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Queen Esther

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Fact is...   in MANY countries and towns,  brothers and sisters were helping by cleaning their towns !  Also in my german town STADE, every year....   Its NOT strange, all that is TRUE, bec. I was hel

My attitude? Last time you said something along the lines of not knowing me, things of that nature. So it turns out you were lying this whole time and your former comment was a sham. Well not that spe

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6 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Our world,  our endtime is SO very sad :(  Our poor elders,  mostly with family - I know what you mean. Jehovah can see all these details!

It is bad. I'm only 15 and already people want to use death threats because I quote from the Bible. They dont care about me being one of Jehovah's Witnesses, what angers them is when the Bible alone trumps a false teaching they practice. Even today you have celebrities and political folks now proclaiming to beat and kill children because of silly false information. It's that crazy out there now.

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12 hours ago, Equivocation said:

It is bad. I'm only 15 and already people want to use death threats because I quote from the Bible. They dont care about me being one of Jehovah's Witnesses, what angers them is when the Bible alone trumps a false teaching they practice. Even today you have celebrities and political folks now proclaiming to beat and kill children because of silly false information. It's that crazy out there now.

What angers them is probably your attitude. 


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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

What angers them is probably your attitude. 


My attitude? Last time you said something along the lines of not knowing me, things of that nature. So it turns out you were lying this whole time and your former comment was a sham. Well not that speaks volumes of how you are, Pops. I shown respect at all times with everyone I speak or preach to. 

Also, don't assume things, otherwise it makes you look like foolish because you don't know how the situation began and ended.

These guys don't care what faith you have and they are the first to engage conversation or a discussion with you.

The discussion alone is about Who God is and what he is. Not only the aggressor who became angry after each verse he still believes that God is void of all emotions and doesn't not consider us as important. These types of people also twist Scripture to make God appear as though he is evil and these guys assume Satan is the hero in this sense.

So I guess you agree with this people who hold this view, huh.

You don't know these people or confronted them, dont be ignorant. 

If you dont know people like this exist, then that tells you something about who you are, John.

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For the one individual here that deliberately use more than one identity to deceive (excluding TTH who does it out of jest) why would anything that person say be trustworthy, especially if "he" claims to represent "the truth".  Birds of a feather...

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On 1/29/2019 at 12:37 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

You are one of those that uses a lot of words to actually say nothing of importance.. 

Iti is possible that you are not a 15 year old at all, but someone using two or more different disguises. Like billy The Kid for instance. 

I am 15 and I do not have disguises, why would I be lying about my age? Going on 16 in the next few months, and gonna work on my permit soon. I already get stressed out from period schedules with study hall being my time of rest at school. My words have importance because you are saying I have attitude when I do not. Those guys only care about slandering Jehovah God even saying bad stuff about him, others threaten me or others and I have proof of it.

So if you were in my shoes, what would you have done? If someone said something extremely bad about God or misuse verses to fit the needs of worldly things today, would you speak and maintain mildness or would you explode like how you are here now? Pops, I can tell you now, these people I confront you wouldn't be able to handle em.

I don't know who Billy is. Billy the Kid as in the 21 year old who took out 8 men before he went down?

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On 1/30/2019 at 10:41 AM, Witness said:

For the one individual here that deliberately use more than one identity to deceive (excluding TTH who does it out of jest) why would anything that person say be trustworthy, especially if "he" claims to represent "the truth".  Birds of a feather...

Well one thing I know there is another forum I go to, there is this girl who goes by the name Charade. What she does is mock and troll people and next day her name and avatar is different. We always know it's her even though she pretends to be someone else. She runs around YouTube also and tends to stick to memes and what is trending. For instance, she is pretending to be some guy name Maximillian who blew up a few days ago.

I don't mean to be randomly curious but what who is tth?

But what I tell John is true. Most likely we agree and disagree on some stuff, but when someone is bashing Jehovah God, or using his word to make transgender and homosexual is okay is not cool at all. There's people out there that threaten and say they want to kill you even though you speak mildly with them on what the Bible says. I spoke that time out of memorizing verses and examples, the guy was pulling some craziness from somewhere. 

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