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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

and who thereafter regarded me as her star pupil for a time, and expressed such disappointment when she found that it was not so.

JWs tend to strive to become "star pupils" of 8 men who have gained control over "Bible teachings", a term you have used.  They have gained control over all JWs as their head; yet, only Jesus is our Head.  I would hope each JW would become a star pupil of Jesus Christ.  Matt 20:25-28; 1 Cor 1:12,13   If that was the truly the desire of a JW, it would not be long before one would realize that the "turf" he or she was once defending was based on the teachings of men other than the teachings of Christ.  Under those circumstances, one becomes a defender of truth in Jesus Christ.  

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Why not ask Brother Morris, then the issue is resolved. Everything else is just embarrassing! April 19th is our MEMORIAL ceremony ❤ ♥ ☼ ♥ ❤  Thank you....

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I personally do not trust a Brother who does not drink alcohol. He may be COMPLETELY and absolutely trustworthy, as most are ... but I have found that alcohol makes a person more uninhibited, an

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10 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

It would be hypocritical to suggest someone’s opinion in this forum should natter more or above others. I recall a person by AllenSmith34 that didn’t get that consideration. Especially by people like “witness” that complained to the Librarian, I would imagine for his/her style of commenting on realistic views from opposers that want to command an audience but are too weak to accept criticism, from their misapplied views, and supporting false images thereof, and yet believe in their hearts, they are Christian.I guess the same can be side about Morris in a liquor store shopping for “spirits” that are NOT against any scriptural law other than the effect it takes after over-consumption. Then there is scriptural responsibility.The fact this has come about on this particular month reminds me of Alastor



Criticise away Kid you know you love it.  I'm sure we can all take it. 

Do all your pedophile Elders and congregants think they are Christians too ?  And all those that worship your GB, do they think they are Christians ? Get real Kid, see the truth in all of it.  Come down out of the clouds. 

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32 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

It would be hypocritical to suggest someone’s opinion in this forum should natter more or above others. I recall a person by AllenSmith34 that didn’t get that consideration. Especially by people like “witness” that complained to the Librarian, 

Whoops.  You said once, "who is this Allen Smith?"  I never complained about you to the Librarian, Allen, although I know you most likely turned me in for something.  


And....this is extremely off topic.  

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On 4/5/2019 at 11:47 PM, BillyTheKid46 said:

Now let's get this POST back on track. Morris, a liquor store, and why opposers think Morris is an alcoholic without 100% proof, 

Yeah! once again, the Terminator, brash as he is, nails it.

I like this reproduced letter, and judging from the wording, I even imagine I know which helper wrote it:

While I appreciate the concern of the brother who “witnessed” this, I also have some concerns about the assumptions made. Please keep in mind, there are a number of circumstances that others may not be aware of. For example, using the purchase in connection with visitors, graduates from Gilead or the Branch Committee School. Also, over what period of time will these [bottles] be used? As far as dedicated funds, some of our brothers had businesses prior to coming to Bethel. I will not get too personal on Brother Morris’s circumstances in that regard. It does point out that our dear brothers are a “theatrical spectacle,” so please assume the best of our dear brother. Thank you.

One can be forgiven for imagining @Jack Ryan is having steamy sex over in his domain, so orgasmic is he over this. He has posted TWELVE (at least) separate topics about this!

He is among the ones (those who have gone atheistic) who lectures everyone else about his superior skills of critical thinking. And yet he so clearly—you couldn’t ask for a better example—lets his wishful thinking drag him along as with hooks in his jaws. He leads with his heart, not with his head at all.

Look, IF the brother was a deadbeat flatout drunkard on someone else’s dime, then yes, this is a video that would be consistent with it. But BECAUSE there exists such a video, the reverse is not by any means true. Far more likely is it that one of the factors the Bethel helper mentions is the reality.

Anybody who knows how to think knows this is so, and yet Jack does not know it. He knows what he wants to think, and that is enough for him to fit any circumstance into his foregone conclusion. And yet he would boast of his “critical thinking” skills.

“While I appreciate the concern of the brother who “witnessed” this, I also have some concerns about the assumptions made. Please keep in mind, there are a number of circumstances that others may not be aware of,” the helper says.

No alcoholic could guzzle liquor the way Jack guzzles assumptions. And yet he would tell us that he has broken away from religion and has learned to use his intellect!

He is either incredibly deceitful or incredibly stupid. Take your pick,

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On 4/4/2019 at 6:18 PM, BillyTheKid46 said:

It’s like a former Bethel member giving up insinuations and then, say, but really, I don’t know the reason why they were dismissed, it’s my assumption they were for that reason. That’s hilarious.

I referred specifically to a period of time from mid 1976 to mid-1977 when I saw drunkenness and saw persons getting in trouble for drunkenness. During that time the reasons for weekly dismissals were announced by Knorr from "morning worship" which included Knorr's comments every weekday morning after the day's text and comments. He often went into great detail about the exact reasons that persons were dismissed, and it was almost always for theft or some kind of immorality. Persons were dismissed every week, but during that time there was never an announcement of someone being dismissed for drunkenness.

It was after mid-1977 that announcements about the reasons for dismissals stopped, and this is why we could not assume to know the reasons for dismissals from that point on.

In any case it's still true then, that I saw drunkenness and misuse of alcohol by younger members at Bethel, but never heard of a case where a person was dismissed for it. I cannot say it didn't happen. Yet I did know persons who got away with repeated drunkenness who were never dismissed.

I have never seen a member of the Governing Body drunk. I never even suspected it. One of several persons who claimed that he had seen such a thing, had his own issues with alcohol in my opinion. The only member of the Governing Body I knew well was Bert Schroeder. (I saw and worked near Sydlik, Gangas and Swingle on a daily basis but never got to know them very well.) He hosted a Gilead party in his room after every graduation. Invariably, there were some very talented persons in the Gilead class musically, and a great Flamenco style Spanish guitarist at the very first "Gilead party" I attended in the Fall of 1976. Brother Schroeder served alcohol in his room, but I don't recall him drinking at all, not that it would have been a problem if he did. Everyone else also drank moderately. This was very early and memorable in my Bethel years, and it was the first Bethel "party" I attended.

But among younger Bethelites, alcohol seemed to me to be a bigger problem than I had expected. In 1978, I went to Europe for about 6 weeks, part of it with the Schroeders, and part of it to work at the Athens branch, and part of it to attend various international conventions and visit and stay at 8 European branch offices - not in any official capacity of course, just as a free hotel room. Just before the trip, my brother had just sent me a 5-gallon bottle of Seagrams 7, which I had not opened and I asked my three roommates not to open while I was gone. It was empty when I came back.

Several young brothers at Bethel had lamps that were made from these 5 gallon whiskey bottles, and I gave away the empty bottle to a brother who wanted to make a lamp out of it. Who knows? It might have been passed down to someone who is still there.

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On 4/5/2019 at 11:47 PM, BillyTheKid46 said:

regardless if there was someone as a Bethel Member, that truly knows nothing 


4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

my brother had just sent me a 5-gallon bottle of Seagrams 7, which I had not opened and I asked my three roommates not to open while I was gone. It was empty when I came back.

See, Billy? You achieved the very opposite of what you intended, didn’t you?  ‘Slash and burn’ is not always the way to go.


4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I gave away the empty bottle to a brother who wanted to make a lamp out of it. Who knows? It might have been passed down to someone who is still there.

Hey, look at the cool lamp that Brother Imbiber left me in his will!


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The word proof came about in the 18th century when sailors, unloading their ships of cargo and whiskey, had only one way to tell the strength of the liquor they were carrying: they would mix a little bit of whiskey with a pinch of gunpowder and drop a lighted match into the mixture. If it ignited with an audible “proof!”, the sailors knew at least half the content was alcohol.

Alcohol needs no lawyer – it has proof.   Audible, visible and  otherwise!

They want to say he is an alcoholic without 100% proof?   


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