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Here's another one,  @TrueTomHarley



He snuck out on Sunday morning to go to a liquor store (bypassing many others stores close by) out of state to spend almost $1000 bucks on whiskey. He should have been doing 'pastoral' duties that Sunday morning in the Headquarters where he lives and runs the place.

Instead he dressed up in disguise; a trenchcoat, tennis shoes, and a low billed hat to go out of state at a special 'spiritual' time to get his liquor instead of dressing up in a suit with other brothers and going like normal, or having those under him purchase it.

Many critical thinkers here believe that it belies a dishonesty. He could have picked a better time and place, and manner of dress to get his 12 bottles of high end scotch, at the least. Also, the manner of his purchase suggests a bigger problem, not only with him, but within the compound itself, if this is allowed, while they preach the opposite to the masses.



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Why not ask Brother Morris, then the issue is resolved. Everything else is just embarrassing! April 19th is our MEMORIAL ceremony ❤ ♥ ☼ ♥ ❤  Thank you....

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I personally do not trust a Brother who does not drink alcohol. He may be COMPLETELY and absolutely trustworthy, as most are ... but I have found that alcohol makes a person more uninhibited, an

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23 minutes ago, Witness said:

Here's another one,  @TrueTomHarley






"What an astonishing bit of footage"  Really? The man going out to the liquor store to buy some whiskey? 

"This is not how Tony Morris would like to be seen by Jehovah's Witnesses" Why on earth not? It's more like Lloyd Evans doesn't want to see Anthony Morris like this, because Lloyd Evans has some weird ideas about Br. Morris, and now his weird ideas have been shattered. Now he knows Anthony Morris is just like anyone else. Surprise!

Grow up Lloyd!


There are Sunday afternoon meetings too.



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Well, Mr. Morris has all of his personal needs met, plus available “ice cream money” to use as he pleases.  The general message by the GB to JWs world-wide is to give, give, give to the organization; and many do, out of their personal needs.  Many gauge their livelihood around what they can give to the organization, with nothing to spare.  

jv chap. 21 pp. 340-351 - Those who are accepted for special full-time service at the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses all subscribe to a vow of poverty, as have all the members of the Governing Body and all the other members of the Bethel family there. This does not mean that they live a drab life, without any comforts. But it does mean that they share, without partiality, the modest provisions of food, shelter, and expense reimbursement that are made for all in such service.

Nothing modest, drab or uncomfortable in $900.00 worth of liquor.  Perhaps he is sharing with Bethelites? As if that is a good idea.   

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"Dependence on Alchohol".... hmmm.

Did you see how much HARD liquor he was buying? (not just wine)

Where did he get such money? I thought he made a "Vow of poverty" as part of the Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses?

What about his responsibility toward setting a good example for 8 million JW's? Is his thirst for alcohol more important than the stumbling block he may have just caused to millions of former alcoholics that are recovering.

Where are his perceptive powers? His discernment of his responsibility?

Did this video show LIMITS? 



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"We are not  inspired but we are guided" .... by Spirit  (FireWater as would American Indians said in cowboy movies)

Some Bethel people has rich relatives, renting apartments, houses, has some spared money from aside.... and similar.

Vow of poverty is funny instrument, and why to apply that on people who has nothing? IF they really has nothing?! Why somebody who came to Bethel to work and is single and poor, has poor family, no real estate, no money, only clothes on him/her.... WHY would such person to be obligated to give Vow of Poverty?? What is purpose of such Vow? How looks like this WT "Vow"? What Bethel member promises-declare in that Vow?

Mr Tony's coming to liquor store to buy so many bottles of strong beverage proves that he is mere imperfect human who running Corporations with other humans, similar to him. This showed how his job is hard sometimes and he need meaning to relax sometimes, and to drink glass of whiskey is helpful sometimes. Or to seat alone in bar seat with glass of Cognac is what man need sometimes, too.

But bar is more expensive. So, in fact he spare money (donation or his own) by shopping in big market, in big package, on Sunday when prices are little down.  


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In late 1990, i guess,  i was in Vienna Bethel, had a little role in summer Convention Drama, so two or three days of recording. In that time they had one part of basement full of various sort of beer. I do not remember prices, it depends on what sort of beer in glass bottle (0,5 liter) you choose. But to us, from Croatia,  that was very surprising. For some boys (brothers) gladly surprise. :))  

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1 hour ago, Melinda Mills said:

As Tom Harley said, they might soon obtain a picture with him on the toilet seat.  Give the man some privacy. Jesus and his disciples had wine with their meal.  Wine was like water in the Mediterranean regions. Paul told Timothy to take some wine instead of water. 

This type of “hit piece” reporting ( it doesn’t matter who the target is) has a way of resolving into nothing.

(Now, if I should see him in there every single day........)

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15 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

Where did he get such money? I thought he made a "Vow of poverty" as part of the Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses?


12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Vow of poverty is funny instrument, and why to apply that on people who has nothing? 

There is something very childish about these remarks, as though one has gone on a "starvation diet" and his enemies later come along and are upset that he has not starved to death.

It is very very unlikely, I think, that dedicated funds account for his spree. If you have worked with Jehovah's Witnesses, you simply know this.

He co-directs an organization directly benefiting 8 million persons, and indirectly benefiting many more. That will include friends in financial high places; those sort of friends are not stingy.

In Knorr's time, he being the one to funnel vendor business here and there, some of those vendors would lavish gifts on him. I've been told (anecdotal evidence - @JW Insider will know things like this) that he had given him (I think by a paper manufacturer) a Cadillac or two, which mostly just sat there in the Bethel garage. At the time, such was standard practice anywhere, and since many members of Congress enriched themselves that way, laws were passed against it. Not sure if they were passed to dissuade anyone other than Congress, though.

I appeal to JWI for facts, even though he corrected me when I wrote that the GB rode in the wheelwells of airplanes so as to get from Point A to Point B as cheaply as possible. 'Nah, they don't,' he said.

Have parallel things happened in this day with technology vendors? Dunno. Maybe. What! is anyone other than Lloyd so stupid as to think he is guzzling himself away after a day's work pondering God? It may even be intended for entertaining those vendors themselves, who, when they come calling, distrust the Kool-Aid.

Now, the GB doesn't do business deals, like Knorr did. They have them isolated whereby they simply think about God, like the apostles in the first century who didn't want to be distracted by "waiting on tables." So that suggesting doesn't fit so closely as in might with Knorr. But still...

Every exchange I have had with Lloyd reveals him to be a pretty nasty piece of work. That does not mean that he will not have plenty of allies, for he gets the job done. But he has an affinity for bullying and taunting gifs. I used him as a window into the world of opposers, but I ultimately dropped him from my feed, because I was too tempted to answer him. Every exchange shows him up as bullying, but it gets wearing even though I like to show him up in that way. There really is something to that circuit assembly part geared to teens (with spillover for adults, probably, as good general council) about that kid who replied to one "apostate" because he just got mad at the truth being maligned & and he was reasoned with that it might not be such a good idea.

Here is my latest (ideally my last) episode with this character:


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