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Understanding the order of events we will not be in darkness

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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The following topic has already been covered in the articles titled "The 2,300 days have already begun?", "Salvation belongs to Jehovah!" And "1260, 1290 and 1335 days" * (in the footnote The respective links).
However, there is no doubt that these articles could be considered a bit 'difficult for some, so it was thought to treat them one last time, in a single article, trying to simplify the explanation with the help of images.

Let us resume the writing of Daniel 8:13, 14 which says "I heard a saint speaking and another saint saying to what he was speaking:" Until this vision will last: the abolished daily sacrifice, the desolation of iniquity, the sanctuary and the militia trampled? " He replied: "Up to two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings: then the sanctuary will be claimed" - the Jerusalem Bible
So it's clear.

The saint described here is asking in what period of time all the things just described would have come true.
The answer is "Up to two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings: then the sanctuary will be claimed".
He had just spoken of a small horn that would have made itself very great towards the south, towards the east and towards the Adornment, and would have continued to grow large until it had fallen part of the army of the heavens - Daniel 8: 9, 10

Those who have studied the prophecies carefully have understood that this "little horn" is not Antiochus IV and has nothing to do with the goat anymore, if not because of the historical connection between Alexander the Great, then the Roman Empire and the last king of the north.
Having studied the central role of the "Splendid country" in the fulfillment of the prophecies, we have also understood why the prophecy passes from ancient Rome to the last king of the north, making a leap of thousands of years.

On the other hand, it has nothing to do with the Britannia that continues to be part of the king of the south and will remain so until the outbreak of war.
The articles titled "Who is the little horn that became very great?", "Four armageddon or one only?" And "Let's reiterate the number of kings and understand the prophecy" have already addressed these topics. **

Even the various theories that run on the net about 2,300 years instead of days, 1,150 days and 1,150 evenings (insinuating that the Scriptures, not saying clearly "days", meant 2,300 between evenings and mornings) and Giuda Maccabeo leave the time they find because they have no support in Scripture.
So it is clear: the activity of the king of the north, which obviously begins with the devastation (in fact it becomes great towards the south, towards the east and the Adornment) is completed in 2,300 evenings and mornings with the abolition of daily sacrifice.

In one of the articles already mentioned we have seen that this horn is the same as described in Daniel 7: 8 which breaks down three horns and then begins to utter "grandiose things" so whoever objected that Russia, today, is not really a "little horn" the Scripture does not say at all that this little horn becomes great only in the time of the end.

On the contrary, It says that this horn "continued to grow" up to the Adornment and up to the fall of the army of the heavens - Daniel 8:10
This simply means that this power is born as a small horn and becomes enormous with time.
It is enormous in the time of the end but when it will break down the last horn will grow again - Revelation 13: 2
We observe the image that follows.


If we go to Revelation, another book that mentions events in the time of the end, we note that it also mentions the daily sacrifice and mentions its abolition at the hands of the winning power identified as "wild beast" - Revelation 11: 3, 7
Is it perhaps a forcing or Daniel and Revelation are talking about the same event? - Hebrews 13:15
They could be two separate and distinct events but this would mean that the daily sacrifice is abolished several times in the time of the end because both refer to this period - Daniel 7: 9-11; 8: 23-25; 11.40.41; Revelation 1:10

Both Daniel and Revelation clearly specify that that part of the vision, or the abolition of daily sacrifice, falls within the time of the end or day of the Lord.
Yet, looking in both books, the abolition of daily sacrifice is not repeated more than once so we can only conclude that it refers to the same single episode.
Obviously it is not difficult to understand why Daniele speaks of 2,300 days while Revelation only 1,260.

Daniel includes all the events concerning the king of the north, starting from his expansion (which we know refers to the war) while Revelation simply isolates the last part or the duration and final abolition of daily sacrifice.
See the next image.

2 1040giorni.jpg


From this we find that the devastation due to the clash between these two powers lasted at least the difference between these two periods or 1,040 days (2,300 - 1,260 = 1,040).
We say "at least" because we do not know if during the preaching of the two witnesses there is a pause (the war is now over and the wild beast is healing from its wounds?) Or if it continues during this period.
Surely the two witnesses dressed in sack will make their appearance on the 1,040th day since the beginning of the war.

From this, but also from other scriptures, we also understand that it is precisely Babylon the Great (ie she who occupies the country of the Adornment) the cause of this terrible war - Revelation 18:24
It is in fact the iniquity or the transgression of this nation to cause such devastation.
Recalling the subject "daily sacrifice" we see that Daniel 12:11 says "From the moment in which the continual sacrifice has been suppressed and the repugnant thing that causes devastation will be placed, 1,290 days will pass".

We are always talking about the same thing, is not it?
Revelation chapter 11 confirms the identity of the subject as it is clearly seen that it is "the repugnant thing that causes devastation" to abolish the sacrifice - compare Revelation 11: 7
As for the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the Lord clearly identified the Roman army as the "repugnant thing" - Matthew 24:15, 16; Luke 21:20; Mark 13:14

In 70 E.V. the Roman armies were the repugnant thing (or the penultimate king of the north) and on the day of the Lord it will be the ferocious beast, the last king of the north in order of time now become the only king.
See the next image.

3 altri 1290giorni.jpg

From the abolition of daily sacrifice, according to Daniel 12:11, we must therefore add 1,290 days.
Obviously this period has nothing to do with the 1919, the release of the members of the Watchtower society, let alone with the birth of the magazine "the golden age".
If anything, the Scripture speaks of the "end of these things" or the end of all the tribulation caused to the people of God by the satanic system - Daniel 12: 8
Finally, the next verse says "Happy those who are waiting and arrive at 1,335 days!".

We have already seen in the article dedicated to this subject that "get to" does not mean to add another 1,335 days, if anything else 45 (we started from 1,290) and this concept is so trivial that it is hard to believe that someone has misunderstood.
Surely it becomes even more difficult to believe that the "people of God" would simply become happy "no longer regretting the past" (meaning that Jehovah's Witnesses would no longer serve God in view of a date), who would become happy thanks to the book "Liberation" or to the assembly of 1.926 or having finally abandoned the "Studies on the Scriptures" by Russell.

This is what is written in the book "Prophecy of Daniel!" (Pages 286-305 of the edition in Italian) book which does not seem to be updated on the horizon.
Starting from the principle that everyone is free to believe what he wants, this interpretation does not deserve any comment.

Instead the writing of Daniel, after having spoken of the "end of these things", or when it would have ended up breaking the "power of the holy people" and all these things would come to an end, it would take another 45 days to finally become happy.
Why do you become happy?
This question is also simple, basically.
God's people will be truly happy when the Satanic system comes to an end.
See the next image.

4 più45giorni.jpg

Let us now make a small regression to understand what the temporal parallel story of Revelation tells us.
Revelation 11: 2 and 13: 5 speaks of 42 months, or 1,260 days when the courtyard is trampled by the nations, particularly of that time when Satan, through the ferocious beast, has the authority to act against that people has the task of bearing witness to Jesus - Revelation 12:17
This is all the time he has left.

Although he will try to lengthen this time, this is the time he has been given and he will not be able to act a single day longer - Daniel 7:25, 26
This period of time is also the same in which the Woman flees into the desert and there is protected there - Revelation 12: 6; 14
So these 42 months end exactly at the "end of these things" mentioned by Daniel 12:11.
See the next image.

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At this point, however, we can immediately see that there is a missing piece in this reconstruction.
Between the description of Daniel and that of Revelation there is a difference of 30 days.
Is it perhaps a "rounded" period as some have said?
Absolutely not.
Man rounds the dates in an attempt to conceal his interpretative errors, but the Bible does not need to do so because besides being the Truth, the wisdom that it contains transcends far beyond the human one - Romans 11:33
See the next image.

6 trentagiorni.jpg



Why, first of all, is this difference?
Because Daniel explains that this period (1,290 days) starts from the abolition of daily sacrifice until the "end of these things" while Revelation focuses simply on the time left to the ferocious beast to act (42 months, 1,260 days) that obviously end together .
The "end of these things" end at the end of the time given to the wild beast.

So instead of thinking of strange roundings we should rather ask ourselves "What happens from the abolition of daily sacrifice to the moment when the beast receives the authority to act for 42 months?"
Well, everything happens between Revelation 11:11 and Revelation 12:12.
They resuscitate the two witnesses dressed in sacks, play the seventh trumpet (beginning the spiritual resurrection) and the war breaks out in the sky.
The war in heaven therefore lasts 3 and a half years?
Absolutely not: this war will last less than 30 days.
See the next image.

8 guerra in cielo.jpg

From the end of the war, thirty days after the killing of the two witnesses clothed with sacks, the great tribulation begins, which will last, in fact, 42 months.
Why is there this interruption of priestly services?
Because only in this way the ferocious beast is successful - Daniel 8:12
If the priestly services were not interrupted, the beast would not succeed and the Scripture would fail.

However concerning this interruption of priestly services we can find an interesting precedent in Numbers 20:29.
After the death of Aaron, the first high priest of Israel, the priestly services were not resumed until thirty days later.
This is evidently necessary to organize the army of the heavens, which has begun to resurrect at the ring of the seventh trumpet, as well as to fight the war - 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52

That the army of the heavens are those who are resurrected with incorruptible spiritual bodies is evident from the announcement following the expulsion of Satan from heaven.
"Now the salvation, the power, the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, because the accuser of our brothers has been cast down, who accuses them day and night before our God! But they won him thanks to the blood of the Lamb and to the word of their testimony, and they did not love their own soul even in the face of death "- Revelation 12:10, 11

They are not generic angels to fight this war because it is not the angels who have used the blood of the Lamb, nor were the angels preaching the good news as well "in the face of death".
As Daniel said, this king would have thrown "the army of the heavens" to the ground, but how could he ever throw this army on the ground if these had been spiritual beings? - Daniel 8:10

Obviously this expression acquires meaning and meaning only in the case in which he overthrows them when they are simple men, committed to preaching the good news.
From the sound of the seventh trumpet, however, they are resurrected incorruptible and powerful in the blink of an eye and now this "army of the heavens" is back and ready to fight.
The first action they perform is to clear the skies from Satan, as we have seen.
What happens next?

9 armaghedon.jpg

According to Daniel, there are still 45 days to become really happy.
This period of time must get stuck between the expiry of the beast's time of action and the end of the system of things with the entry into the Millennial Kingdom.
We do not know the precise moment in which the holy people stop being persecuted, but this must surely take place between the sixth and seventh cup of God's wrath.

We know from previous articles that the people of God, taken from all nations, will have to reach the promised land or that country currently occupied by the abusive prostitute.
To do this it is necessary to pave the way for them and this happens through the angel pouring his cup on the great Euphrates River - Revelation 16:12

This means that the peoples in the vicinity of Israel, or the armies placed in protection of its borders, must be "dried up" or eliminated - compare Revelation 17:15
Does this event really fall in these 45 days?
Yes, because we understand it from what Daniel tells us.
At the end of his time of action this king "will pitch his tents between the great sea and the holy mountain of the Splendid Country" but shortly thereafter "will come to its end, and there will be no one to help him" - Daniel 11:45

Planting the tents is a military term that indicates preparing for war (in fact it says that comes out to vote many to destruction) and in the parallel story of Revelation, just after the sixth cup that prepared the way for kings coming from the rising sun, we read "And I saw out of the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the wild beast and from the mouth of the false prophet three impure inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs. They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they make signs, and they go to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them to the war of the great day of God Almighty "- Revelation 16:13, 14

Reading only this would seem a less than happy moment! - Psalm 2: 1-3
Yet, despite the situation of tension that is created, what happens?
Is the gathered people of God perhaps touched?
Obviously not: as we said the time of this ferocious beast to act is now over and there is nothing left to do.
On the contrary, in his blinding fury his lover strikes precisely: Babylon the Great.
This is the first great reason to be happy and is in harmony with what we read in Daniel - compare Daniel 12:12 with Revelation 18:20; 19: 9

And soon after, of course, happiness reaches its climax when this beast, along with the false prophet and all the other armies are eliminated - Revelation 19: 19-21
In this description, among other things, no battle or resistance by the beast or the false prophet is mentioned, but it is simply said that they are "taken".
This seems to indicate the ease and immediacy of the battle: another reason why the people gathered there have nothing to fear - Psalm 2: 4

So we can deduce that the final 45 days start roughly from the sixth cup of God's wrath to the Har-maghedon war.
If the exodus of the Israelites is a biblical precedent, we can assume that 40 days understand the journey (if the Israelites had been obedient their journey would have lasted 40 days) while the last 5 include the time of the destruction of Babylon the Great, the time for the kings and traders to mourn his departure and therefore the real Har-maghedon war.
A short time, in fact.

A "brief denunciation" until the wrath of God has passed away and the true people of God will be able to take refuge in their "inner rooms", probably their own relationship with Jehovah - Isaiah 26:20; Revelation 16:15
Thanks to this comparison we can also understand what these famous "news from the east and from the north" are about, which upset the dominant king (so much that it infuriates) and we do not need to speculate.
He sees this seemingly defenseless people, who evidently believed that they had succeeded in eliminating, living, gathered and marching towards the promised land.

With all his power and fury, in three and a half years of bitter persecution he could not eliminate it!
It is probable that in this he sees the hand of the true God: another reason for being enraged.
Finally (but not finally because there are many other details on which it is possible to reason) we also manage to derive the duration of the end time.
From the outbreak of the war between the king of the south and the king of the north, event that will indicate the entry in time of the end (see Daniel 11:40) until the war of har-maghedon, pass 2,300 + 1,290 + 45 days or 3,635 days .

Just over 10 biblical years.
At this point some readers will have turned their noses because of what the Lord says about the day and time - Mark 13:32
Surely some readers will have turned their nose also because of the suffering that unrealized expectations have caused.

Later on there will be an article dedicated to this topic because regardless of our beliefs, and as far as they are rooted in us, it is not clear that all these Scriptures and these numbers were not put in the Bible at random?
Is not it equally clear that the purpose of prophecy is "not to remain in darkness"? - 1 Thessalonians 5: 1, 2, 4, 5

Is it possible to find a balanced and scriptural position between the words of the Lord and the Scriptures we have seen that seem to tell us "count these days ... observe these events ... become happy at the end of this system of things"?
An upcoming article will try to answer these questions.
For the moment let's focus on the beauty and depth of the biblical message.
Is it really worth debating the authenticity and inspiration of these two books?

Those who claim that these books are not inspired by God should at least have discovered their mutual coherence.
Has anyone ever given you an explanation like that or have all assumed the most bizarre things starting from the characters described to reach 2,300 years, at the "rounded" times and the words out of place and time?
Is it not evident that, in harmony with the words of the same prophecy, this book would have been opened and true knowledge would have become abundant? - Daniel 12: 9, 10
We decide now, in our hearts, if we want to be of those refined by the Word of God or the wicked who will progress from bad to worse and will not understand.



For more informations, the blog (in italian language) it's https://attenzioneallaprofezia.blogspot.com/

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