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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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You know what I think would be a GREAT new feature for JW.ORG Streaming Programming?

( A rhetorical question, as I realize there are truly infinite answers ....)

Have a monthly feature on JW Broadcasting, where Witnesses from all over the world, can call in live, and ask a round table of the Governing Body any questions they want to ask, and have them answered in real time, "on the air" streaming video.

They could have it broadcast from the Gazebo on the shores of the Society's Lake at World Headquarters, every Wednesday after the Governing Body has their weekly coordination meeting (weather permitting ...). 

...... Sort of Like Trump addressing the nation from the South Lawn of the White House, and answering reporter's questions! (weather permitting ...)

Unrehearsed, Unedited, Non-scripted, truly spontaneous, and all encompassing.

Things the writing staff has not addressed, since 1870.

Anything at ALL!

I am betting that those Brothers and Sisters that live on the other side of our rumbling, heavy planet would by the millions, without any encouragement at all, set their alarms, and get up in the middle of the night to enthusiastically catch THAT Internet Program!

Those that habitually fall asleep from time to time at the Kingdom Hall, including myself, would watch with eyes frozen open !  We might even have trouble BLINKING!

Over time, it would probably become more popular than original STAR TREK reruns.

We might even get MORE Telly Awards !


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Of course this would never happen. The org. is not some kind of talk show or democratically run establishment.  You either take it or leave it.

You bring this up so frequently (and HOW old are you?) that I have become curious over something: Please post a full-length photo of yourself. If, as I suspect, it shows you wearing spray-on

This is the only full length photo of me I could find, but it was taken about 1968, when I had more hair. Of course, that was 50 years ago, but you can see the resemblance .... *coff*  

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(Referring to the JW.ORG screen shot posted above ... which was presented without comment of any kind! )

I would like to get on the phone with Bro. Anthony Morris III (AKA "Tight Pants Tony"), and ask him if that JW Broadcasting photo of the Telly Awards is a front or rear view?

Melinda has a good point ....

19 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

Wouldn't happen - too much would have to be referred to the Service Desk and the lawyers. Forget it.

..... Perhaps the discussion group could include 20 or 30 of the WT lawyers, along with the GB.

It would certainly protect the programming from getting into a rut!

You could call the program "The Big Bang Theory, View from The Far Side".







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10 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Yes, that JAMES THOMAS ROOK JR sure does love that Llyod Evans propaganda! 🤗


My only comment on this post was that they might win ANOTHER Telly Award, Billy.


And the "Lloyd Evans Propaganda" you refer to ( mis-spelling his name.... ) was ONLY a screen shot of the ACTUAL JW.ORG website posting. ... without comment of any kind.

You are PROJECTING again,Billy.

I suspect, like any presumably sane Witness, you are deeply ashamed of the GB's self aggrandizement, but cannot bring yourself to believe they really did something so self-serving and world class stupid.

I fully understand that.

10 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

But, since you have brought up the scandal, whereas I did not ( a very important point, methinks ...) I followed the link you posted, but probably did not read in its entirety, as I did .... and found these excerpts:



Again Billy, you are defending the indefensible, and projecting more wide screen than CinemaScope.


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8 hours ago, Anna said:

Of course this would never happen. The org. is not some kind of talk show or democratically run establishment.  You either take it or leave it.

Well the JW Org is definitely not Theocratic that's for sure. 

But you're right it's not democratic either, it's a dictatorship. :) 

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20 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

AKA "Tight Pants Tony"

You bring this up so frequently (and HOW old are you?) that I have become curious over something:

Please post a full-length photo of yourself.

If, as I suspect, it shows you wearing spray-on pants, that will explain a lot.

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39 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Please post a full-length photo of yourself.

If, as I suspect, it shows you wearing spray-on pants, that will explain a lot.

This is the only full length photo of me I could find, but it was taken about 1968, when I had more hair.

Of course, that was 50 years ago, but you can see the resemblance ....



New Facebook Mirror Image (flipped) .jpg



James Rook  1968.jpg

....sigh ... I sure miss that car ....


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14 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

This is the only full length photo of me I could find,

You actually cut a pretty fine figure. Whatever happened?

This pic suggests that you were with Moses, and that whereas he led all the other Israelites out through the Red Sea, you hightailed it in your fancy car.

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