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I'm just trying to be fair, and I believe the truth is the truth and a lie is a lie no matter who says it.

That's true. You can. That's the nature of social media. You could tell the truth, and no one needs to believe you. I could tell the truth, and no one needs to believe me. Someone could just as easily

Perhaps that was the reason I didn't suggest his book was proof. I think I purposely worded it something like this: Why would I be speaking of "proof" if my whole point was based on how we near

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54 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

we continue with our safe interpretation of meaning :)))

Your interpretations seem to mainly centre on the use of unscriptural acronyms and second guesses about what others believe or used to believe. Why not shed some light on the subject under discussion?

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@BillyTheKid46  Without twisting exactly what I have said, can you truly find a THREAT that i made against the GB ? 

To say I would not be surprised if the GB were removed / killed / assaulted etc, is not a threat it is just saying that i would not be in the least surprised. 

You yourself know that people kill school children for no good reason. They kill people in churches and mosques. They kill people at social gatherings. What exactly is the murder rate per day in the USA these days ? 

American people have to live with the threat of being shot every day, in the UK it's the threat of being stabbed.  It's reality Billy, you and I know it, but it seems strange that people try to hide those facts. 

As for screen shots, I don't think they will hold up in court. Well I haven't had the Police knocking on my door yet, but I have warned my wife of your silly threats of reporting me etc. So if they come knocking she will at least know why :) .

Have a good day Kid, this is all so funny, have a laugh.



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4 hours ago, Outta Here said:

Your interpretations seem to mainly centre on the use of unscriptural acronyms and second guesses about what others believe or used to believe. Why not shed some light on the subject under discussion?

The trick is not to deny that Jehovah’s Witnesses are a cult.

The trick is to say that they are if and only if the Bible is a cult manual. If you accept the first bit of nonsense, then you must also accept the second.

Srecko has done that, I think.

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20 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I was the subject of a Congregational Committee Trial once, and the three judging me REFUSED TO TELL ME THEIR NAMES.

Are you sure that you just didn’t leave your hearing aid home that day?

Look, in the entire big wide world of theocratic doings, I would never say that such and such could never happen. What I can say is that it is nothing of which I have ever heard. Even Mark O (who blocked me), who cries how people are after him, even “high-level” people, and who is victim prima dona in some circles, does not allege that anyone is unnamed:


In view of your astonishing disrespect and never-ending tirades, perhaps some extraordinary measures were resorted to, but even then, I can hardly imagine it. Why in the world would they withhold their names? It is not anything that we do. UNLESS, in view of your open enthusiasm for carrying weapons, they began to fear, rightly or wrongly, that they might be risking life and limb to be more candid. I mean, in the courts of law that you revere, steps can be taken to protect ones thought to be at risk from suspects supposed violent. Not so in the congregation, where they are unlikely to try to enlist a cop should they fear that someone might get ornery.

When I worked a part time job that attracted some backward characters, and my immediate supervisor was fired (for explosively angry speech in front of all the customers), I later tried to get his job back for him—it was a crummy job and they used him shamelessly—‘the most selfish company in the world,’ one former manager told me, but it was all he had. Much as they liked me, they wouldn’t hear of it. They had locked down the HQ office for a week after firing him, fearing reprisals that never came. They were not necessarily overcautious to lock it down, either, for he did have a violent temper. He had legitimate things that could provoke it, but that does not mean that it did not exist.

It is just speculation on my part to apply parallel perceptions to you, but in view of your love of guns and the crass way you sometimes express that love, it is one way to explain something that is otherwise inexplicable.

If so (and if it is not this, it will be for some other good reason, because I have never heard of such a thing as unnamed judges, even though I have been around forever) it is rather like drawing a foul in basketball. Or it is like ones who carry on so outrageously that authorities finally deal with them with some harshness, after which they scream how they—lovable, harmless they—have been viciously attacked for no reason at all.

I think of arrangements in the Law of various penalities for various offenses—if you had done this, then you were to do that as a penalty. But if you blew off the whole arrangement as nothing and simply refused to comply, you were put to death. I can picture allies of the lout back then misrepresenting things as someone being put to death for a relatively minor offense, whereas it is really being put to death for contempt toward the arrangements that God had put into place through Moses.

Perhaps something akin to this was active in your case. I would not be surprised.

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8 hours ago, Outta Here said:

Your interpretations seem to mainly centre on the use of unscriptural acronyms and second guesses about what others believe or used to believe. Why not shed some light on the subject under discussion?


So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door. 34Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until allthese things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.

Many people would agree how those things Jesus was told to his disciples and described in chapter 24 was happened in 1 century.

Problem arise if we want to see another fulfillment, again, ..... second .... or third or fourth? I haven't "light" that would be able to explain yours or other people expectations about some second fulfillment. I am not inspired, guided or motivated. I can err in explanations :))  

Thing that i can do is to ask questions, to examine ideas and doctrines about issue, and to reevaluate results. The changes that are about this topic arose and disappeared in WTJWORG indicates that JW scholars wander in the fog. In fact, they adapt the interpretations of the "generation" to other insecure, questionable theses.

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2 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

they get better treatment and sympathy in order for Tom to get feedback. Once again, it depends on which alter-ego you are dealing with.


I have altered posts after they have been commented on, but almost always it is for something minor—to plug in a better synonym, for example, or to smooth something out that was initially said too clumsily 

JTR has been caught in the crossfire of this once or twice, and he screams because he thinks that he is writing the Magna Carta. If he didn’t have such an itchy trigger finger and could wait a few minutes while I worked the bugs out, he wouldn’t find it pinched in a closing window.

Technically, I should not do this and JTR is right to object to it. But it is hard for me to imagine it is such a big deal. If it were my defense before the Sanhedrin, that would be a different matter. There I might polish up every word beforehand.

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10 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

It's all in the wording. There are times when the heart runs a standard of truth that appears in writing. You can change the narrative once it has been exposed, but it still remains the same. The fact the "librarian" deleted the comment should be the proof. I would have gone further as the librarian has done in the past to "delete" a person but when it comes to opposers, they get better treatment and sympathy in order for Tom to get feedback. Once again, it depends on which alter-ego you are dealing with.

Have a good day John. Don't threat if a Bobby knocks on your door. I'm sure, JWinsider and the Librarian have already instructed you on how to defend your accusation, contempt, hate, and wholehearted threats on the Watchtower GB.

Well it's quite funny to read this comment right now as I've just posted, on my FB / Ex JW page, about JW's that have a stockpile of weapons in their own homes. And how they love to talk about war and about men being run over by vehicles and having their heads blown off. Very Christian attitude, not. 

And how it seems fine with the GB for 'brothers' in the USA to stockpile guns, and how those 'brothers' seem to have a love for weapons of war..

I'm sure my readers will find it interesting. 

I got the idea of copy and paste from the Kid, so I copied and pasted from this blog to my FB. 

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25 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

What do you think heaven and earth will pass to mean.

So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door. 34Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until allthese things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.

That means "nothing", or to say, this words perhaps haven't meaning some people want it to have. Point is that Jesus' words are so sure and truthful.  

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@TrueTomHarley "If it were my defense before the Sanhedrin, that would be a different matter. There I might polish up every word beforehand."

According to God's word you wouldn't need to. The words would be given you by holy spirit. :) Doesn't the Bible say not to worry about making a defence for yourself as the words will be given to you? 

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