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Fossils are not millions of years old


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I do not understand your position Arauna. You using so called "scientific" names, words, evidences .... but have big doubts about science and scientists. Well, why you talking about Cambrian period when you in your title put clear statement that send your strong belief how millions of years about fossils (and not only about fossils but all other things about Earth and Universe) is something impossible because Bible not support such view.    

6 hours ago, Arauna said:


Previous you said, quote:  "It is a totally unscientific statement and even if you say you are a scientist 1000 times, it does not make you a scientist..."  and   "There are many kinds of scientists"


Cambrian Period, earliest time division of the Paleozoic Era, extending from 541 million to 485.4 million years ago. The Cambrian Period is divided into four stratigraphic series: the Terreneuvian Series (541 million to 521 million years ago), Series 2 (521 million to 509 million years ago), Series 3 (509 million to 497 million years ago), and the Furongian Series (497 million to 485.4 million years ago).


You give us impression you don't accept how fossils are millions of years old but you say this: There are no life forms in the evolutionary record which proves step by step development of feathers or flight etc. Cambrian explosion proves that. 

Many JW still believe in 7000 year period of Creative days. Here, you want to prove how Evolution is impossible because Cambrian explosion of life proves opposite. But in same time forget how Cambrian period last (happened - edited),  few hundreds millions years, according to scientists. Well, 7000 years against millions of Cambrian years. What would you chose in fact, what you want to chose today? 

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Thanks for your input.  I hope I did not create a "careless" impression by my choice of words.  I am never surprised at the wonderful diversity and abundance Jehovah has created.

To me, you do not give the impression of being careless at all. I get the impression you have not only been careful but very thorough in looking for evidence defending creation. And not just from a single source but clearly by being selective among some of the best ideas from many sources, which also means rejecting bad ideas.

I think this is great!

What I did hope to convey was the difficulty we have in simply re-interpreting every bit of existing evidence into a simple version of creation. All of us tend to do this because most of us want simple answers. A good scientist should look at ALL the evidence related to her or his branch of science and continue to readjust an overarching theory that fits every bit of it, including all the anomalies. We can't really make a good counter-claim in defense of our own position until we have done the same. As TTH above has said:

10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Many things ‘settled’ have been settled by decree. Many things ‘proved’ have been proved by ignoring evidence to the contrary.

More importantly, we can't "judge" the conclusions of individual scientists, if they are based on a cache of thousands of pieces of evidence that we have not ourselves been able to explain.  As TTH aleady added:

10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The average person has not the time, patience, or often interest to investigate.  

Creationists have unprovable theories, too. We often invoke the problems of the unknown antediluvian atmosphere to counter evidence from Carbon 14 that appears to measure things fairly well back to 50,000 years. But our counter theory is not proved at all. It's just our own conjecture (actually the conjecture of previous fundamentalists). That the air pressure was different during a time of pterodactyls is also an unprovable theory. That the entire earth was a temperate, tropical climate is also unprovable.

We do have a small piece of evidence in favor of our theory in the Bible, but there are no details provided in the Bible, so some Witnesses and a lot of Fundamentalists simply impose a lot of conjecture upon the "water canopy" theory. 

In fact, the water canopy theory is very weak. From the standpoint of physics, the claims made for it are not even possible. So we are really invoking a kind of "miracle" that held a theorized "band" of water in the sky. Even the evidence from the Bible on the "water canopy" is not definitive. For one thing, you can see from the footnotes in the NWT that the word translated heavens is actually the same word for "sky." Genesis 1:1 is really saying: "In the beginning God created the sky and the earth." And this word for "expanse" in Genesis 1:7 is apparently just a reference to the visible sky that holds the rain clouds above us. We can't really say for sure that this separation of the waters and the waters is any more than just the fact that Jehovah made it possible for water to be both on the surface of the earth and also high above our heads in the form of water vapor in the form of clouds. A reason for saying this is that Proverbs apparently replaces the idea of this water separation, merely with the word for "clouds" when referring to the major milestones of the earth's creation:

  • (Proverbs 8:28) . . .When he established the clouds above, When he founded the fountains of the deep,

And rather than support the theory that this separation of the waters disappeared at the time of the Flood, Psalms says it's still there:

  • (Psalm 148:3-7) . . .Praise him, sun and moon. Praise him, all shining stars.  4 Praise him, O highest heavens And waters above the heavens.  5 Let them praise the name of Jehovah, For he commanded, and they were created.  6 He keeps them established forever and ever; He has issued a decree that will not pass away.  7 Praise Jehovah from the earth, You great sea creatures and all deep waters,

In fact, just like Proverbs referring to these waters as clouds, Psalms (see also Job) also credits these waters from above as the "rain" that continued to make things grow during the days of the Psalmist:

  • (Psalm 104:12-14) . . .Above them roost the birds of the sky [heaven]; They sing among the thick foliage. 13 He is watering the mountains from his upper rooms. With the fruitage of your works the earth is satisfied. 14 He is making grass grow for the cattle And vegetation for mankind’s use, To grow food from the land.
  • (Job 38:36, 37) 36 Who put wisdom within the clouds Or gave understanding to the sky [heaven] phenomenon? 37 Who is wise enough to count the clouds, Or who can tip over the water jars of heaven?
  • (Psalm 147:8) . . .The One who covers the heavens with clouds, The One providing rain for the earth, The One making grass sprout on the mountains.

In fact, based on similar texts and language used in other near eastern ancient documents the idea of this sky/expanse was the vault or dome that held the clouds above, and allowed the stars to shine through at night. Amos, too, shows it had not disappeared, and that it included the process by which sea water was turned into rain water.

  • (Amos 9:6) . . .‘The one who builds his stairs in the heavens And establishes his [dome, vault] over the earth; The one who summons the waters of the sea, To pour them out on the surface of the earth —Jehovah is his name.’
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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Cambrian Period,

I do not agree that their calculations of the time period BUT  I use their own evidence against them.  Do you know why?  The Cambrian explosion stands for the explosion of animals who suddenly appear in the ground fully created.  In the layers of earth before the explosion of this great variety of animals there are no partially formed fossils to prove that they developed over a long period of time and there are no fossils that show the gradual development.  This proves that animals did not evolve over millions of years.   Especially the birds appear ready with wings for flight.  The subject of the calculations of their years is another matter.

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9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

That the entire earth was a temperate, tropical climate is also unprovable.

Actually there are fossils in the remotest parts of the earth that are now totally uninhabitable areas.  Some of the animals still have the green leaves in their bellies and there is evidence in many frozen deserts that this was a beautiful paradise some time in the past. To sustain such large animals the earth must have produced large plants and enough water for them to cool down in. 

The vast oil and coal fields are also proof of the abundance of  animals and vegetative matter and trees which covered the earth at one stage


9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

In fact, the water canopy theory is very weak. From the standpoint of physics, the claims made for it are not even possible.

 I wish my brother and his friend in South Africa (both brothers) would write more on science.  If I remember correctly his friend wrote his doctorate thesis on "water".  I have heard them speak about the "heavy water" which is in the sea which has no current scientific explanation. Apparently it would not be a difficult thing for Jehovah to restore the water band.

My brother did write a paper for his friends (he is a nerd in math and physics - he is the one that was a brilliant toxicologist before he went to prison) which proves that the detrimental radiation after the flood built up in the atmosphere very quickly and was the cause for the sudden drop in the age of people after the flood.  He wrote a mathematic formula which proves the time period (he says that the bible is accurate when it comes to the time period) it took for mankind to degenerate. 

Yes - I agree there are no official papers to prove this but I think it is not improbable.

The Organization have asked my brother a few times for interviews and to write his life story but he refuses.   He developed the world wide official website on bloodless surgery.....for the bloodless society  (for free) quite a few years back.  He is a programmer as well and can fix any electronic device. 

His friend also wrote a "theory of everything" and my brother gave a copy to me.  I have the paper somewhere and should study it in more detail.  If I remember correctly,  it brings all the electrical powers, gravitation, as well as magnetism together in one theory.   The reasons that scientists today cannot fathom out the universe (all their theories are so diverse one cannot make sense of it) is because they refuse to acknowledge that Jehovah is the source of the dynamic energy.

There are now physicists who have come up with a theory they call the " electrical universe" and they are also creationists. They say that there is no dark matter and their theory explains many of the phenomena / evidences which the current secular theories do not explain.

We have an ozone layer at present and this does not mean that we cannot see into the vast universe.  Similarly the water band protected us from the extreme radiation.  It is a well-known fact that all our cancers and other immunity disorders come from a lack of Vitamin D.   To get this vitamin D one has to spend at least 15 minutes in the sun every day.   Even in Scandinavian countries they get skin cancer as a result of a lack of Vitamin D.

What does this tell us?   Man was made to work outside in the sun..... but not a harsh sun as we have now.  There definitely were filters in the sky which filtered out the bad rays.

The scriptures in the bible also state that there"  had never been rain before " but a mist watered the earth.  This indicates a much different earth before the flood than after.  As I said before  - the flood was a very violent event on the earth..... 

So my writing here is not a scientific statement - but it is speculation based on what we have in the bible and some of the evidence that is available on the earth. 


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5 hours ago, Arauna said:
15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

That the entire earth was a temperate, tropical climate is also unprovable.

Actually there are fossils in the remotest parts of the earth that are now totally uninhabitable areas.

To be clearer, I should have said that the idea that the earth was a temperate, tropical climate just before the time of the Flood is also unprovable. It very well may have been temperate and tropical for many thousands of years, or even for many millions of years. However, without accepting the methods of dating the various eras and eons on earth, we can't tell if this state of climate was true in all parts of the earth at the same time. We can only theorize. And it might be a very good theory.

When Genesis describes Adam and Eve leaving the Garden of Eden, it describes an immediate time of hardship in planting and cultivation, trying to eke out produce amidst thorns and thistles. This is not the state of affairs usually associated with a temperate and tropical climate and it was likely meant for a time more than 1500 years before the time of Noah.

  • (Genesis 3:17-19) 17 And to Adam he said: “Because you listened to your wife’s voice and ate from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, ‘You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. 18 It will grow thorns and thistles for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field. 19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”
5 hours ago, Arauna said:

My brother did write a paper for his friends (he is a nerd in math and physics - he is the one that was a brilliant toxicologist before he went to prison) which proves that the detrimental radiation after the flood built up in the atmosphere very quickly and was the cause for the sudden drop in the age of people after the flood.

It's a very common claim that has been theorized by fundamentalist authors for many years. And it might be true, but is still only a theory. I would love to be able to communicate with your brother, but no paper can "prove" anything about radiation levels before and after the Flood. Nor can anyone determine a specific reason for the sudden 90% drop in human lifespans.

5 hours ago, Arauna said:

He wrote a mathematic formula which proves the time period (he says that the bible is accurate when it comes to the time period) it took for mankind to degenerate.

That's interesting, but it's still not possible to use the word "prove" even when matching a formula to the Biblical time period.

5 hours ago, Arauna said:

If I remember correctly,  it brings all the electrical powers, gravitation, as well as magnetism together in one theory.

It's a kind of holy grail for scientists. When working from one set of "true" non-quantum assumptions you can get one good answer, and when you work from a set of "true" quantum assumptions you get another good, sensible answer. The problem is that those answers are several orders of magnitude apart from each other. Other methods of mixing the math from the small scale energies of the electro-magnetic world and trying to map them to the large scale energies from the the gravitational space-time world will devolve into string theories. Not just one string theory, but several different string theories, some of which result in a "necessary" postulation of several simultaneous universes. So there really is no string theory, or at least it has gotten nowhere.

My son graduated from Harvard with a degree in theoretical physics (also music) and we have discussions about this quite often, and of course it's over my head. But he claims that many scientists have tried it, even attempting to use the ideas to "prove for God" as the source of the dynamic energies that would explain dark matter, and poorly understood energies -- even gravity itself.

5 hours ago, Arauna said:

The scriptures in the bible also state that there"  had never been rain before " but a mist watered the earth.  This indicates a much different earth before the flood than after.

You'll notice that the WTS does not teach us that this condition lasted until the Flood, implying that it is likely it was a condition limited to the context (day 3) in the creation account summary of Genesis 2.

*** it-2 p. 728 Rain ***

  • At an early point in the history of the preparation of the earth, “God had not made it rain upon the earth,” but “a mist would go up from the earth and it watered the entire surface of the ground.” The time referred to is evidently early on the third creative “day,” before vegetation appeared

I'm sure you are aware, as you have already mentioned several of these points, but for those who don't know that these same theories have been common in Christendom for many years, one need only look at various commentaries of Genesis. Here's some excerpts from one example, which will take up the rest of the post:

. . .
Water Vapor Canopy
. . .
Astronomer Donald B. DeYoung lists the arguments in favor of a water vapor canopy.
. . .

2.Genesis 2:5,6 hints that the early earth did not experience rain. A canopy would have greatly affected weather patterns, very likely limiting precipitation.
. . .
5.There is abundant evidence of a warmer earth in the past. We have found fossils of palm trees in Alaska, crocodiles in New Jersey, and petrified wood in the desert. A canopy would have warmed the entire earth like a blanket. Seasonal cold and heat are first mentioned after the Flood in Genesis 8:22.
. . .
6.A canopy would have increased atmospheric pressure, perhaps doubling its present value. This may explain the mystery of the flying reptiles, such as the pteranodon with its seventy-foot wingspan. In today's world it is doubtful that such creatures could fly. With higher air pressure in pre-Flood time, however, they may have been buoyed up by the increased air pressure. These magnificent creatures were certainly created and designed to fly above the early earth.

7.The canopy may hold the key to understanding the longevity in Old Testament chronologies, and also giantism of plants and animals in the fossil record. Increased air pressure can be very beneficial to health, as evidence by experiments with hyperbaric or high altitude pressure surgery. The healing process is sometimes found to accelerate when the patient is placed under higher than normal air pressure. The vapor canopy may also have increased the human lifespan by absorbing harmful radiation. The aging process is still not well understood today, so it is difficult to speculate on the beneficial effects of a pre-Flood canopy.

. . . . (Donald B. DeYoung, Weather And The Bible, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House, 1992, pp. 110-112).
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12 hours ago, Arauna said:

BUT  I use their own evidence against them.

Sorry, but if we think how one part of science field is unreliable in one part of thesis and if you found one part of scientists as unreliable in some specific area of discussion, but  other part is reliable, then we can come only to conclusion how probably we will not know nothing for sure. Always some doubts will be in air. Perhaps that is normal condition for humankind.

But this looks as something normal, because the same condition i can see in WT World. Many using WT own evidence against them.  

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I should add that some scientists who study these things agree that the time when dinosaurs and other contemporary animals and plants were on earth was a time when the atmosphere was very thick and heavy, atmospheric pressure at the earth's surface was much higher than now, and water vapor must have filled the air so that the sun's energy was fairly equally diffused, and those "thermals" that large birds seem to "float" on would have been a constant phenomenon. 

Some interesting thoughts on the pterosaurs and their ability to fly are found here:


But pressure alone would not explain it, because continuous flight without flapping is really a matter of the difference in pressure above and below the wing, creating lower pressure above the wing; it's therefore not a factor enhanced by higher pressure above the wing.

And the entire book of several chapters, found here, provides some very interesting reading as an attempt to bring in a lot of available evidence on the topic.


The book is well done from a didactic point of view, and the link above is only to chapter 2: The Paradox of Large Dinosaurs and Flying Pterosaurs. Chapter 3 is called, The Science of Flight and the Paradox of Flying Pterosaurs. The book should be read at least through Chapter 7, but the book gets uncomfortably "evolutionary" after that until the end at chapter 11. The last chapter (11) is about the age of fossils, however, tying back to the subject.

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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

can "prove" anything about radiation levels before and after the Flood

If you really know your chemistry and how things work you can calculate the rate of radiation buildup... especially if you know what you are looking for...   Most scientists do not believe the bible so they do not even try. 

My brother has a special talent for discovering what a new molecule looks like - hence his profession of researching new poisons (on the plants in Africa which often kill animals).  This of course sent him to jail because he refused to help the government kill dissidents by providing them with unknown/new  poisons which he isolated and described the structures of.  

I must add my brother has  no ego - he is talented but does not look for any kind of recognition at all - so he is not in search of some holy grail - he just loves knowledge  and the bible.  


4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life.

We still have this curse on the ground and this produces weeds and unwanted elements which makes it hard to produce food.  But - weeds and overgrowth and warmth do not affect animals - only the livelihood of humans

So with a water band the animals will have been OK, big and fat and the pollution was not yet what it is today.  What is significant in all of this is that they had never seen a rainbow before - so after the flood there was definitely a difference in the composition of the atmosphere to view a rainbow for the first time. 

Also - the grapes will have produced more sugar than before the flood with the stronger,  unfiltered sun.  Hence the event that Noah may have underestimated the amount of alcohol in his wine (not the same as before). Wine people know that stronger sunlight gives more sugar in grapes .... and hence more alcohol when fermented.

So there are quite a few indications in the bible that things changed after the flood.  For me the sedimentary layers which came during the flood are full of animals that could have lived until the flood....  but for this information I guess we have to wait until after  Armageddon to find out. 

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7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

one part of science field is unreliable

Yes - the age of the creation is a different matter to the sudden appearance of all animals which are fully  formed.  It is two separate subjects.  Evolutionists usually ignore the Cambrian explosion and do not talk about it.

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30 minutes ago, Arauna said:

sudden appearance

sudden or suddenly ..... or very slowly...... obviously much, much more than 7000 years. Why not about millions years? What is 100 000 000 year for God?

What is 700 000 000 for Him? ..... or xy years ......?

...Nothing!.....  But  for you, Arauna, is a big  PROBLEM :))) 

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12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

What is 700 000 000 for Him

That is obvious..... But we do not accept that the earth took so long to be prepared by evolution.  We accept that God created  all the animals - and we are talking how the Cambrian explosion proves that most animals appeared in the same epoch - fully formed.

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