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Governing body (self) praise and (self) deceiving on global level

Srecko Sostar

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16 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

You and Butler keep referring to the wicked slave. At this point, it happens to be you all. Those that manipulate scripture to make their own wrongful perception of scripture is the wicked slave. Therefore, if you honestly think the Watchtower is the wicked slave, then so are you, Srecko, Butler, JWinsider, Anna, TrueTom, etc.

Billy, have you not remarked that GB manipulates the scripture? Jesus told people to do good in practical ways to his brothers, the anointed. But GB says you should not. Instead you should only preach.

Can't you see that they discourage to do exactly what Jesus told you should do? And Jesus even warned that if you will not do good to his brothers by taking care of them you will be condemned to death. 

In reality if you obey GB in this aspect till the end you will be condemned by Jesus.

Matthew 25:45  Then he will answer them, saying: ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’+ 46  These will depart into everlasting cutting-off,*+ but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”+

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We all have the choices of many possible religions to follow. Or we can follow our own understanding which can be very dangerous. Wisdom is best found in a multitude of counselors. This organizat

Matthew 5 v 48.  You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (NWT) King James Version.  Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. 

Look here for example how the GB wants that local anointed would be treated.  You are not even allowed to ask the anointed about their anointing!!! I guess you could get disfellowshipped for that

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@BillyTheKid46 please Billy look what the WT taught in 1995. And compare that to what the current Governing Body/"Sanhedrin" teaches. There is a huge difference. The GB has in fact apostatized from the earlier more correct understanding of the truth. And especially in the subject how anointed individuals should be regarded and treated.


7 We read concerning the judging of the sheep: “[Jesus] will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. For I became hungry and you gave me something to eat; I got thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you received me hospitably; naked, and you clothed me. I fell sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous ones will answer him with the words, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty, and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked, and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to you?’ And in reply the king will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”—Matthew 25:34-40.

8 Obviously, the sheep judged worthy of being on Jesus’ right side of honor and favor represent a class of humans. (Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 1:3) What did they do and when? Jesus says that they kindly, respectfully, and generously gave him food, drink, and clothing, aiding him when he was sick or in prison. When the sheep say that they had not done this to Jesus personally, he points out that they did support his spiritual brothers, the remnant of anointed Christians, so in that sense they did it to him.

9. Why does the parable not apply during the Millennium?

9 The parable does not apply during the Millennium, for the anointed will not then be humans suffering hunger, thirst, sickness, or imprisonment. Many of them, though, have experienced such during the conclusion of this system of things. Ever since Satan was cast down to earth, he has made the remnant a special object of his fury, bringing on them ridicule, torture, and death.—Revelation 12:17.

10, 11. (a) Why is it unreasonable to think that the sheep include everyone doing a kind deed to Jesus’ brothers? (b) Whom do the sheep fittingly represent?

10 Is Jesus saying that everyone doing a small kindness to one of his brothers, such as offering a piece of bread or a glass of water, qualifies as one of these sheep? Granted, rendering such kindnesses may reflect human kindness, but really, it seems that much more is involved with the sheep of this parable. Jesus was hardly referring, for example, to atheists or clergymen who happen to do a kind act to one of his brothers. On the contrary, Jesus twice called the sheep “righteous ones.” (Matthew 25:37, 46) So the sheep must be ones who over a period of time have come to the aid of—actively supporting—Christ’s brothers and have exercised faith to the extent of receiving a righteous standing before God.

11 Over the centuries, many such as Abraham have enjoyed a righteous standing. (James 2:21-23) Noah, Abraham, and other faithful ones count among the “other sheep” who will inherit life in Paradise under God’s Kingdom. In recent times millions more have taken up true worship as other sheep and have become “one flock” with the anointed. (John 10:16;Revelation 7:9) These with earthly hopes recognize Jesus’ brothers as ambassadors of the Kingdom and have therefore aided them—literally and spiritually. Jesus counts as done to him what the other sheep do for his brothers on earth. Such ones who are alive when he comes to judge the nations will be judged as sheep.

12. Why might the sheep ask how they had done kindnesses to Jesus?

12 If the other sheep are now preaching the good news with the anointed and aiding them, why would they ask: “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty, and give you something to drink?” (Matthew 25:37) There could be various reasons. This is a parable. By means of it, Jesus shows his deep concern for his spiritual brothers; he feels with them, suffers with them. Jesus had earlier said: “He that receives you receives me also, and he that receives me receives him also that sent me forth.” (Matthew 10:40) In this illustration, Jesus extends the principle, showing that what is done (good or bad) to his brothers reaches even into heaven; it is as if it is done to him in heaven. Also, Jesus here emphasizes Jehovah’s standard for judging, making it clear that God’s judgment, whether favorable or condemnatory, is valid and just. The goats cannot offer the excuse, ‘Well, if only we had seen you directly.’

13. Why might goatlike ones address Jesus as “Lord”?

13 Once we appreciate when it is that the judgment shown in this parable is rendered, we get a clearer view of who the goats are. The fulfillment is when “the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming . . . with power and great glory.” (Matthew 24:29, 30) Survivors of the tribulation on Babylon the Great who have treated the King’s brothers despitefully may now desperately address the Judge as “Lord,” hoping to save their lives.—Matthew 7:22, 23; compare Revelation 6:15-17.

14. On what basis will Jesus judge the sheep and the goats?

14 However, Jesus’ judgment will not be based on desperate claims from former churchgoers, atheists, or others. (2 Thessalonians 1:8) Instead, the judge will review the heart condition and past actions of people toward even “one of these least ones [of his brothers].” Admittedly, the number of anointed Christians left on earth is declining. However, as long as the anointed, making up “the faithful and discreet slave,” continue to provide spiritual food and direction, prospective sheep have an opportunity to do good to the slave class, just as the ‘great crowd out of all nations and tribes and peoples’ have done.—Revelation 7:9, 14.

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This is from the WT 2002


Doing Good to Christ’s Brothers

13, 14. (a) According to Jesus’ parable of the sheep and the goats, upon what does the salvation of the sheep depend? (b) In this time of the end, how have the other sheep done good to Christ’s brothers?

13 Jesus highlighted the close bond between the other sheep and the little flock in his parable of the sheep and the goats, included in his prophecy on “the conclusion of the system of things.” In that parable, Christ clearly showed that the salvation of the other sheep is closely linked to their conduct toward the anointed, whom he called “my brothers.” He stated: “The king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. . . . Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”—Matthew 24:3; 25:31-34, 40.

14 The expression “to the extent that you did it” refers to acts of loving support given to Christ’s spirit-begotten brothers, whom Satan’s world has treated as strangers, even throwing some of them into prison. They have been in need of food, adequate clothing, and health care. (Matthew 25:35, 36, footnote) In this time of the end, since 1914, many of the anointed have found themselves in such situations. The modern history of Jehovah’s Witnesses attests that they have been succored by their loyal companions, the other sheep, as these were moved by the spirit.

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Look here for example how the GB wants that local anointed would be treated. 

You are not even allowed to ask the anointed about their anointing!!! I guess you could get disfellowshipped for that? How crazy is not that?

And paragraph 11 insinuates that the local anointed could well be "false brothers" and imposters. GB just says that to make sure you don't trust your local anointed. That is wicked! 

Now the GB really discourages to do anything specially for the local anointed. Just the opposite what Jesus told. I wonder how many Jehovah's witnesses will continue that fatal course until the end?

Here are the recent instructions from GB:


10 How can we show appropriate respect for those whom Jehovah chooses to anoint? We would not ask them personal questions about their anointing. We thus avoid meddling with what does not concern us. (1 Thess. 4:11; 2 Thess. 3:11) We should not assume that the parents, spouse, or other relatives of one of the anointed would also be anointed. Genetics or marriage play no part in the process. (1 Thess. 2:12) We should also resist the urge to quiz spouses of anointed ones about how they feel knowing that they will live without their mate in the future earthly Paradise. Rather than raise questions that may cause pain, all of us can have full confidence that Jehovah will open his hand and “satisfy the desire of every living thing.”—Ps. 145:16.

11. How do we protect ourselves if we avoid “admiring personalities”?

11 Those who treat anointed Christians in a proper manner protect themselves from an insidious danger. The Scriptures tell us that “false brothers” can slip into the congregation. (Gal. 2:4, 5; 1 John 2:19) These impostors may even claim to be anointed. In addition, some anointed Christians might fall away from the faith. (Matt. 25:10-12;2 Pet. 2:20, 21) If we avoid the trap of “admiring personalities,” we will not be drawn away from the truth by such ones; nor will our faith suffer a crippling blow if a prominent or long-serving Christian becomes unfaithful.—Jude 16, ftn.

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16 Not all who have the heavenly hope are part of “the faithful and discreet slave.”   

(From the same 2016 Watchtower as quoted above by Kosonen) 

Who has the right to say this ?  Who has the right to put that in print ?  Note is does not say 'those that might think they have the heavenly hope'. It actually says  Not all who have the heavenly hope ... 

The GB of the JW org approve of this being written and used at meetings of JW's. So the GB themselves are judging the other MEMBERS OF THE BODY OF CHRIST'S BRIDE. The GB are judging those of the 144,000 chosen ones. 

Has God or Jesus Christ given the GB the right to do the judging ?  I would not think so. 

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Billy, why did you get baptized? Was it a sincere step to become Jesus' disciple or was it primarly to become fully accepted member of the congregation?

Because I don't see from your posts that you are a sincere disciple of Jesus. Instead you seem more to be a organization-pleaser.

If you was not raised as Jehovah's witness I guess you would have seriously examined if Jehovah's witnesses really teach what the Bible says. But if you was a born in Jehovah's witness you probably accepted most of the doctrines without demanding scriptural backing and without serious examination. Because that is mostly how in born witnesses are. 

Either way, you have now the possibility to examine if your belief system is correct. And if you are bothered by GB lies, you don't need to put your head into sand and pretend you don't know anything about that. 

Instead you should search for the truth. And do it with all your force. When I was baptized there was a lot of talk that it is not enough to know superficially the truth. There was a lot of talk of having accurate knowledge of the truth. But now the last years the focus has shifted from accurate knowledge to just trust the GB and what they put out. Don't you see that they have taken a very dangerous course? And to deceptively justify changes in doctrine they claim that what is now published is something good for just this time. And if they change the doctrine again they say now Jehovah wants you to hear an other thing. 

I don't belive that, because Jehovah wants you to know the truth accurately.  He don't want you to be in spiritual darkness and that you go around and spread false doctrines. The same rules apply to Jehovah's witnesses as to other church members. Don't you agree?

Very soon you will be so confused, when the attack on the holy place occures. I see it very possible this year 2019. 

The Yellow West disorders in France could well result in the  fulfilment of the sword-stroke spoken of in Revelation 13. And what follows is described in that chapter. And a second string of evidence that the final 1260 days is very near to begin is Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria. And according to Daniel 11:30,31 this leads to Trump turning his attention on the holy covenant. And that will in turn lead to the profanation of the sanctuary and the fortress and the stopping of the constant feature. That is in other words the halt of WT organization. 

Chances are very high that this will happen in this year soon after Trump has taken out US troops from Syria and after the protest movement in France have been crushed.

Revelation13:3  I saw that one of its heads (France) seemed to have been fatally wounded, but its mortal wound had been healed,+ and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. 4  And they worshipped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshipped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?”

1 Peter4:17  For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God.+ Now if it starts first with us,+ what will the outcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God?

Yes, that initiates the time for the judgement that starts with the house of God. Bethel!

Daniel 11:29  “At the time appointed he will return and come against the south.(Syria) But this time will not be as it was before, 30  for the ships of Kitʹtim (Russian warships) will come against him, and he will be humbled.“He will go back (Trump has ordered US troops to leave Syria) and hurl denunciations* against the holy covenant+ and act effectively; and he will go back and will give attention to those leaving the holy covenant. 31  And arms* will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will profane the sanctuary,+ the fortress(Warwick WT headquarter), and remove the constant feature.*+“And they will put in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation.+

And after that it will take at least 1290 days until Armageddon.

Daniel12:11  “And from the time that the constant feature*+has been removed and the disgusting thing that causes desolation has been put in place,+ there will be 1,290 days.12  “Happy is the one who keeps in expectation*and who arrives at the 1,335 days!

And the following verses are about the same time that is to begin very soon. And the king in this scripture is talking about President Trump.

Daniel7:25  He will speak words against the Most High,+ and he will continually harass the holy ones of the Supreme One. He will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.*+ 26  But the Court sat, and they took away his rulership, in order to annihilate him and to destroy him completely.+

By the way Daniel 8:23-25 also speaks about Trump and what he will do.

So Billy, if GB would  be giving timely spiritual food, then they would have explained to you in the WT these scriptures and warned about what will soon happen. And they should have already explained that Donald Trump is this king in the prophecy of Daniel. But they have failed to inform the Jehovah's witnesses. That is why all these troubles has to come. Jehovah God forsaw this deplorable situation long ago. The wheat will be separated from the weeds.

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On 12/30/2018 at 10:59 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

The Governing Body oversees the activity of the Writing Department at our world headquarters. This department coordinates the assignments of the writers who serve at headquarters and at certain branch offices. Having a diversified writing staff allows us to address multicultural subjects that give our publications an international appeal. (source: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102012164 ) 

A writing department.  Why is it needed?  Because a “Wicked Steward” has ignored what a steward of God’s anointed house must do – manage and gather spiritual provisions from all anointed of the body to “feed” the sheep – themselves and their fellow believers.  Luke 12:42-47

This is more evidence that Matt 24:48-51 is fulfilled within the WT. 

“and he then begins to beat his fellow servants,” 

 Kosonen brought out WT quotes proving this. 

 “and to eat and drink with drunkards.”  Matt 24:49   The “drunkards” are the writing department and the elders who administer spiritual “food” that they have sampled before distributing.  They do the Wicked Slave’s bidding, totally drunk on the Harlot/false prophet’s “wine”. 

On the one hand the GB confer together, apparently to derive spiritual food that Christ provides them.  

On the other hand, they would be at a loss without a writing department to give them suggestions. 

Such a conundrum.

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Billy, you wrote that you understand my argument in a post above. So what is your problem?

And I suppose you agree that Jesus' brothers are the anointed.

And what good would it make to answer your question if God has personally revealed the truth to me? To understand the word of God we don't need to hear literally God's voice. It is enough that we study his word and tie the prophecies to events that we see happen. God's invisible spirit can just make us see and understand what is really happening. 

And I am really not a man pleaser. I got disfellowshiped from the organization because I tried to show the elders and members of the congregation several things that were false in the WT teaching.

And I am not worried if I am popular or not. It is more important for me to give spiritual food timely than to be late.



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Quote @BillyTheKid46  "It seems you’re the one that is an organizational-pleaser just like Srecko, Butler, Witness, and whoever opposes the teaching of Christ .."

Kid you said and i quote "Let’s look at things in a rational realm of realism ..." 

Well I left the JW Org because of all the Child Abuse within it. Now you either believe that it has happened and is still happening, or you don't.  But I think it has been proven to be in the 'rational realm of realism' that you are looking for..  If you think it is all lies of course then I suppose we have no basis for conversation. But i think many cases have been well proven to be true.

So please tell, with proof of course, exactly what organisation you think i am trying to please. I am opposing the rulers of an earthly organisation, and  'in a rational realm of realism' I am opposing those leaders of an earthly organisation, namely the Governing Body of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. That same Governing Body rules over the Watchtower Soc'. So you may say that i am opposing the rulers of that Watchtower Soc'.  Because in a rational realm of realism, you cannot oppose an inanimate object. I am also opposing anyone that blindly serves the Governing Body of those two 'organisations', which will of course include the Elders of congregations within the JW Organisation, and any others, such as the people of the Writing department, Bethel workers, and some ordinary members of congregations too. My opposition is not fierce, not aggressive, it's assertive. 

As for opposing the teachings of Christ, that is a strong accusation. What proof do you have that i oppose the teachings of Christ ?

I believe as much of the Bible as i can understand. I think that is an honest statement. I don't pretend to be able to interpret all scripture. I am a sinner as is everyone here on this earth. But my reason for leaving the JW Org was a genuine one and since leaving i have done further research into the GB / writing dept' / Watchtower / JW Org, and have found it desperately failing to do God's will. 

It seems that you " compare the teachings of false religion with that of the Watchtower " I prefer to compare the teachings of the Watchtower to that of God's written word the Bible. Why would i even be interested in the teachings of false religion ? 

I would ask that if you reply please keep your answer within the 'rational realm of realism' that you seem to want to view things through. In doing so you would need to give proof of any accusations against me. 

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Kid you write a lot of words to actually say nothing of importance. 

All this idea of saying 'lock her / him up' is coming from you not me. As for 'yelling off the rooftops' that is not me either. 

I just gave you the reason i left the JW Org, as you seemed to be telling the world that i am serving some sort of Organisation.

But you've failed again I see. You haven't given any proof of me serving anyone. 

As for me contacting the police, I'm still waiting for a reply from them. 

And those 'authorities' which you seem to dislike, the bible tells us they are there because God wants them there, to do a job, to deal with people that break the law of the land. So are you telling me that Child Abuse in the UK and America is not breaking the law now ?

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1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Once again, I see your ignorance perceives you. But, I wouldn’t expect you to follow the applicable laws of the land much less scriptural canon.

As for disliking secular law, Will let’s just say, I have personal experience to prove you wrong. Also, no one that I know of within the organization serves the Watchtower. That’s just silly in your part. The faithful serve God, with the aid of God’s helpers. This means no oneness. You might just as well believe in Trinity.

Your service is with “desire” that you have chosen for yourself. James 1:14, Romans 16:18


Oh dear Kid you are like a baby throwing it's toys out of the pram.

You accuse me of this, that and the other, with totally no proof of anything, but it's all in your head Kid. 

I think i followed the law of the land here in England by offering information about a possible sex offence. I made no accusation, just offered information. 

As for not following scripture, give me three examples please ?  I love working in threes. I was always taught by JW Org, repetition for emphasis. 

I have personal reasons for disliking the legal system here in England, but that doesn't mean i will deliberately disobey it.  

I don't think I ever mentioned anyone serving the Watchtower. I said they serve the Governing Body. 

I agree the true faithful serve God, through Jesus Christ, not through your GB or your JW Org.

Neither of your scriptures relate to your accusations toward me. You said I was serving an organisation.  Wrong. 

If you have any position of responsibility in your congregation then i pity anyong that needs help within. 

You would twist anyone's words just to protect your JW Org.

I know that your GB has given you all permission to tell lies, but that comes from your GB, not from God or Jesus Christ. 

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