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Isn't this an idol?


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It seems how i will lose very quickly my  Total Reputation with BTK down votes :)))))) What if exactly that is his Secret Mission .... to DFD me from this place ? 

A funny thing was that in Bristol Filton Congregation, here in England,  brothers would wear football ties to support their favorite football teams   Now wasn't that being no part of the world  , and

My first downvote ever, since being a member here.  I am awestruck by the stupidity.  Notice, I am not calling you "stupid", but sir, your brain as well as your heart totally lacks spiritual sensitivi

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I get it. To be born again, you first have to dye.


Of course, being born again is being born (one time) PLUS being born (a second time), or "BORN + BORN," not to be born SQUARED, which is "BORN x BORN." Then again, I think Jesus said the sons of darkness are better at math than the sons of light. Or something like that.

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17 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

The one that doesn't get it Shiwiii is you. While the JW.org tie can be seen as advertisement, your clumsy distortion with my illustration shows you are conflicted with your post. The Watchtower does not venerate the cross like you, born again Christians. Therefore, the hypocrisy lies with your post.

Another reason why it's a dense assumption by Srecko to think he has to be D'fd here where it doesn't matter since he has done that to himself before God. Now he is just another useless mouthpiece and tool for the devil, like John.


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19 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

awww, did your feelers get hurt? 


It is the same thing as the ones BTK posted and that in which many jws have scoffed at when it comes to those wearing a cross necklace or anything related to a cross. It just hurts when the hypocrisy hits you in the face doesn't it Jeff. 

No feelings at all.

Straight logic.


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19 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

awww, did your feelers get hurt? 


It is the same thing as the ones BTK posted and that in which many jws have scoffed at when it comes to those wearing a cross necklace or anything related to a cross. It just hurts when the hypocrisy hits you in the face doesn't it Jeff. 

I am amazed at all the bitterness and sarcasm on this site.

People cannot act decent.

I think a lot of people have an "agenda", and that's, fine.

But I do wish people the wisdom to see the childish agendas clearly.

Truth isn't for everyone.

So be it.

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59 minutes ago, Jeff Danby said:

I am amazed at all the bitterness and sarcasm on this site.

People cannot act decent.

I think a lot of people have an "agenda", and that's, fine.

But I do wish people the wisdom to see the childish agendas clearly.

Truth isn't for everyone.

So be it.

Truth isn't for everyone.

Very true. Truth is not for the GB of JW Org that's for sure. 

If you study topics on here you will see, amongst the  'sarcasm and agendas', that there is a lot of serious conversation.

Quote "People cannot act decent.'   Are you blind to the Child Sexual Abuse within the JW Org / Watchtower ? 

Now then tell me, people cannot act decent.  And that is inside the Org. 


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14 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

But fear not, John and James are in the same league as you.

As Jesus said to his people that chose to follow HIM:

“Blessed [morally courageous and spiritually alive with life-joy in God’s goodness] are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil things against you because of [your association with] Me. Be glad and exceedingly joyful, for your reward in heaven is great [absolutely inexhaustible]; for in this same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."  Matt 5:11,12 (AMP)




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3 hours ago, Jeff Danby said:

Truth isn't for everyone.

Please analyze the word "truth".  Especially truth from God and Christ.  

Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.   James 1:16,17

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.  Mark 11:24

Do you believe the GB are asking for a good and perfect gift of truth from the Father?  "What does the record show?", as they have said.  


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