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JW USA: A Witness responds to Lloyd Evans about JW and global climate change

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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

perhaps it's a good idea for me to just limit my comments to non-JW topics 

I scored a point, pleasantly surprising even myself, but it is not be to seen as a rebuke across the board. Time in the penalty box is okay, but it is not time imposed by me.

Besides, I only did it to court Billy's approval, and you saw how that went.   :)

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@TrueTomHarley I still getting used to this theme. I think I will actually ask the @admin to go back to the default. 

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I am an amateur in all and each areas of life. But as I understand climate change issue, the causes can be found in astronomy processes and in anthropological processes.

Scientists speak differently than the official doctrines of the JW Church. Eg. The JW Church says that the Flood (Noah's day) was a great, global climate change caused by the action of God (not human, not Universe aka Sun, Moon, Stars and similar). This great global change, according to this interpretation, was not caused by the action of mankind on the nature and life of the planet Earth, nor was it the result of some astronomical activity and/or normal processes in the very life of Earth itself. 

-precession of the Earth's axis (period of about 20,000 years)
-changes in the inclination of the Earth's axis (period of about 40,000 years)
-change the shape of the Earth's path around the Sun (period about 100,000 years)

Not so long ago, JW claimed that every day of creation lasted 7,000 years. Some older JW still believe it, perhaps. A small release from a theme with an illustration of the dinosaurs: 

When did the dinosaurs live?

The Bible describes sea and land animals as being created during the fifth and sixth days, or epochs, of creation. * (Genesis 1:20-25, 31) Thus, the Bible allows for the appearance and existence of dinosaurs over a lengthy period of time.

What happened to the dinosaurs?

The Bible does not comment on the disappearance of the dinosaurs. However, it does state that all things were created “because of [God’s] will,” so God clearly had a purpose for making dinosaurs. (Revelation 4:11) When that purpose was fulfilled, God allowed the dinosaurs to become extinct. - https://www.jw.org/hr/biblijska-ucenja/pitanja/dinosauri-u-bibliji/

In my early period of being JW it was normal to believe how Dinosaurs was died in Noah Flood. In those time was Normal Official Doctrine to believe how each Creation Period was 7 000 years. So, by such old WT Doctrinal logic, Dinosaurs was  old about 14 000 years and all died in Great Flood. Not millions of years as Science was told people. Today, JW Church not denied any more how Earth can be old UNKNOWN PERIOD of YEARS. That in other words means how it is possible that Earth and Life on it was OLD for MILLIONS of years.

Perhaps we can found few ideas, possibilities on climate and life on Earth. And how "predictions" and Interpretations on predictions by WTJWORG is just one of interpretations.

What does this all have with involvement, participation of JW Church and their members in activity about Environment and Climate on Earth? :)) 

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

What does this all have with involvement, participation of JW Church and their members in activity about Environment and Climate on Earth? :)) 

It Russia, congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses do perform cleanups of public areas. They do it all the time. Often they ask city or town authorities for territories most in need of it.

If you remember, there was publicity regarding Dennis Christensen that one of the last things he did as a free man was take part in such a cleanup. Photos were supplied, one a group photo and one of he alone hauling a bag of trash out of the river.

In ‘Dear Mr. Putin.....’ I floated the idea that if such ever caught on in the US, it would be exactly the opposite of what the Russian government alleges. It would be an example of Russian Witnesses telling Americans Witnesses what to do rather than the reverse. 

It does sort of dovetail with the core mission, doesn’t it? And it is hard to believe that such activity would not provide the setting for some explanation of the good news.


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15 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

sorry for my :) haha to your post, but have to ask you, what "gender" issue have with this topic, and what my position on "gender" issue (if i have any position at all) have with this what i am thinking about JW and their passivity on climate movements in society?

Here you are, Srecko. You’ll be heralding this in no time at all, perhaps already.

The point is that your people divide up readily with regard to every new thing. Our people don’t. It would b the same with regard to climate change if our people were to join your people.



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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Old good charity works, volunteering. More work less talk, i agree!

From the photos I see, much work gets done.

Whereas the meme in the US is that of a “Men Working” sign that spotlights 1 man digging a ditch and 5 leaning on their shovels.

How is it out there where you are?

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

How is it out there where you are?

Sincerely, I don't know how it is this days. Till 2015 nothing about similar activity in Croatia ever heard. Much sure it is the same today. My wife is JW but talking nothing about "spiritual" things, and that  it is "normal" according to elders instructions :)))haha. And i don't ask. All is on internet anyway :))))  I only meet sometimes some old and new faces standing with publications while i am going through the town. 

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13 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Well, don’t give her a hard time, whatever you do. 

haha, you speaking as one elder after i send my Letter of dissociation to Betel. Elders try for months to arrange meeting with me by telephone contact, and not want to tell me why, that they will tell me on meeting (of course, reason was  because i was put 2 post on my G+ profile with Critical Thoughts about GB).

It is very Interesting fact how i stopped to go on meetings from 1 January 2015 and not giving reports about field service. Not single telephone call for some 6 months, to say simple hello or call for coffee - to show some "brotherly love" (which i probably would not accept anyway) but they could not even know my reaction in advance :)))), so they show some of their REAL faces.

Not need to mentioned how one Betel elder try to arrange this meeting by telephone, with him and other elder and me, to discuss about "something" what made them worried (my 2 G+ posts). That make me sure how they Intentionally keek, peek, spy my internet activity and "preparing terrain for Judicial Committee ". But i "played my game" because of common knowledge about how such meetings with 2 and later with 3 elders would be. So, i made my letter, done verification of my Statement by Notary Public and in proper time for me i was sending/published it to JW members in ex congregation mostly and to Betel. And later via internet on some public forums, blogs.

But why told you all this. Because your advice to not give hard time to my wife. In telephone call from Judicial Committee elders on the day they waiting/expecting me to come, and in the same week they received my Letter, because 2 of elders working in Betel so they was aware how i disf. myself few months earlier. Well, one elder made some sort of warning me to not making hard time to wife aka not to "persecute" her. I thought in my mind, oh dear god, you are the people who will shun and ignore me, you are the people who told congregation to destroy my Letter and to stop have anything with me, and now you have nerve to warn me to not make some trouble to her. HEHE, i am the one who TOLERATE you more than YOU tolerate others, and in this situation YOU are People who PERSECUTE me because of my decision to leave WTJWORG. 

Well TTH, if you will be in same situation to tell this words again, to someone else as advice/plead, Please, DO NOT. It looks funny, needlessly and somehow absurd, almost bizarre. WTJWORG is Organization who shows Extremism on this issue. You are not "extremist" in that sense. :)          

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