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Interesting article and video..... On 11 December most countries will sign the UN Compact in Morocco.  It is part of the "Agenda 21" plan for the 21 st century  started in 1992.  Read up about Ag

Will you allow that an interest in history is permissible? Politics is current history, that’s all, or history in the making.  All human governments will drop the ball & usually it is a bowli

Look, I am in no mood for this. I just drove seven times around the mall of Jericho. Furious, I let loose with a mighty horn blast. I still hadn’t found a parking spot.

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Just now, Arauna said:

Mr Butler - you are the delusional one.  If you think that such a hateful disposition comes from God - think again...... 

Of course it doesn't come from God. It comes from the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.  They keep telling themselves they are important, by telling themselves they are the Faithful and discreet slave. And they have written or had written by others in the Watchtower, that some people who say they are Anointed are actually mentally ill. All you have done is acted as a parrot by copying the GB. 

Oh dear am I off topic. Sorry folks 

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Well - put nicely -  I have seen many people call themselves anointed and then suddenly all goes upside down...... and not for the better.  They become bitter and opposing.  The true Spirit of Jehovah would help them to stay peaceful and yielding -   maintaining their joy even in the face of persecution....   A good example is Ananias and Saphira who tempted the Spirit of Jehovah.  They had swift judgment.  


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Back to Agenda 21 and the UN Migration Compact 2018… JW Insider:  I understand that you are trying to give a ‘’balanced view” to these pages by saying that Nazi propaganda and fear of socialism was behind the news of the orchestrated famines in Russia……Unfortunately, they were not accidents…  BUT, think of this: the propaganda within Russia was a more fierce and totalitarian machine – covering up what was going on and printing what people were programmed to hear. A false face was held up for the Western world….    

The totalitarian system removed ALL opposers or “alleged” opposers permanently or put them in labour camps. Compare this totalitarian situation to the American open press where the government was open to criticism and there was freedom of speech.  One cannot deny the totalitarian propensity of Communism.

Where there is freedom of speech one cannot hide things permanently; or as well as under totalitarianism.  Unfortunately today the freedom of speech in the entire West is already deteriorating and soon we will all be in a similar system where we will be electronically monitored for any expression against the will of the state – going against the expressed will of the designers of this new world order.  Saying anything negative about the costs of migration or anything else will be hate speech.

 If you have not yet noticed that freedom of expression is disappearing then you have not kept up with the current news.  Why do you think JWs are now being persecuted in Russia?  We are non-compliant to the national goals. Why do you think many people have already been defunded on YouTube and kicked off of twitter and FB in the West?   They are kicked off because they are non-compliant with the dictates of the new world order.  The new UN Migration Compact signed last week made it a criminal offence to talk against any form of migration and made migration a human right. 

I believe in human rights and welcome the opportunity to preach to these migrants no matter where they come from. However, I also understand that this is part of a centralized plan – the UN Agenda 21 - to remove all borders of states (weaken autonomy) and materially make all humans equal.


In communism the material outcome must be equal for all people (except the leaders and their rich cronies).  The original idea of communism was to have no state - but this does not work – it always spawns a powerful central state which controls the thoughts, ideas of people and their material assets. All resources are under government control. And a similar new propaganda are at all the universities and schools – which also happens to be in a UN initiated curriculum for schools together with gender engineering.  

ANTIFA is not just a random organization – it was spawned by this thinking. They remind me of the brown shirts in Italy…..but of course this form of fascism was different to today.

Countries which do not comply with UN curriculum direction – are penalized by not receiving funds. Children are being programmed for the new world order and to also accept the new morality which will be foisted on them.

JW parents will have to be vigilant to teach their children at home or lose them to this new way of life.  

JWs will of course comply with the new government powers as instructed by the bible.  Our problems will start when we do not accept the new world religion foisted on us.  When all religions are merged into ONE and a new morality is accepted.

Russia: The fact that soldiers came and collected all the food on farms cannot be denied and the sinister cover up of famine deaths and disrespect for life we can still see in communist countries today, especially North Korea and China – where human life is not worth much and quality of life is only for those in power or those who play along with the powerful state.

At present in Venezuela the deaths due to famine are not allowed to be reported as death by famine.  The state had nationalized the oil production and brought in fabulous programs for the poor.  I thought they were wonderful at the time…… but central mismanagement and cronyism which always comes with great power has destroyed the country – which proves this form of human rule is more fatal than others.


This is the future which will come under agenda 21 – this is why I call it a “big brother – 1984 scenario”  with covered up atrocities awaiting the world.  They are planning to produce less food and ration food and water…..

I have watched how corrupt the UN is and how they cover up their financial corruptions and physical abuses by their soldiers and high ranking members.  Anyone working for the UN has to paint a beautiful corporate picture and whistle-blowers are discredited.  They suppress any negative information – like they now are doing with UN Migration pact 2018. Diplomatic immunity makes this very easy.  It is a rotten organization and it is determined to rule.  They have the help of all the most influential people in the world – who are non-religious, materialistic and secular.


So – in light of bible prophecy – I think the worst tribulation the earth has ever seen is awaiting mankind …. As the bible accurately predicts.  Soon all negative information against this one world government (in opposition to Jehovah) will be suppressed.  All the positive aspects of this rule will be highlighted by compliant journalists. …Their powers are already ingratiated everywhere…in the controlled world media…..which is in the hands of the few elites who are pushing this government.  The Bilderberg’s are all for this world government because the exceptionally rich and their corporations have already staked out their claims. It will be a totalitarian government.

The bottom line is……:  The UN and its lackey (EU) is not capable of handling this immense task – it is going to lead to suppression of the kind we saw in ancient times when ‘despots’ ruled; and also a morality that is equal to the time of the Canaanites – the time before Jehovah gave his law to the Israelites.


Just another note on Russia:  While Europe and Russia was under feudalism – which was terrible – the industrial revolution brought the ideas of communism to the fore because the workers in factories (children etc) lived terrible lives which enriched the “capitalists.”

Ukraine is still a hotspot today.  It is the bread basket of the entire area.  Ukraine fought several wars against the Bolsheviks – so when Stalin’s power was consolidated he spared “nothing” to destroy this nation who resisted communism.  Millions died from starvation (entire families who did not live to tell the tale) because their crops were confiscated.  The Ukrainians were crushed – their power was their food production. Stalin used food as a weapon of war….the same in China. It can be used again.

At present Russia has already annexed the biggest port of the Ukrainians in Crimea so Russia has good military access to the Black sea – they now dominate the area and the Ukrainians have shown defiance on quite a few occasions with severe repercussions. 

Ukraine now have to ask permission from Russia to enter their own ports (in other parts in the narrow straight dominated by Russia) on the black sea.  Recently they defied Russia again which looked like a war was brewing. I am not taking sides but just reflecting the history.

Russia is stealthily taking ports in the Middle East and Black sea….. and no-one is saying anything. In fact Ukraine is always called the non-compliant one in the press!  I do not understand the loyalty Americans give to Russia when they are an extreme threat.  The Swedes here think that Russia wants to extend their sea-domain by taking their port on Gotland.  “They want piece/peace.  A piece of this country and a piece of that! “  There are parts of Georgia which has also been annexed by Russia under false pretenses….. but hitherto given very little consideration in the world press.


China became an economic power house by the investments from the West which helped to build factories and the tapping of the west into the cheap Chinese labor – (their only asset at the time). The large global corporations all outsourced labor to China.  Chinese were working 18-hour days…. and the west did not care much.  China – received easy access to the secret technologies of the west (by manufacturing our electronic goods and components and stealing the other secrets) and quickly grew into the country it is today. 

Do not underestimate China with their building of military islands in the seas surrounding China, building satellites and aircraft carriers, space program etc. China is a totalitarian state which uses its power against its own citizens – against those who do not comply – and this is NOT propaganda. 

Russia is similar – a lot of people just disappear – even today.  I think of our poor brothers who are trapped in this system. 

Both Russia and China have veto-rights in the UN and often have used this to frustrate US plans.  Iran and Turkey gets its weapons from Russia and Russia has now set up a missile system in Syria.

China and Russia will comply with Agenda 21 as they now have more validity in the UN than the USA who has been declining without people realizing it……Trump pulling out of Syria will give Russia, Iran, Turkey free reign in the Middle-east and isolate USA even more.  In the UN they seem to be isolated as well – together with Israel.

When the world goes over onto a digital monetary system then the financial unification will be swift and supreme rule eminent. Watch out in future for a movement in this direction! Thereafter the ideological facet will kick in with the removal of individual religions.  UN and its lackeys (EU etc) will be in a position to dictate events and call peace.


In china they are already building high-rise cities which can house millions of people with speed trains etc. ... compliant to agenda 21. 

They are staking out Africa and bought assets which the rest of the world has ignored.  Their strategy?  They lend money to African countries to build infrastructure.  When they cannot repay the exorbitant interest - they take over the asset....  There was rumors recently that they took over an airport... I have not checked this out properly yet.

South Africa already has 13 Chinese offices which were mistaken for police stations in a foreign country....  I think they are for intelligence and there to protect their assets....   Zaire also has Chinese offices.  In fact, Africans were shot in their own country by Chinese 2 years ago when Africans striked on the mines for a better pay.  I only saw one news article about this.

Back to Compact: Those governments who do not comply with the Migration Compact and Agenda 21 will be crushed in a financial way.   UK is being punished for Brexit….. and may leave without an agreement….

So, now that we are aware of the new developing world scene, we can watch each development from the sidelines during the final few meters of this system.

We can lift up our heads high. Why?  Did Jehovah not give this eventuality to us in many of our older books?  The image of the beast was correctly understood to be the UN was it not?   It seems that Jehovah does inform his servants before things happen…. I am sure some adjustments of this prophecy will be given to us in future so we may have a better understanding of what will really happen… !



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The UN Human Rights council is run by mostly the Arabs now.  They vote each other in.  Arabia I think is at present the head of this organization.  Most countries on this council ALL have the worst records of human rights abuse - especially to women and children.  They now have a blind eye to rape and child marriage, female genital mutilation and many more atrocities against women. 

If the majority countries accept these practices as normal it becomes internationally accepted.  There is a law to this effect which they now often quote and it is accepted as the norm.  I have forgotten the terminology - maybe someone can help me?

The Human Rights court have made terrible decisions in the past two years - paving the way for the new migration agenda. Last week a case of child marriage was overturned...in the high court of Germany.  The human rights court of a decade ago is there no longer - it is similar to Germany and France.   It will now only prosecute those who speak against the Migration compact or publicize the detrimental results it may bring.  The UN is seen as the savior - the "material equalizer of the world" and the old 'white' morality is a dictate of the past.     Germans are held to existing german law - migrants are held to a different law.  This is the new reality on the ground....in UK, Germany and France....

So yes - things which did not make sense before are now starting to fall in place....  


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8 hours ago, Arauna said:

JW Insider:  I understand that you are trying to give a ‘’balanced view” to these pages by saying that Nazi propaganda and fear of socialism was behind the news of the orchestrated famines in Russia

True. That "Nazi" propaganda came to include propaganda from the United States which shared some of the same goals. Later, in the 1980's and 1990's this same propaganda was even tacitly accepted by Russia's anticommunist leaders as one of several ways to consolidate power against the communist party in Russia.

8 hours ago, Arauna said:

Unfortunately, they were not accidents…

We have been misinformed. Not only were they "not accidents," they didn't happen. There were no orchestrated famines of any kind in Russia. In fact, the idea of orchestrated famines was intended specifically to counter the evidence that the communist system had very quickly reduced and finally eradicated the famine problem that Russia had suffered for many years.

The propaganda about orchestrated famines, also helped to cover up the ACTUAL orchestrated famines elsewhere that killed millions under the orchestration of people like Hitler and Churchill.

In fact most people who wished to start propaganda about orchestrated famines, would not even point to a specific event or famine. If they pointed to a specific year or event, they probably knew that evidence might weaken their false claim, so they initially just put out a general false claim and hoped it would "stick." And of course it would stick because at the time (during the Cold War) communism had become the enemy. The West wanted very badly to believe the worst about it. It's what the West was programmed to hear.

8 hours ago, Arauna said:

A false face was held up for the Western world….

True. By the communist governments and by the Western governments themselves when talking about the communist governments.

8 hours ago, Arauna said:

Where there is freedom of speech one cannot hide things permanently; or as well as under totalitarianism.

This is quite true. In fact, much of what we now know about the propaganda about communist governments has been revealed through "Freedom of Information Act" (FOIA) requests in the US, and the release of historical contemporary documentation from the communist regimes, Nazi regimes, and American (US) regimes, too.

8 hours ago, Arauna said:

One cannot deny the totalitarian propensity of Communism.

This is true. Especially in its beginning, flailing, experimental stages, communism is doomed to sabotage and failure if there is not a strong majority behind it. And there is always an ego and power struggle in every form of government. It's human nature. Even Jesus' own apostle's seem to have begun maneuvering early for a higher position in Jesus' government. We had a taste of that here in the US when a socialist health care system was proposed, but it was sabotaged through the naivete of the President who thought it would be seen as a social good, and sabotaged through loopholes that made it easy to keep it from getting a strong majority. But it was also doomed by allowing strong elements of capitalism to struggle for power within its definition (pharmaceutical corporations, health care corporations, insurance corporations). With those corporations rushing to raise prices and position themselves as major profit-takers -- combined with the majority opting out instead of participating -- only a set of totalitarian mandates could have made it a workable, affordable system. It would be like my group health insurance at work trying to keep the same low prices for everyone after allowing all the young people in the company to opt out completely.

So the people with the most invested in a new system of government quickly move toward totalitarian mandates even when people begin speaking against the newly proposed system.

The methods of totalitarian propensities in the West are designed more subtly, and must play on existing prejudices. Those prejudices have be cultivated and maintained. But that's a somewhat different topic -- and I can tell you are already aware of these methods, and even their extent, to some extent.


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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

the orchestrated famines in Russia……Unfortunately, they were not accidents

I am anxious to begin discussing many of the other points you have made. I agree with most of them. But I'd like to see if you'd wish to delve further into this idea of "orchestrated famines" first, because I think it will be very enlightening as to the effective methods of Western propaganda.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

The new UN Migration Compact signed last week made it a criminal offence to talk against any form of migration and made migration a human right. 

I didn't see where it made it a criminal offense to talk against it. Can you point it out? It seems like the kind of thing that would come from a commentator who is fearmongering against the Compact, not something to be found in the Compact itself. The answer to these things is usually, "you have to read between the lines." Not saying it's not there, it's just sounds so much like the type of thing I've heard in the past.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Why do you think many people have already been defunded on YouTube and kicked off of twitter and FB in the West?   They are kicked off because they are non-compliant with the dictates of the new world order. 

In spite of a lot of foolishness and stupidity and fraud that goes on in social media, it has also become a place where careful persons can distinguish and curate actual news and easily discover the true nature of events going on in various places. The "West," for example, has always tried to control what gets covered as "news' and how deeply (meaning, how "shallowly") a controversial story can be covered for the "West's" audiences. Social media exposes the flaws and propaganda of our news that invariably backs or defends the interests of American and Western multi-national corporations. 

So emphasizing how much of social media is fake is a good way to sow distrust of the more truthful sources of news, too. Many of the best sources of real news were caught up in the crackdown on fake news. Almost as if it had been orchestrated to accomplish this very thing.

Some of the things you say about China above prove just how well the Western propaganda has worked, in my opinion.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

The original idea of communism was to have no state - but this does not work – it always spawns a powerful central state which controls the thoughts, ideas of people and their material assets.

The original idea of the United States constitution was to have a state that conformed only to the interest of rich landowners. Only rich landowners could vote. Most men in the United States could not vote, to say nothing for women and slaves. This was to create a powerful central state of ELITE that controlled the thoughts and ideas and material assets of the 99% of the rest of the population. 

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

Well - put nicely -  I have seen many people call themselves anointed and then suddenly all goes upside down...... and not for the better.  They become bitter and opposing.  The true Spirit of Jehovah would help them to stay peaceful and yielding -   maintaining their joy even in the face of persecution....   A good example is Ananias and Saphira who tempted the Spirit of Jehovah.  They had swift judgment.  


Um, some might have said that Jesus was 'bitter and opposing' toward the Pharisees, when he called them 'offspring of vipers, hypocrites and like whitewashed graves'.  So you see, giving an honest opinion can be seen as bitter and opposing, especially if the recipient is in the wrong and doesn't want to admit to it. 

Are you then saying Jesus should have remained peaceful and yielding to the Pharisees? I hope you are not. 

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

Russia: The fact that soldiers came and collected all the food on farms cannot be denied

I'd love to deal with this in more detail. As part of a study related to the new "Ezekiel" book (Gog/Magog/etc), and TTH's book on Russia, I have been interested in a prolonged study including reading parts of several books on the topic, and 100% of a few more. There is so much information on this that I should probably continue this part of the discussion under that topic about Stalin and Mao. Looks like I might have to add North Korea to that topic, too. It'll probably have to wait until tomorrow, however. I'll have more free time because of the holiday.


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