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4 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Being anonymous gives everyone certain anonymity to biblical judgment. But don’t feel bad, you’re NOT alone in this, here.

You are AGAIN guilty as homemade sin of what you accuse ME of ... the irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

My name here is EXACTLY as shown on my birth certificate, my home mortgage, my Publisher's Record Card, how I am known in the Congregation ( ..actually, casually it is Tom Rook ...), my driver's license and my US Passport..

Again you have condemned yourself with your own words .... unless you really ARE BillyThe Kid46, and that's what is shown on your birth certificate, how you are known in your Congregation. and that is what is shown on your Driver's License, etc.


Every posting you make you shoot yourself in the foot ... AGAIN.

Part of my being a Barbarian is that I find it all very, very funny.  Like watching a Daffy Duck Cartoon where it is Duck Season and he gets his face rearranged continually from being shot.

Or as Daffy might say .... "He's Dispichible!"


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We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have taken advantage of no one.” (2 Corinthians 7:2) “Nevertheless, you say, I was “crafty” and I caught you “by trickery.” (2 Corinthians 12:

Maybe you were, maybe you weren't.  Just in case you were...  What I “preach” about concerns the condition of “craftiness” that you and the anointed ones live under.  Personally, I feel relief kn

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There is something despicable about a man who weaponizes Scripture to try and intimidate others, for his own aggrandizement.

That is who you are, Billy, clear to the bone.

Your logic and reasoning is SO FLAWED, you think you can compile ONE of anything, in a nebulous foggy cloud of thought, and make assumptions about everything else.

Just FYI, I have had sustained discussions about my philosophy with an Elder Body in the past, in fact, several Elder Bodies in different congregations all over the country, over the years ... but my being a Barbarian means that I ignore  uninspired, and error ridden  Organizational pontification..

Been there ..... done that. 

I make them mad, and they make me sad. 

We're even.

If I am wrong about any subject ... I of course have to pay the price for being wrong

If THEY are wrong, I STILL pay the price, in full,  for taking their bad advice,  and they pay no price whatsoever.

... and so far, my track record is light years better than theirs about being right on matters the Bible does not speak about, and about 50/50 in things it does speak about.

... and as far as confessions go ...... as far as I know, the Watchtower has only apologized ONCE since 1870 ... for screwing up peoples' lives.


When the Body of Elders assembled to interrogate me asked me specifically what my views of the Governing Body was, about a year and a half ago, I replied:

"I will have to agree with what they published in the February, 2017 Watchtower ... that they are neither inspired, or infallible" .

The Coordinator said "Oh yeah, I remember reading that ... "  The other two Elders looked at him in astonishment, as  they had not, or did not remember it.

They could not release me from "ROOM 101" fast enough.

Several years before that I had a body of elders surround me in an aisle way at the Kingdom Hall, after the Watchtower Study,  and I could no escape them without pushing one or more aside, and one asked me without any preamble whatsoever, what I thought of the Governing Body.  My reply was spontaneous and instantaneous:

"I do not think of them at all!"

They left me alone after that. .... until "next time".



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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

My name here is EXACTLY as shown on my birth certificate, my home mortgage, my Publisher's Record Card, how I am known in the Congregation 

I do respect that for the sake of showing guts. I really do.


5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

actually, casually it is Tom Rook

I would appreciate it if you would go by James. Or, just tell me if you insist upon Tom and I will go to James.

I am really curious. Can it really be, with you being so open and all, that you have triggered no sanctions in the congregation? You never let on that you have, one time relating a current field service experience when you were packing a gun and the sisters  commented how they should fell safe.

As deliberately as offensive, accusatory, and outrageous as you are—have you truly never heard about it?

As an experiment, I am going to quote a Bible passage that was recently cited on our weekly program. See if you can spot the words I have cleverly substituted (look very hard).

Looking intently at the Sanʹhe·drin Paul said: “Men, brothers, I have behaved before God with a perfectly clear conscience down to this day.”  

At this the high priest An·a·niʹas ordered those standing by him to strike him on the mouth.  

Then Paul said to him: “God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall. Do you at one and the same time sit to judge me in accord with the Law and, transgressing the Law, command me to be struck?”  

Those standing by said: “Are you reviling the high priest of God?”  

And Paul said: “You lying son of a b***h! I’ll revile you if I want, you odious fool! Your mother’s midwife probably slapped her instead of you!!!”

There. Did you catch it? Honestly, why don’t you be more like Paul actually was?


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On 5/22/2019 at 11:41 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Many dozens of times I have admitted on this forum of being a Barbarian, but that is more of a cultural thing ... so you probably have quite a list that would justify such serious and profound accusations.

Please be specific.

And to show you are NOT delusional, please prove it, and provide scriptural backup.

I await your scathing specific condemnations.


From your nebulous general response, it seems clear that you think the word "Specific" refers to the Ocean West of California.


12 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I asked you to specifically to enumerate the horrors you accuse me of, and you choked, and replied with irrelevant gibberish.

I was giving you an opportunity to PROVE you are not a slanderer, are not a liar, and not delusional.

You failed to do any of those things.


Well, BillyTheKid46, (who is NOT really who you are) ... I suppose we will just have to "agree to disagree".

I do try to be a good Jehovah's Witness ... but nobody that has ever met me has yet accused me of being "Brother Watchtower".

For me, that is a badge of honor.

.... but then again ... I am a Barbarian.

The major "take away" point is this:


( For the logical, reasonable, and rational reasons I stated on this thread, several posts before this posting, which I am re-posting below, as I know you will misconstrue the points, anyway .)


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8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If I am wrong about any subject ... I of course have to pay the price for being wrong

If THEY are wrong, I STILL pay the price, in full,  for taking their bad advice,  and they pay no price whatsoever.

... and so far, my track record is light years better than theirs about being right on matters the Bible does not speak about, and about 50/50 in things it does speak about.


This quoting of myself is the basis of why I rationally and deliberately choose to be who I am ... the fact that it drives you absolutely insane is merely an added bonus.

Meanwhile, you are hiding behind your fake desperado cowboy uniform.


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5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

On the rest of your rant, Grow up James, you and Butler need stronger meds. Maybe that will prevent you with a rationalization to be talking to yourself, and pretending to be the third person within yourself. You’re no God. That might give “witness” an impression of, Trinity.

What you get from other peoples' input is not only astounding, ... it's truly stunning.

I am stunned that you are giving advice that I am no God, and that I am trying to give the impression of  a Trinity.

How you get these ideas may be of serious concern.   THAT one was a certified Doozie.

That was as strange as your accusing me of hiding behind an avatar, when it is you that are doing that.

..... I think I have you figured out, Billy.

You are projecting who you are, which you view with revulsion and contempt ....  onto everyone else.


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6 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Do you wonder why the Librarian sanctioned this by NOT admonishing you, as he did with me and Butler, even though I have never threatened to harm anyone like Bulter? How strange

Well Billy, I am actually glad you asked that specific question:

(Remember "Specific", the Ocean West of California ...)

The answer is .....

No ... the reason is very clear to EVERYBODY ... except you.

You are a chronic, and continuous slanderer and liar, with delusions of scriptural grandeur, who continually attacks others without provocation .... so when they RESPOND with pointing out you goofy logic, virulent hatred, and insults ... it is ONLY self defense on their part.

You are chastised and threatened with banishment because you are a colossal pain in the butt.

Others are not chastised as they are merely defending themselves FROM you, by pointing it out .... which everybody realizes .... except you.

All that being said, you may in fact be a much better JW than most here, including myself .... who makes no claim whatsoever of being a "good" one.

You are still my Brother, but you scare the hell out of me ... in a nice, long distance way,  of course ... bless your pea-pickin' heart.



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They say "Distance makes the heart grow fonder",  and your being at least three States away from North Carolina is an idea that warms my heart.

8 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Do you wonder why the Librarian sanctioned this by NOT admonishing you, as he did with me and Butler, even though I have never threatened to harm anyone like Bulter? How strange 

So .... per your statement quoted here, who have you actually threatened?



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