Morocco.  It is part of the "Agenda 21" plan for the 21 st century  started in 1992.  Read up about Ag

Will you allow that an interest in history is permissible? Politics is current history, that’s all, or history in the making.  All human governments will drop the ball & usually it is a bowli

Look, I am in no mood for this. I just drove seven times around the mall of Jericho. Furious, I let loose with a mighty horn blast. I still hadn’t found a parking spot.

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12 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I see that discussion continued with  UN, but you will forgive me for commenting on this about education, grammar, misunderstanding, abilities and so on.

Good choice of words and their order are important for sending true meaning, but it is not guarantee for understanding. For me, who was not born in English (native speaker) language country, it is difficult to understand some (or many) sentences (phrasemes/idioms, jokes...) of people who participate here. And for you is, probably, hard to understand my expressions and clumsy grammar :)))

But here is what i would like to say. Formal Education and Higher Education can help in thinking abilities but they are not Substitution for Your Natural abilities and experience for understanding and discernment. I am working in School with professors, janitors and cleaning ladies. We are all needed to be there for "show to go on". And all are valuable in own contribution for mutual process. Yes, some Higher Educated persons are "clumsy" for some simple things that somebody else can done with not much effort. I remembered, once,  professors have been asking cleaning ladies, to cut some fruit on slices. And Ladies where not been willing to do it because, as they said, why teachers can not do it yourself? In one hand they was right, it is not mandatory job for cleaning lady to cut fruits. But it is also not obligated job for professors. (School,  some professors and children classes had some guests, that is why they plan to offer some fruits to visitors) After one professor heard complaints from cleaning lady, she ask, Ok, i can go and cut fruits by myself, but can you give a lesson for students instead of me in meantime?   

Thanks to all here who are not so strict and demanding for my grammar :)) About other sort of disagreements we do not need to give any further explanations :)))))  



Ummm... NO.. .I won't forgive you....

Please just start new threads when you have new, off topics ideas.

Thank you.

I will start moving some previously off topics conversations into different threads.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

Well - put nicely -  I have seen many people call themselves anointed and then suddenly all goes upside down...... and not for the better.  They become bitter and opposing.  The true Spirit of Jehovah would help them to stay peaceful and yielding -   maintaining their joy even in the face of persecution....   A good example is Ananias and Saphira who tempted the Spirit of Jehovah.  They had swift judgment.  


You must mean persecution from a body of elders who demand their obedience.  Elders, not anointed, ruling over God's priesthood. 1 Pet 2:5,9

You must certainly mean persecution from an elder body because an unyielding anointed one chooses to listen to Christ and not remain “peaceful and yielding” in an environment of lies. Please check your history of teachings.  The true Spirit of God requires pure devotion to truth, which the heart of the anointed and companions can avail itself to, if it turns fully to the Father and Christ. 

Their persecution stems from those who wield ungodly power and authority over them.  Matt 24:48-51

Perhaps, Arauna, you believe in a delusion?  2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 13:1,5-8



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I am the one probably responsible for the Society calling many of the Anointed mentally ill.

During the Vietnam war, circa 1966,  I was of Draft age, and was asked to prove I was one of the "Anointed", to keep from getting drafted, so I put on my Speedo, and covered myself with corn oil, pecans, and pine cones ... put on a Smokey The Bear hat, and went for my interview.

Not only did I get a Draft deferral, but I made a lot of new Forest Friends.

The Elders asked me if there was a problem of mental illness in my family, and I replied, No, we rather enjoyed it.


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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

so I put on my Speedo, and covered myself with corn oil, pecans, and pine cones ... put on a Smokey The Bear hat, and went for my interview.

At least you weren't nude.  

Update:  https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/alberta/article-court-hears-that-three-people-involved-in-naked-kidnapping-case-in/

Muscle testing????

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One thing for certain. The UN compact is spewing into other societies, one of my own stated some information about even the Canadians, and the spoken of the Soyboy himself, Justin Trudeau.

If I have some more time, I'll most likely post some more information in this regard, and need to re-check some things.

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The link between UN agenda 21 and the UN Migration Compact - communalism and communism.

In a nutshell the UN migration Compact 2018 guarantees migrant rights.  They are, amongst other things, to receive all material assistance in the land of destination as a right.  Journalists will be ‘re-trained’ to only highlight the positive things about their migration. 

It is implied that those who complain about the cost of migration or any other problems (or report about negative migrant actions) could be taken to Human rights court because these migrants have their rights guaranteed.  It is part of an equalization process.

In Germany and UK dissenters are already getting respectively 2 years or 6 years (UK) prison sentences when they put anything which is construed as islamophobia on FB – even if you are a journalist. These countries are already Agenda 21 (and Sharia) compliant regarding several of their laws.  Child marriages, female mutilation, are no longer followed up by police – it is their culture and a right.  (I will not mention the gross injustices that are going on in Europe regarding this and the prison sentences citizens are receiving while being victims of extreme injustices.)   The world has gone blind under Satan’s rule. Injustice does not matter - only the agenda.

Under Agenda 21 the “New world order”, the sustainability of the environment has become more important than the collective human society.  It plans to limit/remove property rights and people will all be housed in high rise buildings in cities with speed trains and other transport provided to lessen the impact of transport on the environment. They plan to minimize cars. Under communalism the collective is more important than individual rights.  So what is morally acceptable collectively will be the norm.

Food production will be centrally planned and rationed as well as water.  All resources will be centrally managed including minerals, energy, etc. They plan to set large parts of the earth aside to become a wilderness with wild animals. No humans will be allowed into these areas.

It actually sounds great but we know that we have seen several powerfully centralized governments before and we have seen the evidence of the deadly results.


According to the Bible, all humans are wicked.  It is our daily fight against wickedness which helps us to be better people…….. on condition that we acknowledge our sin and accept the fight within ourselves to improve according to righteous principals. We can become savages when bad conditions arrive if we do not practice righteousness.


One only has to look at world history, full of human savagery and killing.  As JWs we know that all forms of human rule will fail.  The savagery of  ‘cultured’ Germany during WW2 is just as wicked as the human savagery of ISIS or of tribal witchdoctors in Africa – cultures may vary but in the end it is the sin which brings forth satanic actions and consequences – suffering and death.  To dominate/contol others is the foremost way our sin can manifest.


My father always said ‘absolute capitalism exploits the poor’.  People may look at you askew these days if one says that absolute capitalism is already thriving.  Globalism has helped this ‘super capitalism’ in corporations (and supra rich bankers) to grow into the position where it is ruling the world behind the scenes, using its money for its own ends …..and it is already pushing the collectivist UN Agenda 21. It is about power dressed up as striving for the “equalization” of all peoples and the removal of borders to get it done.


Capitalism and socialism in their extreme forms look very alike…. ……  both bring forth a small ruling class with great power, enough to reveal the oppressive face of a small elite of humans ruling and deciding the fate of  the masses. 

Google, FB and Twitter are global companies which are now going beyond all country borders and exercising their power.  Additionally, they have evolved from being super capitalist to becoming a tool of Marxism, employing oppressive methods to silence critics of Islam, open borders, migrant rights etc. and promote the aims of agenda 21. GMO proponents Monsanto-Bayer undertake to ensure a supply of global food.  How well they do this seemingly does not matter – they have the power to act as they wish. Many corporations are now vying for their future positions in this  new world order. 


Let us go back to Marx and Engels’ communist manifesto to see the similarities.  The manifesto states that the proletariat must use their ‘democratic’ power which basically means majority rule by the people/proletariat.  (Wonderful idea – but we know it does not work). 

All property (only capitalists have property or means of production) must become the people’s.  Everything material must become the people’s.


All this must be controlled centrally by a group of people from the proletariat.  This means all businesses (banks included) must be nationalized and controlled by the state.  (Marx did not foresee how these proletariats would abuse their power to the degree they did).  His dream was that rulers would become unnecessary if the people were educated to accept this form of rule. (Hence the killing of all educated classes as in Russia and China and the re-education of the masses).

Read up how millions of Muslims are at present being sent for re-education in Chinese prisons. Families are being separated and the world says nothing. Unwanted Christians have the same fate.

How did Marx plan to bring this beautiful ideology of his about when capitalists (with their imperialistic and capitalistic drive to conquer new markets) would resist this equalization dream?   By revolution….  (Lenin went back to the Marxist idea of revolution and adapted it to Russia).

Another aspect of the Marxist manifesto which most people overlook is the “international” nature of it.   The intent was to spread this wonderful idea of the proletariat ruling to the entire globe! To foster revolutions everywhere.  Down with all forms of evil capitalism!  Subversion was a big part and parcel of the cold war. Sustainability of the land is also mentioned in the manifesto. Sustainable production and managing the resources of the earth…. Very nice –  UN Agenda 21 comes to mind! 

(What is taking place now on the global scene is the final battle between globalists/’internationalists’ and the middle class trying  to save their capitalism).

The top 1% echelons of society (capitalists who are intent on ruling the proletariat) are totally determined to be part of the new world rule. They are all staking out their claims as we speak.  They are putting motions in place to get things done on time according to Agenda 2030.  I think they will go so far as to let economies fail to weaken autonomy of states such as USA.

For Marx and Lenin – religion is poison because it can stop people from doing what the revolution requires to be done, including those who resist the worship of the state (Daniel 11)!


Instead of reading scholarly books which give the opinions of Marxist scholars at universities (many scholars today love the ideas of Marxism and have in the last 40 years started to sanitize and whitewash its history), rather read the books of the Russian writer Aleksandr I Solzhenitsyn.  He opened the eyes of the West about life behind the Iron curtain – what was really happening to the ordinary people of his country. His writings contributed to the fall of the dream of communism. He estimated the government ordered deaths to be at 60 million in totalitarian Russia.  (Hitler of course hated communism because he believed the Jews to be behind it).

Quote from Solzenitsyn: Wikipedia

” But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened."

Worship of the state. (In current Russia it is perceived to be better than under Leninism because one is now allowed to worship at state approved churches (religion and nationalism are one idea). Stalin has been “restored” as the builder of the nation. Yes communism is alive and well!  Chinese communism has set out to colonize Africa – a mixture of totalitarianism with capitalism as the bait.


Ever wondered why the postmodern globalists love the ideas of Islam?   Why do they rally together with hijab wearing women for freedom? Both communism and Islam have at the core of their ideas a globalist theme and equalization of all – the same final outcome…. And they hope that they will be the ones ruling. 

Islam wants a global caliphate – an earthly government under sharia law and Islam.  An earthly human government controlled by people who bring peace to everyone – utopian……. It is in direct violation of the bible which says that no human can rule another successfully. Both ideologies always lead to conflict and death because it allows for much needed justified violence to bring about the change.

Look at all Muslim countries and you will discover how easy the state religion lends itself to creating an extremely oppressive and unjust society.   Look at the communist revolutions in South America and Africa – it led to extremely oppressive and brutal regimes. (Capitalism on the other hand was invasive and imperialistic as Marx rightly said. However, Capitalism gave more freedom in its own back yard – freedom of speech and property rights which gave some sense of justice) But the imperialism led to many unjust wars.


In South Africa imminent war and a minority genocide awaiting people there is passed off as a white / black divide…… when in actual fact it is the divide between capitalism and collectivism – state control of ground and resources by the proletariat and an equalization of wealth (material things). Most of the native ethnic citizens are not religious at all or have a spiritistic religion.  Look at their emblems…. They identify with communism as it was the ‘liberation theology’ of their leaders since the fight against the capitalist colonialization/imperialism started.  Most terrorists were trained in Cuba or Soviet Russia or by Kaddafi in Libya.  

In the West, freedom of speech has given us an avenue for justice when all else fails. When freedom of speech is suppressed, injustices can prevail.

 Far-right (capitalistic) and far-left propaganda (communism) is ongoing  – with a new twist.  The new collectivist ideology looks like the old one but has been spruced up. 

This ideology tends to attract people (especially victimized groups who want to be “included and validated “ and those who see themselves as victims of the existing system which has been dominated by mainly imperialistic capitalist white men who often were religious  patriarchs – the new post modern philosophy has infiltrated all universities and schools.

This narrative fits in with the new sexual identity agenda, militant feminist agenda and even the islamophobia agenda – which is promoted by all the Islam and Marxist front organizations spreading the propaganda. They have already won the propaganda war.  If one goes online and sees the many Black empowerment organizations - what they are discussing and the ideologies which have infiltrated them -  then one realizes that subversion has been going on for a long time and people caught in its nets do not realize the principal agenda.   Most of them have NO RELIGION – and have fallen for this new ideology which has replaced religion. They will commit atrocities with ease in the future.

This battle is being fought by those who do not believe in God and think that the correcting of injustices - the “right and wrong” of material inequalities -  will make everyone happy and bring peace to all.  The UN has the objective of sustaining the earth and “ruling for the majority which have been oppressed”.

We know that the only system which can work without oppressive rulers enforcing their idea of right and wrong, is a moral system where right and wrong is an ‘objective right and wrong’ which can only be directed consistently, accurately and fairly by Jehovah… and humans need to have these laws written on their willing hearts. They will refuse to rule/control  any other human being.



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My goodness. i only read the first couple of paragraphs and could see how political you were being. you seem to have a very big problem in your life there. 

As for Islamophobia, we all know that the religion of Islam is wrong, so will i now be accused of being Islamophobic ? If so I do not care. 

God will sort it all out when He is ready. He will use Jesus Christ to judge us. Not much point us trying to judge governments or politicians as we know they are part of the Devil's world. 

And as for your comment " and humans need to have these laws written on their willing hearts...... "

Um, the JW Org will definitely need sorting out then, if God is to use it. The Elders will have to learn how to love people not domineer them. And of course the instruction would no longer be from 'men' (the governing body), it would be through Jesus Christ. 

But there will be new rules and laws, new scrolls opened. Unfortunately i probably won't be there to see it all. 



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@Arauna A source and a friend who goes by the name Solider of God of mine I asked him for more information, since he was too busy to type some information, he just directed me to another source, Stefan Molyneux. Knowing how Molyneux is, his videos tend to be more than 30-40 minutes long and he has shed some points regarding the UN Compact 2018.



That being said, in the next coming months the intensity will continue to increase and eventually far difficult situations will come and people will be angered and annoyed and more protesting will be done for and those against, pretty much a box of marbles that just suddenly scatter on the floor, it will be that chaotic.

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On 12/22/2018 at 1:39 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I think you are confusing me with someone who actually cares ....

They do not keep me awake at night ....

If they knew, I would keep them awake at night.



No, I am not confusing you for someone else. Because it is worse. You have people walking around that you do not know if they are a man or a woman due to mental and physical changes and altercations they've done to themselves, and if you say a false pronoun you can get into big trouble.

I told you before, I do not care if you care for something or not - a response can and will always be made, be it you like it or not, something will be said, Rook. It should have occurred to you by now in this regard.

That being said, the same ones who remain unaware ends up being the same ones who are indirectly spoken of by those who embrace the ill-mentality pushed out by today's world.

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10 hours ago, Arauna said:

Russian writer Aleksandr I Solzhenitsyn.  He opened the eyes of the West about life behind the Iron curtain – what was really happening to the ordinary people of his country.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was found to be a liar. He probably never expected communism to fall, even though its fall was the dream he lived for. Because when it fell, the things that he claimed were in existence turned out not to have existed. He was not as pro-Christian as he was pro-Czarist.

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On 12/25/2018 at 4:14 PM, JW Insider said:

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was found to be a liar. He probably never expected communism to fall, even though its fall was the dream he lived for. Because when it fell, the things that he claimed were in existence turned out not to have existed. He was not as pro-Christian as he was pro-Czarist.


I read three of Solzhenitsyn's books and found them completely and totally credible.

What did I miss?


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