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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

And how it seems fine with the GB for 'brothers' in the USA to stockpile guns, and how those 'brothers' seem to have a love for weapons of war..

I'm sure my readers will find it interesting. 

I got the idea of copy and paste from the Kid, so I copied and pasted from this blog to my FB. 


Here in the USA, or at least in the South, we JWs consider three places Holy.

The Kingdom Halls, The Public Libraries, and the Gun Stores.

Here in the USA you have probably posted a GREAT recruiting tome FOR considering Jehovah's Witnesses !

Not so much, methinks in England, which had to be rescued from the Germans by the Americans TWICE, the second time courtesy of Neville Chamberlain and his limp-wristed ilk, and all the pansy-faced Snowflakes that thought like him.

If you post a link to your Facebook blog, I will consider sharing it !


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I had a Brother show me his list of survival equipment and food he was stockpiling for the Great Tribulation.  ( I do not stockpile food, myself...)

I suggested he stock up on Trail Mix Granola Bars, ( My Favorite !) after I noticed his list was short on defensive weaponry.











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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Doesn't the Bible say not to worry about making a defence for yourself as the words will be given to you?

I would still think it over beforehand.


6 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I find it extremely hilarious

I doubt that is so.

4 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I had a Brother show me his list of survival equipment and food he was stockpiling for the Great Tribulation.  ( I do not stockpile food, myself...)

You can always blow away a chipmunk with your sharpshooter.

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26 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I think you are missing the point here. These are disgusting things men to each other in the name of God and Patronage, that I for one do not accept. If you're trying to justify your personal conduct and threats as though it can be seen the same way, You're funnier than I thought. But as I said, don't worry if an "inspector" knocks on your door. Don't worry about someone else's door. Don't worry about men at war. No one knocks on their door. It's all justified under the rules of war. If you see the news, Trump Pardoned a couple of war criminals. Where's your human justice system.

However, you should also have read, when I stated, EX_RELATIVE

I copied the whole comment to my FB page so that people can make their own mind up about it all. 

Unlike some on here that pick out just a few words out of context.  

But I still find people having a love of guns strange. There are people here in the UK that collect German war memorabilia, i find that disturbing too. Perhaps, in my opinion, it should all be forgotten. War in my opinion is racist. The idea that one race has the right to live above another. 

I tend to collect old household items and farming items, things used for constructive purposes not destructive ones. 

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41 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

You'd be surprised at what I find funny. So far, everyone here. 😂

Well...I will lend you some support on something that seems to be important to you.

So many here seem to think that you are one of the Allans—he got all the way up to #30 something, advancing a number each time he got tossed out on his ear for getting too abusive (and he was right to object that others had been equally abusive and had not been disciplined, which @JW Insider pointed out even more than me, and on more occasions.)

I used to point out that Allan made a significant contribution here—he proved the resurrection.

I messaged him privately, or maybe he messaged me—I forget—and in the course of a very nice exchange, I gave him a copy of Tom Irregardless and Me, which he said nice things about, as well as nice things to me.

So I don’t think that he was you at all. Hear that, @Witness, @JW Insider, @James Thomas Rook Jr., @JOHN BUTLERand others? He’s not the same guy.

Billy is mean to me. Allan was not.

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3 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Now I do find this funny. Remember, I was able to catch the tail end of his post.

All the same, you are not he, and that was my sole point. 

He was very nice to me. You are mean to me. That clinches it from my point of view.

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1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

However, did you ever insult Allan as you have with me?

It depends upon what you mean by insult. Alas, you tend to take the slightest reproof (which I have given you) as an insult.

When Allan returned from one of his many banishments, I took the time to say (maybe someone with more patience than me can pull it from the pile) that he truly did bring much to the table, but he jeopardized his contribution by indulging his anger. ‘You cannot afford that luxury,” I told him.

He was somewhat of a prickly character—who can say what makes a person what he is?—but he seemed to take that counsel to heart. It was some time before he got into hot water again, and as stated, we got along well afterwards, even though our exchange was mostly through DM.

Had I ever rebuked him? No. Had I ever reproved him? Yes. 

Have I ever rebuked @JW Insider? Yes. Once, and he took it to heart. He said so, and I saw the difference that it made. It did not change his basic philosophy of telling whatever he has experienced. But once he stepped over the line to tell something (and no—it has nothing to do with CSA—don’t even go there, John) that would not be known otherwise—revealing a confidential matter that truly was confidential. 

And he has reproved me on different things, whether he knows it or not. Not quite a rebuke, but maybe that is coming someday.

Have I ever rebuked you? Nothing like I am going to. It is outlandish how you let yourself get carried away by your anger. To the extent people accept you as a genuine member of the faith, it makes for a terrible witness. I’m not sure that JTR does worse. In fact, I think he does better, for it is very clear that he is way way out there as a Witness. He does not pretend to be representative of them.

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1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Tell what I'll do, since you are re-posting. I'll re-post all your comments here, especially the threating ones, on my FACEBOOK PAGE to see what kind of reaction it will get.

Oh, I thought you were sending all my comment to a higher authority, the one that the bible mentions 'Superior Authorities' 

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Quote TTH "To the extent people accept you as a genuine member of the faith". TTH do you really think Billy the Kid is a JW ?

Even when he quotes a scripture from Matthew that the Org says is fake. 

And when he uses a bandito as his avatar and has a house full of guns that he seems to love. 

Strangest type of JW I've ever heard of. 


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3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Tell what I'll do, since you are re-posting. I'll re-post all your comments here, especially the threating ones, on my FACEBOOK PAGE to see what kind of reaction it will get


Just for that I'm gonna carve your BTK photo on a Coconut, put a handlebar mustache on it,  and throw it in the Ocean!


Take THAT!

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8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Many people would agree how those things Jesus was told to his disciples and described in chapter 24 was happened in 1 century.


8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Problem arise if we want to see another fulfillment, again, ..... second .... or third or fourth? I haven't "light" that would be able to explain yours or other people expectations about some second fulfillment. I am not inspired, guided or motivated. I can err in explanations :))  

So you don't understand something you think I believe and you are not inspired? OK. Not sure what you are saying but it sounds sincere OK.

8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Thing that i can do is to ask questions, to examine ideas and doctrines about issue, and to reevaluate results

More sense here although nothing special really. Everyone does this surely?

8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

The changes that are about this topic arose and disappeared in WTJWORG indicates that JW scholars wander in the fog. In fact, they adapt the interpretations of the "generation" to other insecure, questionable theses.

Now we are getting into gobbledegook land. I basically do not understand what you are driving at. Are you using google translate or something because sense is not apparent,

Is this what you mean? 

"Promjene koje se tiču ove teme pojavile su se i nestale u WTJWORG-u i ukazuju da JW-ovi znanstvenici lutaju u magli. Zapravo, interpretacije "generacije" prilagođavaju drugim nesigurnim, upitnim tezama."

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