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Jehovah is with you wherever you go

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Jehovah is with you wherever you go

9 "Have I not commanded you? Be courageous and strong. Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) 

JEHOVAH’S service brings us joy. Yet, we do face hardships common to mankind, and we may “suffer for the sake of righteousness.” (1 Pet. 3:14;5:8, 9; 1 Cor. 10:13) To cope with such trials successfully, we need faith and courage.

 Courage has been defined as “spiritual, emotional, and moral fortitude to speak and act without fear in the face of obstacles and dangers."

To have the courage needed to do God’s will, we must study and apply his Word. 

Jesus, early Christians courageously rendered worship only to Jehovah. (Matt. 4:8-10) 

 They refused to burn incense in honor of the Roman emperor. (See picture.) “Very few of the Christians recanted,” wrote Daniel P. Mannix, “although an altar with a fire burning on it was generally kept in the arena for their convenience.

All a prisoner had to do was scatter a pinch of incense on the flame and he was given a Certificate of Sacrifice and turned free. It was also carefully explained to him that he was not worshiping the emperor; merely acknowledging the divine character of the emperor as head of the Roman state. Still, almost no Christians availed themselves of the chance to escape.”—Those About to Die.

 Modern Christians held in Nazi concentration camps with possible death facing them were given repeated opportunities to gain their freedom by signing a declaration renouncing Jehovah. But few signed. 

 Risking death during a genocide in Rwanda in recent times, Tutsi and Hutu Witnesses protected one another. Such trials call for courage and faith.

It is challenging to pursue a godly course in the face of trials that beset us in this evil and troubled world. 

However, we are not alone. God is with us. So is his Son, the Head of the congregation. We also have over 8,579,909 fellow Witnesses of Jehovah worldwide. With them, let us keep on exercising faith and declaring the good news. jw.org 


2018 Service Year * Report

Number of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide




Lands where Jehovah’s Witnesses preach




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I speak for what our family feels as a JW. RE Donations: we stopped donations for 3 main reasons, 1. Wasteful use of money in congregations having seen our congragation and many other congre

Apostasy (/əˈpɒstəsi/; Greek: ἀποστασία apostasia, "a defection or revolt") is the formal disaffiliation from, or abandonment or renunciation of a religion by a person. It can also be defined within t

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Number of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide


This number is the number of people that put in monthly reports for doing the 'ministry' work.

The problem with this is, that a lot of those 'people' are very young children that are forced by their parents to do that ministry, and the reports are put in by the parents. 

Children are basically forced to get baptised by their parents, especially if the father of the child is an Elder or Ministerial Servant.  This has been proven by many young adults that have left the JW Org as soon as they are of an age to leave home. 

Children as young as 3 years old 'put in reports' for ministry. Age is not written on the report slip so those counting the slips have no idea of how young these children are.  Somewhere on this forum there is proof of an elder giving a talk and in his talk he commends a 'sister' and her 3 year old child for the young child putting in such a report for ministry. 

The JW Org is allowing this to happen just to make up the numbers, because the number of adult 'witnesses' is falling dramatically. 

Donations to the JW Org are also falling dramatically too. Whereas once there were far more adults donating to the JW Org, now there are big families of maybe two parents and five children, but only one donation from that complete family. 

The horrific Child abuse scandal has made may adult witnesses leave the Org and also caused a drop in donations because  .people know that the money is being misused to hide pedophiles in the JW Org. 

Quote "early Christians courageously rendered worship only to Jehovah"

Please remember that.  Because JW's now render worship to their Governing Body through 'the Elder class'. 

The challenges you mentioned came from outside, but now they are coming from inside the JW Org, starting with the GB. 


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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Number of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide


This number is the number of people that put in monthly reports for doing the 'ministry' work.

The problem with this is, that a lot of those 'people' are very young children that are forced by their parents to do that ministry, and the reports are put in by the parents. 

Children are basically forced to get baptised by their parents, especially if the father of the child is an Elder or Ministerial Servant.  This has been proven by many young adults that have left the JW Org as soon as they are of an age to leave home. 

Children as young as 3 years old 'put in reports' for ministry. Age is not written on the report slip so those counting the slips have no idea of how young these children are.  Somewhere on this forum there is proof of an elder giving a talk and in his talk he commends a 'sister' and her 3 year old child for the young child putting in such a report for ministry. 

The JW Org is allowing this to happen just to make up the numbers, because the number of adult 'witnesses' is falling dramatically. 

Donations to the JW Org are also falling dramatically too. Whereas once there were far more adults donating to the JW Org, now there are big families of maybe two parents and five children, but only one donation from that complete family. 

The horrific Child abuse scandal has made may adult witnesses leave the Org and also caused a drop in donations because  .people know that the money is being misused to hide pedophiles in the JW Org. 

Quote "early Christians courageously rendered worship only to Jehovah"

Please remember that.  Because JW's now render worship to their Governing Body through 'the Elder class'. 

The challenges you mentioned came from outside, but now they are coming from inside the JW Org, starting with the GB. 



Apostasy is taking a stand against the truth of the Bible. Apostates rebel against Jehovah and againstJesus, the appointed King of God’s Kingdom, and try to influence others to join them. (Romans 1:25) They want to create doubts in the minds of those who worship Jehovah. Some people in the early Christian congregation became apostates, and so have some in our day. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) Those who are loyal to Jehovah have nothing to do with apostates. We would never allow curiosity or pressure from others to cause us to read or listen to apostate ideas. We are loyal to Jehovah and worship only him.

▸ Chapter 5, paragraph 9



I’ll trust Jehovah. You know I follow no man. Jehovah and His Son will clean out the bad. It is foretold. Keep your Faith. Life is short! There is no life without Jehovah. Don’t Give Up! 

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Apostasy (/əˈpɒstəsi/; Greek: ἀποστασία apostasia, "a defection or revolt") is the formal disaffiliation from, or abandonment or renunciation of a religion by a person. It can also be defined within the broader context of embracing an opinion contrary to one's previous beliefs.

Apostasy is NOT taking a stand against the Bible, nor is it rebelling against God or Jesus Christ. 

Apostasy is turning away from a former religion. The disciples became apostates when they turned away from the Jewish way of serving God and turned to follow Jesus. 

Jesus was put to death because he was an apostate of the Jewish faith. Remember that Jesus was born as a Jew and raised as a Jew. Then remember how Jesus spoke to the Pharisees. The Jews saw that as apostasy. 

Just because you can copy and paste from Watchtower Library does not mean you know truth. 

By copy and paste of W/T library you prove that you do follow men, amd that you put your faith in those men. 

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I speak for what our family feels as a JW.

RE Donations: we stopped donations for 3 main reasons,

1. Wasteful use of money in congregations having seen our congragation and many other congregations having 3 HD flat screen TVs upgraded also having a HD projector for broadcasting i reckon is a horrible way to misuse of funds.

2. Not making public knowledge of funds been used for child sex law suits.

3. At the end of each convention always making an announcement how much more funds are needed to cover all costs running the convention, having donated all funds to the organization prior, so.always running in red at the end of each convention.

Re preaching hours; i dont agreed thats how they should count how many active JWs are there as many would just put in any hours just to look good in front of the congregation.

I find it weird how there is always a total figures of active JWs what about having a total tally of active, inactive, disfellowshiped, i dont get why the need of just showing some figures but not others.

Thats one of the reasons we stopped looking at this figures they are so inaccurate that thereis no point of publishing it.

Anyways thats how we feel wrong or right there are many others that feels the same.... 🙄

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5 hours ago, Jay Iza said:

I speak for what our family feels as a JW.

RE Donations: we stopped donations for 3 main reasons,

1. Wasteful use of money in congregations having seen our congragation and many other congregations having 3 HD flat screen TVs upgraded also having a HD projector for broadcasting i reckon is a horrible way to misuse of funds.

2. Not making public knowledge of funds been used for child sex law suits.

3. At the end of each convention always making an announcement how much more funds are needed to cover all costs running the convention, having donated all funds to the organization prior, so.always running in red at the end of each convention.

Re preaching hours; i dont agreed thats how they should count how many active JWs are there as many would just put in any hours just to look good in front of the congregation.

I find it weird how there is always a total figures of active JWs what about having a total tally of active, inactive, disfellowshiped, i dont get why the need of just showing some figures but not others.

Thats one of the reasons we stopped looking at this figures they are so inaccurate that thereis no point of publishing it.

Anyways thats how we feel wrong or right there are many others that feels the same.... 🙄

The things you say are right, but may Witnesses are too frightened to say them. 

There are many witnesses leaving and many very young children being counted as Witnesses just to make the numbers up. 

I have seen it in their own words that they count the number of active Witnesses by the number of 'Report slips' put in each month.

And as I've said 3 year old children 'put in' report slips. 

I think many witnesses are not happy in the JW Org, but it has become their way of life and that is where all their friends are, so they are frightened to leave. Other braver ones are leaving. 

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Well, not against or pro the JW organization as we (my family) are JWs too, we have learnt to take a different approch to life and religion a more balanced view. We accept we have learnt a lot of great things in the organization but they are not 100% correct in everything and we wont let the organization rule our lifes by the man made rules. Saying that we follow Jehovah principals but other than that we wont slave ourselves down to everything the organization demands on their followers. 

The other balance approched we have taken is that we dont view the organization as the only way to be saved but more like the way to help eachother and find support during this system.

We keep to ourselves, we have learnt not to have too closed friends in the congregation because as soon as you do that they will start and try to run your lifes according to the organization rules. 

Now we have a much enjoyable life and we dont feel the pressure and guilt for not being able to comply with all the requirements from the organization and from the brothers in the cong as they dont see you as a very close friend or member of the cong.

It works for us...

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9 minutes ago, Jay Iza said:

Well, not against or pro the JW organization as we (my family) are JWs too, we have learnt to take a different approch to life and religion a more balanced view. We accept we have learnt a lot of great things in the organization but they are not 100% correct in everything and we wont let the organization rule our lifes by the man made rules. Saying that we follow Jehovah principals but other than that we wont slave ourselves down to everything the organization demands on their followers. 

The other balance approched we have taken is that we dont view the organization as the only way to be saved but more like the way to help eachother and find support during this system.

We keep to ourselves, we have learnt not to have too closed friends in the congregation because as soon as you do that they will start and try to run your lifes according to the organization rules. 

Now we have a much enjoyable life and we dont feel the pressure and guilt for not being able to comply with all the requirements from the organization and from the brothers in the cong as they dont see you as a very close friend or member of the cong.

It works for us...

That is a very good and well balanced viewpoint. Well done to you.

Maybe i wish i had done that, but i left the organisation because of the massive amount of child Abuse within it. 

My conscience would not let me stay in, but it does make it difficult as i am now completely shunned by everyone, so i cannot help anyone, not even in a practical way. 

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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 9:16 AM, Bible Speaks said:

Jehovah is with you wherever you go

9 "Have I not commanded you? Be courageous and strong. Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) 

JEHOVAH’S service brings us joy. Yet, we do face hardships common to mankind, and we may “suffer for the sake of righteousness.” (1 Pet. 3:14;5:8, 9; 1 Cor. 10:13) To cope with such trials successfully, we need faith and courage.

 Courage has been defined as “spiritual, emotional, and moral fortitude to speak and act without fear in the face of obstacles and dangers."

To have the courage needed to do God’s will, we must study and apply his Word. 

Jesus, early Christians courageously rendered worship only to Jehovah. (Matt. 4:8-10) 

 They refused to burn incense in honor of the Roman emperor. (See picture.) “Very few of the Christians recanted,” wrote Daniel P. Mannix, “although an altar with a fire burning on it was generally kept in the arena for their convenience.

All a prisoner had to do was scatter a pinch of incense on the flame and he was given a Certificate of Sacrifice and turned free. It was also carefully explained to him that he was not worshiping the emperor; merely acknowledging the divine character of the emperor as head of the Roman state. Still, almost no Christians availed themselves of the chance to escape.”—Those About to Die.

 Modern Christians held in Nazi concentration camps with possible death facing them were given repeated opportunities to gain their freedom by signing a declaration renouncing Jehovah. But few signed. 

 Risking death during a genocide in Rwanda in recent times, Tutsi and Hutu Witnesses protected one another. Such trials call for courage and faith.

It is challenging to pursue a godly course in the face of trials that beset us in this evil and troubled world. 

However, we are not alone. God is with us. So is his Son, the Head of the congregation. We also have over 8,579,909 fellow Witnesses of Jehovah worldwide. With them, let us keep on exercising faith and declaring the good news. jw.org 


2018 Service Year * Report

Number of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide




Lands where Jehovah’s Witnesses preach




Yet they found it quite alright to bribe government officials in Mexico to get a card like the victims were required in Malawi.

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