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Do JWs see permanent makeup the same way as they see tattoos?

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It depends on each individual person ... that's why in the Christian Congregation ... we are encouraged to develop a TRAINED conscience, depending on insight and rationality. The tattoos mentione

"Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique which employs tattoos as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as eyelining and other permanent enhancing colors to the skin of the face, li

Most of them don't. Microblading is all the rage right now, and all the sister's eyebrows seem to look the same lately.

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It depends on each individual person ... that's why in the Christian Congregation ... we are encouraged to develop a TRAINED conscience, depending on insight and rationality.

The tattoos mentioned in the Bible refer to markings that would identify one as a member of a band of barbarians, soldiers, religious groups, clan, tribe, or cultural background. ... anything that would show fealty, association or legionship with elements of human or spiritual association CONTRARY to the principles and concepts of that approved by Jehovah God.

It is embodied in the FIRST of the Ten Commandmenta ... which in principle covers the entire subject of tattoos.

You have to use some common sense ... which in perusing and perusing a religious agenda ... is NOT all that common.

Under the Christian "rules", we no longer have to sacrifice animals on an alter ... we can eat Bar-B-Que and pork chops, and a LARGE list of other things forbidden by COMMON SENSE to benefit mankind in its collective infancy years when thinking about societal safeguards was almost completely unknown, collectively.  

There is a difference between knowing a "rule" or regulation .. and knowing or NOT knowing the mind of God, and WHY he decided to restrict this, that or the other thing.

Now, since Jesus has expounded on the underlying PRINCIPLES of the Law ... we should slowly, more and more each day, understand WHY Jehovah wants, or wanted ... or even CARED about what we do, or used to do.

That's why we HAVE a conscience.

I think tattoos  are ugly, and inappropriate, and don't have any, although I am sometimes fascinated by "possibilities", and I am curious and ask about other people's INK when I see them. They usually appreciate the interest.

They think it looks good, and it certainly attracts attention.   Sometimes people are so terribly starved for human attention that they will do all kinds of stuff to try and get some .... necessary to many people as food, water and air is.

The uglier a person is, the probability is that they NEED permanent makeup.

Or some really serious plastic surgery.





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How do they see tattoos?   If you don't like tattoos and you quote Lev 19:29, they say we are not under the Mosaic Law. My take is that I am glad to hear something that Jehovah does not like and glad to avoid it. But as far as I understand Jehovah's Witnesses as a group don't see it any particular way.

(Leviticus 19:28) “‘You must not make cuts in your flesh for a dead person, and you must not make tattoo markings on yourselves. I am Jehovah.

See comments in previous discussion Outta Here attached above.

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3 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

(Leviticus 19:28) “‘You must not make cuts in your flesh for a dead person, and you must not make tattoo markings on yourselves. I am Jehovah.

In Real Estate evaluation there are four things that are the essentials .. all else is secondary ...."Location, Location, Location .. and cash flow".


In conveying an idea to someone else, it's all about "Presentation. Presentation, Presentation .. and interest."


In Leviticus 19:28 these things are ALSO true..... WHAT IS THE CONTEXT?

The CONTEXT is not about decorations and minor surgery, medically necessary or cosmetic.

10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

...... The tattoos mentioned in the Bible refer to markings that would identify one as a member of a band of barbarians, soldiers, religious groups, clan, tribe, or cultural background. ... anything that would show fealty, association or legionship with elements of human or spiritual association CONTRARY to the principles and concepts of that approved by Jehovah God.

It is embodied in the FIRST of the Ten Commandmenta ... which in principle covers the entire subject of tattoos.

I should have also added the MOST important element that Leviticus was talking ABOUT ....  pagan religious rites and practices.

And that unknown woman in the picture with those .... things ... on her eyebrows. ... it looks like she has fuzzy-wuzzy catipillars covering up zippers.



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"Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique which employs tattoos as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as eyelining and other permanent enhancing colors to the skin of the face, lips, and eyelids." (Wikipedia).

Those who wish to indulge in such, if they are Jehovah's Witnesses, would first be asking: " Is it against Jehovah's expressed permission?" The answer to that is no, as the contextual posting from @James Thomas Rook Jr. makes clear.

They would then consider, does it harmonise with Bible principles such as those underpinning 1Tim.2:9-10; Ph.1:10; 2Cor.6:3 and 1John 2:16 ?

There might also be some practical considerations such as:

  • the cost;
  • the skill of the technician;
  • the aesthetics;
  • the impression given to others;
  • the ease of reversal;
  • the effects of aging

This picture seems to offer no cause for controversy:


This picture, however, does give cause for concern..... along with these.

The world's worst eyebrows revealed

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None of the answers satisfy me personally.  And I couldn't care less.

(Build a school with good material, paint it in attractive colours, then set the school curricula as follows:  Each child is to deface one wall each week with graffitti.)

I think the answer is at Romans 12:2.  That will solve all the problems and queries connected with this subject.  As the world becomes more decrepit there will be other fads even more disgusting. So this scripture will apply all the more so.

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