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Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaidó Declares Himself President, With U.S. Backing

Guest Nicole SG

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Guest Nicole SG
hace 1 minuto, JW Insider dijo:

don't think you are representative of "those who know and live the story every day." You represent the views of a minority in a country where the most vocal are able to control not only the view the rest of the world gets, but the view of many people inside the country too. Yes, things are bad, for Witnesses, too. But I think you tend to forget or perhaps didn't know why they are bad.

Again come and see

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3 minutes ago, Nicole SG said:

No sir, I don't understand your point and honestly don't care Yikes. As for the foto of the Burro listen in Spanish what Maduro says, specially regarding economics and you'll find that the Burro is smarter than Maduro

You probably don't realize why an imperialist country promotes sanctions, and probably don't realize that the very point of sanctions is to create violence so that the the bullying country has even more leverage. Here is a little more about Imperialism and the Lima Group from the same article quoted above:

-------------------the rest of this post is a quote from venezualanalysis.com-----------------------------------


Imperialism is a word that is rarely used these days. It is relegated to histories of colonialism in the distant past. There is little understanding of the suffocating way that financial firms and multinational businesses drive their agenda against the development aspirations of the poorer nations. There is even less understanding about the muscular attitude of countries such as the United States, Canada and the Europeans against states that they deem to be a problem.

The gunsights were once firmly on West Asia and North Africa—on Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran—but now they are focused on Latin America—on Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. These countries face economic sanctions and embargoes, threats of annihilation, covert operations and war. The definition of imperialism is simple: if you don’t do what we tell you to do, we’ll destroy you.

Pressure on Venezuela has been intense. U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly called for the overthrow of the Bolivarian government, led by Maduro. Sanctions have been ratcheted up. Economic warfare has become normal. Threats of a military invasion are in the air.

Lima Group

On January 4, the Lima Group of 13 Latin American governments and Canada said that it would not recognize Maduro as the president of Venezuela. Behind them sits the U.S. State Department, which has put pressure along the hemisphere for the isolation of Venezuela as well as Cuba and Nicaragua. The U.S. State Department characterized the inauguration of the new president as “Maduro’s illegitimate usurpation of power.” Diplomatic language has dissolved into this kind of crudity.

The Lima Group was set up for one reason: to overthrow the current government of Venezuela. It has no other purpose. Sanctions and diplomatic withdrawals are part of the Lima Group’s arsenal. Buoyed by the election of far right-wing politicians such as Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro and enthused by the fulminations of Trump, the Lima Group has tightened the pressure.

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For the sake of completeness. I should mention that this particular article above is not from the editors of venezualanalysis although it was promoted there in total from truthdig. I will also post the rest of the article here:

---------------sourced from venezualanalysis.com---------

It Begins

Maduro was not permitted to take his oath in the National Assembly. He was blocked by Juan Guaidó, leader of the opposition. That is why Maduro took his oath in the Supreme Court, a procedure that is validated by the Constitution.

Strikingly, the head of the Organization of American States—the Uruguayan politician Luis Almagro—sent out a tweet that welcomed Juan Guaidó as the president. Guaidó, to his credit, had not claimed the presidency. It was, instead, a foreign official from a regional body that has superseded the Venezuelan people and attempted to install a new president in Caracas.

More chilling has been the words from the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his department. Pompeo, in a tweet, wrote, “The time is NOW for a return to democracy in Venezuela.” The word “now”—in capitals—suggests that Pompeo is clear that there needs to be no procedures, only a coup. The day after this tweet, Pompeo’s department said, “It’s time to begin the orderly transition to a new government.” One does not need to read between the lines to know that this is a call for regime change, for a coup, and that it comes from Washington, D.C.

Trump’s national security adviser—John Bolton—coined the phrase “troika of tyranny” that includes Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. It is plain as day that the United States wants to overthrow the governments in each of these countries, and perhaps Bolivia as well. These are dangerous portents.

Those troops that Trump is withdrawing from Syria might not be going home anytime soon. They might find themselves deployed soon enough on the beaches of Punto Fijo, facing a Bay of Pigs style resistance from the Chavistas.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Venezuelanalysis editorial staff.

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Guest Nicole SG
hace 18 minutos, JW Insider dijo:

You probably don't realize

Again sir, come and count because the numbers of the people who don't want these dictators are the majority, and  right now they don't care  from where the help might come.

You might create a post about your politics researches and brag about how well you think you know what the majority of the people under these regimes want. 

Imperialism is the word that every day Maduro and Ortega-Murillo repeat to all us, yes we are full aware of the term

And if you think that by posting a lot of history about your country foreign affairs or learned terms "you win" or "you are right" then go ahead and feel like that: YOU WON,  because I don't have time, I do have to work a lot to get my food. 

But if you say you are a JW then pray for your spiritual siblings living in these countries instead of defending the dictators, not all have been lucky about not worryng for food, shelter, transport,  for living in Bethel from my donations and others


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2 minutes ago, Nicole SG said:

Again sir, come and count because the numbers of the people who don't want these dictators are the majority, and  right now they don't care  from where the help might come.

The majority of people in every country want a change for the better. They don't want high inflation. They don't want interference from outside countries. But only a very few want the kind of sabotage that hurts the majority of their population. They are often all for regime change when they can see it might benefit themselves, but they forget about the plight of the actual majority.

But they just completed a count of the number of people who want these particular leaders. It might have been skewed by propaganda or even election fraud. But that isn't even the point. The majority might not have wanted Caesar Augustus, or Tiberius, or Nero in Bible times. But the Proverbs mentioned not meddling with those who were for a change. I couldn't tell you whether this will always apply, but it should surely at least be considered as good advice. The early Christians were told to pray for their god-awful leaders who murdered Christians in the name of their own gods.

  • (1 Timothy 2:1, 2) 2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made concerning all sorts of men, 2 concerning kings and all those who are in high positions, so that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with complete godly devotion and seriousness.
  • (Proverbs 24:21, 22) 21 My son, fear Jehovah and the king. With those who are for a change, do not intermeddle. 22 For their disaster will arise so suddenly, that who is aware of the extinction of those who are for a change?


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13 minutes ago, Nicole SG said:

As for the foto of the Burro listen in Spanish what Maduro says, specially regarding economics and you'll find that the Burro is smarter than Maduro 

This is an excellent place to start, I agree. I listened to his inauguration speech and see that he tried to set price controls on the worst of the inflationary items. Just like Nixon did here in the US. Of course, this sets a direction and points out that he knows how certain items were being controlled by oligarchies, while other items were not.

Toilet paper is a case in point. People have wondered why the stores in the country are so well stocked with many hundreds of paper products like napkins, tissues, paper plates, wrapping paper, writing paper, etc. These are not in short supply and are not spiraling in cost in the same way that toilet paper does along with a list of other items.

The answer is actually fairly simple, and you'll find it here on TeleSUR:

It's from someone who visited Venezuela several times to interview persons on both sides of the issues, but she interviews a couple people (in Spanish, but with subtitles) whose answer explains both the general conditions AND all the anomalies. I think it's 22 minutes, but I think everyone who has anything to say about the economic conditions should definitely see this first:


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Guest Nicole SG

Good evening @admin, by means of this I request the delete of my account and if possible the content.

I don't agree with disrespect and cruelty of a person who says is a JW and defender at the same time of dictators. Venezuela protests again started 2 days ago and no one said anything at this Forum, not even this member posted it,  but when I posted it, he attacked me stating that I don't live the story everyday under this regime when I am currently living in one of these countries. 
I don't want nothing to do with people like this, who probably is an apostata, mocking at the lives of Jws under these regimenes
Thank you
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12 hours ago, Guest Nicole SG said:

Venezuela protests again started 2 days ago

It is hard for me to imagine how the brothers, or anyone for that matter, manage to endure such situations that you describe. Perhaps our turn will come someday, or if not in that way, in some other way.

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12 hours ago, Guest Nicole SG said:

I don't agree with disrespect and cruelty of a person who says is a JW and defender at the same time of dictators.

There is going to be wickedness and dictators in many nations and we should pray that our brothers and sisters in the faith are safe and that all persons of all races and classes are safe. I'm sure that Maduro carries blame for a lot of the crime and corruption that goes on in Venezuela. I am concerned that a lot of JWs, even here where I live, do not realize that they tend to support their own "class" more often than they think. They tend, in this way, to have a much more political view of the world than they think. I know that this is not a part of the forum where religion is discussed, but before any of us start taking sides with a regime change, it is worthwhile to get a bigger picture. What James says about the how the rich treat the poor, how they dishonor the poor, oppress them, and drag them before law courts, is true of how they treat all people, not just those of our faith. 

  • (James 2:4-9) 4 If so, do you not have class distinctions among yourselves, and have you not become judges rendering wicked decisions? 5 Listen, my beloved brothers. Did not God choose those who are poor from the world’s standpoint to be rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom, which he promised to those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who oppress you and drag you before law courts? 7 Do they not blaspheme the fine name by which you were called? 8 If, now, you carry out the royal law according to the scripture, “You must love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing quite well. 9 But if you continue showing favoritism, you are committing sin, and you are convicted by the law as transgressors.
  • (James 4:4-6) . . .Adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is making himself an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think that for no reason the scripture says: “The spirit that has taken up residence within us keeps enviously longing”? 6 However, the undeserved kindness that He gives is greater. So it says: “God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones.”

If we are to avoid showing favoritism, even to the point of condemning a political figure, the we should be sure we have seen all sides of an issue. You have expressed one side of an issue and I am expressing another possible side of the issue. Unfortunately, that's how forums work. I could be wrong, in which case, you or others, if you wish, can bring counter-evidence. Or you can simply dismiss what I say as worthless. None of us need to get too riled up over any person who takes a different side of an issue.

I can tell from some of the things you have said, that you are focused on the issues as they affect you and many others personally, and this is fine. But I can also tell from things you have said, that you do probably are not ready to address the possibility that this issue encompasses a much bigger picture. Perhaps this comes across as a "conspiracy theory" to you. 

I'm simply going to express my opinion about that "bigger picture" and why I -- and thousands of other people -- believe that this "bigger picture" explains the issue in a more complete way, and resolves many of the odd facts about Venezuela that would otherwise go unexplained. 

12 hours ago, Guest Nicole SG said:

Venezuela protests again started 2 days ago and no one said anything at this Forum, not even this member posted it

I've been discussing it over the past several months. I know a brother from a very wealthy family who lives in the United States but who who is from Colombia. His brother worked for a newspaper there. His primary job is to draw political cartoons, and lately his primary job has been to draw anti-Maduro political cartoons.  Colombia and Latin American countries just love the anti-Maduro cartoons, and they are found in right-wing newspapers and websites. His parents who are not Witnesses, of course, cheered when it appeared that Maduro would be ousted. They were celebrating with champagne that Maduro would finally be assassinated like they "always" wanted.

So yes, I was anxious to see a post about Maduro so I didn't have to start one. I'm sorry it was yours. I will be happy to start a new one, but I hate to end up expressing an opinion that doesn't have someone who will participate to defend the other side of the issue. It's too one-sided, this way.

12 hours ago, Guest Nicole SG said:

but when I posted it, he attacked me stating that I don't live the story everyday under this regime when I am currently living in one of these countries. 

I'm sorry you felt attacked. I didn't see where but I apologize. I probably came across as too aggressive.

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For anyone who would like to read some coverage of another side of the issues in Venezuela I would recommend the following. If I get a chance, I'll also review the earlier video I posted. The first three links are more videos from the same person linked through TeleSUR. There are many more besides these that include multiple interviews of people in Venezuela. They give a better explanation of all sides of the issue. It's not as complex as some would think.

Venezuela Economy Minister—Sabotage, Not Socialism, is the Problem

What You’re Not Being Told About Venezuela Crisis. w/Abby Martin

Head of Venezuela National Guard on Insurgency & US Threats

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Regarding Venezuela, JW.ORG reported the following in August 2017 at :https://www.jw.org/en/news/jw/region/venezuela/economic-crisis-jehovahs-witnesses-continue-bible-education/

International media outlets have been reporting on deteriorating conditions in Venezuela set off by economic troubles. The Venezuela Branch Committee reports that our brothers and sisters have also been affected by this crisis. The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses is deeply concerned by these reports.

Armed criminals have entered some Kingdom Halls during weekly meetings to steal electronic devices and other valuables. Additionally, in some cases, meetings are held in private homes because violent conflicts block access to Kingdom Halls. A number of our brothers and sisters are among those who have lost their jobs because their place of employment closed down. Some who own businesses have been targeted by criminals and gangs and, as a result, have been forced to sell their business and flee the country for their safety. Sadly, over the last few years, there have been at least 680 brothers and sisters kidnapped, over 13,146 have been victims of armed robbery, and 144 have even been victims of rape or attempted rape. Tragically, reports as of August 10, 2017, indicate that 47 of our brothers and sisters have been murdered. Some have also died because they could not obtain needed medical treatment.

On November 5, 2018 a video was added.  Venezuela—Love and Faith During Difficult Times. The November report also stated:

The ongoing economic crisis in Venezuela continues to affect our brothers and sisters. Every week, the branch office in Venezuela receives reports of publishers who have been victims of crimes. Also, numerous Kingdom Halls in the country have been burglarized. Our brothers face hyperinflation as well as shortages of food, medicine, and other basic goods. Since 2013, over 20,000 publishers have fled to other countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Italy, Peru, Portugal, Spain, and the United States. * Despite these difficult circumstances, the approximately 140,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses who remain in Venezuela are active in their spiritual activities.

The branch office in Venezuela continues to organize the ongoing relief work within the country. There are now 60 relief committees, which have primarily been tasked with distributing food to the brothers and sisters. To date, the Venezuela branch, with the assistance of the Brazil branch, has distributed hundreds of tons of donated food to over 64,000 publishers in 1,497 congregations.

The Venezuela branch also continues to help care for the spiritual needs of the brothers and sisters. This summer, there were 122 “Be Courageous”! Regional Conventions held throughout the country, the last of which concluded on September 2, 2018. The conventions provided a vital spiritual boost to the brothers and sisters, many of whom had to overcome severe economic challenges to attend.

The reports also contained more positive information about the work going on under these conditions, and the spiritual progress, and overall positive spirit of most. The articles also pointed out our neutrality and the fact that the Society makes no recommendation about whether Witnesses should stay or leave the country.

The footnote originally linked to the asterisk above stated:

In times of economic, social, or political crisis, each publisher must decide whether or not to flee their country of residence. The organization does not promote or encourage one’s decision to either leave or remain.—Galatians 6:5.

And of course, Galatians 6:5 says "Each one will carry his own load."

I have read that of the 3 million or so Venezuelans who have fled these past couple years, about 900,000 have already come back into the country due to lack of good work prospects and other dangers in many of the countries to which they have fled.

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