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The Reproach of Child Sexual Abuse Falls on the Abuser


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I do not know if the ARC did or didn't submit these findings to their legal brief. What I do know is that those letters had a very limited audience. Regular publishers had no idea about these letters,

In Jehovah’s Witness congregations, victims, parents, or anyone else, have always been free to report allegations of child sexual abuse to the police. The troubling reality is that many chose not to d

I don’t admire him. I use him. And I think he is okay with that. I also have sought to understand him. If anything, I admire you & and a few other very similar personas, for the tenacity

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29 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

There is no reason to compare the Watchtower with the world. There is, however, a reason to compare the hypocrisy of opposers and ex-witnesses that have a double standard to distort the facts about the watchtower and the world. Criticize the Watchtower, stay silent with the world.


Therefore, it’s opposers that are missing the point. They can’t see beyond their personal hatred and vendetta.


Kid, most sensible people know what people in the world are like. Sensible people do not trust politicians for instance.

But, some sensible people do not know how bad the JW Org is, because as Jesus put it, they wash the outside of the bowl or dish but not the inside. Hence with all the secrecy in the past, the JW Org looked clean to outsiders. That is why ex-JW's like myself make it known how bad the JW Org is on the inside. 

Until 2017 I knew nothing about the Pedophilia problem within the JW org. Many JW's still don't know anything about it. But it has been a serious problem for over twenty years, and the GB / Org kept it hidden. 

It's not about hatred, well not from my side of the fence anyway, you quite often seem to show aggression. It's about warning others and trying to get justice for Victims. Victims that you seem to be calling liars. 

As for the UK government, it has been made known publicly about child abuse and Pedophile rings within the UK government. Even to the point of saying that it is believed children have been murdered. 

However my concern is about Christianity. That is, serving God through Jesus Christ. As an individual i cannot do much to help victims of abuse but i can give warnings about the things i know. As for how to serve God properly, I'm lost on that right now, but it would be stupid of me to go back into the mire just because i don't yet have a different direction. 

As for your idea of hypocrisy and double standards. It's like this for me, I know nothing about the UK government, only what I read online etc. Whereas I've had many years first hand experience of the JW Org, so i can speak from my own experiences. Although I've only known about the Child Abuse situation since 2017, i can compare it to the way I've seen other matters handled in various congregations. I know you don't believe anything i say, but that is your choice, if you wish to remain blind. However I know that i speak truth and other people have the choice to believe me or not. 

It would be more stupid of me to comment about the UK government of which I have no first hand experience. 


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5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

In general, yes all apostates are damaged goods. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have sympathetic believers from within.

This. This is one of the things I have seen time and time again. There are those of the former faith that will speak up against disgruntled ones who have gone off unhinged in action, and their conquest to be aggressive increasingly i.e. anywhere there is a person of that faith community they purposely go after them relentlessly, even if said person is doing personal things. It tends to go off the rails even further when former ones actually side with their former faith to speak against apostasy, and in doing so, these persons are shamed and or hunted down in the social space, even in public.

Apparently, they care not for who you are or your background because of whom you follow and or what you represent, they feel that attacking is an obligation, they seek to provoke and when or should the provoked do something, the provoker will use that as means to take action and so forth, which is also another problem.

5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

New International Frontiers in Child Sexual Abuse 2019

Sexual Abuse by Adolescent Peers

In the UK, a report by the House of Commons Women and Equalities Select Committee (WESC) found endemic sexual violence against girls in schools. The WESC Report reinforced earlier research by the BBC in 2015, which found that in a 3-year period to July 2015, there were 5500 sexual offences on school grounds reported to police, including 600 rapes. The government’s failure to respond a year after receiving the WESC report led to calls for the Secretary of the Department for Education to be charged with breach of statutory duty under the Equality Act s. 149, which requires her to have due regard for the need to eliminate discrimination against girls in school and to advance equality of opportunity. These reported offences of course represent a mere fraction of the true incidence: a 2010 YouGov poll of 16- to 18-year-olds found that one third of all girls experienced unwanted sexual touching at school (Okolosie 2016; Weale 2017).

This is another example of, governmental hypocrisy of once again, pressuring social justice unto religions while not holding their own accountable until they are exposed like in the UK. The same hypocrisy from Canada and Australia. All awhile opposers and ex-witnesses remain silent.


Do what we tell you, but don’t do what we do. Matthew 23:3

Therefore the only puppets are those that play into the devil hands.

Indeed. The UK also has grooming gangs whereas some know of it's existence, but does not speak of it nor care of it. For me, I to not agree with a lot of what Tommy Robinson has said and or stand for, however, he made this known and the UK government arrested him for it some months back.

It would seem that child pedophilia, when it comes to disgruntled ones, they, the way I see it sometimes, using it as a front to go after those that do not like. The focus should be on abuse taking place everywhere, but not a sole group alone. Another problem is that such sparks vigilantism whereas at some cases, the one who seeks the abuser, or the abuser, or victim succumb to further harm and or problems.

That being said, it is a mixed bag altogether, reasons why many tend to educate, for it is a great tool and or, in this sense, weapon, to use in this mater, be it to prevent a form of abuse and or to deal with a situation if someone is abused, so one wouldn't be left in the dark on what actions to take.

But alas, it is a very very cruel world out there, I would say you think wildfire that is pedophilia, let the people bear witness of what is coming very soon in regards to a specific community.

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On 3/2/2019 at 4:38 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

But it has been a serious problem for over twenty years, and the GB / Org kept it hidden. 

There are two ways of looking at this.

1.) It has not been.

2.) it has been, but it is far worse everywhere else.

One must look no farther than who is being outed as perpetrators. If you want to find deviants in most places, you look no further than the leaders. If you want the same ‘catch’ among Jehovah’s Witnesses, you must broaden your search to include, not just leaders, but everyone

An JW leader committing CSA is rare. Not unheard of, but rare. Elsewhere it is the pattern.

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Quote "An JW leader committing CSA is rare. Not unheard of, but rare. Elsewhere it is the pattern."

Because it is kept hidden, kept quite, kept secret. Hence the GB don't want to hand over the TWENTY YEARS worth of Child Abuse accusation files that they keep 'safely' stored away. 

But the whole truth has to be revealed one day. The scriptures tell us, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and nothing done in the darkness that will not be brought out into the light. 



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You people are impossible to talk to sensibly because you worship the GB and it's Org so much that you are blind to the truth of it all. 

Anything a victim says, that you don't like, you simply consider them as liars. 

Anything that an investigation finds out, that you don't like, you simply say they are twisting facts or making it all up.

Some of you cannot accept the truth about the JW Org. You can accept that the Israelites offered their children in the fire to Molech, but you think that the GB and it's Org are above any such badness.

You can make it known about Catholic priests and others committing Child Abuse but when people make it known about JW Elders you say it's lies or 'just apostate rumours'. 

TTH says " An JW leader committing CSA is rare. Not unheard of, but rare. Elsewhere it is the pattern. " 

Tom likes to pretend that the JW Org is so so different, but unfortunately it isn't any different. Oh yes, slightly different, the JW Org keeps as much of it secret as it can, and it withholds evidence and destroys evidence too. 

The JW Org also tries to stop investigations by those with a legal right to do so. A bit strange when God's word tells us to obey the law of the land and to be in subjection to the Superior Authorities, because those authorities are in their place with God's approval. 

Now if the GB actually believed God's word and therefore followed it properly, they would tell all those brothers in positions of responsibility to cooperate fully with all investigations and to hand over all information asked for by those authorities. The Bible calls it being in subjection and  'going the extra mile'. I'm sure you all know the scriptures well. 

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