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Ah I can see the game now. 

Make a private club for the snobs, then turn the public club into a comedy show.

Think that will discourage us, I think not. Just proves what cowards and non loving people some JW's really are. 

Go tickle each others ears then................ Let your GB rule your lives, go worship them. 


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3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Make a private club for the snobs, then turn the public club into a comedy show. Think that will discourage us? I think not.

Curses! Foiled again!

(Honestly, John, you’re suggesting these ideas to me. I’m not thinking any of them out up front.)

In an odd sort of way, I am proud of our “apostates.” Ours are the best. Nobody else’s comes close. 

I would be worried if we didn’t have them. It would suggest not too much difference between the Christian congregation and the overall world.

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@BillyTheKid46 Thank you for a sort of compliment 'a good egg'. 

I will try to answer you in a good honest way. 

Firsty. ( And i know people will not like this example ). When Hitler first became a known figure, was he considered a good man or wicked ? Did people follow him for his good thoughts and actions ? Was it not later when the power went to his head etc... that he became wicked ?

You chose to use the scripture from Hebrews 13 v 17

 " Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you, and be submissive... "

But even this has created problems. Remember the scripture about 'ten men clinging to the robe of a Jew' ?

Well the 'Jew' of course is the Anointed of God. They are anointed with Holy Spirit from God, whether through Jesus Christ or directly from God I do not know. But they are a complete Body, not just 8 men. 

If therefore, those taking the lead do not have authority to do so from God, then should they be obeyed ? 

Surely that would be showing worship to a false god ? A group of men that take away honour from God Himself. 

Then we follow up with the proven facts that the JW Organisation allows itself to be misused, thereby bringing shame on God's name. 

Perhaps, like Hitler may have started out with good intentions for his people, the GB may have started out with the intention of serving God properly, but, unfortunately the GB and the JW org have gone off track. 

I would like to point out to others here at this time, that you have turned this topic toward Child Abuse, which was not the intention of this topic. I mention this as I am frequently accused of turning all topics to that subject. 

I will not fall into the trap of staying on that subject.

When the scriptures were written things were a lot simpler. The disciples / Apostles had the Hebrew writings and were in the process of recording Jesus' life here on earth. They were recording, for us, the things Jesus said and did. Then of course the Apostle Paul wrote to the congregations etc, and John was given the Revelation. 

I mention all this because those men had direct Holy Spirit from God to do their work. They were directed, directly from above, either by God or by Jesus Christ.

However when anyone quotes scripture now, it become interpreted through men. The true meaning can so easily be lost. 

You mention Matthew 7, v1 " Do not judge ... "   But unless we judge those taking the lead we may as well be following the Pope. 'The Pope has millions of followers so he must be right' Yes ?  Do you see the point. We have to judge those taking the lead, or we may be 'the blind following the blind'  and we may fall into the same pit. 

I'm sorry you mentioned this point Taking things out of context has always been a dishonest endeavor from opposers to command some kind of great intellect.  

Srecko once showed how the GB had taken a quote out of context to misuse it in a Watchtower magazine. I will admit i was impressed with his research and he showed the original paragraph in full, showing how the Watchtower writer had removed part of it to make it read in a different way. So, it seems both sides play the same games. Whereas it would presumed that the GB and the writing dept should be more honest. 

I do hope you recover quickly from your broken rib, and hope to read your words on hear again soon. 

Best Regards, John 

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35 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

When Hitler first became a known figure, was he considered a good man or wicked ? Did people follow him for his good thoughts and actions ? Was it not later when the power went to his head etc... that he became wicked ?

No. He was a lout from the beginning. A rabble rouser. Nobody thought he was Father Christmas. But he capitalized on some very real injustices. The victors of WWI were intent on punishing Germany & did so to such as harsh degree that their economy was crushed & national pride maligned. Hitler vowed to remedy those woes & restore Germany to greatness. He appealed to poverty and wounded nationalism, which works anywhere.

When the axis powers were beaten a second time (WWII) the victors did not repeat that mistake, but endeavored to rebuild the countrys they had demolished.

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