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The Reproach of Child Sexual Abuse Falls on the Abuser


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58 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

It's Your conscience.

Not only did Anna serve as therapist to you. In his own way, @JW Insiderdid also, by plainly stating it when he thought you were right, and by impartially supplying you with information that he deemed accurate, regardless of what you might do with it. His reward was the same as Anna’s—to be called a hypocrite without conscience.

Admittedly, I have not overly belabored with taking the “high road” with you, if high road it truly be. It certainly didn’t get them anywhere.

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I do not know if the ARC did or didn't submit these findings to their legal brief. What I do know is that those letters had a very limited audience. Regular publishers had no idea about these letters,

In Jehovah’s Witness congregations, victims, parents, or anyone else, have always been free to report allegations of child sexual abuse to the police. The troubling reality is that many chose not to d

I don’t admire him. I use him. And I think he is okay with that. I also have sought to understand him. If anything, I admire you & and a few other very similar personas, for the tenacity

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Oh well. Keep serving your GB and the JW Org. God will decide whom He will use and whom He won't use. 

TTH gets his kicks from writing stories and the Kid gets his kicks from just being plain nasty. 

Anna seems to sit on the fence as I'm sure she has told me of things that she knows about, that are just plain wrong in the Org. But then she seems to condemn me for saying similar things. 

In truth we can only tell it as we each see it. 

Tom i do wish you would show me some of these things you 'quote' about me. Otherwise it's all pie in the sky. 

I generally comment on one comment at a time. Therefore if someone says something i agree with I will upvote it, and if that same person says something i totally disagree with i will down vote it. I am not interested in praising or knocking a person. i praise or knock a comment. I do not worship people. 

I walked away from worshipping people when i left the JW Org. Of course i didn't realise that I was worshipping people at the time I was in the Org. It's only when i saw the contrast of being out of the Org that it made sense. The not believing every word I had been taught was a great relief. However you people cannot have that relief, and that is clearly seen by your attitudes. It must be difficult for you all having to keep up this defence of the GB and it's Org, when you know in truth that the GB are not who they pretend to be and the Org has so many faults. 

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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

. @Annaactually did rise to the occasion as a therapist for a few comments, and her reward was for you to hurl everything back in her face and call her a hypocrite without a conscience.

I've given up now, as I am sure you will shortly. But what I do want to know from you @John Butler is any news on your report to the Police?



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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Anna seems to sit on the fence as I'm sure she has told me of things that she knows about, that are just plain wrong in the Org. But then she seems to condemn me for saying similar things. 

Just noticed this post John. Yes, I acknowledge the org. has made mistakes, and I am sure no Witness on here would deny that the org. has made mistakes, why, even the org. itself acknowledges it has made mistakes. But you on the other hand are saying that the org. is tantamount to Satan's spawn. I don't think that.



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One thing for certain. In this day and age there are certain folks out there who embrace pedophilia and in one recent situation, a specific group was in question. More of them will enter into schools and churches and the problem is going to expand and explode, on the other side of the spectrum, those who are also in support of pedophilia have been defending their own among the rich and powerful.

In the end, we must educate, which is effective, and people need to talk, and there are those with that syndrome out there, so more people have to be informed.

@Anna I wonder the same thing, granted, as this much time had passed, some information would be out already, granted the situation itself is child abuse, at least a story or two of an alleged attack and the mention of the mentally ill person who has committed the attack, and so forth. But the one who professed such and showing his true colors afterwards, it tells you something. That being said, I guess it is time to do the initiative and do some digging, which I am doing.

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13 hours ago, Anna said:

Just noticed this post John. Yes, I acknowledge the org. has made mistakes, and I am sure no Witness on here would deny that the org. has made mistakes, why, even the org. itself acknowledges it has made mistakes. But you on the other hand are saying that the org. is tantamount to Satan's spawn. I don't think that.



What I'm saying quite clearly is that the GB and It's people in positions of responsibility including the Elders have not only made mistakes, but have deliberately taken action to hide Pedophiles within the JW Org / Watchtower Soc'. And deliberately misused scripture.

Now if you choose to translate that into Satan's spawn (which actually means nothing to me) then that is your choice. 

I do think the Devil is working within the JW Org by misleading the GB, many Elders and others. I am not saying that the JW Org could not be saved however. 

Look, keep in mind that the Nation of Israel literally offered children in the fire to Molech, a false god. Do you honestly think the JW org is untouchable by Satan ? 

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13 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I understand why you admire JWInsider.

I don’t admire him. I use him. And I think he is okay with that.

I also have sought to understand him.

If anything, I admire you & and a few other very similar personas, for the tenacity to defend the current governing arrangement, which I also defend. But admiring or not admiring has little to do with anything. If my goal is to admire and not admire and to demonstrate my loyalty or lack thereof, then I hang out exclusively with the real flesh and blood people of my circuit, who all like me, barring perhaps a few who think me a windbag. (but how can they be faulted for that?)

He spills a lot of dirt. I would never spill the dirt that he does. And lest John B start frothing over this, it must be pointed out that everyone everywhere in every field of activity has some dirt that they could spill. It will always be a question of whether they choose to do it or not.)

But the fact is that he is not going away. So how do I come to grips with that? Should I simply repeat ‘Liar! liar!’ when the tone of his writing does not suggest lying? Notice what I said (and you quoted):

20 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

In his own way, @JW Insiderdid also, by plainly stating it when he thought [John] you were right, and by impartially supplying you with information that he deemed accurate,

I didn’t say that his information was accurate. I said that HE deems it accurate. I didn’t say that John was right. I said that there were times when HE thought he was right.

There is much I like about JWI, but also much I don’t like. I think he is too swayed by the pretentions of journalism that the cockroaches disappear when you shine the bright light of journalism upon them. I think they just go somewhere else, leaving the illusion that something has been solved, which presently enough generally turns out to be but an illusion.

I hate to say it. I really really really really hate to say it, but I think someone I might truly like in person is @James Thomas Rook Jr.if you could only muzzle him, which seems unlikely at present. He is unpretentious, and that is a quality I am drawn to.

The Internet is not the congregation. You cannot make it behave as though it is. Brothers look like fools when they insist upon it. In a sense of strict organizational loyalty, none of us should be here, you no more (or less) than JWI. (or me)

I hope that the brothers enjoy what I write, but rarely are they my main intended audience. Nor, when I address villains, are they my intended audience. It is the unaligned & often misinformed people that I seek to address, and the relative success or futility of this will probably never be known.) To that end, I sometimes distance myself from certain loyal ones who declare their loyalty (often with heat) but otherwise bring little to the table. (and I don’t think of you as one of them- you bring plenty to the table) In real life, I would hang out with them. But the Internet is not real life.

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So listening to you all patting each other on the back I conclude that all of you are saying that everyone that says they are a Victim of child abuse in the JW Org is actually a LIAR. They all made it up, every one of them Earthwide. 

So in your eyes, the GB never refused to hand over evidence to the courts. The Elders have never been told to destroy evidence because 'Satan is coming after us'. The Two Witness rule has never been misused . Victims have never been called liars. Children have never been forced to face the accused Child Abuser.  Nobody has been disfellowshipped for continuing to complain about abuse they suffered not being dealt with properly.  Everybody in a congregation is made aware that there is a Pedophile with in it.  

And the biggest one of all, you think Victims are only in it for the Money.  

And most of you use the GB tactics of saying I'm mentally disturbed. 

Um, it's proving to me more and more that the JW org brain deadens people. 

But you don't care because to you lot it's just collateral damage. 

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20 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

And the biggest one of all, you think Victims are only in it for the Money.  



Having said that, I live in New York State, and the governor has just signed into law a bill greatly lengthening the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse.

By far, the greatest sponsor of programming I watch is now a legal firm seeking clients. They have even eclipsed other legal firms of accident litigation running non-stop ads of how: “[so and so law firm] got me $3 million dollars, 15 times what the insurance company offered!”

The typical person congratulates the client on their extraordinary bonanza. Then they open their insurance premium bill.

The world is a lawyers playground, with massive transfers of money flowing in all directions, with barristers netting a third, they being the only consistent beneficiaries.

 It is similar to some statesman I disremember saying that democracy cannot endure because eventually the common people discover that they have power over the public purse, after which they spend themselves into oblivion.

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@TrueTomHarley I don't agree with massive payouts but i do agree with a payout of a reasonable amount, and an apology would be nice too :) . However I suppose everyone's idea of reasonable is different. 

I would be lying if i said I wouldn't accept payout for what I suffered, but those responsible are probably dead and gone and will get a resurrection like anyone else. Money can't bring lasting happiness but it could take away the pain for a while.  

And i also think that it should be made easier for anyone wanting to return to the 'fold'. Not that i want to but some might. I cannot see any basis for having to attend a KH for weeks whilst no one is allowed to talk to you, and everyone looks down on you, until the Elders give the signal that it's ok. Where is the love there ?  

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