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Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit


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On 1/27/2019 at 3:01 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Things may be done differently, but are they done any better ? 

I would say they are.

On 1/27/2019 at 3:01 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

If it seems that one member ruled over the others back then, is it any different now ?

I would seem so

On 1/27/2019 at 3:01 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Can anyone here know exactly what goes on in a GB meeting ? Is it recorded and made public ? 

No, no one can know exactly what goes on in a GB meeting, we only see the results in the publications. But here are a few excerpts  from an "interview" with GB member G. Jackson which might give more insight into the workings of the GB:

Q. In September 2005, you were appointed as a member of the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses?

A.   That is correct.

Q.   As I understand it, you have served continuously in that capacity since then?

A.   That is correct as well.

Q.   On the Governing Body, I understand that you are a member of both the writing and the teaching committees; is that right?

A.   If I may be allowed to explain, each Governing Body member has a home committee where his office is based.  So in my case, I work in the writing department under the writing committee; but then, also, I have the role of a consultant with the teaching committee, as well as the personnel committee.  But I do serve on the teaching and personnel committees.

Q.   As I understand it, you serve on the writing, teaching and personnel committees; is that right?

A.   That is correct.

Q.   Could you just briefly explain what it means to be a consultant on one of the committees?

A.   Yes.  With regard to my role, each member of the Governing Body - of course, there are seven at the moment - each brings something to the table with regard to expertise.  My field is translation, and as you realise and have mentioned, it has been for quite some time.  But also,obviously, I was appointed on the Governing Body because of my spiritual qualifications.  So my role as a consultant with the teaching committee and personnel committee involves me evaluating recommendations that are made to see if, first of all, they are scripturally accurate and correct, and, secondly, whether they are translatable.

Q. So would that be with regard to all business and decisions of the committees on which you serve - you would fulfil that function you have just described?

A.   That is the function that I fulfil.

Q.   So, in other words, to give guidance and ensure that the decisions and work of those committees are scripturally accurate and correct?

A.   As well as translatable.


Q.   Could you explain, Mr Jackson, the committee structure and how it relates to the Governing Body, which is to say, do the committees report to and are they accountable to the Governing Body as a whole, or how does it work?

A.   Thank you, Mr Stewart.  Yes, the Governing Body, as I mentioned, has seven members.  As you would realise, with 8.2 million active members of Jehovah's Witnesses, with approximately 20 million associated with us, there is no way that the seven members of the Governing Body can be up to date with all aspects of every part of our work.  So the Governing Body is broken up into various committees.  The committees - there is a measure of trust, obviously, because the men who are appointed on those committeesunderstand something about the operation of those various aspects. But if I may also mention something I think the Commission hasn't noticed is that there are a roll of 30 helpers and these helpers join us in not the Governing Body committee, but the various subcommittees, and they help us by making recommendations and implementing the policies.

Q.   Thank you, Mr Jackson.  Is it the case that the helpers also attend the Governing Body meetings that occur weekly, but don't make decisions there?

A.   No, they don't normally attend the one meeting the Governing Body has each Wednesday, unless, of course, we need some special input from one of them or from several, and then they may be invited as needed.  But you are correct in saying they do not vote.

Q.   So is it right to say that the committees then are accountable to the Governing Body?

A.   There is a - yes, ultimately, the Governing Body oversees the work of the committees, but there is a measure of trust, obviously, that goes on, mainly - if I could use an example, I would be the last person on earth to ask with regard to construction details, but the publishing committee handles our construction worldwide, and so those that have more familiarity with that type of expertise, we would trust them to go ahead with most of the decisions.

Q.   You have said that the Governing Body presently has seven members.  How is it determined how many members there will be from time to time?

A.   There can be any number of members on the Governing Body.  In the past few decades - for example, when I was appointed on the Governing Body, there were 12 of us. I believe the number has been 18 at one stage.  But the qualifications of a member for the Governing Body - it involves someone who is considered an anointed Witness, who has worked in scriptural, with a scriptural background, either as a missionary or a full-time servant for many years, and is able to fulfil the role of the Governing Body, which is, may I state, a group, a spiritual group of men who are the guardians of our doctrine, and as guardians of the doctrine, look at things that need to be decided based on our doctrines, which are based on the constitution of the Bible.

Q.   I take it if the Governing Body is to be increased in size, that that will be a decision of the Governing Body itself?

A.   That is correct.  But obviously, we would get information from other fields.

Q.   And is it the case that the Governing Body then appoints new members of the Governing Body?

A.   That is correct.

Q.   Does someone have a designated role, such as coordinator or chairperson or president?

A.   You mean of the Governing Body?

Q.   Yes.

A.   Or do you mean the subcommittees?

Q.   No, I mean of the Governing Body?

A.   Yes.  We rotate each year.  There is a chairman of the Governing Body, but the chairman's role is merely to chair the meetings.

Q.   So there is no-one who has a permanent role of coordination or designation such as president or what have you?

A.   That is correct.  Only the committees, under the direction of the Governing Body, have a coordinator for each committee.

Q.   Dealing with decisions of the Governing Body itself, how are decisions made, by which I mean are they made only by consensus or by majority or is there some other system you adopt?

A.   So if a policy or a question comes up with regard to doctrine, or something that involves a biblical stand, we will allow someone to come in and present to us all the facts concerning that - obviously the seven involved cannot be familiar with every aspect that we need to consider.  So once the proposal has been given to the Governing Body, it's an agenda point.  Ahead of time, each Governing Body member, with prayer, by means of prayer and reading the Bible, then tries to see how the Bible would affect any particular decision.  So then, in our discussion, generally, from my experience, which has only just been the last 10 years, in most cases it's unanimous.

Q.   If it's not, then it would be carried by majority; is that right?

A.   That is the case but, as I said, it's a rare thing, because if someone - perhaps their conscience is not clear or feel comfortable with a certain decision, then more often than not, we would rely upon God's spirit by holding up on making a final decision until more research is done, and then we would meet again.

Q.   By what mechanism would you understand God's spirit to direct your decisions?

A.   Well, what I mean by that is, by prayer and using our constitution, God's word, we would go through the scriptures and see if there was any biblical principle at all that would influence our decision - and it could be that in our initial discussions there was something that maybe we were missing and then in another discussion that would come to light.  So we would view that as God's spirit motivating us because we believe the Bible is God's word and came by means of holy spirit.

Q.   And your reference to your constitution, I understand by the way in which you raised the Bible as you said that, you were referring to the Bible?

A.   The Bible is our constitution, yes


Q. From the next sentence, "Responsible Christian men do

their part by setting an example of obedience as they put such arrangements into effect", are we to understand that the expectation of the Governing Body is that the branches around the world will act in accordance with those procedures and guidelines?

A.   That is the expectation.  But may I put the proviso on

this:  you see, as paragraph 2 starts off, the second sentence, "The Governing Body obeys this direction" - Mr Stewart, what you need to understand with regard to our organisation is it is a faith-driven organisation.  This is not an organisation of lawyers or those that are overly concerned with legal matters.  So our primary allegiance is to Jehovah God.  Now, the Governing Body realises that if we were to give some direction that is not in harmony with God's word, all of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide who have the Bible would notice that and they would see that it was wrong direction.  So we have responsibilities as guardians to make sure that everything is scripturally acceptable. So if the direction given is scripturally correct, then we would expect that these members of the branch committee, who themselves also are Christians, who accept the

constitution, would follow that direction.  But if I can also say, there are provisions for those branch committees to get back to us if they see that there is something that doesn't work, and then we can adjust it accordingly.

Q....adjustments, and so on, in a moment, but from what you have said, am I to understand that the Governing Body seeks to obey Jehovah God?

A.   Absolutely.

Q.   And that the branches seek to obey the Governing Body?

A.   First of all, the branches seek to obey Jehovah. We're all in the same arrangement.  But because they recognise a central body of spiritual men who give spiritual direction, then we would assume that they would follow that direction or, if something is not appropriate, that they would identify that.

Q.   In turn, the congregations are expected to obey the branches?

A.   Again, first of all, they have to obey Jehovah God. That is the very first thing that they need to do.  But if direction is given based on the Bible, we would expect that they would follow that because of their respect of the Bible.

Q.   And the definitive interpretation of the Bible from time to time is the Governing Body; is that right?

A.   Ultimately, as guardians of our doctrine and beliefs, yes, some central group needs to make that decision, but that doesn't mean to say that we are just on our own unilaterally making those decisions without research and input from others.

Q Do you, as members of the Governing Body, regard yourselves as being appointed by Jehovah God or under the capacity or authority of Jehovah God?

A.   What we view ourselves, as fellow workers with our brothers and sisters - we have been given a responsibility to guard or to be guardians of doctrine.  


Q. In making decisions on the publications, I understand from what you say that you are guided by the scriptures?

A.   That is correct.

Q.   And that involves, obviously, interpreting the scriptures from time to time?

A.   That is the role of the Governing Body.

Q.   Am I right in understanding that the Governing Body's interpretation of the scriptures on any particular point might change or develop from time to time?

A.   That is correct as well.

Q.   So I think some examples might be, for example, firstly, the question of blood fractions and whether that is or isn't covered by the prohibition for the receipt of blood transfusions.

A.   That is correct as well, but if I could just mention, when blood transfusions were first introduced, there wasn't a lot of options with regard to blood fractions.

Q.   Yes, but my point is, or what I am seeking to understand is, there was an interpretation at one point which said that members of the Jehovah's Witnesses should not receive blood fractions, but in more recent times it has been accepted, as I understand it, that there is no specific scriptural direction on that - on blood fractions, that is - so that is a matter for the individual conscience of Jehovah's Witnesses?

A.   That is right.  And Mr Stewart, if I may mention, this is an example of the desire of the Governing Body not to go beyond the scriptures.  Clearly, we have the direction in Acts chapter 15, 28 and 29 against blood.  But if I could also mention, you see, as with anything in the community, more and more knowledge becomes available medically, it can be very overwhelming trying to see all the latest medical research, and so on.  But the Governing Body tries to make sure that they don't go beyond what is written.  If we see that a direction from the scriptures has perhaps been used too broadly, then we are the first ones to try to correct that.

Q.   I take it, too, that the state of knowledge about the scriptures and, in particular, historical knowledge about scriptures, also improves or increases from time to time?

A.   That is correct.  But there are some basic things in the Bible that have not changed right from the beginnings of the Jehovah's Witness religion, and I won't take your time, obviously, going through those, but it is important to realise what are basic things in the Bible.  For example, is the Bible from God?  There is no possibility of us changing our viewpoint on that.







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7 minutes ago, Anna said:

A.   Well, what I mean by that is, by prayer and using our constitution, God's word, we would go through the scriptures and see if there was any biblical principle at all that would influence our decision - and it could be that in our initial discussions there was something that maybe we were missing and then in another discussion that would come to light.  So we would view that as God's spirit motivating us because we believe the Bible is God's word and came by means of holy spirit.

In the recent Annual Meeting there was an implication that the Governing Body might get special direction from the holy spirit possibly before others. But there have also been comments by the Governing Body stating that no person claiming to be anointed can claim to have more holy spirit than a person who claims to be a member of the great crowd.

This explanation above is a bit mundane, but perhaps this is the reason. The Governing Body has enough experience now to realize that by prayer and using the Bible, they go through the scriptures and see if there was a Biblical principle at all that would influence their decision. Or they could have decided something in the past but a scripture comes up with respect to a subsequent discussion (not necessarily on the same topic?) and this scripture is recognized as one that they might have missed in the earlier decision.

It's "THAT" which is viewed as God's holy spirit motivating them, not because anyone feels anything special about a decision but apparently strictly because of noticing any Biblical principle that might apply to the decision after praying and going through the scriptures.

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4 hours ago, Witness said:

Can't you see this as the perfect setup for a "Wicked Slave" to wield authority over Christ's other slaves?  Matt 24:48-51  It shows the organization for the scam it is; not only are the anointed scattered,

The earth is a big place, I would assume anointed members like to live in their place of choice. Or do you think they should all live in a compound?

4 hours ago, Witness said:

CANNOT bond, according to your magazines.  They cannot reveal their identity as one of Christ's slaves.   

That's utter nonsense. The anointed are free to do as they wish, like any other member of the congregation. Their identity is revealed, whether they like it or not, when they partake of the emblems at the memorial. 

4 hours ago, Witness said:

Yes, it is clever how the anointed in the organization are unable to "dispense spiritual food", even if by letter form to the ruling authority.  Luke 22:24-27  It is easier to throw them out, rather than let them gather and bring their own spiritual food to the table.  John 16:2    

More nonsense. They can dispense as much spiritual food as they like, to anyone they like.  Throw them out? What, where, how? Such nonsense....


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50 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

It's "THAT" which is viewed as God's holy spirit motivating them, not because anyone feels anything special about a decision but apparently strictly because of noticing any Biblical principle that might apply to the decision after praying and going through the scriptures.

That's how I understand it. Basically, I feel that this "method" applies to any true Christian, whether anointed or not, and no need to be a member of the FDS either. The holy spirit is there for anyone who asks for it. But I  believe someone, a body, has to have the job of dispensing Bible truths, or food at the proper time if you will. I know you feel a bit differently about it. But it makes logical sense to me. Do I think that this "body" might or should receive a little bit more direction from the holy spirit than anyone else? On account of the job they do, it would seem reasonable that they might/should. Of course if Jehovah could make the stones cry out, then he can easily use a a group of people to do the same. Do I think this has been the case? To the exclusion of bad mistakes, I would say, in certain circumstances, yes. I feel certain he has blessed the effort of those who promoted Bible truths.  But He has obviously allowed blunders to be made as well. The GB are convinced they are a tool in God's hands, and I honestly cannot see why they couldn't be. As for "feeling special" about a decision, I think I prefer to leave that to the Mormons or Born Again Christians xD

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On 1/25/2019 at 9:55 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Well you would probably call me an apostate, but I'm only apostate to the JW Org. And yes I still believe in God and Jesus Christ. 

But you seem to want to jump on the JW bandwagon about apostates, so be it. 

I never called you an apostate or think of you as one, Pops. Former JW, yes, apostate? Dunno, didn't see you try to set fire to a hall like someone out there or defame God while attempting to mock our faith. 

If I had to be honest......whelp, I just see you as lukewarm or misguided, and a teaspoon of paranoia raising off of your skin. You can agree or disagree with Jehovah's Witnesses, but to be as  stale as chips in a bag..... Well, Pops, it fits the bill, and I just paid it and tipped it too.

Do you even know what an apostate is?

Seem? An accusation or an assumption? Here we see you trying to say we are all the same when we are not. Same faith doesn't mean we sre all the same person.


oh dios mío.....

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45 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I believe you stated to “witness” his understanding was utter nonsense, and then you agree with JWinsiders understanding of making scripture a hypothetical under his understanding. Are you playing to an audience of one man?

I am sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. Can you rephrase it please?

46 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Can you explain how the Governing Body only believe they receive God’s Holy Spirit without really getting the Holy spirit and pretend to use that as a justification to use scripture to see if there is a conflict or not to dispense spiritual food?

It was an explanation of how the holy spirit works, nothing to do with not really getting the holy spirit. The holy spirit works through the Bible. It is not a tongue of fire on top of your head like it was in the 1st Century.

49 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Does this mean Jesus and God are fraud to have given the apostles greater power of healing and removing demons, and the entire Bible time is a hoax? Once again, If you receive the same Holy Spirit that the GB receive, why the contradictions. Everyone, receiving the same Holy Spirit would be on the same page as leaders. Does scripture support such a doctoral change just like with Raymond?

I don't think anyone is disputing that God gave the apostles  power of healing and removing demons. But those days are gone. I am not saying Jehovah couldn't make this happen again, but He obviously has not chosen to do that in our day.

Everyone receiving the same holy spirit doesn't mean you have to be on the same page. That depends entirely on you and how you respond to the direction of that spirit.

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On 1/25/2019 at 2:06 AM, FelixCA said:

Unfortunately, this is what happens when people confuse the administrative roles of the GB with doctoral understanding.

2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Does scripture support such a doctoral change just like with Raymond?

47 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I will allow other JW's to respond to their doctoral understanding

Could either one of you tell me what you mean by "doctoral" in these cases? A "doctoral" understanding is the understanding of someone who is a a doctor or who has a doctoral degree. But that wouldn't make any sense in any of these examples.

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3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

If this idea of your is true, why are you not thinking as the governing body that receives the holy spirit ahead of time from others?

They very well could. I am not one of the anointed and I therefore don't know exactly how that particular expression of the holy spirit manifests itself. We say it has a lot to do with how sure such individuals are, in their heart, that they are "invited" to heaven. I expect it has a bit to do with "feeling" that they have long felt that the calling to eternal life in heaven is much more appealing and much more sure than the prospect of living forever in a paradise earth. Beyond that, I have never heard an anointed person express much. Although I expect (and have been told by longtime non-anointed brothers) that within themselves there is a certain inexplicable "joy" involved in that heavenly calling.  I have never personally heard an anointed person describe it with that term. I'm positive that some would, however.

I say this, because I think that there would be certain sense of "I just feel it! I know we have this one right!" when an issue that has come up to the Governing Body has been resolved in a positive way, perhaps by updating or completely changing a teaching or practice. It's hard to imaging that there wouldn't be something like that, because I'm sure all the rest of us have felt a kind of warm fatherly love when an issue we struggled with has been resolved through prayer and scripture, and sometimes through new circumstances that either highlight a proper direction, or resolve an issue by showing a way out of the problem. Or sometimes we just feel a certain kind of "pure joy" at reading a Bible passage for the 10th time and seeing something that is not only new but helps us appreciate Jehovah better, or will help us with our own or someone else's problems.

This is why I think that Brother Jackson's testimony seemed a bit mundane. Perhaps there is more to the "sureness" or some kind of "sign" seen in the fact that others bring up the same scripture they were concerned with, but help them see it in a new way. Perhaps there is more to the way each of them personally feels that a prayer is personally answered with some unstated "connection" to the right answer. But in any case, Brother Jackson boiled it all down to what sounds like a prayer, followed by a scripture search to sort of see what pops out at them. It does sound more mental than heartfelt, more rationalized than motivating.  And I understand that making a big deal about the difference in the words "heart" and "mind" can sometimes be artificial, but I think you know what I mean.

It reminded me of comments such as these in 2016:

*** ws16 January p. 22 pars. 6-8 “We Want to Go With You” ***

So anointed ones do not think that they are better than others. They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants. And they do not feel that they can understand Bible truths more deeply than anyone else. . . . They do not try to find other anointed ones so that they can talk about being anointed or meet in groups to study the Bible. (Galatians 1:15-17) The congregation would not be united if anointed ones did this. They would be working against the holy spirit, which helps God’s people to have peace and unity.—Read Romans 16:17, 18.

Of course, I'd be just as happy if anointed ones did meet to study the Bible together, and send their suggestions to the GB for evaluation and distribution. Doesn't mean that they would split off from the congregations and be disunited. The Society gets missionaries together, pioneers together, elders, circuit overseers, branch overseers, doctors, lawyers, computer specialists, building specialists, orchestras, choirs  . . . why not a meeting or two with those who claim to be anointed?

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50 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Can you provide evidence on how you don't believe the Holy Spirit an embodiment of God's active force cannot be transmitted to humans as in the ancient times?

I never said that I thought God's active force cannot be transmitted to humans like in ancient times,  in fact I said that of course it could and is. But it is apparent that the holy spirit doesn't help people perform some kind of miracles or see some kind of visions today. This is what Christendom claims for its saints. It doesn't seem that this is what the GB claims.

1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I take it to mean, you believe the GB are self-serving like JWinsider seems to imply.

I don't think JW Insider implied the GB are self-serving. Did he?

1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

How does this view defer from that of Raymond Franz that thought along the same lines? 

I am thinking you mean how does this view differ from RF.  Well I don't think RF thought the GB were self-serving all the time, he did highlight their human imperfections and failings though. But really this would have only been surprising to those who thought the GB members were somehow different from all the rest of the brothers in the faith. But they give us o reason to believe they are. Apparently they themselves are domestics too.

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

Doesn't mean that they would split off from the congregations and be disunited. The Society gets missionaries together, pioneers together, elders, circuit overseers, branch overseers, doctors, lawyers, computer specialists, building specialists, orchestras, choirs  . . . why not a meeting or two with those who claim to be anointed?

I'm not sure I agree with you on that for the simple reason that all the other people you mention would probably not meet for the purpose of studying the Bible, or perhaps in the case of the missionaries or pioneers; to study the Bible independently. But this could be the goal of the anointed, and has been for some, as you know. Then there could be a separation, and as a result a kind of disunity.

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38 minutes ago, Anna said:

Apparently they themselves are domestics too.

An interesting point, because we (some of us) tended to defend the idea (GB=FDS) by saying that it never made that much sense that all of the anointed would be both domestics and FDS. Yet here we are right back with one of the original problems with the doctrine that I, at first, thought had been overcome.

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6 hours ago, Anna said:

The earth is a big place, I would assume anointed members like to live in their place of choice. Or do you think they should all live in a compound?

Well, they do live in a big compound, the Watchtower organization. Rev 13:1 Even though scattered throughout the world, they are still “gathered” under an oppressive rule.  Rev 13:5-8; 16:13-16

Are the “helpers” of the GB all anointed, or are any of them anointed?   Is the writing staff made up of anointed ones?  It seems to be something that could be accomplished, if it is God's organization.

6 hours ago, Anna said:

That's utter nonsense. The anointed are free to do as they wish, like any other member of the congregation. Their identity is revealed, whether they like it or not, when they partake of the emblems at the memorial. 


I hope someday soon you open your eyes. 

Watchtower 1/16 pp. 22-27:

Jehovah’s holy spirit helps his servants to be humble, not proud. (Colossians 3:12) So anointed ones do not think that they are better than others.  (simplified version)

Is it pride to speak truth that comes from the heart?  What about the elders?  Are they not given “honor” for their exalted position over God’s chosen priesthood,  while the anointed are told to be “humble”?   What they really mean, is, “listen, obey and be blessed”…by the governing body.

They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants. And they do not feel that they can understand Bible truths more deeply than anyone else.

Not according to scripture.  Holy spirit is poured into the heart of the anointed one.  This is what an anointing is.  God’s laws are written on their heart to allow them to teach believers.  Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9; Heb 8:10 (please read)  If they are united together, able to speak and meet together as one body under Christ, their High Priest, they all receive Holy Spirit and knowledge from the vine. Rom 12:3-8; 1 Cor 12:4-31; Eph 4:12; John 15:5  This is no different than what the early anointed ones were able to do under Paul’s direction, but in the case of the GB, it is pure threat to their counterfeit headship.

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.  1 John 2:27

The Watchtower declares this the desire to bond (at the prompting of Holy Spirit) as the desire to become part of an “elite club”, which is exactly what the governing body has accomplished – an elite closed-door club that judges and condemns God’s priesthood for speaking what is in their heart, for seeking out their brothers and sisters in Christ. 

In addition, anointed Christians do not view themselves as being part of an elite club. They do not seek out others who claim to have the same calling, hoping to bond with them or endeavoring to form private groups for Bible study.

When someone realizes they are anointed, do you know who interrogates them?  The elder body who are not anointed.  They must accept and approve, that this individual can and will partake.  As I’ve said before, many don’t partake because of possible negativity coming from the elders.  Firstly, In a sea of 150+  people on a memorial night, there may be 0-2 who are anointed. Where do all eyes strain to look when someone partakes?   What doubts, what questions arise in a JW’s mind?  I’ve heard the gossip about partakers, I know the elders have been known to threaten and prevent an anointed one from partaking.

Don’t believe me?  How many elder pedophiles have been well hidden by the organization? How many victims have been threatened if they were to report a perpetrator to the police?  Their given role is one of authority that can’t be questioned, whereas the anointed are scrutinized thoroughly.  Why?  Men didn’t appointment them, it can’t be seen so why believe it?  Elders are visibly christened as “priests” to replace the appointed priests of God’s Temple.  1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2

Secondly , who did Jesus invite to the Last Supper?  Every believer, or only those he chose?  Shouldn’t the memorial be observed as it was on that night?  Matt 18:20  Who manipulates how the memorial is observed?  A "wicked slave" and its henchmen who carry out their wishes.  

Jesus is the cornerstone of the Temple, the apostles and prophets are the foundation.  The remnant of these “living stones” are the anointed who if faithful only to their Head, Jesus Christ will complete the “captstone”.  Zech 4:7-10    What right to do men have who are not anointed, to direct their worship?  

“Therefore, it would be embarrassing for those with a heavenly calling if others were to give them undue praise or attention. Worse still, if they received special treatment, anointed Christians might find it difficult to remain humble.”

I would say it is the elder body that is given special treatment, wouldn’t you?

6 hours ago, Anna said:

More nonsense. They can dispense as much spiritual food as they like, to anyone they like.  Throw them out? What, where, how? Such nonsense....


Do you really believe an anointed one who perceives scriptures differently than the regulated spiritual commerce coming from the GB can do this, with no questions asked?  Many anointed are disfellowshipped for doing so.  I was.  Rev 13:6,7,15 

 Spiritual food in the organization is managed, just as literal money is managed in a pyramid scheme.  One can “buy” regulated spiritual food through their dedication to the organization (becoming slaves to men Acts 5:29) which comes down from the top. God and Christ have no hand in this type of commerce.    They “sell” to others using the specified “products” – literature, doctrine, etc.  And, as in a pyramid scheme, no one watches their back.  


“Companies that use MLM models for compensation have been a frequent subject of criticism and lawsuits. Criticism has focused on their similarity to illegal pyramid schemes, price fixing of products, high initial entry costs (for marketing kit and first products), emphasis on recruitment of others over actual sales, encouraging if not requiring members to purchase and use the company's products, exploitation of personal relationships as both sales and recruiting targets, complex and exaggerated compensation schemes, the company and/or leading distributors making major money off training events and materials, and cult-like techniques which some groups use to enhance their members' enthusiasm and devotion”

Translate this into the Watchtower realm of the “buying and selling” of spiritual provisions sourced in men’s doctrines from the parent ‘company’, Satan, (men’s doctrines that change regularly are not from the Father or Christ, but from their lying father.)…

…the “high initial entry cost” of forfeiting one’s identity over to an organization, “exploitation” – the oppressive treatment of Christ’s brothers under a wicked slave, and certainly an “exaggerated compensation scheme” called “peace and security” that all buy into. Rev 13:16,17; Matt 24:15,48-51; Dan 8:10; Rev 11:2; 2 Cor 11:3,4; 1 Thess 5:3; Jer 23:17 

Do you care about the Kingdom to come?  Then, get to know the role that anointed ARE to play in this fulfillment and the perils they face not in the world of politics, but at the hands of their own people.  The Temple of God, which the anointed are, is a "holy place".  (1 Cor 3:16,17)  The "disgusting thing standing in the holy place" are the elders - "man of lawlessness" who rule over them.   Matt 24:15,16  Do you believe in God's Kingdom the elders will "rule" over the anointed  "priests and kings"?  Rev 5:9,10   Then why now?  


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