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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Okay, lets suppose I and my posse storm Warwick, round up the GB, and send them packing.

Now what?


I did explained what would happen briefly in this related topic, based on your expression.

It is toward the bottom of my comment, beginning:

Fast forward to who will disfellowship the Governing Body.  It will be the organization itself. 




However, I’ll say it again, as straightforward and simply as possible.  Indeed, there will be a posse to come against the Governing Body to oust them. 

If you have ever read any of my posts you would know that I believe the two Beasts of Revelation 13 are the organization (Beast from the Sea) and the governing body (Beast with two horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon).  Rev 13:1,11

The Beast from the Sea is spirit-directed – “spirit-breathed”.  It is deemed such, by the composite false prophet.  Rev 13:15

This Beast overcomes the anointed ones – “kings of the earth”. (Rev 1:5)   It blasphemes the Temple/sanctuary of God, which is so obvious in recent pages of the Watchtower.

This Beast is directed by the false prophet to…

symbolically “kill” all who do not recognize, worship, adore, it.  Disfellowship them, which is a spiritual "death".  

Because of the many sins of the false prophet that come to light, the Beast from the Sea/organization joins with a symbolic "ten" anointed ones to gets rid of the false prophet/Harlot . Rev 17:12-14

What next?

The organization/Beast will be under a revised ruler-ship of both anointed and elders not anointed.  It will exist for a symbolic “one hour” without the false prophet/governing body.  Rev 17:12,13

After which, John says,

 “And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.” Rev 19:19,20

There are “kings of the earth” on both sides of the Watchtower walls.  Those who have been disfellowshipped for rejecting the Beast’s “mark”/identity, and those who remain inside, submissive to human rule, which is lawlessness.  2 Thess 2:3,4

Will they leave lawlessness and side with Christ in this battle?  Or, will these "kings" love the organization more than God?  More than their appointed Head?  Can you see the sides develop in this spiritual war?  Col 2:8; Eph 6:12

Michael stands up for his people, whose name means, "Who is like God"  Dan 12:1

What is the general tone of the Watchtower?  "Who/what can compare to "Jehovah's organization"...."Who is like the Beast?  Who is able to make war with him?"  Rev 13:4

This is the divisive battle of Armageddon.  It isn't  fought in Satan’s world of ruler-ship while God’s anointed Ambassadors of Christ must obey those who “represent” them - the elder body.  Any who believe this, have been thoroughly deceived.   2 Thess 2:3,4,9-12; Rev 13:18

Matt 24:15,16


Rev 18:4-8 doesn’t apply to those in Christendom, but speaks to the anointed and companions under the Harlot and Beast.   It says, come out of her, MY PEOPLE, God's "Israel".  

MY PEOPLE:  Isa 43:10-13; 1 Pet. 2:9,10; 2 Cor 6:16; Heb 8:10






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@BillyTheKid46 aka Allen Smith.  I'm just wondering why you have @Foreigner click the angry red arrows for you?  I marvel at your game-playing.  

Hi, I also wonder, why @Foreigner giving me so much red arrows too ? ...... and not giving any comments on my post, just downvote reaction :))))) perhaps man only know to read and not to write. Even i

I believe you have asked me this before, and I wonder why you ask again.    I would pray for the power to open all eyes of those who revere the organization. Rev 13:4  I would pray for the power

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3 hours ago, Witness said:

@BillyTheKid46 aka Allen Smith.  I'm just wondering why you have @Foreigner click the angry red arrows for you?  I marvel at your game-playing.  

Hi, I also wonder, why @Foreigner giving me so much red arrows too ? ...... and not giving any comments on my post, just downvote reaction :))))) perhaps man only know to read and not to write. Even i can write with my poor English  :))))))) 

Thank you very much, to all who reading my comments and have understanding and patience for my grammar :) 

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It's really quite simple .....

Foreigner hates things that do not agree with his preconceived WDS agenda.    

He doesn't know why .... he just hates because other peoples' comments do not conform to official agenda policy.

THEREFORE, he never makes an intelligent reply, or ANY "down arrow" explanatory reply that I remember..

Although .... I would like to quote Foreigner who does an excellent job when debating some non-Witnesses.

" Quotes:

When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. –Dresden James

When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease being honest. –Unknown

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth–not starting, and not going all the way.–Buddha"

He cannot battle logic, reason, and common sense with clown car WDS agenda driven fantasy.

It would be like bringing a rubber chicken to a gun fight ....

.... and he knows it!





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6 hours ago, Witness said:

@BillyTheKid46 aka Allen Smith.  I'm just wondering why you have @Foreigner click the angry red arrows for you?  I marvel at your game-playing.  

Does that mean that Srecko Sostar, James Thomas Rook Jr, and yourself are one and the same since you get green arrows from these posters, or can it be how dense some people can get by overthinking? If so, I can say well played to you. Should I conclude that Witness aka James Thomas Rook Jr is more appropriate, then? Or how about behaving as sensible adults should be in order.

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9 hours ago, Witness said:

However, I’ll say it again, as straightforward and simply as possible.  Indeed, there will be a posse to come against the Governing Body to oust them. 

Will their rooms at Bethel be turned into public privies?

Was there ever a time when you were happy with how kingdom interests were represented on earth?

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3 hours ago, Hankulan-Tunani said:

Does that mean that Srecko Sostar, James Thomas Rook Jr, and yourself are one and the same since you get green arrows from these posters, or can it be how dense some people can get by overthinking? If so, I can say well played to you. Should I conclude that Witness aka James Thomas Rook Jr is more appropriate, then? Or how about behaving as sensible adults should be in order.

It's not the arrows that matter, whether up or down.  It is consistent honesty and integrity, which the three identities in one, appear to lack.  The arrows help identify the character.  

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19 hours ago, Hankulan-Tunani said:

Does that mean that Srecko Sostar, James Thomas Rook Jr, and yourself are one and the same since you . . . Should I conclude that Witness aka James Thomas Rook Jr is more appropriate, then?

BillyTheKid46 would never say anything like that; he'd say:


If I thought otherwise, I would say, The Librarian, JWinsider, James, and Tom are one and the same, since your . . .

JWTheologian would say it more like:


Apr 24, 2017 - Then we must accept that JWinsider, HollyW, Ann O'maly are one and the same person?

Oh, look, the forum still has a few quotes from the original AllenSmith, which is completely different.

On 4/2/2018 at 2:21 PM, AllenSmith said:

I can say that ANNA and JWinsider can be the same person . . .

It was pretty obvious immediately who @Hankulan Tunani was, even a few months ago, well before this persona was just brought back again with a hyphen: @Hankulan-Tunani to continue the same quest.

I'm just letting you know in case you actually believed that all these (and many other) personas are fooling a lot of people. This way you might not feel the need to waste so much of your time trying to differentiate so many different personas. I still vote that we bring back the original Allen Smith with all his past "upvotes," too.

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