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Meeting the Circuit Overseer in the Parking Lot


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49 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

It seems the GB even go OTT by saying if a man and a woman are alone in a house together, they must be having sex. No 'two witnesses' needed. 

But they don't seem to say if two brothers or two sisters are in a house together that they are having sex, i wonder why ?


My theory is that, with the obvious painful discrepancy you just pointed out, that cannot be ignored by any sane, rational person, is that those holding such perspectives are just rock-dumb clueless, dangerously ignorant, or bat-crap crazy ... or all three.

What makes it WORSE is that they are also very nice people, with the very best of intentions.

Such people would be easier to identify if, as they pontificated, one eye would twitch, and they would drool all over themselves.

... or obsess publicly about Brothers wearing tight pants, and make "Pillowgate" videos.


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The test of spontaneous clapping being a hypnotically induced Pavlovian response, or not .... is to show the two "Pillowgate" videos that were shown the Brothers and Sisters at Bethel .... the creepie

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13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I just checked again, now.   Someone has re-posted the "Men's Version" of the video.   Here is the link.


The free program, Freemake Video Downloader, can be used to download it to your hard drive, should you want to do so, before it is gone, again.



Billy, were you referring to the Society's "Pillowgate" video as "garbage", or something else, specifically?

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There are a LOT of things not specifically mentioned in the Bible, Billy.

It was my understanding that Spiritual Integrity is dependent on not going beyond the things that are actually written in the Bible.

...and not trying to lay heavy burdens on others that Jehovah God, and Christ Jesus DID NOT.

Having Spiritual Integrity is like being pregnant ... there is no being "half-pregnant".

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23 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


I just checked again, now.   Someone has re-posted the "Men's Version" of the video.   Here is the link.


The free program, Freemake Video Downloader, can be used to download it to your hard drive, should you want to do so, before it is gone, again.

Thanks, but I don't want to watch it again. (I already have it saved, no idea why though, since I don't want to watch it again...)

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1 hour ago, Anna said:

Thanks, but I don't want to watch it again. (I already have it saved, no idea why though, since I don't want to watch it again...)

I agree .... but the reason you "save" stuff like this is because there are people who are agenda driven in their reasoning abilities, and believe with their whole hearts that it is a service to God to suppress, hide, and deny that stuff like this ever happened ... imagining that they are preventing the Truth from being spoken against abusively, and will deny over time that anything not as pure as the wind driven snow ever happened.

Over 50 years I have seen a LOT of "revisionist history", where misguided theocratically inclined people have tried to hide or deny the past, in order to change how people act and believe now.

This was a running theme in the book 1984, by George Orwell, who explained "He who controls the past, controls the present.  He that controls the present, controls the future."

The reason we try to secure the past from ERASURE by well intentioned but misguided zealots .. is because if they can ...

.... they will.

Already this has been actively suppressed by Watchtower lawyers from YouTube, and Rutube, and I would guess that NO ONE at most Kingdom Halls even knows of the existance of this set of videos, and the cringeworthy, creepy insanity they portray.

Too late ... there are perhaps a hundred thousand copies to replace what they suppress.

This has been on many comedy shows all over the Internet, and we have become the laughing stock of the world, thanks to this and other madness like this.

As Pogo once said "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Contaminated Truth Pogo.jpg

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11 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Pillowgate & the Bethel Stories behind It ~ exJehovah’s Witnesses exJW Watchtower

Can it be you’re not capable of keeping your head out of the gutter anymore that you have to advertise and promote apostate driven material here?

Ahem:     The Pillowgate Videos were produced by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, by well known GB "Helpers".

You, yourself stated that they were garbage, unworthy to download, Billy.



Your elevated opinion of yourself, Billy, completely divorced from reality, leads me to believe ... and I am being generous ... that you have serious perception problems, of what is real, and what is not.



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On 5/13/2019 at 12:37 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

but the reason you "save" stuff like this is because there are people who are agenda driven in their reasoning abilities

I guess that's why I've saved it

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