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Watchtower 2017/2/pg 24,25: Holy spirit helps the Governing Body. The holy spirit has helped the Governing Body to understand Bible truths that were not understood before. For example, consider the list of beliefs clarified that was mentioned earlier. No human could have understood and explained these “deep things of God” on his own! (Read 1 Corinthians 2:10.) The Governing Body feels as did the apostle Paul, who wrote: “These things we also speak, not with words taught by HUMAN WISDOM, but with those taught by the spirit.” (1 Corinthians 2:13) After hundreds of years of false teachings AND NO CLEAR DIRECTION, why has there been such an increase of Bible understanding since 1919? The reason can only be that God has been helping with his holy spirit!

 This paragraph is absolutely convoluted in its message. JWs, I would guess you are all aware of the expansive list of “Beliefs Clarified”. They are called “adjustments” in teachings since 1870. The need for such a list proves there was no clear direction at the outset, and that human wisdom runs the Watchtower organization. Do you agree?

Here is just one teaching that needed adjusting:

"In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an ESTABLISHED TRUTH that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the kingdom of God, will be accomplished near the end of A.D. 1915. (The Time Is At Hand, 1915 edition, p. 99)”

Is this statement which was presented as established truth, sourced in Holy Spirit or human thinking? God’s Kingdom obviously didn’t arrive in 1915 as predicted, OR 1914, as predicted. Could the governing body be admitting that Holy Spirit did not lead “God’s organization” in its early days by stating “no human can understand and explain these “deep things of God”? They are experts at creating confusion; playing mind games that are incredibly twisted, by receiving help from the Father of the lie. John 8:44; Rev 13:11,13,14; 17:1-6 

 Here is a prime example of how JW members have suffered under the organization’s flawed doctrine:

"The year 1925 came and went. Jesus' anointed followers were still on earth as a class. The faithful men of old time - Abraham, David and others - had not been resurrected to become princes in the earth. (Ps. 45:16) So, as Anna MacDonald recalls: '1925 was a sad year for many brothers. Some of them were STUMBLED; THEIR HOPES WERE DASHED...Instead of it's being considered a 'PROBABILITY,' they READ INTO IT that it was a 'CERTAINTY' and some prepared for their loved ones with expectations of their resurrection." (Yearbook, 1975, p. 146)

Was it taught by the Watchtower leaders as a “probability”, or a “certainty”’?

"Our thought is, that 1925 is DEFINITELY SETTLED BY THE SCRIPTURES. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge." (Watchtower, p. 106, March 1, 1923)

"The year 1925 is a date DEFINITELY AND CLEARLY MARKED IN SCRIPTURES, even more clearly than that of 1914.” (Watchtower 1924, p. 211)


I vote, “certainty”.

Who received the blame for believing it was a ‘certainty’?

"The difficulty was that the friends INFLATED THEIR IMAGINATIONS BEYOND REASON; and that when their imaginations burst asunder, they were inclined to throw away everything." (Watchtower 1925, p. 56)

It was stated clearly by WT’s leaders that 1925 was an “established truth”. Please understand it was through their imagination that the lie was created. Ezek 13:1-3; Isa 65:2; Ps 73:7; 2 Pet 2:3 

The Watchtower states: “The Governing Body feels as did the apostle Paul, who wrote: “These things we also speak, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit.”

Is the GB saying that nowfinally, they are leading JWs by teachings sourced in Holy Spirit? It seems that way, but there is also the "new light" theory, where every designated teaching in the “Beliefs Clarified” list began with Holy Spirit’s direction as “light”; and that each “adjustment” of a certain teaching became progressively brighter since 1870. (Prov 4:18 ) Yet, any logical thinking person would agree that 1925 as the date of Armageddon, was not an “established fact”; but a false prophet’s proclamation formulated in the dark recesses of a wicked mind. Mark 13:22; 2 Pet 2:1; Rev 13:11; 16:13,14 

Still, the uninspired governing body is comparing its members to the apostle Paul, as being taught by spirit. Well, let’s see if this is true.

Based on 1975 as the date of Armageddon:

"Some of the generation that discerned the beginning of the time of the end in 1914 WILL STILL BE ALIVE ON EARTH to witness the end of this present wicked system of things at the battle of Armageddon.-Rev. 16:14, 16." Watchtower 1968 May 1 p.272 (also Dec 1 p.715)

There have been a few adjustments to this failed “certainty” over time, but a few years ago David Splane presented his new theory that now falls under the category of “truth” and you, JWs, can teach as such in your “preaching work”.

David Splane“The generation will not pass away until the tribulation occurs. Now that is interesting, that is relevant to us. But of course we have to know, what is a generation, and what particular generation is Jesus talking about.”

He begins by turning to Exod 1:6: “And Joseph died, all his brothers, and all that generation.”

Joseph had 11 brothers, 10 were older than him, and there was Benjamin, the youngest. He calls them “contemporaries”, living at the same time and part of the same generation, even though born during different years. This is his crutch to move on to the life span of Fred Franz, born in 1893, baptized in 1913 and died in 1992. It was never clearly brought out when this man was anointed, but that he was an anointed one who “saw” the physical signs of Matt 24 as beginning in 1914, and apparently recognized their significance at a young age of 21 years. 1992, the year Franz died, is the date pulled out of the hat for the termination of “this generation” of Matt 24:34 

Mr. Splane:
“For the sake of argument, let’s SUPPOSE, in order to be part of this generation” (from 1914-1992), someone would have had to been anointed before 1992, because he would have to have been a contemporary of some of the first group. Anyone anointed AFTER 1992 would be of the anointed, but he would NOT be a part of “this generation” and Jesus said, “this generation will not pass away until all these things happen”.

In the hard copy form, Splane’s SUPPOSITION is presented as fact, in the Wt 14/1/15 p. 31, par 15,16.

Joseph and his brothers were children of a fleshly family, but there is a spiritual family mentioned immediately following David Splane’s choice of a “generation” definition:

“But the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL were fruitful and increased abundantly, multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them.”

If they remained faithful, the “children of Israel” had as their Father, YHVH, as spirit sons of God throughout many physical generations. They were a spiritual “generation” of seed that extended beyond the physical lifespan of a man or woman. When Christ came to earth, many of these children rejected the Father by rejecting Jesus, and adopted another father who also ‘generates’ seed – Satan, the devil. Gen 3:15; John 8:37; Gal 3:29

We have one spiritual generation as righteous children of God, Ps 112:2; Hos 1:10; Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:9,10; Eph 5:1; Matt 5:48; Phil 2:15…

…and one as wicked sons of the Devil: Deut 32:5; John 8:39-44; Luke 13:34; 1 John 3:12 

1 John 3:10 - “This is how God’s children and the devil’s children become obvious. Whoever does not do what is right is not of God, especially the one who does not love his brother or sister.”

The children of spiritual “Israel” increased abundantly when the way was opened for “other sheep” to compensate for the fleshly Jews’ lack of faith in Christ.

John 10:16 – “But I have other sheep that are not from this sheep pen; I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. Then there will be one flock, one shepherd.”

To the Roman centurion, Cornelius, his household and friends, Peter said:

“Now I truly understand that God doesn’t show favoritism, 35 but in every nation the person who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. 36 He sent the message to the Israelites, proclaiming the good news of peace through Jesus Christ—he is Lord of all.

He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be the judge of the living and the dead. 43 All the prophets testify about him that through his name everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins.”

While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came down on all those who heard the message. 45 The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were amazed because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles.”

Then Peter responded, 47 “Can anyone withhold water and prevent these people from being baptized, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” Acts 10:34-36,42-47

JWs, can you see that what occurred in Cornelius’ home that day, was an anointing of the Holy Spirit on all who were with him? It was the introduction of “other sheep” into the one anointed fold under one Shepherd. Rom 5:5; 2 Cor 1:21,22; 2 Tim 1:14; Eph 4:4,5; 1 Pet 5:4; Rev 7:13-17

The “little flock” of physical Jews and the “other sheep” from all physical Gentile nations have become spiritual “Israel”. This spiritual “house” made up of the “children of Israel” should be one flock under Christ, one spiritual “body” that Christ has gathered for his priesthood; and ultimately, one Bride of Christ. 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; Acts 11:15-18; Acts 13:46; 15:14; Rom.11:25; Gal 3:27-29; Eph 2:11,12,18-22; John4:35,23; Matt.9:38; Isa.49:18; Rev 14:1; Psalm45:14; Rev 22:17

However, teachings such as David Splane’s effort to work around the falsehood of 1914 and its physical signs; and seeing the need to fabricate a new doctrine for “this generation”, have mislead the anointed ones and YOU, with ‘established’ lies. Matt 12:39

In the eyes of God, would He consider “Beliefs Clarified” as needed adjustments, or falsehoods from the time they were first taught? Isa 55:8,9;Lev 19:11; Prov 6:16,17; 12:22; 14:5 

Should one’s heart cherish a past lie with fondness by viewing it as perhaps, the “heritage” of a developing nation of people? This is exactly how the WT explains it.

WT 13/2/15 p. 4 - “As Christians, we have a precious heritage. Says Collins Cobuild English Dictionary: “A country’s heritage is all the qualities, traditions, or features of life there that have continued over many years and have been passed on from one generation to another.” Our spiritual heritage includes the blessing of enjoying ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE of God’s Word and a CLEAR UNDERSTANDING of the truth about him and his purposes.”

You read one of the experiences concerning the failed 1925 doctrine in the 1975 Yearbook above. The blame of believing inaccurate knowledge and its false promises, was put upon Watchtower’s members and not on its leaders who fed you the lie. Is this any type of heritage to be proud of? Are we blessed for believing falsehood? Gen 3:4; Col 3:9; 2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 22:15 

First, lets look at Matt.12:39.
Jesus speaks of a "wicked and adulterous generation". These would also be present at the "end of all things" (Mark 8:38) (1Pet.4:7; 1Cor.15:24).
He also spoke of another generation which is righteous (Matt.24:34,35; Psalm14:5; 112:2; Gal.4:26) 

BOTH these generations of seed, exist and battle,UNTIL THE END (Gen.3:15; Rev.12:17,7; John8:44; Rev.12:11; 1Pet.1:23; Gal.3:29 etc.)

Are those wicked and "adulterous" to their covenant with God (1Cor.6:15,16; Rev.18:3; 17:1,2; Isa.1:21,27,28), limited to the first Century Jews?
No. The Bible's prophecies about the "end" are full of indications that Satan's seed is alive and well, busy persecuting the faithful up until the end (Rev.20:7-9). 

Those adulterous to God's covenant in the time of the end, also keep seeking for physical signs to guide their worship. Because of their fleshly orientation, they will be mislead by the signs provided to them (2Thess.2:9,10; Rev.13:13,14) 

These too, will only receive one authentic tangible sign from God....the "sign of the Son of Man" (Matt.24:30).  Pearl Doxsey “The Sign of the Son of Man”

I think we can ‘adjust’ the opening statement by saying, after a hundred years of false teachings by the Watchtower, we who have finally broken the bond of our captivity to lies, are now blessed and able to perceive the truth that Christ presents us in these last days. Dan 12:4; Matt 22:8,9; 24:27,28; Rev 22:10; 10:7 

We have heeded Prov 14:7:
Go from the presence of a foolish man,
When you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.”

What is stopping you, JWs, from seeking the only doctrine that brings life? John 7:16-18 Those whom Christ “sends” must speak this truth, and are the authentic “witnesses” of God; “killed” by your leaders for doing so. John 13:20; Matt 7:15-20; John 16:2; Rev 11:1-3,7; 13:1,7,11,15 

Once leaving the adulterous “city”, they submit to refinement and repentance from sins, idolatry, false prophesy, and false doctrine by an “Ephraim” who teaches “human precepts”. Jer 25:29; 2 Tim 2:25,26; 1 Pet 3:9; Rev 3:18; Isa 29:13; Hos 5:11; Matt 15:9; Luke 3:9 They and their companions  together, support this truth. 

“I have seen something horrible in the house of Israel:
Ephraim’s promiscuity is there; Israel is defiled.

11 A harvest is also appointed for you, Judah.
When I return my people from captivity,
when I heal Israel,
the iniquity of Ephraim and the crimes of Samaria (meaning “watch tower”)
will be exposed.
a thief breaks in;
a raiding party pillages outside.


Come, let us return to the Lord.
For he has torn us,
and he will heal us;
he has wounded us,
and he will bind up our wounds.
2 He will revive us after two days,
and on the third day he will raise us up
so we can live in his presence.
3 Let us strive to know the Lord.
His appearance is as sure as the dawn.
He will come to us like the rain,
like the spring showers that water the land. Hos 6:10,11;7:1,2; 6:1-3

Isa.48:20,21; Rev.22:1; Ps.36:8; 23:2; 46:4; Prov.13:14; John7:38; Isa.44:23; 49:5,9; Rev.13:10; 18:4; 2Cor.6:17; Isa.61:1; 43:1,2; Ps.66:12; Isa.43:10,21; 27:6; John15:8; Rev.22:2; Jer.31:10,11; Ps.142:6; Isa.51:11


Pearl Doxsey, 4womaninthewilderness blogspot: 


“An Illustration”

“New Scrolls?”

“Little Flock”




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Watchtower 2017/2/pg 24,25: Holy spirit helps the Governing Body. The holy spirit has helped the Governing Body to understand Bible truths that were not understood before. For example, consider the li

Human argumentation about human argumentation. For making review on WT history teachings and published "spiritual food", you do not need, as you said "inspired arguments, thoughts, writings". Because

you do realize you just equated the gb with Jesus?  This is borderline worship.   

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Bravo, bravo. You make such a good point. It brought me to tears. But it had one thing missing? The ring of truth! If you say what was said before was hogwash, yours most definitely did!  Most who have left, want us to leave, but offer no hope after we have. Much like Satan when talking to Eve, we stand there naked and ashamed. You have done nothing, have none nothing for my spiritual welfare. You attack because you are gone and and like Satan want others to follow after you. You argument is not based in "inspired" thought or writings.  But only human thinking. I chuckle when I read such drivel, because from this side of the fence where the grass is oh so green, I see the dry decaying foliage without water, the water you say we do not have. Yet those who left Jesus left because they did not understand, accusing him of what you say the GB is doing now, yet what was Peter's response to his question about leaving? Who actually had words of eternal life? Those who left or the very one who at that moment they did not fully understand?  The men are imperfect, as were the apostles, they thought things were to be and they were wrong, mistaken and needed adjustement. Why not these same imperfect men today? Are they not imperfect,sinful humans? We read about the HUMAN SIDE, so many times in scripture about the apostles and allow it, but  go over many things when it comes to the GB, I wonder why? Mostly I think it is because of the mindset of this time, these MEN  are not like those we of in the Bible, these are MEN, not so favored to have such "inspired" information. Would not the family of the prophets fill the very same way at first? 'Who are you?'; thinking how is that this MAN would have such an office! But even today these MEN, like those prophets, those MEN, were so chosen by a divine power to lead his earthly people in these days. And even though so chosen, they are still imperfect, just like the rest of mankind, only difference they have much responsibility.  So as a very long active member, from the days(generation) of Franz, Knorr I know where the sayings of eternal life are. Did not know about 1975, my father being an elder, did not teach us as children this was what that was. It was an end, but not Armageddon. We saw our friends make those crazy arrangements, but I was getting ready for college, not that end! A lot more time was left, more preaching work to be done. We had not yet filled the earth, even I knew that. So take care, there is still time. You should study more, could you be incorrect? Think about it.

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17 hours ago, John Houston said:

You attack because you are gone and and like Satan want others to follow after you.

An anointed one’s job is to speak truth in Christ.  John 17:17  Are you aware of just how many anointed ones have been disfellowshipped for speaking about Christ, and who may have pointed to the magazine cover I posted saying, this is a lie?  What right does the elder body have to disfellowship those who reject falsehoods? Rom 14:4   Yet, they hold power over God’s anointed Temple priesthood, don’t they.  This isn’t a small matter with God OR Christ.  2 Thess 2:3,4; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Rev 11:1-3

17 hours ago, John Houston said:

Yet those who left Jesus left because they did not understand, accusing him of what you say the GB is doing now, yet what was Peter's response to his question about leaving?

John, I didn’t leave Jesus or the Father, I finally submitted myself to him.   I left men who were acting as my head instead of allowing me and all anointed to be led by Jesus Christ. Eph 5:25-27  So…who is it that left Jesus – me, or the GB who want solid obedience to any and all of their doctrine , and to them?  Matt 24:48-51 Where is it in the scriptures that we are to follow other doctrine than what is already outlined in the Word of God?  Everything I posted about "generation" was based on scripture.  David Splane gave one scripture to back up his definition of "generation".  

Jesus said, “Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.”  John 14:24

I found I could not obey Christ’s teachings along with the GB’s teachings.  They conflict on so many levels, so I chose Christ.  I chose one Master, and it isn’t men.  Matt 6:24

17 hours ago, John Houston said:

Who actually had words of eternal life?

Jesus Christ, to whom I look to for eternal life – NOT an organization. 

17 hours ago, John Houston said:

The men are imperfect, as were the apostles, they thought things were to be and they were wrong, mistaken and needed adjustement.

Dear sir, do you realize you are comparing uninspired men to the apostles who saw visions and prophesied in truth?  Is there really any comparison that can be made?  Look at the length of “Beliefs Clarified”, and then consider ALL the mistakes (can you name them?) that the apostles made.  It is blasphemy to categorize the GB with the apostles, but by your doing so, you have done just as they wish.  You have not only made them apostles, but by your obedience to their doctrine, you have made them “substitutes” for Christ.  (compare your Bible’s translation with any other, 2 Cor 5:20)

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”  Matt 24:24

I do hope you consider this next scripture:

“False prophets appeared in the past among the people, and in the same way false teachers will appear among you. They will bring in destructive, untrue doctrines, and will deny the Master who redeemed them, and so they will bring upon themselves sudden destruction.” 2 Pet 2:1

All of “Beliefs Clarified” are untrue doctrines.  All of them; and as I showed in the quote from the 1975 Yearbook, the 1925 doctrine was destructive to many individuals, just as the 1975 doctrine was also very destructive to the beliefs held by many JWs.   

I will suggest something in all sincerity.  Since you have been in the organization for many years it sounds, search the IT book and early magazines about WHO comprise God’s Temple.  Research the Body of Christ – which are the anointed members.  Then, compare today’s teachings of, as an example; “gifts in men” and “princes”, and who are to receive “double honor”.  All three of these refer to the anointed ones, but instead, the elders hold claim to them as they also hold claim to the priesthood, which can’t be challenged.   Consider 1 Cor 3:16,17 and just how important it is that the “holy place”/Temple/”living stones” (1 Pet 2:5,9) are not “destroyed”.  This is a spiritual destruction through “trampling”; and who can step on and disfellowship God’s priests?  The elder body.  Do you truly believe that Christ, the High Priest, is OKAY with his priesthood being submissive to those not anointed?

Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11; Matt 24:15; Ezek 44:6-9

Do you really believe God rejects those who turn to His Son for guidance as  many anointed and believers in Jesus Christ, have?  Matt 17:5


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21 hours ago, John Houston said:

You argument is not based in "inspired" thought or writings.  But only human thinking

Human argumentation about human argumentation. For making review on WT history teachings and published "spiritual food", you do not need, as you said "inspired arguments, thoughts, writings". Because all WT quotes, that was presented and debunked, are NOT inspired, nor inspired in arguments. WTJWorg GB are not just imperfect good church leaders. Intentionally or by accident, they are teachers of false things.  

21 hours ago, John Houston said:

Yet those who left Jesus left because they did not understand, accusing him of what you say the GB is doing now, yet what was Peter's response to his question about leaving? Who actually had words of eternal life? Those who left or the very one who at that moment they did not fully understand?

Mixing Jesus and WT Church Main Body is not good. People in past who left Jesus because lack of understanding were not been rejecting by Jesus in a way that GB rejects those who left WTJWorg Company today.

21 hours ago, John Houston said:

We read about the HUMAN SIDE, so many times in scripture about the apostles and allow it, but  go over many things when it comes to the GB, I wonder why? Mostly I think it is because of the mindset of this time, these MEN  are not like those we of in the Bible, these are MEN, not so favored to have such "inspired" information

And despite your knowledge about it, you still allow WTGB to guide your mindset. Problems for today christian followers should not be human side of apostles of 1 century. Because, 1 century apostles human's side was thing, issue that/it should have been solved by christian people in their time. And today, nowadays JW people have to deal with modern human side of artificial apostles in WT.    

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23 hours ago, John Houston said:

Yet those who left Jesus left because they did not understand, accusing him of what you say the GB is doing now, yet what was Peter's response to his question about leaving? Who actually had words of eternal life? Those who left or the very one who at that moment they did not fully understand?

you do realize you just equated the gb with Jesus? 

23 hours ago, John Houston said:

But even today these MEN, like those prophets, those MEN, were so chosen by a divine power to lead his earthly people in these days. And even though so chosen, they are still imperfect, just like the rest of mankind, only difference they have much responsibility.  So as a very long active member, from the days(generation) of Franz, Knorr I know where the sayings of eternal life are.

This is borderline worship. 


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On 3/4/2019 at 1:27 PM, John Houston said:

You should study more, could you be incorrect? Think about it.

I just wanted to share  scriptures about a wicked "generated" seed who have chosen Satan as their father, and found among mankind from the beginning until now.  

There is a generation that curses its father,
And does not bless its mother.
12 There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes,
Yet is not washed from its filthiness.
13 There is a generation—oh, how lofty are their eyes!
And their eyelids are lifted up.
14 There is a generation whose teeth are like swords,
And whose fangs are like knives,
To devour the poor from off the earth,
And the needy from among men.  Prov 30:11-14

As well as one that describes a generation of those who have chosen God as their Father:

Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge,
Who eat up my people as they eat bread,
And do not call on the Lord?
5 There they are in great fear,
For God is with the generation of the righteous. 
Ps 14:4,5

Neither, are limited to the time span of a human, since they are their father's children; yet also can include a generation of righteous or wicked during a certain time period.   

Mark 8:38 includes all who reject Christ.

For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”



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