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Jehovah's Witnesses Tax Exemption May Have Cost City $368M, Critics Say


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I upvote when arguments are sound and well reasoned.

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SOMETIMES I even upvote because I agree with what is being said.

Be sure to save all your upvotes because they are worth $37 dollars EACH.

Let's say you have 16 upvotes a month. (16 x $37 = $592).

That's $592.00 a MONTH!

Please make the checks out to me, personally.

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You can sue someone for ANYTHING. Winning is quite another thing. The WTB&TS, in anything that involves money, will ignore Justice, and appeal, and appeal, and appeal until the Plaintiff

The witnesses have the right to fight for their rights. I would be very disappointed if witnesses decided not to put up a fight if any government try to make them pay for taxes when other religious gr

I upvote when arguments are sound and well reasoned. I upvote ideas that are often  in direct conflict with each other, as I can see the viewpoint of both (or more) sides. SOMETIMES I even u

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1 hour ago, Richard Lindor said:

 It is amazing to see what hatred can do to the most intelligent people.  Please take away whatever you dislike And distrust about Jehovah’s witnesses, look at the law of the land. You are asking why don’t they break the law? Lie say they are not a religious institution and pay taxes. You are telling people it is okay to let themselves be discriminated and treated differently just because you feel like they should. 

I read all the tread multiple times again it doesn’t sense at all. I took away everything I may or may not like about Jehovah’s Witnesses to be objective on this subject. I even made some research on other major religions wealth, assets and investments compare to the watchtower’s organization, as you probably already know the witnesses are not even half close compare to the other religions. 

I made the research to understand the arguments about paying taxes, again compare to Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostal, Baptist’s, Mormons, Muslim, Hindu and more the witnesses can not even compare. 


It is not easy explaining the Watchtower to a person who has never been one, which sounds like you.  

About tax-exempt status, here is one person’s opinion:  https://www.berkshireeagle.com/stories/letter-end-tax-exempt-status-for-religions,559240

Here is the letter responding to that opinion:   https://www.berkshireeagle.com/stories/letter-tax-exempt-religions-give-back-in-many-ways,559806

He makes good points.  Many churches “give back” to the community.  My sister-in-law served food at a church soup kitchen for years and loved doing it.  My neighbors enjoy helping hundreds receive a hot meal to any who walk off the street at Thanksgiving time. 

While I do not personally ascribe to any church or established religion, I am not against any organization within guidelines of the law, receiving a tax-exempt status.  I have a problem with the Watchtower walking on both sides of the fence.  You will not see soup kitchens offered by the Watchtower, or food pantries, or thrift stores set up by a church to serve the poor in the community,  since they believe “spiritual food” is enough to sustain a person through their organization, which is the only road to salvation.   It has been my experience in the congregations I belonged to, that you will not see a congregational announcement from a platform that a family needs everyone’s help to get them through tough times.  Individually, yes, but not as a group. Every meeting agenda is followed world-wide with little deviation from the program.    

The Watchtower fights for every right they can receive from the government without “giving back” to the community. They fight against victims of child abuse suffered at the hands of elders or congregational members.   If they do an act of community kindness they are pressed to do so, or they believe it's time to show how "God's true organization" can make a difference.  There's always an ulterior motive that is sourced at the top.     Does this make sense?  They claim to represent the one true God “in truth”. They claim they follow Christ’s principles…and are the only religious group who does. Individually, they may take care of their own, but are very cautious of those on the outside; as those on the outside are part of the world, while JWs believe they are NO part of the world.    Any who leave this religion to serve Christ as he truly expects, by giving and worshiping as they feel free to, as the Father and Christ lead them through Holy Spirit, can be marked as “dead”.  

I don’t hate JWs, I hate hypocrisy. The organization's use of a tax-exempt status can be compared to a person on food stamps that has no valid reason for not working, other than he or she is lazy and wants to milk the system for everything he can get.   


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25 minutes ago, Witness said:

I don’t hate JWs, I hate hypocrisy. The organization's use of a tax-exempt status can be compared to a person on food stamps that has no valid reason for not working, other than he or she is lazy and wants to milk the system for everything he can get.   

Not only the system, but its members.  Luke 4:5-7; Rom 6:16

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On 12/19/2018 at 11:58 PM, Melinda Mills said:

but if it told JWs that only they had to pay, they would fight it for sure, as that would not be fair.

Not "fair"?  

So many things are not "fair" in the world, and WT pick up this issue to Fight for?

Their fight for freedom of speech and religious activity aka declaring and spreading JW teaching is not something unique, in general. Because many people of various belongings also fight for their freedom of speech and activity. 

So, fighting for Money Issue is NOT so Noble Task. It can be matter of "existence", for sure. But as i can see JW members working for daily life costs, earning with own labor for bread and milk.  Well, WT fighting for Corporation's money is another thing. They are not fighting for better standards of living for 8 m. members, but for better, high standards accommodations and some sort/level of power that comes with money for those who have it - WT Management - fights for own position, not for You.

Because, if Jesus is Leader of this Church (JWorg) he can Run His Work without Warwick , GB and Stuff in It. Without your donation money, without Hedge Funds, H.M. Riley Trust and so on.  :))   


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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Because, if Jesus is Leader of this Church (JWorg) he can Run His Work without Warwick , GB and Stuff in It. Without your donation money, without Hedge Funds, H.M. Riley Trust and so on.  :))   

 In one brief sentence, you have explained exactly what I've tried to get across.  


On 12/20/2018 at 8:31 AM, Witness said:

The WT calls itself “Zion” on earth.  It should come across as the most powerful entity on this earth since it purports to represent the true God, even if it is smaller than the surrounding “nations”.  Deut 7:7  God would graciously allow it to flourish.  Lev chapter 26 (corrected)


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“My kingdom is not of this world,” said Jesus. “If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that I wouldn’t be handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.”  John 18:36

On 12/19/2018 at 9:04 PM, Witness said:

Jesus’ true sons would be those who worship, not on any literal ‘mountain’-like organization,  but in spirit and truth.    “For the Father is seeking such to worship Him."  John 4:21-24


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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Jesus is Leader of this Church (JWorg) he can Run His Work without Warwick , GB and Stuff in It. Without your donation money, without Hedge Funds, H.M. Riley Trust and so on.  :))  

That is true, but while he sees fit to run it the way he currently does, I don't want a single red cent of my money going to finance anything other than what I donated it for. Rock on.....!

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2 minutes ago, Outta Here said:

That is true, but while he sees fit to run it the way he currently does, I don't want a single red cent of my money going to finance anything other than what I donated it for. Rock on.....!

YOU COVERING THE TRUE  with FALSELY quotes!!   If you want to be HONEST, then NOT CUT my Quotes :)))))) Your WT are Master in MISQUOTING ?? Please, DO NOT be like Them!

I see i must give a pray for You tonight :))

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