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Superman's Secret Identity

The Librarian

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Dear Friends,


Our little ones have a way.

thought this was cute.
A circuit  overseer went out in service with a 7 year old boy, they went door to  door. The brother asked the boy "are you ready with your door message?"  The boy answered "of course I am always ready". 
The boy  went to the first door, knocked, and the person answered it was a man. The  boy asked, "Sir do you know Superman's secret Identity...what his name  is?" The man answered "of course it's Clark kent". 
The CO did  not know where to look, he was about to stop the 7 year old, when the boy  asked "Well do you Know Gods name?" 
"Of  course" answered the man "Jesus". 
"TSK Tsk  Tsk" the boy said as he shook his head!!! 
"Mister  you mean to tell me you know a fictional persons name and even his secret  Identity and you don't know Gods name who is real". 
"But I do"  answered the man "I said Jesus". 
TSK TSK  TSK said the boy .Good thing I came to teach you today the boy  said.
The boy  proceeded to turn to scripture after scripture proving Jehovah's name to  the man.The man said "come in show me more".
When they  finished the CO said nothing.
They went  to the next door it was the CO turn he said to the home owner "Hi, do you  know the name of Superman's secret Identity?

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Dear Friends,   Our little ones have a way. thought this was cute. - A circuit  overseer went out in service with a 7 year old boy, they went door to  door. The brother asked the boy

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