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Pedos in High Places


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Let’s please the Librarian, the old bat, by starting a new thread for a new topic, which may not go anywhere, especially since it is just a request for comment from people who may not be interested enough to give one.

But it strikes me as something that @Space Merchant would be competent to speak to, maybe also @Arauna since they both have commented on the sordid machinations in high places:


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However, he doesn’t stop there. The concierge then offers to put Cohen’s “Gio” in touch with a lawyer who can help to “silence the boy.” The last thing Baron Cohen asks for is help securing a dat

Let’s please the Librarian, the old bat, by starting a new thread for a new topic, which may not go anywhere, especially since it is just a request for comment from people who may not be interested en

This is nothing surprising to me. I can't say this is happening right now, but not many years ago British pedophiles would travel to certain east European cities and seduce underage boys as young as 8

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However, he doesn’t stop there. The concierge then offers to put Cohen’s “Gio” in touch with a lawyer who can help to “silence the boy.”

The last thing Baron Cohen asks for is help securing a date for the night:

“He says, ‘what do you mean, a date?’ I go, you know, like a young man. He says, ‘well, what kind of age?’ I say, lower than Bar Mitzvah but older than eight. And he says, ‘yeah, I can put you in touch with somebody who can get you some boys like that.’”3

The segment bothered Cohen and his production team so much that they turned the footage over to the FBI. However, according to Cohen, the FBI wasn’t interested in pursuing the tip.


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This is nothing surprising to me. I can't say this is happening right now, but not many years ago British pedophiles would travel to certain east European cities and seduce underage boys as young as 8.These boys would "prostitute" themselves for gifts, expensive meals and money. This is a true fact, and nothing much was done about it. It wasn't even organized crime back then, it probably is  now.

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It is like a viral outbreak, reminds me of a story someone once told me to where poison was spread into a Kingdom's water system, thus killing the inhabitants only for a lone foot solider to return to find all in the Kingdom is dead, including his son, and his pregnant wife.

In the same sense, pedophilia is all over the place, it is a cancer that cannot be diminished. It is in our schools, it is in our churches, it is in our businesses, even restaurants are effected too, it is in other areas to which today's society well in thinking their young one is safe only for a monster to dwell among them and or has entered the area.

On the other side of the spectrum, actions like this is being accepted, actions like this is even encouraged. If the people of this world can be very open about this, even trying to make such a thing OK in their eyes, it won't be long until they profess relationships between an adult and minor, to which we see a degree of this, even in forced marriages to which the bride in question is under-aged, another situation I'd talk about but it is too much for this forum to even bear, perhaps another time.


That being said, the only way to reduce such things is to train the people, better equip them so they know how to detect such things and should it happen, what to do and what actions to take, if not one person, the parent and or guardian, if not them, someone else - the help cannot stop on one or two persons, it has to be with those that listen and do not suffer from a syndrome that prevents them from acting and or the fact they are not trained.

@Jack Ryan Yes. At the same time, I don't see how anyone didn't see through that disguise. All in all, that is an example. It reminds me of the Boys Town incident.

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