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WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982

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@BillyTheKid46, You seem to spend an inordinate amount of energy trying to provoke persons into fighting with you. It is as though you have a NEED to fight. I have seen this from you (and yours) for q

LOL. I'm always happy to address a challenge. In this case you have claimed that I stole unauthorized material, perhaps hoping to use it against the Watchtower, somehow. I did not steal anything.

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Your logic and reasoning, seen through the dark filter of Watchtower Derangement Syndrome (WDS) "the sword that cuts BOTH ways", is truly scary.

EVERYTHING we personally do, or the Society does, should be open, and transparent,  as befits holy people ....and that lends itself to reinforcing that EVERYTHING we do will be praiseworthy ... something we as individuals and as a Nation, can be proud of.

When we as a Nation (without borders or land) make mistakes, them being openly exposed, lends itself to great embarrassment ... but swift and energetic correction.

What you advocate by the application of very fine scriptures about another subject may be something to try and hypnotize with a million words and references ... but your specific  misapplication  ... in the REAL world .... lends itself to secrecy, distrust, stratification of our nation into  a nefarious clergy, and a blind laity class.

Sometimes, in the REAL world, down here where "the rubber meets the road" a person has to choose the lesser of a very large set of evils.

What I find the most scary about you, Billy, is that you would.  from everything I have seen you write, you would make a very , VERY good lawyer for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, as what they do is actually practiced, as evidenced by court transcripts ..... not their self aggrandizing dream world.




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Well, I still have about a dozen more such letters, 2 compete sets of Gilead class notes, talk assignments, photos, some research write-ups, some original Watchtower and Awake! artwork in various stages of completion, and a variety of notices from the Bethel Home office.

It's true don't believe that anything that went on behind the scenes at Bethel needs to remain hidden, but neither does it all need to be publicized. Revealing certain things could be unloving as it might hurt or embarrass specific living persons. But, even more it is not necessarily beneficial or loving to share all good things either. For example, I will not share entire sets of Gilead notes, even though I believe that everything taught to Gilead Students should also be available to every other Witness. But I know of Gilead Students who might feel that their privilege is somehow devalued if those who were not invited were allowed to get all the same information. Personally, I think this is an unchristian and unscriptural attitude. But, then again, most of what was taught in these particular Gilead notes is considered no longer valid doctrine anymore (a lot of Elijah class, Elisha class, Prodigal Son class, Samaritan class, Jezebel class, Ahab class, etc.). So it's really only useful for historical purposes.

For now, I'll just share a few of the more innocuous items. The next item posted will show some of the names of non-Gilead personnel involved in addressing Gilead classes. A lot of persons might have been surprised listening to a Gilead Graduation by Brother Fred Franz, and hearing him say that the graduation event was the first time he had ever met with them or addressed them.

See next post:

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