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@TrueTomHarley  "Focus on the purpose of the anointing. They have a lot of work to do, if this verse is any indication."


He's referring to 1 Pet 2:9:

But you are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,+ a people for special possession,+ that you should declare abroad the excellencies”*+ of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light - 1. Peter 2:9

Srecko provided this quote:

WTJWORG quote: Such adopted state brings benefits of freedom from “a spirit of slavery causing fear,” replacing it with the confidence of sons; of hope of a heavenly inheritance assured by the witness of God’s spirit. At the same time these spiritual sons are reminded by their adoption that such position is by God’s undeserved kindness and selection rather than by their inherent right.  https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/pc/r1/lp-e/1200271355/1/0

“…of the One who called you out of darkness and into His wonderful light”

“Such adopted state brings benefits of freedom from a “spirit of slavery causing fear”, replacing it with the confidence of sons; of hope of a heavenly inheritance assured by the witness of God’s spirit.

Does this freedom from darkness, slavery and fear happen when a present or future anointed one has either just embraced the organization or been a seasoned member of it? 

Or, like myself does it happen when one steps out of the organization, receiving confidence in Holy Spirit’s ability to aid me in doing God’ will?  I could still be in the organization, timidly denying and deliberately forgetting my anointing over the initial fear of unworthiness, and what those in charge may judge me as. Matt 10:28; Mark 8:35   After all, what elder would have been convinced that a young 25 year-old woman was anointed upon just entering the organization?   For over 30 years, the “token” of Holy Spirit that I and all anointed receive, was never appreciated. Where would that have put me when Jesus returns?  Would I have received eternal life for squandering away what should have been the start of the progression of knowledge and faith in God? Eph 2:8-10  How could I have imitated Christ when I rejected his Headship over me and substituted men to be that head, instead?  Eph 4:20,21; Prov 22:19; 2 Thess 3:5

How many more in the organization are like me?

“What is the spirit doing to a heart during anointment? (See Rom.2:29)
The heart is being circumcised by spirit...being cleansed and inducted.
The token in the heart is direct contact with Holy Spirit. It is like God touching you directly.
What heart-felt emotion does this cause....What does that token in the heart feel like?
That feeling highlights the truth of 1John4:8
The token in the heart is an overwhelming flood of love as never experienced before...directly from God, as He chooses and cleanses your heart.
This is separate from the progressive learning through Christ (imparted due to one's anointed identity)...also by virtue of the anointed designation and Holy Spirit.
Those who are chosen, come under Christ's progressive teaching (Eph.4:20,21; Matt.13:12; John15:5; Rom.11:17). (Pearl Doxsey, “Holy Spirit at Work, The Token”)

I did feel that overwhelming love; but I remained lost and oblivious to God’s purpose; not only for me personally, but ignorant of His full purpose for all anointed ones.  1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:19-22; Rev 5:9,10; Rev 22:1,2,17  Not far behind my experience, are the rest of the anointed priests in the organization.   Each one has received a special spiritual gift from God. Eph 4:11-13  Are these gifts used, or does God’s priesthood remain in the dark about their individual purpose God had set out for them?  Under both the GB and the “uncircumcised” elder body’s rule, they are to ignore what God has placed in their hearts. Rom 2:28,29; Dan 8:12; 12:7  The GB has no need of them, since a great counterfeit priesthood has taken their place. Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2; Dan 11:31 The elders uphold the GB’s direction to insure the anointed are working individually, separate from each other; not to bond, not to join together as one body; which totally contradicts scripture. 1 Cor 12:24-26 They have perverted God’s Word to satisfy their lust for power.   Micah 3:9; Rev 13:11; 8:10,11    Cutting, sarcastic remarks such as the following, help herd them in the direction the GB want them to go…one of oblivion and servitude to what the leaders have devised and cherish, an earthly organization; a Beast with great power over God’s chosen ones.    Rev 13:1,2, 5-8

 All that I say, are not new points.  I’ve written them many times here; nothing has changed. If a person’s heart loves the organization built by men, over the organization of God,  built upon His Son (His Temple priesthood of “living stones” 1 Pet 2:5,9), nothing that I speak will make a difference in changing one’s heart to “see” the blasphemies committed by the Watchtower and its Harlot leaders.  Rev 13:6; 2:20 

So anointed ones do not think that they are better than others. They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants. And they do not feel that they can understand Bible truths more deeply than anyone else. Wt 16/11 p. 22

They know and feel these things, do they?  Or, are they spoon-fed lies by a wicked slave who prefers to silence their opinion and any truth they may have in their heart? Matt 24:48-51

IF they worked as one anointed Body directly following their only Head, Jesus Christ, what would they know?   Prov 4:18; 1 Cor 13:9,10; Rom 12:6; 1 Cor 12:12,13

Each one would learn their purpose as GOD outlined for them; not the purpose of men, not as a “human message”.  2 Thess 2:13; Phil 1:6; Eph 4:13

They would teach God’s laws to the people, “for the healing of the nations”.  Jer 23:32; 31:33;Ezek 44:23; Mal 2:7; Heb 8:10

They would freely offer up sacrifices of praise to the one true God, not to the “mountainlike organization”.  Rev 13:4

As one Body, they would come to “know all things”.  1 Thess 5:19; 1 John 2:27

They would bear only good fruit “that remains”, sourced in the nourishing sap of the vine, Jesus Christ.  John 15:1-5,8,16; James 1:17; 1 John 4:1

They would each shine the light of truth and love of Christ, for all in God’s spiritual House to benefit from, including all lovers of truth in Christ.  Ps 43:3; Matt 5:14-16; John 14:6 

“…who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light” 

The organization cannot emit the “wonderful light” from the Father and Christ, since it is a well-cloaked mechanism of slavery to men – a spiritual, strong, psychological attempt to win over the minds of it’s adherers, backed by evil intentions.  2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 16:13,14  What is taught may sound so pleasing, so “nutritious”, but if one digs underneath the surface teaching; the very opposite is found.  If truth is spoken, what is practiced is not the truth that may have be verbalized.  Luke 12:1,2

What are the “abc’s” of a psychological – in this case, spiritual – trap?  I’ve referred to this before:

To grasp psychological entrapment we must first comprehend the simplest traps of all physical traps for animals. Animal traps are ingenious devices devilishly clever and efficient, and utterly sinister in their effect on their victims. What properties then make animal traps work?

 (If humans can devise such traps, how much more sinister would a trap devised by Satan turn out to be? Would it be perceived as a trap at first sight? Amos 3:5; 2 Cor 11:13-15)

First of all an effective animal trap must be able to lure or to distract the quarry into behaving in ways which threaten its self-preservation.

…A dedication to the organization on the premise of the false belief that salvation is obtained through such a commitment; while simultaneously convincing one that he is serving God whole-souled.  Deut 8:10; 30:17,181 Kings 12:28-31; Matt 6:24

“Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization.” 01/10/1 pg 20-23

Can any JW provide a scripture to validate this claim?

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Rom 1:25

Second, an effective animal trap permits traffic in one direction only.

…Just as a “live” trap secures the animal, any effort to escape the Watchtower can result in a spiritual “killing” – disfellowshipping. Rev 13:15  In essence, the comfortable cage that surrounds JWs, becomes the organization.   Col 2:8; Rev 13:10

Incredibly, James 4:8a, Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

translates into…”As we approach the universal war of Armageddon it is vital to stay close to Jehovah’s mighty organization. w72 6/1 p. 333

“While Satan’s organization crumbles, the organization of Jehovah prospers marvelously under his protection and guidance.” w71 9/15 pp. 559-564 

Well then, that is enough of a boast to keep a JW inside; to regulate the traffic flow going in and not out, of the organization.  Yet, are these statements really true?  The organization has crumbled in Russia, and is threatened with extinction in other countries as well. Numbers world-wide are decreasing.   Again, which organization is it, that belongs to Satan?  It is the one pretending to belong to God; the one promising you will prosper, while it crumbles around you.  This “mountain” will continue to reduce in size, while the true Mount Zion/God’s Temple of “144,000” will “fill the earth”.  Zech 4:7; Dan 2:35; (Rev 13:4,15); Rev 8;8 

“When you see (“New”) Jerusalem (Rev 21:1,2) being surrounded by armies, (elder body/"man of lawlessness") (2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:2) you will know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. 22 For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written." Luke 21:20-22

Third, an effective trap is often engineered so the quarry's very efforts to escape, entrap it all the more.

…by using the threat of losing all knowledge of life one has known when rejecting the organization. This limits the range of one’s spiritual mobility, just the opposite of spiritual freedom necessary to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1

For those anointed who reject this threat in order to bond with Christ and the Body, they are blessed with his protection; which is much stronger than any organization on earth can provide - no matter how large, how beautiful, how successful it appears in producing a “preaching work”, of their own making.  Zech 4:6,7; John 10:9,10

 Finally, an effective trap must be suited to the particular attributes of the quarry it is designed to capture.

…by baiting it with true teachings, followed by a vow of exclusive devotion to the organization, regardless of what false doctrine develops over time.  Satan knows the anointed ones recognize truth aided by the Holy Spirit “deposit” given them when anointed.  He uses this knowledge to entrap the remaining ones of the woman’s seed during the last days, and eventually flood them with lies. Rev 12:15

Some types of personal interactions are psychological traps for capturing people; they are remarkably similar to self-entrapment. Like animal traps, their effectiveness lies in the trapper's ability to lure the quarry into a course of action that leads to entrapment.

The course of action taken by anointed and others, is dedication to the organization that requires whole-souled service. You must agree, your entire life is devoted to “Jehovah’s organization”   God does not have a share in the world’s endeavors. John 4:23,24  Simply, Satan has spearheaded his campaign of deceit against God’s saints, using his access and authority over the world.  Luke 4:7,8  God focuses on the faithfulness expected of His priests to serve Him and His Son. 1 John 5:1-5  However, He backs away and allows the demands of Satan to sift us as “wheat”, by presenting us with this ultimate deception. Matt 4:1; Luke 22:31;  2 Thess 2:9-12 To be found worthy, each anointed must be tested as Jesus was. How do you see this happening JW?   As you peer into the world for Armageddon to come and go as Satan desires you to do; from his other hand, he has placed the test right in yours , and right in the palm of the anointed priests.  We are either victorious in combating his deception and lies; or, we succumb to the power of men over us to support their counterfeit “Zion”.    It is the essence of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. 

The human motives leading to entrapment include greed, excessive ambition and the need to save face or to punish an adversary. Similarly, when our personal or professional life disappoints us and our efforts to achieve a turn-around do not pay off quickly enough, we may decide to justify the high cost by renewing our commitment and remain on the treadmill.

What is the high cost of remaining on Watchtower’s treadmill?  Dear JWs, it can mean your life.

At the end of the symbolic “thousand years”, which is now, Satan uses deceit to mislead the “saints” and those with them, into idolatry and submission to the rule of men.  This trap is an ‘ingenious device devilishly clever and efficient, and utterly sinister in its effect on the victim’.   The Watchtower even uses the term “deceit” to describe Satan’s tactics when he is let loose from the abyss; but naturally, they lead you to believe it is still to come. 

Very clever. 

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.  Col 1:13


Pearl Doxsey - "When are the full "144,000" completed?"  - 4womaninthewilderness blogspot






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I agree.  This is one reason why I brought up Korah's example and the GB's determination to wiggle around scripture:     Really, this doesn't surprise me, Allen.  I would not expect anyth

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56 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

The appeal would be with understanding scripture and not allowing our own understanding taint or cloud our own mind.

I agree.  This is one reason why I brought up Korah's example and the GB's determination to wiggle around scripture:  


58 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Therefore, there is NO anointed one, present. Regardless how passionate one feels.

Really, this doesn't surprise me, Allen.  I would not expect anything different from you.   We choose the "fruit" that appeals to the condition of our heart.  Matt 7:15-20; Luke 6:45

"Let God be true, and every human being a liar.  As it is written:  "So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge".  Rom 3:4

"For do I now persuade men, or God?  Or do I seek to please men?  For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ".  Gal 1:10





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