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How many ribs did Adam have?

The Librarian

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Circuit Overseer told a joke about how Eve would count Adam's ribs while he was sleeping to see if he had another woman.

Jehovah himself invented joking and  laughs at his own: Awake April 8 1979: "When you observe the playful antics of baby kittens or watch otters zipping down a mud slide and splashing into a pond


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11 hours ago, Queen Esther said:


Jehovah himself invented joking and  laughs at his own:

Awake April 8 1979: "When you observe the playful antics of baby kittens or watch otters zipping down a mud slide and splashing into a pond, do you not discern something about their Maker? He must be a happy Person. Certainly a God that created a monkey must himself have a sense of humor."

Jehovah also uses humor in his teaching. We can see this at Isaiah 44:14-17

Jesus followed this pattern and injected humor into his teaching also, paticularly in the use of hyperbole (rafters, camels, etc):

WT August 15 2003: "Jesus was not a tight-lipped martinet. He was warm and friendly. For Christians today, a sense of humor can lighten the gloom in times of stress."

And also, a good sense of humor and a positive disposition can help us cope with health problems:

Awake April 22 2005:  "Why is a good sense of humor effective as a healer? Because it is a quality that allows us to handle situations in a positive way, even in the face of unfavorable circumstances.“By including humor and laughter in our daily lives, we maintain our energy level, we alleviate fatigue, and we expel self-pity,” "

It is important to recognise that humor is very personal, just like taste and color. I understood @The Librarianto be injecting a bit of humor with this post, but what may be funny to one person may be taken seriously by someone else, and even seem like an insult to another.  The Awake 8 Sep 1980 is enlightening on cultural differences in humor, and we should, of course, be sensitive to the feelings of others in this regard. Rom.14:1.

But it is important to keep a sense of proportion and not to take ourselves too seriously. Otherwise we may feel unecessarily upset when the other person was only ribbing us!


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@James Thomas Rook Jr.

Haha, x-rays are not proof, right?
I spoke today with a very competent brother.
For Adam, Jehovah did not need a rib...
and there is no Bible passage for Eve ;-(

I also heard about some contradictory biblical passages,
(there are miscellaneous ..)
Jesus certainly did everything right, but the later ones
Writers did not always have it easy ....

My feeling is very mixed - and I'm sorry!
That's it for today ...
Warm regards from Germany 


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6 hours ago, derek1956 said:

The rib is the only bone that grows back

... especially if you are a laboratory mouse, and your "Surgeon Rodentia" has sufficient grant money.

I looked up your statement, and it appears to be mostly true, depending on the skill of a surgeon in removing the bone, and leaving the sheath that surrounds it mostly intact. Apparently the cells in that envelope "remember" how to rebuild bone.

Thanks ... I learned something new today.

I know you are  new here derek1956,  and I hope you do not mind me challenging every statement made for detail.    It's not personal, ... I challenge everybody and everything, and am generally a colossal pain in the butt.

I am 72 years old, and feel entitled to be obnoxious.


Mice I catch in the house, I Fedex to Disneyland, to meet Mickey, who only has three fingers on each hand.


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