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In the recent Watchtower book, “Pure Worship of Jehovah, Restored at Last!”, it is stated:

“In the past, our literature has referred to Christendom as the antitype of apostate Jerusalem. The conditions in unfaithful Jerusalem—including IDOLATRY AND WIDESPREAD CORRUPTION—certainly remind us of what is happening in Christendom. However, in recent years our publications, including the one you are now reading, have not taken the type-antitype approach to prophecy except where the Bible provides a clear basis for doing so. Is there a solid Scriptural basis for referring to Christendom as the ANTITYPICAL JERUSALEM? 


In view of the foregoing, what may we conclude? When we examine Bible prophecies that were fulfilled on unfaithful Jerusalem, we may say, ‘This or that reminds us of what we see in Christendom today.’ But there appears to be NO SCRIPTURAL BASIS for referring to Christendom as the antitypical Jerusalem.” Pure Worship of Jehovah—Restored At Last! p. 174

First off, what do they mean by “antitypical”? An “antitype” is, 
…something that corresponds to or is foreshadowed in a type
…or an opposite type.

After many years, the Watchtower is now saying Christendom does not correspond in any way to ancient Jerusalem. Jerusalem was the “holy city” of God. Under the New Covenant promise, “Jerusalem above” is the “city whose architect and builder is God”. Heb 11:10 It is referred in scripture as the “mother” of the anointed ones. Luke 22:20; Gal 4:26,24; Heb 9:15 Mothers bring life, and this mother/promise brings immortal life to those faithful sealed anointed ones. Together, they become the “New Jerusalem”, Zion. Heb 12:22,23 

As the fulfillment of that New Covenant/promise, “New Jerusalem”, the Holy City, will be seen “coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. Rev 21:2

And, as the fulfilled promise, the Bride will bring life to the rest of the children of God.

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s DWELLING PLACE is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.” Rev 21:3

Rom 8:19-21; Rev 22:17 

The city of Jerusalem was the location of God’s dwelling place – His temple at the time. Today, God “dwells” within the hearts of His anointed priests through His Holy Spirit. His dwelling place, or His “house”, is His Temple. 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Cor 6:16; Eph 2:20-22

“New Jerusalem”, the Temple, the Holy City, all refer to one and the same; comprised of this priesthood joined under Christ, their High Priest. Heb 7:26 This makes “New Jerusalem” the “city/house that bears My name”. Acts 7:49; Rev 3:12

If Christendom is no longer taught as the “antitypical” Jerusalem, the organization can no longer point to Christendom to fulfill the many prophetic scriptures that concern the “holy city”/Temple/New Jerusalem. JWs, this means all the earlier teachings by the WT that point to Christendom as that “city” which receives condemnation for its abominations, realistically points to the anointed under covenant with God.

The organization admits:

Jerusalem was the ONLY city in all the earth that was DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH GOD’S NAME. (1 Kings 11:36; Matthew 5:35) It was the capital of a God-approved earthly kingdom. 06/7/15 p. 5,6

Past teachings of the WT tell a different story in the following quotes from the Watchtower:

#1 – Christendom’s congregations say ‘Lord, Lord,’ even as sexual immorality flourishes in their midst. “Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known,” Jehovah asks, “and then come and stand before me in THIS HOUSE, WHICH BEARS MY NAME, and say, ‘We are safe’—safe to do all these detestable things?”—Jeremiah 7:4, 8-10, g89/1/22 pg 11

#2 - Christendom will be the FIRST PART of this system of things to go down, for she is the modern-day counterpart of the apostate kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem. To typify that, the kingdom of Judah was made the first to drink the “cup” that contained “the wine of rage.” Jehovah said that it was with “THE CITY UPON WHICH [HIS] NAME IS CALLED” that he would start off in bringing the international calamity. (Jer. 25:29) Unchristlike Christendom is the most accountable religious section before God and Christ, and so from her the world calamity would go, as in a chain reaction. W79/9/15 pp. 22-29, par 23

Now, going back to the same book that declares, “there appears to be no Scriptural basis for referring to Christendom as the antitypical Jerusalem”, the statement is made,

#3 - “During the war of Armageddon, Jehovah will execute people, not in a cold, clinical manner, but in a “great rage.” (Read Ezekiel 38:18.) He will direct the explosive force of his anger, not against one army or one nation, but against countless individuals living across the globe. On that day, those slain by Jehovah “will be from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth.”—Jer. 25:29, 33. RR, chapter 18, pp. 189-199

Do you notice in all three quotes, reference is made by either listing scripture or by quoting it in the paragraph, to the “city” or “house that bears My name”, which today is the anointed in covenant with God?

Paragraph #1 quotes Jer 7:4,8-10: “Do not trust in deceptive words and say, “This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord!” “But look, you are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless.9 “‘Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known, 10 and then come and stand before me IN THIS HOUSE, WHICH BEARS MY NAME, and say, We are safe”—safe to do all these detestable things?”

Is it not true that the “safe haven” for JWs is in “Jehovah’s spiritual temple” – the organization and a counterfeit Zion? This idol tramples down the authentic Temple of God, His priesthood. 1 Cor 3:16,17 Isn’t this a sign that God’s people are committing “spiritual adultery and perjury” through their devotion and dedication to “Jehovah’s spiritual temple”? Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:3,4, 9-12; Rev 11:1,2; 13:1,4-6

Paragraph #2 quotes Jer 25:29 – “See, I am beginning to bring disaster on THE CITY THAT BEARS MY NAME, and will you indeed go unpunished? You will not go unpunished, for I am calling down a sword on all who live on the earth, declares the Lord Almighty.’”

#3 - In this new book, although it clearly states Christendom does not correspond to Jerusalem, again Jer 25:29 is sited, which says the disaster in the last days comes upon THE CITY THAT BEARS MY NAME. Did you catch this, JWs? Can you untwist the history of Watchtower teachings and perceive what and where the disaster will fall? Yet, they deceitfully continue to put the blame of the prophetic disaster to come, on everyone else, except on the now apostate “city that bears My name”, the anointed under covenant with God. Deut 12:2-5; Zech 4:7-9; Rev 6:15,16; 8:8; 16:20

Pearl Doxsey wrote the following in 2013, well before the “new light” (barely visible) came into being:

God Himself says of His own people,
"The faithful city has become a harlot" Isa.1:21; 63:18; Rev.17:1
Is "Christendom" the "faithful city"?
If not...Then it is not the "harlot".
Hosea makes clear that this "harlotry" is the act of an "adulterous wife" (Hosea9:1; 1:2; 5:4; 9:1).
Being as a wife to God requires a marriage covenant (Isa.54:5,6,7; 48:17; Jer.3:8,14; Hosea2:19; Ps.73:27). 

Is "Christendom"/"nominal Christians" in covenant with God?
Revelation's Harlot is not "Christendom"/"nominal Christians" at all!...but are ruling, unfaithful anointed in covenant with God...
the "wicked steward" (Luke12:42,45; Rev.17:6) (Luke12:46; Hosea6:5; Jer.5:14; 23:29; Rev.18:8)
and all anointed who stay a part of her organizational Beast, are committing fornication with her (Rev.13:1; 17:2,12,16; 18:9; 1:5; 5:10; John18:36). 

From within that Sodom-like City, God will cleanse a remnant and restore them, IF they are repentant.  They are restored back to being "the city of righteousness, THE FAITHFUL CITY". (Isa.1:25,26,27; Zech.13:9; Mal.3:3; Zech.4:9,6,12,14; Rev.11:4,3; Rev.3:12; 21:2; Ps.48:8) 

Is that faithful remnant from the city OF JERUSALEM, from "Christendom"?
According to Jesus, "Jerusalem" is "the City of the living God/Great King" (Matt.5:35; Ps.48:2).


These prophecies about "Jerusalem" are not about "Christendom".
There is no "anti-typical Jerusalem" according to scripture.
If the Bible says "Jerusalem", it means "Jerusalem".
While their pride refuses to apply God's warnings and discipline to themselves;
the scriptural clarity of "Watchtower" ERROR, is inescapable.

The prophets of Jerusalem were compared to Sodom (Jer.23:14). Their land was to become a desolation (Jer.49:18; 50:39; Rev.18:2).
This speaks of God's people...Lam.4:6

DO NOT BE DECEIVED! (1Thess.5:3,6,7; Mark13:36,37,35) 

As a result, can Revelation’s end time fulfillment to come against God’s people, be sourced outside of the Watchtower and outside of where the House/dwelling/now “apostate” city of God resides? 
No! Not even Watchtower’s interpretation of the “King of the North.”

 “Son of man, will you judge her? Will you judge this city of bloodshed? Then confront her with all her detestable practices 3 and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: You city that brings on herself doom by shedding blood in her midst and defiles herself by making idols, 4 you have become guilty because of the blood you have shed and have become defiled by the idols you have made. You have brought your days to a close, and the end of your years has come. Therefore I will make you an object of scorn to the nations and a laughingstock to all the countries. 5 Those who are near and those who are far away will mock you, you infamous city, full of turmoil.

Again the word of the Lord came to me: 24 “Son of man, say to the land, ‘You are a land that has not been cleansed or rained on in the day of wrath.’ 25 There is a conspiracy of her princes within her like a roaring lion tearing its prey; they devour people, take treasures and precious things and make many widows within her. 26 Her priests do violence to my law and profane my holy things; they do not distinguish between the holy and the common; they teach that there is no difference between the unclean and the clean; and they shut their eyes to the keeping of my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.27 Her officials within her are like wolves tearing their prey; they shed blood and kill people to make unjust gain. 28 Her prophets whitewash these deeds for them by false visions and lying divinations. They say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says’—when the Lord has not spoken.29 The people of the land practice extortion and commit robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the foreigner, denying them justice. Ezek 22:2-5,23-29

“Armageddon” – Obadiah’s blog

Pearl Doxsey, 4womaninthewilderness:

        “Sodom/Four Horsemen”

        “End of the New Covenant”

       “The Disgusting Thing Standing in a Holy Place”Matt 24:15




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In the recent Watchtower book, “Pure Worship of Jehovah, Restored at Last!”, it is stated: “In the past, our literature has referred to Christendom as the antitype of apostate Jerusalem. The cond

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18 hours ago, Witness said:

what do they mean by “antitypical”? An “antitype” is,…an opposite type.?

an antitype can also mean "a person or thing that is foreshadowed or represented by a type or symbol, esp a character or event in the New Testament prefigured in the Old Testament" Dictionary.com

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Nice definition.  

Additionally, it has been found that some of the older explanations about types and antitypes are unduly difficult for many to grasp. The details of such teachings—who pictures whom and why—can be hard to keep straight, to remember, and to apply. Of even greater concern, though, is that the moral and practical lessons of the Bible accounts under examination may be obscured or lost in all the scrutiny of possible antitypical fulfillments. Thus, we find that our literature today focuses more on the simple, practical lessons about faith, endurance, godly devotion, and other vital qualities that we learn about from Bible accounts.   w15 3/15 p. 9-10

So, the focus is on "moral and practical lessons of the Bible", "simple, practical lessons about faith, endurance, godly devotion, etc.  Yet, this doesn't stop them from labeling Revelation's identities as they please.  

However, it gives them an excuse to stay clear of Matt 17:3,10,11 and the "restoration" of "Jacob."  (Luke 1:16,17; Mal 4:6)  

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