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The Librarian

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Once there was a man who worked for a construction company. He always tried to do exactly what his employer wanted. He arrived for work on time, and never took 'extended' morning tea or lunch breaks. One day after his morning break he got up and started work, picking up a large piece of timber to take to the worksite.


Some of the workers completely ignored him.


Some of the others started to give him a hard time.


Some said, "Take it easy, come back here and sit with us. You don't need to do that now."


Others shouted, "That's no way to carry a piece of timber by yourself, you need to balance it better!"


Others thought he was just trying to impress the boss, and trying to make them look bad.


Our Pioneers, Ministerial Servants and Elders and others are trying to do what our employer, Jehovah God wants.We can ignore, discourage, criticise, or impute wrong motives. Or we can get up, reach out and help them carry the load.

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