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JW USA: Cops Investigate Attacks Against Jehovah‘s Witness Buildings In Washington State

Guest Indiana

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Guest Indiana

Local and federal authorities are investigating a string of acts of violence against Jehovah’s Witness houses of worship in Washington state ― including multiple suspected arsons.

The latest attack gutted a Jehovah’s Witness building in the city of Lacey, near Olympia. The fire reportedly broke out . No injuries were reported, but the building was deemed a total loss, .

The Seattle division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has . 

BREAKING: A fire has destroyed the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Lacey. This is the SIXTH attack on Kingdom Hall’s in Thurston County since March. Five fires, one shooting.

— Alex Rozier ()

The fire in Lacey brings the total number of attacks in Thurston County against Jehovah’s Witness centers, called kingdom halls, to six this year, . In March, arson caused minor damage at kingdom halls in Tumwater and Olympia. Four months later, a blaze worship space. In August investigators discovered a fake bomb at a kingdom hall in Yelm, . The incident was determined to be an attempted arson.

In May someone shot about 35 rifle rounds into the Yelm center, causing more than $10,000 in property damage, .

Jason Chudy, a spokesperson for the ATF’s Seattle field division, told HuffPost that the organization believes all the incidents could be related. The attacks were probably “meant to send a message,” he said. 

“We believe that the suspect or suspects has or have a grievance related to the Jehovah’s Witness community, or about another issue they think is important,” he wrote in an email. “Before these fires, the person or persons involved are likely to have shared these strong feelings with others through comments and conversation.”

Chudy said the ATF also believes that the suspect or suspects may have exhibited changes in behavior in the hours, days, weeks or months since the fires, including unexplained injuries, changes in normal routines and dramatic and unexplained altering of physical appearance.

The ATF is investigating the incidents, along with Thurston County police. Investigators are offering $36,000 in combined rewards for information that leads to a suspect’s capture. 

During a press conference on Friday, Thurston County Sheriff John Snaza urged the public to call in with tips.

“It makes you feel really ill,” . “How frustrating is it that people who find a solemn place of worship, and now it’s being destroyed?”

Dan Woollett, a member of the kingdom hall in Lacey,  that the important thing is that congregants are safe.

“It’s just a building ― buildings can be replaced,” he said. “Things can be redone. So we just move ahead with the ministry that we have that we’re involved with.” 


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I am inclined to adopt the philosophy of Tarzan of the Apes, on vigilante justice.   One night Tarzan was perched in a tree, watching a tribe below, and one man was awake,  tending a giant stew pot th

Now is this an attack on the 'serving of God' side of the religion, or, is it an attack against the Child Abuse side of the religion ? The JW Org is now in that unfortunate position of not knowin

Oh what a laugh you two give me.  SM. Quote "Christians will always be a primary target ... "   You are totally missing the point here SM.  It may not be Christians that it is aimed at, it c

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Now is this an attack on the 'serving of God' side of the religion, or, is it an attack against the Child Abuse side of the religion ?

The JW Org is now in that unfortunate position of not knowing. It would be so easy for them to say that it is persecution of the 'true religion' and coming from the devil etc..... 

But in fact it may be because of all the media news Earthwide about the Child Abuse within the JW Org. 

It would be good if the attackers would give reasons for the attacks. 

By the way, i don't think this is good news. I don't agree with this type of destructive and dangerous action. I don't agree with violence or anti social behavior. I hope all the people are ok and it would be good to think that all the Elders are doing shepherding work to look after the 'flock'. Older congregants and maybe even some young ones may be frightened by it all. 


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There is a lot of hate crimes taking place in both the West and East coast, so things like this will happen concerning the culprit's view of his or her target. Christians will always be a primary target if they are not on the side of those who wish to mold them into something else, on the other side of the spectrum, you have those who influence and push misinformation to cause someone to do something, say something and or take action, in the wrong way.

This resonates with a conversation I had with a an elderly man who works a corporate security job. He put heavy emphasis on people taking actions that they see as just, going about things without thinking, only to cause a negative, and consequence that follows. In this sense, influence begets action, and evidently this can be seen here, and with other situations in the US.

That being said, there are those who are sensitive to Bible verse and will even utter that some Bible verses is a form of hate speech, and or supports hateful action, and they can and will take some form of action. These are the times we are living in, the End Times.

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Oh what a laugh you two give me. 

SM. Quote "Christians will always be a primary target ... "   You are totally missing the point here SM. 

It may not be Christians that it is aimed at, it could well be Pedophiles that are hidden in the JW Org by their GB. So it might be aimed at the whole JW Org which supports the pedophilia within it. 

And Kid. Quote "How do 2 wrongs make a right? "  They don't. Just like pedophilia is wrong and so is hiding it in the JW Org.  Two wrongs.

And again quote " These actions are not with a set of moral code, but rather the actions of hateful and deranged mind orchestrated out of HATE, nothing more. " 

So what is pedophilia the actions of ? Where is the moral code of Elders that rape and sexually abuse young children, sometimes even their own children ? Those elders and other pedophiles in the JW Org must have deranged minds. 

Maybe the GB and Bethal 'bosses' also have deranged minds, reading all the reports about sexual abuse of children and not reporting any of it the police or authorities. 

Maybe this destructive action was done by those who have been abused and families of those abused. 

I wouldn't do it, but everyone is different. 

You have to remember how long pedophilia has been going on in the JW Org and also other forms of abuse in same. And the hurt that shunning causes, and being disfellowshipped for no good reasons. 

Please don't 'kid' yourself that this is anti-christian, when it's more likely anti-pedophilia and anti-GB / Elders actions. 

Or do you think it is coincidence that it is happening at the same time that JW Org is being investigated Earthwide. 



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I am inclined to adopt the philosophy of Tarzan of the Apes, on vigilante justice.   One night Tarzan was perched in a tree, watching a tribe below, and one man was awake,  tending a giant stew pot that was cooking the bodies of a neighboring tribe that had lost a battle, and Tarzan drops silently to the ground, and from behind lifts the cook by his ankles and sticks his head in the boiling stew, and pushes him in.

Although Jehovah God has never expressed any prohibition against cannibalism,  Tarzan reasoned that  even Great Apes (his family) did not eat each other, and neither should men.  He obeyed the dictates of his NATURAL conscience, as created by author Edgar Rice Burroughs.

The idea of taking someone back to "white man's justice". was totally foreign to Tarzan.

Perhaps that is why the Society discourages education and reading anything other than it's own publications.

Yet, on reflection, many, many dozens of times I have refrained from killing someone who SERIOUSLY needed killin'.

I wonder if that makes me "more theocratic" ... or just a wimp.

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4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Perhaps that is why the Society discourages education and reading anything other than it's own publications.

Come on James, you know that's not a fair statement. All education is not discouraged, but putting Kingdom interests first is the point. Same with books. Nothing wrong with reading books other than JW publications, as long as they are not the only thing you read. 


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4 hours ago, Anna said:

Come on James, you know that's not a fair statement. All education is not discouraged, but putting Kingdom interests first is the point. Same with books. Nothing wrong with reading books other than JW publications, as long as they are not the only thing you read. 


Anna. You'll be promoting TTH's books soon :) . 

James 'refraining from killing someone' does not make you theocratic it just means you have a conscience.

I think the Kid's point was that vigilante justice does not get back at the accused, but to many the accused is the GB and whole JW Org, so if KH's are being destroyed then it is getting back at the accused in a big way. 

It disrupts meetings, causes worry to congregants, and costs the Org money. I would say that is getting back at the accused.

Hope no one is physically hurt though. 


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13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Perhaps that is why the Society discourages education and reading anything other than it's own publications.

Possibly the reason that they do this is because they reflect upon the world that such “education” has collectively produced.

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5 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I think the Kid's point was that vigilante justice does not get back at the accused, but to many the accused is the GB and whole JW Org, so if KH's are being destroyed then it is getting back at the accused in a big way. 

It disrupts meetings, causes worry to congregants, and costs the Org money. I would say that is getting back at the accused.

Yes, very true. But when he/they (the "vigilantes")  get caught they will be punished. The authorities aren't going to be interested in the reasons why they did this. So eventually they will lose out. In any case, saying this is because of child abuse is just speculation. We really don't know....

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6 minutes ago, Anna said:

Yes, very true. But when he/they (the "vigilantes")  get caught they will be punished. The authorities aren't going to be interested in the reasons why they did this. So eventually they will lose out. In any case, saying this is because of child abuse is just speculation. We really don't know....

We really don't know.... No but the timing matches up. 

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On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Oh what a laugh you two give me.

What is a laugh here is you never link me directly when you want to respond to him in hopes I do not see you are referring to him.

That being said, you never take the things seriously, so with little discernment you not knowing what is really going on in the West, one can see where you stand and the expressed ignorance in all the sense.

You do this in order to ensure I do not see "SM" mention at times. But be as thou, I am here and I had read.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

SM. Quote "Christians will always be a primary target ... "   You are totally missing the point here SM.

This is an example of you not knowing on how things are going on in the West. There was a point in time where a flag flag was raised against Christians of any kind, and a inverted cross was bring paraded across the streets and talks that were made that would make a faithful man shake his knees. You have to realize the things going on here, and the fact that you do not shows you are not vigilante when the Bible informs us to be vigilant, John.

And if we have to be honest, crime has been running rampant on your end in the EU vs. here.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

It may not be Christians that it is aimed at, it could well be Pedophiles that are hidden in the JW Org by their GB. So it might be aimed at the whole JW Org which supports the pedophilia within it. 

Christians are targeted by several groups and or lone wolves in the US. Pedophilia is everywhere and this isn't the sole purpose of someone going to attack a church and or a mosque, sometimes they just don't like someone i.e. they do not like the idea of a pastor of a certain race teaching people or the fact an elder or two were not American born and for that reason they must suffer, others do not like what you said for i.e. the high school students in which some people on the news, jumping to conclusion, proclaimed violence and death on to a teenager who had no idea what is taking place. Someone, if they wanted, can shoot up a church because they do not like the idea of people professing their faith, they do not like the Bible, or maybe the fact that the church does not adhere to far-Left/Right ideologies, even that of gay marriage, which sparks hate. Influence is also harbored publicly and in the online space, which promotes action to be taken by some folks. No one attacks a church for a single problem, if that was the case, other institutions would be up in flames for a problem that dates back to ancient times. You are very simple-minded when it comes to this stuff, let alone the ordeal of what Christians face in the US alone, to some extent, some things I had seen and endured myself.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

And Kid. Quote "How do 2 wrongs make a right? "  They don't. Just like pedophilia is wrong and so is hiding it in the JW Org.  Two wrongs.

Everyone knows pedophilia is wrong and it is a problem. It's everywhere, not in a lone place. Pedophiles even are in video games, they are on YouTube, apps that teens use, etc. You think people are oblivious to the problem when you yourself were not on the fence for solutions to teach, but rather go about things aimlessly?

I am no kid, so do not refer to me as such, you are grown, show some respect. If one has to be honest, mainly regarding you, then spiritually, you are a toddler, in this sense, which can be seen by you wanting to gain wisdom, but in your honest words unable to know how to gain said wisdom.

AS I told you before in which you purposely ignore, JWs are not perfect humans, they are just as imperfect as both you and I. They are not immune to the sin that take place in the world and they do not magically know who is a pedophile, nor are all of them 100% equip to combat the issue, not even businesses and schools are equipped.

You preached before that pedophilia is a earth-wide problem, but suddenly you spark the ignorance and isolate it to a sole group, dare I ask, where were you when Austin was going after teenagers on YouTube? Nowhere and yet you speak of a problem you bear no solutions for. Open your eyes, John, because time and time again you have been told. Speaking about Austin, one of the teens he tried to subdue, her parents taught her right, they educated her on the issues beforehand because solutions like this prevent young ones from becoming an easy victim to the predator.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

And again quote " These actions are not with a set of moral code, but rather the actions of hateful and deranged mind orchestrated out of HATE, nothing more. " 

And that is the problems Christians face in the US, which is 100% the chance. This is factored in with influence where the attacker takes in the message of those who speaks against someone and or something in a negative light, and is on the extreme about it. In this case, there are those out there that will preach that the Bible promotes war and Christians are out to purge and or take out the common man, this kind of influence will push a listener to take action, another negative action is that a deranged person believes in the falsehood of people going to heaven and thinks that attacking to kill someone is a just cause deemed by the influence he follows.

Things of that nature is reasons why some social spaces are monitored and people make a report of such findings because someone can come up with the most insane and absurd accusations whereas a listener can deem it as a truth to commit harm and or action, in his or her eyes, a just cause.

That being said, it is and will most likely be ruled out as a hate crime, this isn't new. Influence to which a listener is commit to take such action, and so forth.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

So what is pedophilia the actions of ? Where is the moral code of Elders that rape and sexually abuse young children, sometimes even their own children ? Those elders and other pedophiles in the JW Org must have deranged minds. 

Do you have evidence of the attacker acting upon this notion? No? Or is it the fact you commit to a sole issue, not knowing the full details of what is seen and deemed a hate crime by most, even by some who speak for their county? Not all of them are pedophiles, just as not all persons of a sex, race and or other are of a specific category in which most people portray such ones to be. If a guy in the UK beats people up and ends up getting arrested for it, his actions does not define you although the two of your live in the same country.

A church member can build a house with a hammer, another uses it to kill someone. Both uses the hammer as a tool, the one who is deemed a murderer, his actions does not define everyone else.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Maybe the GB and Bethal 'bosses' also have deranged minds, reading all the reports about sexual abuse of children and not reporting any of it the police or authorities. 

You do realize the hate stems from those who influence to incite aggressive and physical behavior towards a group? Why would leaders of a faith community influence their own to attack their own churches? Friendly Fire much? If we can learn anything from the ARC, we should not forget out one person "learned" about child abuse and "how" she learned about it.

The guardians of a victim can be vocal and go to law enforcement themselves, they do not have to wait on a pastor, a teacher, and or other to do it for them, for most of the time such ones have little involvement due to bystander syndrome. I posted a story before regarding someone who did take action and ended up losing his life, and the victims family suffered as well.

That being said, child abuse and neglect notes that if one adult is of little to no help,ask another adult, unless somehow they are not wrong in your eyes. You have to also factor in the law int his instances whereas in some states it is mandatory to report vs. others.

A side from that, you have no idea that pedophilia has anything to do with the case, but you keep using that as your focal point, jumping to conclusions. This is the same mentality I had to deal with regarding those about the situation that took place in New Zealand.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Maybe this destructive action was done by those who have been abused and families of those abused. 

You just insisted and now you say this? If you were not sure, why jump to your own claim and speculation as a truth? Clearly unwise, and it shows you are unaware of the religious hate crimes that actually do take place in the US, probably around the world.

That being said, somehow others, who also agrees as this to be a hate crime, are oddly enough factoring in the LGBTQ community, and one can see why for JWs, and others, are not fans of homosexuality, this is no surprise in the wedding cake situation we had months ago where people were up in arms.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

I wouldn't do it, but everyone is different. 

Then allude to defining everyone as a whole into one in your last statement? You are speaking in odd sounds that is deemed alien.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

You have to remember how long pedophilia has been going on in the JW Org and also other forms of abuse in same. And the hurt that shunning causes, and being disfellowshipped for no good reasons. 

Pedophilia is everywhere, today and onward it will forever be here until God corrects the problem. Even if you rewind back to ancient times, it existed. You cannot stop something this grand, only God can, the only thing you can do is advise to solutions to prevent and remedy small instances, and have countermeasures in place should something happen.

If that is the case, become an anti-Pauline - problem solved. Most mainstreams have already rejected commandments, some form of teachings, and or other, even going as far as to adhere to the lifestyle on par of a charismatic preacher. If the such is indeed too great for you, take the exit strategy as others have, but do not fret when someone calls you out for cherry picking the Scriptures.

A real man of God is a man who understands that sins, big and small, exist in the world. These sins can effect all communities even a household, but at the end of the day, that same man believes, with strong intent, that God would make things right and because of that his faith is as great as sea, and in the end, God will make sure all that causes the man to weep, to feel hurt, etc will be done away with, tossed to the fire and be destroyed, for what aches mankind, what aches this man, will be no more.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Please don't 'kid' yourself that this is anti-christian

You really want to take that bet, John? You should be asking yourself, to not kid yourself when you have no idea of what has happens and what is happening regarding faith groups in the US. That black flag will also be a symbol of what went down. Bible verses being prohibited by some, we do not forget that, and those who hate Christians and or the Bible, we know what such ones are willing to do.

That being said, clearly you see an arson crime being done to a faith community that has done nothing at all to anyone in that county.

Ignorance sure is blissful when you have no idea, huh.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

when it's more likely anti-pedophilia and anti-GB / Elders actions.

So how do you know it is regarding pedophilia in the timeline of the arson when you or anyone else do not have that information? For if it was pedophilia as you say, wouldn't other institutions go down in flames by action of arson as well?

Disliking religious leaders does not mean actions should be taken out on adherents of the faith, God forbid if there were men, women and children who were there and perished by the flames. Ill intent actions begets consequences and problems for everyone, even those not involved.

On 4/1/2019 at 3:31 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Or do you think it is coincidence that it is happening at the same time that JW Org is being investigated Earthwide. 

Why would it be a coincidence when religious hate crimes have been surging alone with the limited use of the Bible or actions taken by Christians regarding specific things? And I cannot take you seriously for your earth-wide comment due to what you already expressed here.

That being said, I advise you look into news regarding Christians in the US solely. Then again, you do not always show yourself to look into such things, after all, if you can get a Reddit of Christian believers to hate you by a mere response, then it shows the lack of care of what battles they face in a world of sin that plagues all men.

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