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I find it interesting when so much is compared between the Jews and the JW's.

But in my opinion, one big difference between being a Jew before and in the time of Jesus, and being a JW, is choice. 

If a person was born into the Nation of Israel, they were born under Law and ruled over by the Religious leaders (and the Romans) at that time. There was no choice of being a Jew or not being a Jew. They were born into it. So of course many of them, probably all of them, committed 'sin' and had to make sin offerings. God had chosen that Nation, those people had responsibility but not of their choice. 

Now, people that enter the JW religion do so voluntarily.  ( Unfortunately for those born into it, they have to go through the motions of serving the JW Org until they are of an age whereby they can leave home. Then, when of age they too can volunteer to be a JW or chose to leave the Org.). 

There is a big difference from being born into a Nation which you may not like, than voluntarily joining a religion which you do like.

So the big question is, if 'millions' of people voluntarily join this JW Org, why do so many commit child abuse, adultery and many other sins ? 

If this is supposed to be 'THE true religion', why are the people not guided by God through Jesus  Christ ?  Just reading comments on here from so called JW's makes me laugh. There is no love, no mercy, no understanding, no respect even. 

Being an ex JW and seeing things from both sides i have found more genuine love, kindness, friendship, respect, warmth, understanding etc outside of the Org than inside. Inside the Org people have to be told to 'love one another', outside the Org people do it anyway. 

It has amazed me how JW's can really believe that God is with them when they are so cold and selfish.

With the Jews that were born into that Nation, they had no choice about their way of life. It was basically a dictatorship by God. The Laws were from 'above'. Obviously for the right reason, to bring forth Jesus Christ who in turn would 'rescue' the human race from complete destruction. But it was a totally different situation to the JW Org today.

So now all you 'JWs', think on it. Do you truly believe you are in this' special environment' within the Org ? Do you really think that your Org has God's approval ? 

Think deeply about all the problems within JW Org. All the disgusting things being done voluntarily by all the volunteer JW's. 

Now ask yourself, are you really a volunteer JW or are you trapped in the Org for fear of losing all those 'so called friends' ? 

You know that you can only have your family and 'friends' as long as you are a JW.   Do you feel like the Jews must have felt, trapped in that Nation ? 

As we know many of the Jews left the Jewish religion and way of life to follow Christ, but it was difficult for them. However, they did have God's approval and God, through Christ made this known clearly. And it seems that many are leaving the JW Org to seek God's approval too. 

But remember that all JW's are volunteers, or should be, so why oh why is there so much trouble in that Org ? 


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I find it interesting when so much is compared between the Jews and the JW's. But in my opinion, one big difference between being a Jew before and in the time of Jesus, and being a JW, is choice.

While pointing to a physical mountain (Samaria), Jesus said no longer would centralized worship take place, because God is looking for those who worship in spirit and truth. (John chapter 4) Obviously

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Hello John

Just want to ask you a question , what religion are you from, and tell me how it is the truth? Jehovah Identified his people in the scriptures as you are my witnesses, so we are Jehovah Witnesses , and yes some witnesses turn to doing bad ,but Jehovah will certainly take care of those who do. 


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While pointing to a physical mountain (Samaria), Jesus said no longer would centralized worship take place, because God is looking for those who worship in spirit and truth. (John chapter 4) Obviously, there were true, faithful believers since Christ who took his words to heart and built their faith on his teachings, for the larger part of 2,000 years.  Along comes the Watchtower and changes everything.  Salvation becomes the organization.  The centralized worship of the organization staunchly expects loyalty and dedication to it, and its leadership.  Why did the words Christ spoke to the woman at the well become valueless?

Because men were inspired by a spirit other than that of God.  Matt 24:24; Rev 13:11,15


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6 hours ago, Randy Lee Manning said:

Hello John

Just want to ask you a question , what religion are you from, and tell me how it is the truth? Jehovah Identified his people in the scriptures as you are my witnesses, so we are Jehovah Witnesses , and yes some witnesses turn to doing bad ,but Jehovah will certainly take care of those who do. 


Hello Randy. Nice to see a name and a real face, instead of someone hiding behind a 'mask'. 

I'm an ex JW. I'm not part of a religious group now. i don't have truth but i do recognise lies. Remember there is a scripture 'somewhere' about those 'without Law' doing the things 'of the Law'. In other words there were people that were not from the Nation of Israel so did not live under the Law, but they behaved in such a good way that they were better people than some of those who were under the law. 

I know about how the JW name came about, but it does not mean that what you are taught is truth.  That was and still is a bit of brainwashing, that old saying "We are 'in the truth' ".  It has been proven so many times that what has been taught was never truth at all. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of how the meanings of scriptures have been changed so many times, and the pretence is that it is 'new light'. 

As for some JW's doing bad, well a lot of things are kept hidden in the JW Org and now some of those things are coming into the light. The scriptures tell us that things done in darkness will come out into the light. Luke 8 v17. 

Sorry Randy, I was a JW for years and just accepted everything i was taught, but now, since the the massive amount of child abuse / pedophilia problems, i have looked deeper into the things i was taught and I'm finding that a lot of it was never truth at all. 


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