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A federal judge in Texas rules that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate is...


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Billy: That is a whole SEPARATE issue: The Constitution of the United States  tells the Federal Government what powers it is allowed to have. Everything NOT SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED ...

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This is not correct:

The "Affordable Care Act " in itself is obviously (to sane people) always been unconstitutional.  The fact that it had a MANDATED participation ... and a MANDATED fee that the IRS enforced, is what made it (..in the mind of Chief Justice Roberts of the Supreme Court). a tax.

The Government FORCED people to buy something that perhaps they did not want ... under penalty of law ... CLEARLY unconstitutional.

When Congress eliminated ( per Trump's leadership) the MANDATED penalty for participation ... it no longer could be imagined to be a tax, which was a liberal fantasy from the get-go.

NOW ... since nobody HAS to pay any money to NOT buy insurance ( a "tax"), forcing people to buy something they do not want is OBVIOUSLY unconstitutional.

No assessment of penalty means you are not forced to pay.

That's what taxes are ... you are forced to pay ... under penalty of law.

What if the Government said you HAD to buy GM cars?  What if the Government said you HAD to buy a travel trailer, a boat, or THEIR choice of home to live in?

Same thing.

IN a sane world ... the logic of it is irrefutable, and 19 States are suing the Feds to establish just that.... because it's necessary .... because the Inmates ( past tense) have been running the Asylum.


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That is a whole SEPARATE issue:

The Constitution of the United States  tells the Federal Government what powers it is allowed to have.

Everything NOT SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED ... is reserved to the States, or to the People.

Constitutionally, the United States Federal Government is NOT permitted to be in the Health Care business.


Besides.... The ACA or "Obamacare" was never actually "insurance", anyway... because of the allowance that you could get it with pre-existing conditions.

Try getting fire insurance on your home..... AFTER .... you home is already on fire.

If you can, what you have bought is NOT insurance .... it is insanity.

Same with Health Insurance ... Obamacare was fiscally bankrupt, before the first policy was sold.

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