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I see Billy continues to amuse us. Poor Billy forgets, or wants to hide the facts that the GB / JW Org / Watchtower twists the meanings of scripture to suit their own ends..

This generation will not pass away, twisted how many times ? What is it now a generation on top of a generation possibly maybe ? Oh dear. 

Superior authorities scripture changed how many times ?  Of course it was changed to give power to the society when they wanted more power over people and it took away the idea of people having their own conscience.

But of course Billy doesn't want to know that. 

And of course we have the terrible misuse of the Two Witness rule, just to hide Pedophiles in the JW Org and to pretend the Org is clean. 

Come on Billy, there are the things Jesus condemned the Pharisees for.  

And the point where you pretend to be a JW but will not use the NWT, well I think that speaks for itself. If you were a true JW then I'm sure you would support the Org's translation of the Holy Scriptures. 

Have a good day Billy, but you do seem so confused :( 

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You crack me up Billy. The level in which you interact with others is very telling.    Also, it doesn't hurt my feelings if you down vote my posts. It actually makes me smile..........becaus

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@BillyTheKid46  Are you really using the Romans 13 scripture to mean the GB ? Are you joking ? The Superior Authorities to whom we pay taxes are worldly governments. Surely even you can understan

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On 5/12/2019 at 10:59 AM, BillyTheKid46 said:
On 5/12/2019 at 8:02 AM, Witness said:

God's laws, fulfilled in Christ as the Word. Matt 5:17; John 1:1  Every other "law" or tradition set in place by the corrupted priesthood, oppressed the people: 

Indeed. The word was well before creation as the firstborn of creation. This is why Jesus also can be relative to the Role of a Levite Preist.  Therefore, explain it to Srecko, he doesn't understand. You might also consider your position about the Royal Priesthood.

You left me hanging there.  Not sure what your point is.  Jesus Christ is the “High Priest” of God’s priesthood.  Heb 7:26,27

On 5/12/2019 at 10:59 AM, BillyTheKid46 said:
On 5/12/2019 at 8:02 AM, Witness said:

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  Matt 11:28-30


With this, we can agree Jesus was placing judgment on the conduct of the prevailing priesthood. However, did Christ suggest to disobey?

You really believe Christ expected them to OBEY these traditions of men when he said, “come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden”?  He specifically told his disciples, “They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.

Does God and Jesus suggest us to ingest the “leaven” of false teachers?  Matt 16:6   Teaching anything beyond scripture is the sign of a false teacher.  You do know what John the Baptist preached about?

 In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying:

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way of the Lord;
Make His paths straight.’ ”  Matt 3:1-3

He told all of them, “bear fruits worthy of repentance”.  If we repent from following traditions of men who lay unnecessary burdens on us, does this mean we are to keep following them?  ADDITION - does this mean we are to obey the those additional traditions and laws that are a 'heavy load'? 

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her. How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!35 See, your house is abandoned to you. I tell you, you will not see me until the time comes when you say,’ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’!” Luke 13:34,35

The apostles came on the scene, teaching truth from Christ.  The entire Jewish system of that day lost God's favor with the coming of Christ; yet, they were the first to be given the opportunity to gain life through him - if they obeyed HIS teachings.  This is our choice today; we either continue following men and their added burdens of lies, or we repent and follow Christ.  

On 5/12/2019 at 10:59 AM, BillyTheKid46 said:

Either you submit to the entire word of God, or you don't. People cannot pick an chose only the things in scripture that feels right for their argument.

The traditions, added laws of men are “not the entire word of God”.    They are not scripture. 

Regarding Hebrews 13:17, it refers to those within the anointed Body of Christ - his priesthood.  1 Pet 2:5,9; Heb 13:15 Who were the early leaders?  Primarily, at that time they were the foundation of the Body/Temple - the apostles who directed or led people to Christ. Yes, being a "leader" is a noted gift within the anointed priesthood.  Rom 12:8   Their entire message was about Christ, "leading" people to him.    

The organization’s leaders are the image of the Pharisees, setting up their own regulations far from the commandments of God; and like the Pharisees , the GB/elder body “lead” people away from Jesus Christ, to an idol – organization - today's "Jewish" system of corruption.  Mal 3:1-3; Rev 13:5-8

The law is summed in one word, love.  “Heavy burdens” of men’s rules and regulations do not reflect love.   Matt 22:37-40; Gal 5:14



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19 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I'm faithfully obeying God almighty through the Watchtower, Then yes, I'm very proud to be God's servant.

Billy, dear Billy .... even in simple stating your position as believer, you alone put yourself in negative context. 

Is it some typing error? :( Or you purposely wrote how you  obeying God almighty through the Watchtower ?  It would be more better to say... (political correctness :))))))...  through Jesus .  And all would end there. Bible not endorse no one else as Mediator but Jesus Christ.  

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18 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Billy, dear Billy .... even in simple stating your position as believer, you alone put yourself in negative context. 

Is it some typing error? :( Or you purposely wrote how you  obeying God almighty through the Watchtower ?  It would be more better to say... (political correctness :))))))...  through Jesus .  And all would end there. Bible not endorse no one else as Mediator but Jesus Christ.  

An admission of idolatry.  

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17 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I’m trying very hard to make my comments as simple as possible. But it seems there is still a lack of communication with you Srecko.

I believe I gave you an example of what a provisional law would entail. I asked you to submit a good example where the Watchtower has made a provisional law or changed God’s law to determine how to respond.

I understand English is not your first language, and I have no intention of insulting you for it as others here do with grammar.

I didn’t cite a Watchtower publication to make a point since opposers and fake members enjoy twisting its meaning, especially if it’s a past published citation. That’s why my example was with Moses and divorce.

I belong to  "introvert species" inside humankind :)))), so quantity and frequency of communication from my side is not sufficient for others, sometimes or often. Thanks for grammar issue!

Moses and stuff with this. Moses Law or God's Law, whatever/however we decide to name it is of Provisional Sort. One of main reason is because no one is/was been able to obey this/such Law. Of what value is the Law that can't be incorporated in people's life. When people are not able , even if they truly want, to live by The Law.

Even in that situation Jew Religious Leaders added human commands and traditions and burden people still more. And yet today, in modern religious systems, things are similar and same. With no exceptions (including WTJWORG).

Divorce thing is with "little" controversy (also as killing non-Jew tribes but with Law permission to took with force beautiful virgins (even under age children) and "marry" them. One part of Jesus conversation with Jew, reveal something about divorce and Moses and by that making questions (to us) about other Law regulations in Israel. 

Perhaps we can agree, how God was not approved nothing of it, that Moses "gave" them (Because of the hardness of your heart Moses PERMITTED you) , but God was allowed them (Moses and Priests and people) to doing so

Well, today we can look at issues in similar way. God just allowed that Religious Leaders burden people with human regulations and ideas just as in the past time.

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It's great to read some humour from Billy the child, on here. He is sooo funny. For instance and I quote  :-

" The Watchtower reverted to being like the first-century apostles with scriptural understanding. The Watchtower in itself is by far the only organization that is keeping Christ commandments. "

I would really like to know exactly whom Billy means by 'the Watchtower'. He never gives me a straight answer when i ask him.

To me the Watchtower is a magazine. Yes also the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society. 

But, who exactly is Billy referring to when he says "The Watchtower reverted to being like the first-century apostles with scriptural understanding" ? Does Billy mean the GB ? or the Writing Department ? Or whom ?  Who knows.

Anyway this Watchtower society which was formed in 1881 as Zion's Watchtower and renamed in 1896, has made so many blunders that it is completely inadequate for spiritual guidance as it cannot be trusted to provide true facts. It shows itself as not having any guidance from God or by Holy Spirit. 

If Billy wants to serve an idol, 'The Watchtower', that is of course his choice. However, as Srecko mentioned, serving Almighty God through Jesus Christ, is the correct way to do it. 

Billy ends his comment with a belter :-

 Either you obey Gods laws and commandments, or you don't. It's that simple. How will false religion (false Christendom) accomplish that? "

Um Billy, I think you have such a bad memory or you just cannot bring yourself to acknowledge the failure of that Society / Organisation which you worship. The Watchtower and it's JW Org do not serve God properly and because they are not chosen by God, they cannot supply the 'right food at the proper time'.  Everything they do is guesswork and when they get it wrong they simply guess again, and get it wrong again. 

Scripture 'This generation will by no means pass away.' How many times have they changed the meaning of this one ? 

'The superior authorities'. How many times did they change the meaning of this one and WHY ? 

Billy the proof is there before your eyes. The Watchtower / GB / JW Org / Society, have no idea of truth and are not guided by God or by holy spirit. 

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2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Maybe TrueTom can write a comedic book.

There is no better way to make the medicine go down that comedy. After all, if you bury the most brilliant counsel in the more repellent package, how many are going to ponder it?

It works for genuine ‘apostasy,’ too. The best way to dispose of much of it is with comedy. It must be done sparingly and without losing empathy, but comedy is often the way to go.

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5 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

There is no better way to make the medicine go down that comedy. After all, if you bury the most brilliant counsel in the more repellent package, how many are going to ponder it?

It works for genuine ‘apostasy,’ too. The best way to dispose of much of it is with comedy. It must be done sparingly and without losing empathy, but comedy is often the way to go.

Tell me TTH, what do you regard as genuine ‘apostasy,’ ?

Are you one of those that believes that if a person leaves the JW Org they become a non believer in God ?

What is an apostate in your viewpoint.  It is a person that turns away from a former religion ? Or is it a person that turns away from God ? 

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2 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Tell me TTH, what do you regard as genuine ‘apostasy,’ ?

Are you one of those that believes that if a person leaves the JW Org they become a non believer in God ?

What is an apostate in your viewpoint.  It is a person that turns away from a former religion ? Or is it a person that turns away from God ? 

I like how you proposed the question.  It is a very confusing one for the majority of JWs.  In their mind, God and the organization are inseparable, for the last 100 years or so.  God appears to have changed to accommodate the WT organization.  He requires earthly riches now, and buildings; yet, Jesus said, God is Spirit and doesn't require earthly goods or "mountains" from this world where we need to worship.   In fact he said, "true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.  John 4:23

Would God really change to accommodate the Watchtower organization and require worship to be given Him through earthly means, derived from the area of authority that Satan has power over?  

“To whom will you compare Me?
    Or who is My equal?” says the Holy One.  Isa 40:25

Tom will probably answer, an apostate is a person who turns away from "Jehovah" - meaning the organization.   But, perhaps he will surprise me. 






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8 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

How does your silly outlook challenge the very fabric of what Christ taught if you are so dismissive of the body of Christ and his living church and those that comprise that body?

To you, who comprise the Body of Christ?

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6 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Now! Now! who asked first. 😉

What does Christendom speculate about churches?



Do you believe Apostle Paul was insane to write letters to churches? Colossians 4:18 was Paul writing to invisible or symbolic churches, by your interpretation and standard?

Were these churches not man-made, or do you believe, divine intervention built them? 🤔

Remember, the theme of "garbage" has not been lost here with all these queries.

I ask again, who comprise the Body of Christ?  The Body is God's Temple.  Who comprise this Body/Temple?

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