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JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims

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11 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

What I do find funny John, people think themselves Christians with no Christian ethics in their soul.

Therefore, labeling is a meaningless endeavor, since it can be said just about anyone, Teachers, social workers, Principles, legislators, Presidents, etc.

I made a mistake ... Billy's point here is VERY relevant.

Morality and Justice NEEDS to trump legal considerations ... or its all just a million words .... written in discarded books that sell on Ebay for collectors of the nostalgic past, and home libraries covered in dust, and eventually eaten by worms.



....don't look for ways to weasel out of Justice.

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What I do find funny John, people think themselves Christians with no Christian ethics in their soul.

What I do find funny Billy is people think themselves Christian just because they serve an Organisation that pretends to serve God. 

A true Christian is one who serves Almighty God through Jesus Christ. 

And what ethics do all those Elders and other JW's have, that commit Child Abuse ? 

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20 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

If you are paid, you are clergy.

All those hard working people in Betel's around the world receiving money, accommodation, food. And they can be fired! No matter of "volunteering"  philosophy that circling about this sort of "ministry".  SO, YES WT have Clergy + Nuns (married or single). 

If somebody else pays/giving, donation money or some other money from other sources, for your "voluntary service", your service is not voluntary in true sense of the meaning of that word. Even small money or given things disqualified you to call yourself "volunteer".

Other story is, is level of money they received enough to be called "salary" (but it doesn't matter, in some countries people working for $ or less per day), or WT Company pays miserable money to own working class in purpose to save money for some other goals, but NOT for CHARITY purpose. 

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17 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

However, they do have to play by the rules given by the government. That falls in line with obey all authority. Romans 13:1-10

Excuse me for a moment ! 

WT choose to play by the secular rules when that suites to them, when not, they ask for different treatment and are disobedient to secular authority.  DOUBLE Standards !

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2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Not according to what has been released or leaked. Therefore, this observation becomes your point of view. Not a sensible one, but that's my opinion. 😉

I an glad you expressed that sentiment as your opinion ... therefore I have no objection.

However, if you keep up with published COURT TRANSCRIPTS of testimonies by our "Clergy", under oath before God and man, you will see that not only are Sreko Sostar's observations valid ... but the Society's positions and reasonings have been exposed as duplicitous, and contrary to the principles of justness and fairness, and just plain common decency. 

They have ticked off and ran the patience of many Judges.  

I realize on this forum not many people follow threads that closely, so holding people accountable for not  knowing everything is  unrealistic , and not fair.

Two things you can do to minimize arguments between me and you, and help me to understand your viewpoints more effectively.

1.) When you have opinions, considered or grabbed out of the air, please state them AS your opinions. It keeps me from hyperventilating.

2.) Make your text BIGGER, so I can read it.





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7 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

when it's clear the system is broken everywhere.

... of course, and WT is also one of the system players with or without implemented secular or non secular laws and procedures and all possible interpretations of that laws, regulations, internal and outside rules.

All that makes them, WTJWorg, as any other Organization. Worldly or Divinely, all failed. And all of them have strong tendency, intention to hide own wrongs. Hide own but to point with finger on other Organizations.

WT publications has many articles about, for example Catholic Church, and child abuse made by priests (not need to mention many emphasized things about "spiritual adultery", revealed by WT, about Roman Church and others churches. What Catholic magazine, or from some other religious org., systematically, for decades "attacks" WTJWorg? I am not reader of any religious publications today. In past i was reading only WT magazines, because it was and it is forbidden by WT to have and to read any other, different religious material that is not published by WT. 

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4 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

The issue here that ex-witnesses, fake members and opposers see as the destruction of documents are merely personal memos Elders sometimes make. Personal thoughts.

To put ex-witnesses and opposers in one place seems possible. But you need to be more positive about your "fake brothers". Give chance to those you named "fake" :)))) Love covers all sins. 

Elders and Personal thoughts - memos. Elders are official agents for WT.  They have personal thoughts, for sure. But in standard procedures, judicial investigations and judging, all memos and thoughts are not Personal but Official. In every legal step about members, in every advice, in conversation in back room with two or more elders - nothing is "Personal". Personal is out of Record. One on One. No one else listening our conversation.

All things about molestation inside JW church are not just "personal, private issue". Because of elders reaction, matter comes to be Public issue, Legal issue, Court issue. All elders thoughts put on memos, records, notes about such things are no more "private". All that must be secured and preserve, save for future eventuality.

Other problem with elders handling things is in this, because member on the bench, have no right to make personal notes, to record all conversation, to have own lawyer, or at least the witness on his side in such situations.  

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“The court ruled that the church had no obligation to warn the congregation that the member had admitted to previously molesting his stepdaughter.”

Um, i wonder what God's thoughts on the matter are though ?  

How exactly is it protecting the children in the congregation or outside by keeping it secret ? 

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50 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Once again you make an irrational appeal to the otherwise uneducated. Would a personal thought about let’s say a memo within in it had addition thoughts of let’s say the need to buy “milk” before returning home after a judicial committee, or not to forget to pick up their child after that meeting make it relevant to a court case.

That’s a personal thought that only that person can confirm


4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

All things about molestation inside JW church are not just "personal, private issue".


4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

All elders thoughts put on memos, records, notes about such things are no more "private".

Billy, it is true how my English is weak. But please, take it seriously how i do not care if some elder, while he is sitting in serious Judicial Committee chair,  thinking about shopping the milk, planing to go to pick kid in kinder school, or making drawings of flowers on his private paper. If they doing so while discussing serious matters than they must find another job and not be in position of "shepherds".   

You Billy are so funny with this sort of thoughts. But in tragic way. 

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