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11 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Some people like to play with words ... some like to play with numbers.

There is a difference between a mathematician, and a moron.

At least, with numbers, you can PROVE what is true.

Even numbers lie.

11 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Well ... you DID specifically ask for my opinion .....

I did. :)  It helps me see how easy it is for the sheep to be duped.  It’s the seemingly insignificant things like the apparent oversights in jw org’s glossary that reveal the travesty when one “does the math”. 

Remember this marque from the 1989 Watchtower?  Two movies are advertised. 

1.       “JEST TUPS”

2.        “THRU DAILY”

Neither one makes sense on their own, but obviously something is being said when both phrases are put together.   Is it, “JEST TUPS THRU DAILY”?  Or, should it read, “JEST PUTS THRU DAILY”? (edited my mispelling)

Who is the moron, the one who sees the details of the travesty, or the one who lives within it?

Appropriately, the rating is R.  

Image result for six screens of the watchtower subliminal images

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Seems that a glossary differs from an encyclopedia in that it is an alphabetical list of terms. Biographical information is only included when it is relevant to explaining the use of what might be con

This a ridiculous assumption. There are several Glossaries available. This particular one appears not to follow the general principle that a Glossary is normally a list of terms and concepts. So what?

This is quite frankly drivel! It is a glossary, not a theological encyclopedia. Chief Agent. The Greek term basically means “Chief Leader.” It refers to the essential role of Jesus Christ in fr

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

did. :)  It helps me see how easy it is for the sheep to be duped.  It’s the seemingly insignificant things like the apparent oversights in jw org’s glossary that reveal the travesty when one “does the math”. 

Remember this marque from the 1989 Watchtower?  Two movies are advertised. 

1.       “JEST TUPS”

2.        “THRU DAILY” 

Neither one makes sense on their own, but obviously something is being said when both phrases are put together.   Is it, “JEST TUPS THRU DAILY”?  Or, should it read, “JEST PUTS THRU DAILY”? (edited my mispelling)

Who is the moron, the one who sees the details of the travesty, or the one who lives within it?

Brilliant people can be woefully ignorant ... and about this I confess my ignorance.

Would you please explain to me what you see in the marque that I do not?  ( I see nothing at all worthy of criticism ...)

It is completely out of any context, and I do not keep old Watchtowers and Awakes, or old algebra books, etc, so there is no help there.

...and as far as I know, that clip could have been lifted from any number of sources. My guess is that it was the artist's intent to make it intentional gibberish so as not to suggest or refer to the real title of a book, movie, or anything. I see no intent to dupe, although I will have to sympathize with you that as a society  of faith and mostly innocent, faith based people, we are particularly susceptible, and vulnerable to even amateur efforts.

I would prefer not to think of you as a paranoid, delusional conspiracy theorist that might think  Elvis's love child could be  found alive inside a watermelon. 

Perhaps you can dispel  that impression with more details.  Remember the rule: "If it cannot be independently checked and verified, it didn't happen."

Would you please explain to me what you see in the marque that I do not?



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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Would you please explain to me what you see in the marque that I do not?


I’m glad you asked.  I hadn’t looked at this WT picture for a long while, but then remembered that to be a true anagram, a valid word can be changed into another valid word, like “pat” can become “tap”.

“Tups” is a word meaning,

A ram. ‘tups were set free among the ewes for mating’ – sexual intercourse.

It can also mean, Headbutt (someone) in a fight.


This is the anagram, which can also be rearranged to say, “puts” – “Jest Puts Thru Daily”

Or…it can read, “Jests (jokes) Put Thru Daily”

In other words, Satan’s little jokes, like the glossary leaving out, of all things, general identities relating to Christ, pile up in the Watchtower.  

Interestingly, God’s people during the last days, are guilt of spiritual sexual “fornication”, by submitting to an idol, its image and a “false prophet”. 

The headbutting“ram” in Dan 8:3,4:  Then I lifted my eyes and saw, and there, standing beside the river, was a ram which had two horns, and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher one came up last. I saw the ram pushing westward, northward, and southward, so that no animal could withstand him; nor was there any that could deliver from his hand, but he did according to his will and became great.

This is the false prophet/Harlot with two horns of Rev 13:11, that gives authority to the “Beast”/organization/elder body to overpower the anointed ones, with not only lies (jokes) but seducing them into spiritual “sexual immorality” by believing that an organization can bring one salvation.  Idolatry. Rev 13:15

Armageddon is a war of words.  Those who recognize this, can also see why the glossary's exclusions about Jesus, play a part in this war.    2 Cor 11:13-15 

Whatever Satan devises in his realm is a counterfeit. 


Pearl Doxsey:  “In this blog article, Obadiah reasons from the Bible, why the JW interpretation of Armageddon is wrong. It is, after all, only mentioned in two verses of Revelation, and in both verses, refers to it as a battle between the lies of Satan (Rev.16:13-16; 17:14), and the truths of Christ (Rev.19:11,15; Heb.4:12), with the messengers of each, battling for the hearts and minds of men (2Cor.10:3-5). There is no need to fear that God is a hypocrite and murderer. Regarding the impact of Armageddon on us as individuals, one only need to make a choice of which side one follows... lies or truths, light or darkness. The Bible proves that the only one who murders and destroys, is the Devil (John10:10; 8:44; Rev.9:11; Isa.33:1).

Obadiah’s Blog – “Armageddon”

Pearl Doxsey – “Who is the Destroyer”


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I generally believe you have many valid points in your postings ... but this is a stretch so bad you have a severe theocratic hernia.

You are seeing things ... apparitions and hallucinations, where there is NOTHING.

You have been severely infected with WDS ... and in this case, it is a stage 4 infection.

I do not have access to the article that this was an illustration for, but IN CONTEXT ... and considering these are "R" rated movies illustrated, the WORST that can be assumed is that the colors are off.

WDS is a terrible affliction that affects those both inside and outside of Jehovah's Witnesses.

I hope you survive yours.

Many do not, and go agenda driven bat crap crazy.

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Did you know that it is a proven fact that little green men on the Moon are trying to take over the Earths metal industry?

It's true, and I can PROVE it!

Muni Mula spelled backwards is ALUMINUM!

(Muni is a word for the Moon, the largest moon in the Solar System, and from which we get the word "Lunatic" .... and Mula is a word the little green men use to describe things metallic.)

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Alright already! :)  I can see I loaded too much on you to figure out.  By the way, what does the acronym WDS stand for again?  

If you ever want to check out the picture in the magazine it's from WT 11/1/89 p. 10  

The mastermind at playing tricks/games on people, is Satan. 

Gen 3:4 - Then the serpent said to the woman, You will not surely die.

I'm not the one who says the WT is the "only game in town".  

"Hence, to be part of Jehovah’s organization means to be part of a people who seek, and receive, protection in God’s name."  WT 98/9/1

"To survive, we must keep our faith strong and loyally worship Jehovah with his organization...May each one of us stay close to Jehovah and move ahead with his organization"ws14 5/15 pp. 21-26 

Is this why?  




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No.... in fact, such self-serving declarations I find repugnant ... as I am well aware that the REAL reason such drivel is promoted is to consolidate political and religious power into the hands of the Governing Body.

It keeps the troops in line, and the money flowing in.

I believe the core theology of Jehovah's Witnesses is true, and deserves respect and loyalty, and in my opinion, the brotherhood is being loaded down with 85% drivel ... but that is slowly evaporating like the morning mist, as it is being "run up the flagpole" (like the 1914 overlapping generations ludicrousness), and only the weak minded, afraid of disfellowshipping, even give lip service to it.

From ANY sane perspective, it is arbitrary, made up out of thin air, and makes no sense whatsoever.

The "Truth" of God's word has been subverted by the Watchtower's lawyers and accountants, who are now running the show, with the self appointed Governing Body serving as clerks, yes men, and conservators of the treasury.  It has become a sacred cash cow, and Real Estate Empire.

With all that being said, and I, like yourself, could fill up many pages of cringeworthy examples, the reason I stick with Jehovah's Witnesses is that ..... in the things that REALLY matter, they really are ... "the only game in town."

In SPITE of self-serving management.

NOT because of it.


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WDS - "Watchtower Derangement Syndrome" is when people's thinking processes are governed by their agenda ... and it is a sword that cuts both ways ... whether you are on the inside looking out .... or the outside looking in.

You see things clearly that are not real ... because your agenda forces your thinking along certain paths, like a railroad track, and you have no choice but to follow that track, and stay on it.

Much like the Democrats view everything Trump.  They hate everything he does with a malicious, irrational vengeance, that has NOTHING to do with reality.  This is called TDS.

Trump Derangement Syndrome.

...same idea.

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On 5/15/2019 at 4:59 PM, Witness said:

Another name which seems obvious to be included but is not, is "Michael".  

Probably because

[A] You are in a glossary section for "J"


This is a glossary, judging by the link you posted.


Also it the glossary you linked sights biblical and non-biblical terms, which isn't too different from other Christian glossaries out there.

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15 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You see things clearly that are not real ... because your agenda forces your thinking along certain paths, like a railroad track, and you have no choice but to follow that track, and stay on it.

Every anointed one should have an agenda to uphold Christ's truths.  It is the driving force sourced in Holy Spirit.  The battle of truth against lies may not appear to be "real", but it is a war fought on the spiritual battlefield.  Every heart in the Watchtower must makes a decision in this battle; they either serve the Father and Christ whole-souled, or they chose to be loyal to men and their idol.  Matt 22:37; Joel 3:14

 "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor. 10:3-5

It doesn't stop until the "wheat" are completely gathered into the storehouse, which is where the railroad track comes to an end.    Matt 3:12; 13:24-30; 13:40,41; Mal 3:1-6; Matt 13:42,43; Jer 23:29

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