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JW South Africa: Jehovah's Witness parents: 'Why our kids don't need blood transfusions'

Guest Indiana

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Guest Indiana

Durban - The parents of three children who are Jehovah’s Witnesses have suggested to the Durban High Court that erythropoietin can be used to treat their children instead of blood transfusions.

Erythropoietin is a drug-based treatment which stimulates the production of red blood cells.

The parents’ submissions were filed against an interim order granted in the high court which permitted doctors to administer blood transfusions for their children should they be required.

The application for the orders was brought separately before court because each child was admitted to hospital and their parents refused to allow them to have blood transfusions because it went against their religious beliefs.

First was a five-year-old boy, admitted to hospital in September last year, followed by two girls, aged three and 10, in October and November respectively.

The Health Department approached the court for the orders and in December the department was granted an interim order to treat one of the children with a blood transfusion.

Two units of blood were administered to one of the children.

Currently the 10-year-old girl is a patient at a Pietermaritzburg hospital while the other two are back home with their respective parents.

The boy’s parents included in their papers a statement from Dr Marcus Aniekan Inyama Asuquo, a specialist haematologist based at the University of Calabar in Nigeria.

Asuquo, also a Jehovah’s Witness, said he had extensive experience in treating patients with sickle cell anaemia, which was prevalent in Nigeria.

“I have perused the child’s medical records... There is no evidence that the quality of care given to the child at home will change for worse to warrant blood transfusion,” he said.

The other two sets of parents asked the court for a two-month adjournment to get expert witnesses.

It emerged in these papers that the law firm representing the parents of the five-year-old boy, Farnsworth-Hughes, received private backing from a donor that facilitated access to experts with a view to the matter being dealt with as a test.

“Farnsworth-Hughes attorneys have agreed to instruct the experts that have been employed on their behalf to provide expert advice and opinion evidence for this matter, too,” said the father of the three-year-old girl.

On November 22 last year a routine blood test revealed that she had sickle cell anaemia, and the hospital sought her parents’ consent to administer a blood transfusion, if necessary, to prevent an acute crisis, including a stroke.

“We firmly believe that there are well-documented, medically-accepted alternatives to a blood transfusion that are compatible with our religious beliefs and that constitute appropriate treatment in the circumstances,” said the father.

He explained that when the state doctor, Swaran Singh, made the application he indicated that while he wished to apply for a court order to authorise the administering of a blood transfusion in an emergency, he had used alternative treatment before and had seen it work.

“As it happened, the hospital did not, in fact, need to administer a blood transfusion. We wish to express our appreciation to the hospital. At the same time, however, this begs the question of whether there was need for the application of the order,” he said.

The matter goes back to court in May for the parents to file further expert witness affidavits.


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This is so sad. When the state goes beyond its authority and doctors do so as well. Seems this doctor trained in China and has this attitude. My daughter was operated on almost 42 years ago in so

@Arauna writes :  so in future it will be harder and harder for JWs to control our own bodies and that of our children.  They will treat us as property if the state...... to do with as they please.

With respect to my congratulations to you, your daughter, and your grandchild, you must have misunderstood. Your response surprised me. I never doubted you for a second about the genius and skill

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This is so sad. When the state goes beyond its authority and doctors do so as well. Seems this doctor trained in China and has this attitude.

My daughter was operated on almost 42 years ago in south africa.  She had cancer as a 8 and half month old baby.  The operation took the entire day. It was a thoractomy without blood. A massive and dangerous surgery.  (Called an OP. In SA)

The brilliant surgeon did a fantastic job, quaterizing arteries as he worked. She healed fast after the operation- she took about a quarter of the time it takes  other patients to heal because they usually take blood.

She overcame the cancer and 6 years ago became a mother of a healthy child - despite doctors warnings.

Jehovah knows best.  I am afraid that China has taken control of the WHO and the human rights council - so in future it will be harder and harder for JWs to control our own bodies and that of our children.  They will treat us as property if the state...... to do with as they please.

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@Arauna writes  so in future it will be harder and harder for JWs to control our own bodies and that of our childrenThey will treat us as property if the state...... to do with as they please.

Do you not realise that your GB control you and your children ? And your GB treat you as THEIR property. 

If only JWs didn't just listen to their Leaders. If only they used their own Bible based conscience. 

If only JWs understood scripture. BUT NO. JWs are ruled over by the GB and the others top dogs. 

JWs won't even try to save the lives of their own children. I think that could amount to murder. 

The GB and it's MOB of rulers will have a lot of Blood to answer for when their judgement arrives. 

I refer again to Matthew 12 v 9 through 12. where Jesus said it was LAWFUL to do a FINE THING ON THE SABBATH. 

If you had a good Bible trained conscience you would understand what that means. 

How much more valuable is a man/woman/child than an animal ? 

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12 hours ago, Arauna said:

Seems this doctor trained in China and has this attitude.

What made you think the doctor trained in China? I looked up both doctors mentioned above and neither show up as having been trained in China.

12 hours ago, Arauna said:

I am afraid that China has taken control of the WHO and the human rights council

I don't think you have to be afraid. China did not take control of the WHO. And if they did, based on what we've learned about China and its efficient and humane response to COVID-19, it would probably be about the same or even much better.

A rotation of a Chinese "Minister" as a member of the UN Human Rights Council seems wrong for those who already fall for absurd exaggerations about how China has dealt with those Chinese Uyghurs who support and join the terrorists and fascists fighting for ISIS. But it is pure hypocrisy to imply that allowing US membership in the UN Human Rights Council is any better. Just a month, China pointed out a few of the areas that highlight human rights violations by the U.S.


Also, as to control of the WHO, many Chinese complained about US "control" when the WHO exaggerated numbers so badly, creating excess panic over SARS, for example. (Curiously, several US and Western political leaders claimed for a nearly two months that China was highly exaggerating the Covid numbers and saying that they could not have been nearly so high. Then when their own numbers in their own western countries surpassed China, then those Chinese numbers are claimed to be undercounted. Now, it must have been a lot worse in China than they reported.)

Here are some interesting "control" numbers of the WHO, prior to US pulling out funding. China is pretty far down the list, giving only 76 million compared to over a billion dollars a year from the USA + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


All human organizations make errors, sometimes costly. But when we focus on one organization, government or entity as always worse than others, we should also take a look at what we might be overlooking. Remember, it's the WHOLE WORLD in the power of the wicked one. 

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12 hours ago, Arauna said:

The brilliant surgeon did a fantastic job, quaterizing arteries as he worked. She healed fast after the operation- she took about a quarter of the time it takes  other patients to heal because they usually take blood.

She overcame the cancer and 6 years ago became a mother of a healthy child - despite doctors warnings.

Congratulations (and good health) to all three of you: grandmother, mother, and child. And it was great that you found such a brilliant surgeon back around that 1975 time period. I knew Witnesses here who were still struggling to find surgeons who offered blood-free surgery in those years.

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On 4/17/2020 at 8:55 PM, JW Insider said:

find surgeons who offered blood-free surgery in those years.

1967 was the year of the first successful heart transplant in the world. It was done by a south African doctor.  My daughter's doctor was excellent and so was her follow-up by a world renowned pediatrician-oncoligist.  My daughter had a neuro-blasoma on the spine and it was on both sides of the spine inside the chest 5cm long.  A neuro-blastoma is genetic.

My entire family are prone to cancer.... my sister got the same as my mother at age 35 and my father also died of cancer.  I will not go into details here on the reasons why, but just take my word for it, or call me a liar.  My husband died in a car crash shortly after my daughter's operation....... talk of my faith being tested! So I can do without your skepticism.

When I came to American in 1998, I was disappointed at the level of technology. I saw that many buildings did not  have underground cables for internet. 

In the first world parts of south Africa we were ahead of america on many things.....because we were late in acquiring TV and internet we had the newest technology.

Before the country was given over to Mandela they dismantled many of our arms factories which supplied America with weapons.  They also dismantled the atom bombs we had.  The country was very advanced even if you do not think so.

Unfortunately the entire infrastucture has gone to pot and there has been a braindrain due to the BEE policies of the ANC government. 

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On 4/17/2020 at 8:49 PM, JW Insider said:

China and its efficient and humane response to COVID-19, it would

Ha-ha...... believe what you like.  Read up on Ethiopia and how the Head of WHO starved and denied 2 million people  medical care and medicine because they voted against the minority rulership of which he is a member.  He has a very bad record but as soon as someone criticises him he plays the race card. He did the same as Mugabe..... starved his own people....... 

Ethiopia ows China so much money for major  building projects and the influence of China is great in this country.  WHO leader is a Chinese activist and if you think he handled it well then your standards are not high.

The human rights council just appointed a Chinese person in one of the most important posts on the human rights council. He will be responsible to appoint 15 people to very important agencies in the UN. 

If that sounds wonderful to you - then so be it.  I say ..... this is leading up to a totalitarian state of control where all religion will be banned with no respect for life (similar to what is going on in China right now), where people will not think twice to starve you if you do not worship the state...... similar to Mao se Tung's actions..... and also Stalin..



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13 hours ago, Arauna said:

just take my word for it, or call me a liar.  ... So I can do without your skepticism.

....The country was very advanced even if you do not think so.

With respect to my congratulations to you, your daughter, and your grandchild, you must have misunderstood.

Your response surprised me. I never doubted you for a second about the genius and skill of your daughter's doctor. This is why I congratulated you on the birth of a grandchild in a situation that could have ended up quite a bit different in other places. It reminded me of a similar situation around 1974 when so many of us in the Mid-Western United States had very few good doctors to choose from in these circumstances. For bloodless heart operations, we personally knew a brother who had to travel about 1,000 miles to Texas.

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12 hours ago, Arauna said:

Ha-ha...... believe what you like. Read up . . .

On the issue of Chinese control of the WHO, it seems that you are giving too much weight to the things you read about various figureheads of certain organizations and governments. I do follow your suggestion to "read up" however and this is the reason I hold beliefs that are often at odds with your own. But this isn't just about reading. It's also about a lot of travel, and communicating directly with persons from widely varying points of view from many different countries on five continents. I still have plenty to learn, of course, and, in fact, I held most of the same viewpoints that you do, until just a very few years ago. 

Naturally, I don't have time to go into the reasons I have reconsidered so many of my former beliefs about the world. But I think the primary motivation was to learn more about people. I did decide to take an interest in why so many countries have a deep hatred of the "West" that so often leads to violence. I see terrible mistakes being made by many of these countries. But when we start to claim things about them in support of Western propaganda about them, then I realize that, for me, I would just going along with dishonesty in many cases. And in many cases that dishonesty of Western propaganda plays on racism and greed.

And most importantly to me, an honest consideration of all sides of these arguments also leads to a greater appreciation of Jehovah's Kingdom through Jesus Christ. Also, a greater appreciation of the Bible and it's message about Jehovah's government. And, of course, a much greater appreciation of our worldwide Christian brotherhood.

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6 hours ago, JW Insider said:

have a deep hatred of the "West" that so often leads to violence. I see terrible mistakes being

I totally agree with you that the West has been, especially US, is been a dragon speaking like a lamb or speaking with forked tongue.  The propaganda in the west has been about democracy being the best form of worship...... I mean governance. Totally agree.  When the west has been a predator........ but I think the west has met its match....... soon to be felt.

I love the Chinese people but not the way that the CCP is implementing extreme communism over it's own people at present which is now only allowing worship of the state..... all religions persecuted even to death. 

The fact that I am pointing out the sudden and extreme changes in China (the awakening of a dangerous dragon of a different color)  does not mean that I do not see the hypocricy and corruption in the west.  I just assume people already know this because they should be informed about what is going on right under their noses.

The west has it's own propaganda but they think theirs is free press...... with investigative reporting - all a lie.The problem I have is that most people do not even question, and do not really have a clue how corrupt both Democrat and Republicans really are, and what has been going on under their noses for the past 20 years.

Today 15 lawyers and government officials were taken into custody in Hong-Kong.  They were known to speak out about the CCP takeover and want the CCP to stick to the 50 year agreement that was signed when the English handed Hong Kong over...... all officials in Hong Kong have to e pliable to CCP pressure......or face consequences.

China has used  the cover of this Corona virus conveniently to stop the year long demonstrations against CCP takeover.....in Hong Kong and troop deployments have been going on in China itself.

All human governments are now totally corrupt and compromised BUT but not all of them are totalitarian........ yet.  Or aquiescing to totalitarian ideas.

I am watching China because her form of regime has been touted by UN and by many western philosophers and even university professors as a model for  the future.  

China is everywhere and her totalitarian ideas....... this is what I am drawing attention to.  This does not augur well for the future when many appointees on the UN are already her puppets and she it getting more and more influence in UN and other international governing organizations. 

I have not even mentioned her spy networks in just about every country in the west and the financial pressure she is exerting on umpteen countries due to her predatory loans.  I have not mentioned how she buys space in western newspapers to place articles which praise her way of doing things....... so much propaganda, influence on campuses, etc.

So hopefully we can agree on this at least ..... that if the world follows her model....... we are in big trouble.  If one knows bible prophecy - we already know the end outcome........ then it is easy to watch for the steps inbetween. 

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I find it soooooo funny when you JWs go on about how corrupt the 'world' is, when anyone with Bible knowledge knows that the 'whole world is in the power of the wicked one'. Do you really expect honesty and love and mercy and justice from 'worldly' governments ?

BUT I think you are just using it as a smoke screen to try to hide the corruption within the CCJW / Watchtower Soc.

Your GB's Lawyers cannot even by honest. Your GB cannot show love, mercy or justice to CSA Victims or others. Your GB give orders to those in line, right down to the Elders, to d/fed anyone that 'gets out of line' with GB think. And of course the shunning follows. Shunning by brain dead congregants that have lost the will to think for themselves. Your whole organisation x 2 and its leaders are totally corrupt.  

But no, you just carry on thinking about how corrupt the 'world' is, whilst worshipping your GB and its Orgs. 

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Yes, regardless, blood is sacred. Giving or receiving of blood be it man or beast, although choice, there is consequence. The knowledge stemming from Scripture is very clear, and it is not to anyone's surprise that others put forth what is written.

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