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Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’


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Wish it were that simple. This is only ONE of the reasons to be insular. Another reason to be insular is to hide the fact that you are just like the world in some areas and still hope that people will

WITH RESPECT TO 'GOING BEYOND THE LAW' (Matthew 5:40-42) 40 And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment; 41 and if so

Just a side observation, a little off topic, but I am sorry to say, I felt the same way. Like you though, I don't think Br. Jackson is haughty, and probably neither are the others, but it seems that B

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9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

However, I never heard anyone (who watched Jackson's testimony in its entirety) point out any instances or evidences of humility. Sorry to say it, but his overall demeanor, to me, actually stood out as haughty and smug.

Just a side observation, a little off topic, but I am sorry to say, I felt the same way. Like you though, I don't think Br. Jackson is haughty, and probably neither are the others, but it seems that Br. Jackson was looking down on counsel assisting as someone who was completely incompetent and ignorant of the scriptures and had no idea where to find any of the Bible books. I understand why most of us believe "worldly" people lack knowledge in that department, because most probably do, but I could see it really started to get on Stewart's nerves when Br. Jackson kept repeatedly "guiding" him to find the books. In a few instances I felt like those two were like two roosters in a ring.


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38 minutes ago, Anna said:

I understand why most of us believe "worldly" people lack knowledge in that department, because most probably do, but I could see it really started to get on Stewart's nerves when Br. Jackson kept repeatedly "guiding" him to find the books. In a few instances I felt like those two were like two roosters in a ring.

Well, I can speak with some authority, because my wife, Susan, bought 20 Bantam Chickens as chicks (not much on this planet is cuter ...) and I have 5 roosters, temporarily living in a wire cage surrounding a kiddie pool on a table in my sun room, off my back deck. ... and I did view the ARC hearings in real time, in their entirety, and I would have to fully agree with you, Anna ... with the added observation that Bro. Jackson LIED about our stance on corporal punishment, to be politically correct, and said it would be "presumptuous" to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses were the "only" way to salvation, whereas the videos at this summer's Conventions definitely state otherwise., and he was weaseling and waffling in general, after swearing on a NWT to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, SO HELP HIM GOD.

Howse THAT for a run-on sentence?

Argument for Evil.jpg

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Yep Bro Jackson totally messed up on the whole thing but those that worship the GB will never see it or never admit it. 

Back to this point :- 

February 2017 Watchtower. Who is leading  God's people today ?

 The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. 

But with this comment here then not much more is needed is it ? 

The GB are stating that they are the 'Faithful slave' but admitting that their 'food at the proper time' is not perfect spiritual food. Luke 12 v 42

And the Lord said: “Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time?

So the GB are saying that the food Jesus is supplying through Holy Spirit, is not good food. Now why would Jesus want to provide bad food for his followers ? 

Ah but the GB are not inspired of Holy spirit, so um where exactly do they get this spiritual food from then ?

Let's look at this in a practical way. The GB are the GOVERNING Body of JW Org and Watchtower. (it would seem that officially / legally they are not, but in practical terms they are ). Then there is a Writing Department. Are they inspired of Holy Spirit ? Well if the GB are not then I presume the WD are not. 

Then we have the point of being Anointed. Surely if a person is Anointed then they are anointed with Holy Spirit ?  Ah, but the GB say they are not inspired of Holy Spirit. 

So now we have the question, are Anointed ones actually anointed with holy spirit ? And if so are they inspired by holy spirit ? And if not, what is the point of having Anointed ones ? Yes we know they will die and go to heaven as part of the 144,000 but surely they have an important job to do now. They surely should be guiding God's earthly servants in the right direction ? 

To guide God's earthly servants in that right direction, the Anointed ones would need to be inspired of Holy Spirit and to receive the spiritual food from Jesus Christ. 

That brings us back to the scripture about the ten men clinging to the skirt of a Jew. 

TTH and possibly BTK seem to want to follow a body of men that :- is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction 

Why would anyone want to do this ?  Surely if a person wanted to serve God properly they would need proof positive that those men on earth that they follow were approved of by God and by Jesus Christ and that those men were actually being used to supply true spiritual food. 

Please don't use numbers to justify God's holy spirit. There are surely far more Catholics and Muslims in this wicked world than JW's.  There are millions of bibles written by hundreds of different translators. There must be priests and clerics that put in many hours to their service to their gods. So saying that JW's do this or that proves nothing. 

What is needed is proof positive of who the true Anointed really are and that they are inspired of God's holy spirit through Jesus Christ.

And it is my true feeling that before Judgement Day arrives, God will show willing humble people exactly who those 'spiritual Jews' really are. 






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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

so your innuendo is only another of your delusional fantasies

Is it?

7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

And I have been repeatedly investigated by the FBI, the DOD, the DOE, and the ATF, and many local Sheriffs,

I have not. They barely know I exist.

It’s a wonder those three brothers of yours didn’t leave the planet.

Lest you howl again, I do not suggest that you are dangerous. I do suggest that you either present that appearance or in some other way are FAR outside of any elder’s normal experience.

Cops shoot people all the time. Usually they get to keep their job as it is concluded that they had reason to make the quick judgments they did, even if those judgments later proved wrong.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

And I have been repeatedly investigated by the FBI, the DOD, the DOE, and the ATF, and many local Sheriffs,

I have not. They barely know I exist.

Speaking of three letter acronyms, I wish the IRS did not know I exist.

I needed various licenses for my weapons, and carry permits, and also off and on for 20 years I worked on nuclear waste projects, including the Yucca Mountain Project, in Nevada, so I needed those background checks for employment.


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51 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

for 20 years I worked on nuclear waste projects, including the Yucca Mountain Project in Nevada

My dad worked at the nuclear Ginna plant on Lake Ontario from its inception.

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@BillyTheKid46  and @TrueTomHarley  

I am glad that using and directing/implementing verse from Mathew on GB member, as individual and in wider picture on WTJWORG as Corporation that "support JW religion", made you to react as you did :))  

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

If you find yourself as pro bono advocate of GJ and other, to defend him/them because of Jesus words, than you are on questionable side. I wonder do you doing this on purpose/intentionally despite serious, strong and fatherly advice, message by Jesus? Or you really, really don't see?

Supposedly, Jesus Trusts him in Full Measure, as GL explained on JWTV.  How than GJ don't trusts Jesus that He made him, GJ, to be The Light for nonbeliever? And as such, "The Light", does he need "worldly people" to show him, to tell him "This is The Way, Walk in it"? :)))

Try again to response :))) I guess, Jesus have fun, or crying time, while reading comments that negate his standpoint about what role his followers/disciples should have :))))  

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